Right Billionaire, Wrong Wedding (Sexy Billionaires)

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Right Billionaire, Wrong Wedding (Sexy Billionaires) Page 15

by Victoria Davies

  An impossibility in itself, yet there it was.

  He’d sat at his desk, staring up at Sasha in all her perfect glory, and hadn’t felt the least little twinge to take her up on her implicit offer. She wasn’t the woman he wanted.

  Only Ali was.

  Sasha was utterly different from Allison. The model had embodied all the usual traits he looked for in a partner. And yet, he hadn’t felt a drop of lust when he’d seen her. She’d done everything right, but his mind was on another.

  Allison had looked at him with such accusation, and it had burned him. Branded him. From the moment the door closed behind her all that had mattered was finding her and making things right.

  His fingers found the zipper of her dress, itching to tug it down.

  “Upstairs,” he said.

  “I like your style.”

  Grabbing her hand, he turned blindly for the door. He raced up the stairs in record time, unable to wait until he could see her laid out on his bed, naked for his view.

  “Someone’s eager,” she teased as he waltzed her backward into his room.

  If only she knew. He still didn’t understand how to normalize the feelings that had sent him racing out into the night after her.

  Never before had he tracked down a lover. He’d never been reduced to begging favors from her friends in order to say his peace. Were it anyone else, he would have gone home with only a twinge of conscience. But because it was Allison, he’d gone out of his way to find her. To set the record straight. Because of all the people who hated him at any given moment, he never wanted Ali to be among their numbers.

  And so he’d waited outside a bar. An unprecedented action in his universe. All the while his mind had been filled with images of other men pawing his Ali. He’d been reduced to wondering if she was laughing with some other man. Kissing some other man. The thoughts had been enough to make him see red even when he knew he had no right to intrude on her night. But this was all uncharted territory for him. He hadn’t ever been the one in a relationship who chased after a lover. If they didn’t return his desires, he shrugged and moved on.

  But there was no moving on from Allison.

  The zipper slid freely down her back, nearly splitting the skintight dress in two.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured as the material parted to reveal a red bra.

  “I was dressed to impress.”

  Except she hadn’t known he’d show up. Which meant she’d been dressed to impress someone other than him.

  He ripped the dress free of her body without another thought.

  “Seriously?” she charged. “What am I going to go home in?”

  “Sounds like a tomorrow problem.” He pushed her back against the bed, climbing over her.

  “Anyone else might think the great Darian King was jealous,” she said, twining her arms above her head.

  Jealous? Not likely. He didn’t participate in such base emotions. He lived for the next score, be it a high on making a deal in the boardroom or wooing a beautiful woman to the bedroom.

  He didn’t worry about who else had touched the woman under him. The idea of someone else laying hands on her smooth skin didn’t make him enraged.

  “You’re mine,” he growled before he could call back the words.

  She stared up at him with those eyes that saw too much. “I am,” she agreed, a capitulation that warmed his heart. “For the moment.”

  He bared his teeth. It was an eventuality he didn’t like to think about.

  “But for tonight”—her hand cupped his face—“show me what you want.”

  That was an easy enough question to answer. “You,” he breathed. “I just want you.”

  With one hand he pinned her wrists above her head. Her swift inhale gratified him as he pushed her bra up, revealing her breasts to his gaze. So perfect.

  His mouth descended, capturing a perk nipple with his tongue.

  “Darian,” she moaned, struggling against his hold.

  Yes, that was what he craved. His should be the only name on her lips.

  Yet when he moved up to look in her eyes, there was something far more intimate lying in their chocolate depths. Something that went beyond mutual pleasure. Something he was loath to throw away.

  Wrists free, she leaned up, forcing him back. Eyes on his, she reached around and undid the clasp of her bra, stripping the material from her body.

  Leaning back on her elbows, she raked her eyes over him.

  “Unfair,” she purred. “You’re fully clothed.”

  He could easily remedy that.

  Pushing to his feet, he gripped his shirt and tugged it over his head.

  Allison watched his every move, appearing ever confident, despite the fact she only wore a pair of tiny panties.

  His finger flew to his belt, undoing it with haste. He pulled down his zipper and kicked free of the trousers encasing his legs.

  “Much better,” she purred as he hooked his fingers around the waist of his boxers. With a tug they joined the rest of his clothing on the floor.

  Allison pushed herself up on her palms, rolling her shoulders back. “That’s what I’ve been waiting for.”


  He was perfect.

  Not that she would tell him that. The CEO of King Enterprises had more than enough ego all on his own, without her adding to it.

  But tonight, he really was breathtaking. She was desperate to put her hands on him. But the need pulsing through her went deeper than mere lust.

  Don’t think about that, her brain cautioned. Live in the moment. Don’t dream of a future you’ll never have.

  Tonight he was hers and that was all that mattered.

  “Please,” she whispered as he crawled over her. She tilted her head back to meet his burning gaze. Very little was left of her civilized boss, and she rather liked his transformation.

  His mouth latched over a breast, twirling his tongue around her nipple. Biting her lip, she arched against him.

  One hand slid down her body, dipping into her panties.

  As she rocked against his questing fingers, she’d never bemoaned a piece of fabric more.

  Rip it away, she thought. Touch me completely.

  But even hindered by the material, Darian thrust a finger into her.

  Her breath left her and her fingers dug into his shoulders.

  “I need you,” he whispered against her ear.

  “Not anywhere near as much as I do you,” she replied.

  Grabbing her panties, she pulled them down then wiggled out of the last piece of clothing that clung to their bodies.

  Free, she grabbed Darian’s hips and kicked astride him.

  “You’re mine now,” she said, looking down at him.

