The Burning Claw: Book 10, The Grey Wolves Series

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The Burning Claw: Book 10, The Grey Wolves Series Page 6

by Quinn Loftis

  Vasile didn’t bat an eye when two females suddenly appeared in Decebel’s office. The Serbian Alpha had been kind enough to give Vasile the use of his office while the older Alpha’s crew was visiting. Vasile had decided that as soon as Jacque and Fane were back—because he had no doubt that they would be—the Romanians would be heading back to their own territory. He was ready to be home. Vasile could think better in his own land, where the scents were more familiar. Decebel was like a son to him, but he was also an Alpha of his own pack now. The dominance battle was always just beneath their skin as their wolves constantly strove to find out where they fell in regards to one another. Vasile would never allow that to happen. He would never fight Decebel, nor force his submission. His wolf would just have to accept that.

  Movement drew his attention back to the present. He was so used to Peri flashing in unannounced that it no longer surprised him. He leaned back in his chair and rested his elbows on the armrests while bringing his hands together in front of his face. By the looks of the girl standing next to Nissa, this wasn’t going to be a happy visit. The girl was young but not a child. Her hair was very long, down to her waist, and a dark chocolate color. She had large, expressive eyes that were a very strange pale green color. She was short, maybe 5’1,” with a petite frame. He imagined, when she wasn’t so skinny and didn’t look as if she was knocking on death’s door, that she was quite pretty.

  “Vasile,” Nissa said with a slight nod of her head.

  “Nissa, good to see you are in one piece after your dealings with the vampires.”

  “Jeff Stone has some good fighters in his pack. The vampires didn’t stand a chance,” she told him coolly.

  Vasile didn’t respond but waited for her to explain her appearance with the girl.

  “This is one of the dormants we pulled out of the most recent raid.” She motioned to the worn out woman-child beside her. The girl wasn’t quite an adult, but anyone could see from her haunted eyes that she’d long ago left childhood behind. “She has no one to go back to,” Nissa continued. “She doesn’t want her memories altered. I told her that if she refused memory modification, then she’d have to stay with her own kind.”

  Vasile was listening intently even as he reached out for his mate. “Mina, are you able to come to my office? We have a new dormant female who is going to need assistance.”

  Her response was immediate. “I’m on my way, Alpha.”

  He felt his gut clench at the pain that she tried to conceal from him. She was scared for their son and his mate. She was torn up because their new grandchild did not have his parents to hold him as he began his precious life. And she was tired and in need of rest, which she refused to accept.

  His office door opened and Alina walked in briskly. Her eyes met his and softened just a bit.

  “Alina,” Nissa’s voice drew her attention away from him. “I am assuming Vasile told you about our newest guest?”

  Alina nodded. She stepped forward and held out her hand to the girl. “I am Alina, Alpha female of the Romania pack and mate to that brooding male over there.” She motioned to him with her head.

  “I’m Zara,” the girl responded as she took Alina’s hand.

  Alina smiled and genuine warmth and kindness came bursting through. Even with all the turmoil raining down on her, she had the ability to make a lost person feel found. “That’s a beautiful name.”

  “Thank you,” Zara answered as her shoulders relaxed under Alina’s kind gaze.

  “Nissa.” Alina looked at the high fae. “Thank you so much for bringing her here. Peri is in the garden room. I’m sure she would like to speak with you.”

  Nissa nodded and then turned to Zara. “Trust them. They won’t hurt you. They will help you and they will take care of you. You aren’t alone anymore.” Then she was gone, flashing from the room.

  Zara let out a sharp breath. “That’s still just so…weird.”

  Vasile chuckled. “I’m sure there are a lot of things that are going to be weird to you. We weren’t introduced properly,” he said as he rose and walked around his desk. He stopped beside his mate when he saw the girl take a step back. She hadn’t seemed afraid of Nissa or Alina, but she was definitely afraid of him—interesting.

