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The Climax Montana Complete Collection

Page 164

by Reece Butler

  He swatted her on the last word. She startled. A mouse-like squeak emerged. Since she couldn’t see him, he relaxed his expression. Trey’s face reflected his grin. Sam circled the spot of impact, easing her flesh. When she relaxed he repeated it on the other cheek. Her surprise was less this time.

  “Pinking up well,” said Trey, looking on. “Her light skin is perfect for this. Can’t wait until it’s my turn.”

  “Don’t hold your breath,” she replied through gritted teeth. “This won’t be happening again.”

  She’d relaxed her glutes so he gently patted them, all over. Not enough to sting, just to keep her focus where it belonged. His cock thickened, fighting to rise. Katie’s hot body held it down.

  “This is a Montana ranch, Katie,” he said softly. Making her strain to hear would also help her focus. “There’s lots of danger, things you may not know about. When we give you an order there’s a good reason behind it. Usually it’s to do with your safety. If you refuse to follow those orders you will find yourself with your skirt up and face down. We do that so you won’t end up injured or dead.”

  “I’m not stupid,” she answered, mumbling into the sheet. “I can make my own decisions. You can’t treat me like a child, making threats to prove you’re the big boss man.”

  He gave her four in quick succession. She squealed louder, kicking up her heels, but didn’t try to escape. Once more he circled her cheeks, spreading the heat. He could smell her arousal, the scent drifting from that dark cleft between her thighs and the under-curve of her ass.

  “I’m not treating you like a child, and I don’t make threats,” he replied, calm and sure. “This is how a woman is reminded that she is precious to us and must be protected, even from herself. If you step out of line I, or Trey, will bend you over and spank your bare ass. No matter what you’re wearing, where you are, when, or who might be watching.”

  Her scent intensified. His fingers dipped and came out even wetter. Oh yeah, Katie liked the idea of being dominated. She’d not had anyone care enough about her to protect her. Instead, they’d attacked. Repeatedly. No more.

  “What if a man does something stupid?” she demanded.

  “That’s up to the triad involved,” said Sam. “Not that it happens often, but some women demand special pleasures such as shopping trips, beauty treatments, or massage. Those things take time and money, both in short supply for ranchers. This, on the other hand, is quick, relatively painless, and a hell of a lot of fun.”

  “Speak for yourself!”

  “Oh, I am,” he replied, chuckling. He gave her another four.

  “Ow! That hurts!” Her right hand came around, palm up, to cover her butt.

  “Move your hand.”


  “Move. Your. Hand.” She muttered something he was glad he didn’t hear, and did what she was told. She gritted her teeth as she clenched the sheets tight. “Are you going to disobey an order again?”

  “No,” she said grumpily.

  He didn’t push her to add “Sir” as they did not have a Dom/sub relationship. Yet.

  “Katie, Katie, Katie,” said Trey, shaking his head and tut-tutting. “You know you’re a feisty troublemaker at heart. You’re going to disobey another order. It’s just a matter of when.”

  “Won’t be here long enough,” she mumbled. She turned her head to the right. “Are you finished?”

  Sam swatted her again, six times in quick succession, harder than before. She squealed, drumming her feet against the bed, but didn’t try to stop him. When he stopped she slumped, panting, her legs wide apart. Accidentally from the kicking, or on purpose? His fingers slipped under the curve of her ass to check.

  Soaking wet.

  Trey raised a questioning eyebrow. Sam nodded, holding up his glistening fingers. Her arousal at this play was just another in a long list of reasons why Katie would suit them. He might have been dragged, kicking and screaming, to this conclusion, but now that he’d made it he knew it was right.

  Katie wasn’t leaving the Rocking E Ranch. Not unless it was a short trip out and back again. And she wouldn’t be doing that alone for a while, either. These mountains could be treacherous with snow, ice, animals on the road, high winds…all of it.

  “Do you think you deserve more?” he asked.

  She hesitated, her face screwing up as she thought. That was a good sign. Her head rasped on the sheet as she turned it from side to side.

  “No, I think that’s enough.”