  “I am Vasile, Alpha to the Romania pack, and—as Alina said—I am her mate. We will do everything we can to make this transition as painless as possible for you. I am very sorry that this was how you were introduced to our world.”

  Zara didn’t appear to know how to respond so she simply nodded.

  “I’m sure you want to get cleaned up and I imagine you are famished,” said Alina. “Please allow me to show you to a guest room and get you some clean clothes. After you’ve showered we can get you something to eat.” Alina smiled and motioned for her to follow. She glanced over her shoulder at Vasile and met his gaze. “I love you. Go visit your grandson.”

  Vasile’s lips twitched at her order. “As you wish, beloved.”

  He watched as the two females exited his office, leaving him alone once again. He’d seen his grandson a couple of times already, but he wasn’t as strong as his mate. Every time he looked down upon the child Fane and Jacque had brought into this world, all he saw was his inability to save the child’s parents. He saw a little one with a pain filled future as he grew up in a world without the guidance of his father or the unconditional love of his mother. When Vasile looked at his grandson, all he saw was his own failure to protect those who belonged to him.

  Skender was a toddler compared to some of the supernatural beings that were gathered around him in the room. The Order of the Burning Claw, though covertly active, hadn’t convened an actual meeting of its members in centuries. Those patient immortals had been biding their time, waiting for the right opportunity to strike. With the reappearance of the Gypsy Healers into their world, it was clear to the Order’s leaders that their long hoped for vision could finally come to fruition. If they could get a healer to join their ranks, then they would finally have a representing body from every one of the supernatural races. Well, not a witch, those had all been killed. Okay, so they didn’t have a troll or a pixie either, Skender thought. But with a healer they’d have every kind of supernatural that mattered, he amended to himself.

  Ludcarab, the King of the elves and leader of the Order, stood at the center of the room and glanced around quickly, making eye contact with everyone. The room dropped into silence.

  “We have been waiting so very long for this time—our time,” the King began. “With all of the key players finally falling into place, we will soon be able to reveal ourselves to the human world. No longer will we live in the shadows.” His voice began to grow, more power flowing out of him with each word. “No longer will we worry that we might be found out and then tortured or crucified for our…lack of humanity. We aren’t human! We are so much better. Each of our species has the ability to devour the human race, and yet those humans are the ones who rule the realm of the earth. Our magic is dying because we have to suppress it, to hide it from their world. No more. Very soon we will not just walk among them but we will rule them.”

  The room erupted into clapping and shouts of agreement. Each of their faces was eager with the desire Ludcarab spoke of. Skender couldn’t deny that he too wanted to be free of his bonds. If he could walk among the humans, openly, he was convinced he could find his true mate more quickly. If his wolf was allowed to hunt, to roam wild and free, then it could hunt her. It could find her. After hearing about the vampire raids and the dormants that the vamps had taken captive over the years, Skender realized something. It suddenly occurred to him that if his pack didn’t have to hide, it could be actively seeking out dormants in the light of day, much like the vampires had done secretly. How many true mates were lying in wait in human homes, unaware of what they were or to whom they belonged? It was an opportunity he couldn’t pass by. Initially his journey to the United States had been because of the pull he felt. He was sure that his true mate was ther
e and he’d set off to find her. But the Order had found him first.

  Chapter 4

  “Change is hard. The results of the change aren’t necessarily bad, but going through everything that must happen in order for the change to come about—that’s hard. And sometimes terrifying.” ~Bethany

  Bethany stepped into the room after several minutes of giving herself a pep talk. Jen had gone in first, said some choice words to the caged werewolf, and then marched right back out muttering something about neutering fur balls and making Christmas ornaments out of chestnuts. Bethany didn’t have a clue what any of that meant, and her attention had been quickly drawn away from Jen’s retreat when a deep voice called her name.

  “Bethany.” Her name being said by that voice sent a shiver of awareness through her.

  As soon as she looked at the cage and the area immediately around it and in it, Bethany understood why Jen had stormed off in a huff. Drake had literally broken the concrete and attempted to dig out from under the cage. There were large pieces of concrete thrown about along with smaller bits. And had the bars not run all the way through the ground, he would have succeeded. And, depending on how deep those bars went, he might still succeed if he continued to try.