  Trey handed Sam his belt, folded in half. He touched the fold to Katie’s shoulder and trailed it lightly down her back, over her ass, and down her thigh. She shuddered, but said nothing. He did it again, starting at the other shoulder. She still didn’t speak. He tapped her a few inches down from her shoulder with the folded end. He did it lightly, though the weight of full-grain leather would be felt in her chest cavity. She sighed, her tense body easing. He increased the pressure, making small thuds over her upper back. He avoided her spine.

  “You like that?”

  “Mmm, it feels like a massage.”

  “Thought Katie would like thuddy,” said Trey. “An elk hide flogger would make her feel real good.”

  She tensed. “Flogger?”

  “Like thick strips of suede,” explained Trey. “If you like what Sam’s doing, I’m betting you’ll enjoy the elk hide. It’s like a heavy massage.”

  “Oh,” she relaxed, “that might be nice. Maybe you could do my feet, too. With your hands, I mean,” she added.

  “You want my hands? I can do that,” said Sam.

  He put the belt aside and ran his hands over her body, from her neck to as far as he could reach. He needed to touch her, to make her his. She would always remember him making her bottom glow this lovely color of pink. Yet he wanted her to think of him no matter what she was doing. He wanted her to think of his hands and tongue covering every inch of her body.

  He wanted to give himself to her, body and soul. It was as simple as that. She’d cracked, no, she’d blasted through the ice he’d erected to protect himself. Instead, it had caged his heart. He inhaled, as if he’d never breathed so deeply before. His heart pounded, swelling now it was free. Katie had done this for him.

  It was easy to love puppies. A woman was a hell of a lot more complex. Katie would take more time, effort, and patience than a pet, but the rewards would also be far higher. Rewards such as feeling her wet, eager body panting under his hands.

  “You did real well,” said Sam when he could speak without choking up. “Now for your reward.”

  Trey lifted Katie by the hips, helping her to her knees. The pressure of Sam’s hand by her neck kept her head down. Trey made sure her knees were far apart. Sam rubbed his fingers against her vulva on his way to her clit. A soft moan rewarded him. Trey quickly stripped. He looked at the bedside table, made a motion that could only mean condoms, and padded out of the room.

  Sam had Katie moaning and tilting her hips in a silent demand for more by the time Trey returned. Trey suited up and lay on the bed lengthwise, cock jutting up like a tree.

  “You want to ride a cowboy?” asked Sam.

  “Oh, God, yes!”

  “Trey’s all ready for you. Hop on board.”

  * * * *

  Trey held up his arms to guide Katie. Her face was flushed almost as much as her gorgeous ass. He didn’t know if she was aware of it, but her grin bunched up her cheeks like crabapples. When she’d dropped her towel to lie across his brother’s lap and be spanked, everything changed. In fifteen minutes Sam had gained confidence, as if a question he’d been afraid to ask, had been answered in his favor. He even looked at Katie differently. There was no hesitation, no second-guessing in his movements.

  Katie glowed, and not just from a red ass. She’d conquered something as well. He grasped her ankle, guiding it to the far side of his chest before reaching for her hips.

  “Have I ever told you what a wonderful person you are?” he asked her.

nbsp; “You’re only saying that because we’re all naked,” she replied with a laugh.

  “I’m saying it because we’re naked, and I’ll say it when we’re dressed. You’re a damn fine woman, Katie Winterbourne. You’re smart, sexy, fun, and you have the courage to conquer your fears.”

  She reached out, searching for something. She found his cock. He hissed as her hot fingers clenched him. He’d damn near come in his pants as he’d watched Sam stroking and spanking her. Knowing that she would soon slide over him, encasing him in her velvet heat, made him tremble.

  “And you, Trey Elliott, have a hard cock that needs riding.”

  “Help yourself,” he croaked.

  Her forehead wrinkled. She bit her lip.

  “Something wrong?” asked Sam. He rested his hand on her shoulder and squeezed reassuringly.

  “I showed my trust that you wouldn’t hurt me, Sam. I want to know what you’ve done to show you trust me in return.”

  “When you lay across my lap, putting yourself in my hands, you melted my heart,” said Sam softly. “It’s been coming for a while, but I didn’t really believe it until now.”

  She placed her hand on top of Sam’s. Her smile was gentle, and wide. Trey wanted that smile for himself.

  “What about you, Trey?”

  “You know I’ve cared about you from the beginning.” He patted her thigh. “At first it was your sexy body and smart mouth that got me. Now I know there’s a lot more to you.”

  She waited, chewing her lip. “I need you to show you trust me,” she said slowly and distinctly.

  “Sweetie, you’re about to ride me. How can I do that?”

  “Tell me your name.”

  Her words hit him like a wrecking ball. His cock shrank, listing to one side as blood drained to feed his pounding heart.

  “My name?”

  “Yes. Your nickname is Trey. No one will tell me the name you were given at birth. What is it?”

  “Oh, hell, Katie! Now?”

  She squeezed his cock. “I don’t think there’s going to be a better time.”

  “She’s got you there, bro,” said Sam.

  “I hate it.”

  “I’m not going to use it. I want you to trust me enough to tell me.”

  He hadn’t realized how much it meant to him that it be kept secret. He’d been Trey for so long, never thinking of himself otherwise. Katie’s demand, four simple words, smashed through the walls he hadn’t known existed.

  He’d hated that name. Hated how the others taunted him. He knew, now, that they’d mostly done it because he reacted so strongly. Princess Ashley was the worst. She’d say it, sickly sweet and vicious, and he couldn’t fight back because she was a girl, and his cousin. For some reason, all but one of his female cousins were born within a year of him. He could handle ribbing from guys. A scuffle, a few punches, and it was over. Girls, especially princesses like Ashley and her court of giggling acolytes, loved to needle him so he’d turn red with embarrassment. But that was years ago, and Ashley was long gone. He scrubbed at his face with both hands.

  “Trey, just say it.”

  He bared his teeth at Sam, who lifted both hands in a placating gesture. He braced himself to hear the jeering laughter that still echoed in his heart.



  “That’s it?” asked Katie. “All that chest-beating for something so…bland?”

  “Bland?” He got up on his elbows, glaring up at her. “Would you want to be named after Ronald the stupid McDonald’s clown?”

  “You were named after our father.”

  “Yeah, well, you didn’t have Princess Ashley Elliott making nasty comments every time she saw you. Her and that group of giggling idiots,” replied Trey, grumbling.

  “Ashley only did it because it bugged you,” said Sam, far too reasonably. “If you’d ignored her, she would’ve stopped.”

  “I know that now!”

  Trey dropped on his back to stare at the ceiling. At age twenty-five looking back, it seemed stupid to be so upset. At thirteen, with a massive crush on one of Ashley’s best buddies, their cruel taunting had made school intolerable. He’d felt shame at not wanting his father’s name. He’d decided no girl was worth caring about because she could then make him feel bad. From then on he’d turned a stone face on Ash and her group. They’d soon moved on to another poor soul.

  Since then he’d enjoyed females on his terms. He bought their dinners and took them dancing and parking, enjoying whatever they were willing to share. He’d given little of himself in return. Three or four dates was his limit, so he’d never had a girlfriend. He’d refused to let another female have that much power over him. And it was all because of Ashley Elliott. If she ever returned to Climax she’d have one hell of a lot to make up for!

  No, you dolt. It’s not Ash’s fault. It was yours. You gave her the power to shame you. She just took advantage of it.

  He flushed at the years he’d spent chasing the wild girls who knew the score so he wouldn’t care too much about them, and therefore be open to their ridicule and shame. Worse, he’d accused Sam of doing the same thing. It had taken one small tornado of a woman to smarten them both up.

  Katie was nothing like Ash. She’d never been pampered, told how wonderful she was, or taught to think she was better than anyone else. She was kind and thoughtful, a great worker, and had the most arousing body, coming and going, that he’d ever seen. He wanted to give her everything she’d never had. Love, comfort, security, and friendship.