  Her eyes finally met his after she’d thoroughly examined the room. Drake was taking her in like a blind man able to see for the first time. His eyes ran from her feet all the way up her body until they met hers again.

  “Are you okay?” he asked her.

  Bethany nodded. She was unsure of what to say. She didn’t want to set him off now that he seemed to be calm. He growled. Okay, so apparently he wasn’t as calm as he appeared.

  “Come here,” he commanded roughly. When she didn’t move, Drake ran a hand through his hair and took a slow, deep breath. “I would never hurt you. I just…I.” He paused and then met her eyes again. “Touch is very important to wolves—especially between mates. It doesn’t have to be sexual. It can be something as simple as holding hands. It’s reassuring. I need to touch you—to feel that you are indeed okay.”

  She could hear the sincerity in his voice and feel the truth through the bond she was beginning to recognize. If she was honest with herself, she’d admit that the bond she felt between them—the connection—made her feel safe. She was never alone. Even when she’d been walking through a strange house filled with werewolves, he was with her. Bethany knew that if she was going to try and make this new life work, then she’d have to take risks. Trusting a complete stranger who claimed to want to be with her forever was definitely a risk, but she had to start somewhere.

  She walked over to the cage and took the hand Drake had held out through the bars. As soon as his skin touched hers, she relaxed. The breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding slipped out of her and her heartbeat began to slow.

  Drake leaned close to her and took a deep breath. “You smell good.”

  She was pretty sure her face was bright red. “I think that’s the shampoo and soap.”

  He shook his head. “No, I’m talking about your scent, unique to you and something only I can detect. You smell of honeysuckle and vanilla.”

  Bethany found herself leaning in closer to him wanting to see if she could smell his scent as well. She pressed her nose close to his neck and shivered when a low rumble came from his chest. When she breathed in, the scent of pine and earth filled her lungs. It drew her memory back to a time when her family had hiked through the woods, just before she’d been taken. She pushed that memory away and focused on the here and now. “You smell good too,” she confessed a little shyly.

  When she pulled back, her breath caught at the smile on his face. He was handsome regardless, but his smile was breathtaking. He lifted his hand and ran the tips of his fingers down her cheek. Bethany fought the urge to close her eyes and purr at the contact. It had been so long since she’d been touched in any way other than by force and violence.

  “No one will ever put their hands on you again and cause you pain or harm,” Drake promised, having heard her thoughts.

  “I believe you,” she told him honestly.

  After several heartbeats, Drake motioned behind her. “I had them bring you a chair.”

  Bethany turned and saw the padded chair sitting several feet from the cage. She walked over and grabbed it, dragging it and turning it sideways so that when she sat in it she could lean her shoulder against the bars.

  Drake turned and pressed his back to the bars and slid down to the floor. His head was level with her knees. His hand snaked out through the bars and wrapped around her small ankle. The warmth from his flesh soaked into her, and she could feel it clear up to her stomach where it hovered, like her own internal furnace.

  “What’s it like?” she asked him once he seemed to be settled.

  “You’re going to have to be a little more specific, Bethy,” he said in a teasing tone. The use of her nickname caused her breath to catch. She knew he’d heard it when he squeezed her ankle gently.

  “Being a wolf, turning into a wolf. What’s it like?”

  “Well, I don’t turn into a wolf. He’s a part of me and I’m part of him. I no more turn into a wolf than he turns into a man. We call it phasing when we change forms. I am fully man and fully wolf when I wear my fur. I can think and reason like a man, but I’m driven by the wolf’s instincts. Likewise, in skin form, he can hunt and protect, but he’s driven by the man’s rationality. But to answer your question, it feels…freeing, like shedding a shirt that was too tight.”

  “Would you rather stay in your wolf form rather than your human one?” Bethany had to admit she was fascinated by the passion in his voice.