  A soft sigh was the only warning he got before a pair of nipples brushed across his chest. Katie pouted down at him. The spark in her eyes showed she was playing a game.

  “You look upset. Will these make you feel better?” She held out her breasts, offering them to him. She teased as well, hiding the nipples he wanted to suck deep.

  He was no longer a fool. He’d accept her breasts, her ass, her pinky toes, her quirky brain, and everything in between. He wanted all of her, forever. Was she ready to hear it? Her smile faded.

  “Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me your secret, Trey. I won’t tell anyone.”

  “It doesn’t matter anymore. It was stupid to let it bug me.”

  “I know what it’s like to be terrorized by cousins,” she replied. “It doesn’t matter what it’s about, because vicious people will find the chinks in your armor and pick at them. It’s horrid when you’re a child. But we’re not children anymore.”

  Her nostrils flared. His own did the same as he inhaled her scent. Enough of the past. He was ready for the present, and the future.

  “Nope.” He grasped her hips, encouraging her to rise to her knees. “But I still like to play games. Wanna play Ride A Cock Horse?”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Katie slowly bobbed up and down on Trey’s thick cock. She took him slowly, partly to stretch her tissues, and partly to tease. She discovered she liked being naughty. Her back end was still hot from the spanking. No matter what all those books said, or what Jane and Lila had promised, she’d not expected to get aroused by having a man’s hand smack her bottom.

  Trey’s deep groan resonated within her. “Oh God, Katie. You feel so good.”

  “Feels pretty good from this side, too.”

  She had to break the sentence into two. It was hard to breathe with a pair of hands playing with her breasts and squeezing her nipples. She leaned forward, dragging her clit against Trey’s pubic bone. The next groan came from her.

  “That’s what I want to hear,” said Sam. “Katie enjoying herself. Ass not too sore from that spanking?”

  Trey switched his grip. His hands felt cool on her burning cheeks.

  “I liked it,” she admitted.

  Sam kissed her shoulder. “It means so much that you trusted we wouldn’t hurt you.”

  “Yes, well, you’re a good man, Sam Elliott.”

  “What about me?” demanded Trey.

  “You’re not so bad either,�
�� she said, and clenched his cock.

  “Trey, Katie enjoyed her punishment spanking too much. We’ll have to come up with something different.”

  “Orgasm torture,” said Trey.

  She stopped. “Torture?” She still trusted them, but the word made her pause.

  “The only torture,” said Trey, “is that we don’t let you come. We lick and suck and finger you until you’re screaming and begging to come.”

  “And?” she demanded breathlessly.

  “And then we stop,” said Sam with a diabolical grin.

  “You just stop?”

  “We take you down a few notches, let you cool down a bit. Then we start again.”

  She imagined what it would be like. Coming close to that delicious orgasm and being denied, repeatedly. It would be torture, of the finest kind.

  “What’s to stop me from taking over the job myself? Or just walking away?”

  “Didn’t you clean the furniture in here?” asked Sam.

  “Yes, so what?”

  “Ever wonder what all those eye bolts are for?”

  There had been a good number of them. Now that she thought about it, they’d often been in matched pairs.


  “That’s a good answer,” said Trey, wading into the discussion. “They’re also good for clipping things to.”

  He was so strong that his hands, under her bottom, easily lifted her. Her pussy rode along his shaft. It felt so good she decided to continue. For her own pleasure, of course.

  “What things?” she asked, speeding up.

  “Wrist and ankle restraints,” said Sam, close to her ear. He nibbled it. “To hold you in whatever position we want. See that?”

  He pointed to a strange chair with a reclining back and split seat. Padding covered the part where buttocks would rest, but the seat itself was split in two. That would allow a person’s legs to be spread wide. And if that person were strapped in, their genital area would be open to whatever anyone wanted to do.

  A gush of fluid made her even slicker. She leaned her hands on Trey’s chest and ground herself against him again. This was one orgasm that was not going to be denied. She closed her eyes and thought of being tied down. Helpless. Forced to endure such ecstasy. A lubed finger slid into her ass. She gasped, clenching down on Trey’s cock.


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