  He turned his head and looked up at her. “Maybe at one time I would have, but not now. If I was in my wolf form all of the time, I wouldn’t be able to hold you.”

  She felt her face flush. Bethany was about to ask another question but sucked in a breath and froze when she heard Drake’s low, deadly growl and felt the hand that had been on her ankle leave only to return up to her knee. Drake pushed the fabric where the slit was located on her skirt over her knee revealing her leg from hip to knee. She was pretty sure her heart stopped beating the second she felt his finger begin to trace the marks that now decorated her flesh.

  “Mine,” he rumbled in a voice she didn’t quite recognize.

  When she finally dared to look down at his face, she saw that his eyes were glowing. “Drake,” she breathed out. He just kept tracing the marks up her thigh, ending on her hip. It as though he was in a trance. She watched as he leaned forward, his eyes flicking up to hers and holding them captive as his lips pressed firmly against her skin right in the middle of her thigh.

  When Drake pulled back, he grabbed the fabric and pulled it over her knee and across her leg to cover the markings as much as possible.

  He cleared his throat and then spoke, though the growl remained. “Those markings, they are meant for my eyes only. I do not know if I could keep my wolf under control if another male saw them.” He took a deep breath as if bracing himself for something. “Did anyone see you walking back?”

  Her brow scrunched together as she frowned at him. “No, Jen promised she would keep the other males away. We didn’t encounter anyone.”

  “You will learn that Jen sometimes says what you want to hear, not what she’s necessarily going to do.”

  Bethany placed her hand on his bare shoulder and squeezed just as he’d done to her ankle. “No one saw me, Drake—only you.”

  Drake let out an audible breath. He knew he was probably freaking her out by his possessiveness, but it wasn’t an instinct he could curb, not even to put Bethany at ease. Her markings were right there, on her beautiful thigh, relatively uncovered. He’d noticed them when the slit in her skirt had separated as she moved, and the sight had caused his wolf to surge forward before Drake could stop him. He shouldn’t have touched her, not in such an intimate way. But his wolf could only think of one thing—mine. Over and over it was a mantra in his mi
nd. She was theirs and the markings that matched his own were just another sign.

  “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable when I touched you,” he said quietly, hoping she could feel his sincerity. He wasn’t sorry he’d touched her, but he didn’t want to scare her.

  “It didn’t make me uncomfortable in the way you are thinking,” she said bluntly. “It felt nice.”

  Drake’s blood began to heat as her words registered in his very male mind. She liked his touch on her bare skin. She said it felt nice. Of course, in his mind he had heard, it felt amazing, I need you, I want you, touch me again. He clenched his jaw together. Get a grip, he growled to himself, making sure there were some boundaries up in his mind so she couldn’t hear his inner dialogue

  “Did you have any more questions? Or is there anything you would like to talk about?” Drake asked, attempting to ease the tension in his body.

  “Where do you live?”

  “I live here, in the mansion. Most of the pack does, though there are a few who have their own dens.”


  “Houses,” he explained. “Sorry, I tend to think of it as my wolf does, as a den. I have a suite here, like all the other members of the pack. We tend to stick together. We thrive on being a family— all connected through the pack bonds.”

  “Will I be connected?” Bethany asked

  “Once we are bonded,” he answered, looking up at her. “Yes, you will be connected to the pack.”

  Drake loved how straightforward she was. For the most part she wasn’t easily embarrassed and that impressed the hell out of him and his wolf. She was strong. She would make a worthy mate and their offspring would be strong as well.

  “Do you think you can come out now?”

  Drake’s eyes lowered to her thigh where the markings were and then to the bite mark on her neck where he’d claimed her. She was his. There was no way to dispute it. He searched his wolf’s thoughts to see if these things would appease him until they could complete the bond. Drake found that his wolf was definitely calmer now that they’d seen her markings. Though he had to push his wolf back because all he wanted to do was lick the markings from knee to hip and he was pretty sure Bethany would not be okay with that.


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