  His hot gaze seared hers. “Prove it.”

  She wasn’t a woman who needed more urging. Gripping his hard cock, she maneuvered him under her before sinking down on his long length. Her eyes never left his.

  The breath rushed from her as she indulged in the feeling of fulfillment. Throwing her head back, she began rocking her hips over his.

  “Yes,” he breathed, his hands coming up to steady her.

  She rode him with sure strokes. Every movement designed to increase both their pleasure. Giving in to temptations, she leaned down to kiss him even as her hips bucked over his.

  Darian groaned, his fingers tightening against her flesh. Sensing his urgency, she increased her pace, meeting each thrust of his hips as he strove to bury himself in her.

  “More,” she cried as she slammed herself down on him. Every lift, every movement brought her orgasm ever closer. Closing her eyes, she surrendered to the need pulsing through her. Over and over she descended on Darian, driving toward her fulfillment.

  “Come with me, love,” he said.

  The word twisted within her, shattering her with a single thrust. Allison broke apart, feeling ecstasy race through her veins. Her body shuddered with pleasure even as Darian’s bucked with similar release.

bsp; She collapsed against him, enjoying the aftershocks of her climax. This was what she’d wanted. Something no one but Darian could give her.

  With a sigh, she fell to his side, breathing hard.

  “Wonderful,” he panted.

  “We’re good together,” she replied. So good. Too good.

  His lips pressed against her forehead as he cuddled her close.

  For a moment she was content to lie in his arms, basking in the aftermath.

  But her joy was quickly pushed aside by one unassailable fact.

  This wasn’t just lust.

  She loved him.

  The truth burned through her, branding her in a way nothing else ever had. This wasn’t an exercise in casual sex to her. This wasn’t temporary.

  It was just one woman in love with one man.

  Nothing was simpler.

  Or more impossible.

  “God,” she murmured.


  “Nothing.” Nothing she could admit to anyways. Allison lay in his arms as the world crashed down around her. How could she love him? Surely she knew better?

  But he’d looked at her four years ago with his impish grin. He’d held out his hand and started this all. The time she’d spent convincing herself she didn’t love her boss. Wasted. There’d only been one man for her. Why else had she given up dating? Why else had she devoted her life to Darian?

  Because she was in love with him. A truth Gillian had known long before she had.

  Not that any of it mattered.

  Darian was still the same man she’d known for years. Commitment-phobic at the best of times. He might like her body, but he’d never want her heart.

  And she was deluding herself if she ever thought otherwise.

  Forcing herself to face reality, she pushed herself up on an elbow, dragging the sheets around her breasts.

  “Should I leave?” she asked. After all, he was a pro at disappearing from her house. He probably expected her to return the favor.

  He drew his fingers down her cheek in a gentle caress. “Stay.”

  The word was unexpected but not unwanted. After a brief hesitation, she snuggled against his side. Though it wasn’t even close to the first time they’d slept together, this felt far more intimate than it ever had before.

  Because she’d made it through his front door? Because he hadn’t rushed off as soon as the sheets were cool?

  She didn’t know, but whatever it was, she enjoyed the change.

  Darian ran his fingers up and down her bare arm. Beneath her ear she heard the steady hammer of his heartbeat. After the emotional upheaval of the day, curling around his warm body made her feel safe in a way she hadn’t experienced before.

  Like she’d finally found where she belonged.

  Don’t go down that path, her brain warned. It only led to pain. Though she might have faced her own feelings, she wasn’t naïve enough to think they changed anything.

  “All our days should end like this,” he murmured.

  She tilted her face up toward his. “That sounds pretty relationship-y coming from someone who doesn’t believe in them.”

  “Relationships are a trap,” he said. “What we have doesn’t need to be confined in such a way.”

  She crossed her arms over his chest, resting her chin on her hands. “Why do you fight so hard against the idea of commitment?”

  He tensed under her.

  “Wouldn’t it be nice to belong to someone?” She pressed a kiss to his chest. Belong to me?

  “No,” he said. “I don’t ever want to be tied to someone permanently.”

  “Jenny is a permanent fixture in your life.”

  “And worrying about her is more than enough.”

  “Ah,” she breathed. So that was it. She knew his parents had died when he was young. Barely more than a child himself, he’d had his family stripped away.

  And he didn’t want it to happen again.

  “Not everyone dies,” she said.

  His gaze burned into hers. “That’s not a promise you can make.” His fingers threaded through her curls, working out the tangles they had just put into them. “Isn’t what we have enough? We enjoy each other’s company, and when that changes, we part without any regrets.”

  Did he really believe that was possible? Maybe he could walk away from her without glancing back, but she knew she couldn’t.

  “It’s a sad life you’re living,” she said.

  Gripping her waist, he rolled her over until he hung above her. “Sad?” he purred, pressing his hips against hers. “Not in the slightest. I work hard and play harder. There’s something to be said for the hedonistic lifestyle.” He pressed his mouth to her throat. “Won’t you play with me, Ali?”

  Closing her eyes, she gave herself up to his touch.

  But despite his light words, Allison wondered if she hadn’t uncovered yet another piece of the Darian King puzzle.

  Too bad it was one that might damn any dreams she had of a future with him.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “She’s not going to like this,” Darian warned.

  His sister’s sigh rose from the speaker phone. “I’ve got to ask. I’m really out of options here.”

  A knock sounded at his door.

  “She’s here, just a second.” Shifting his attention away from his sister he called, “Come in.”

  Allison entered the room, a welcoming smile on her lips.

  “You called?” she said as she walked across the room.

  Had she always had that sexy swagger to her steps? Was he the only one who saw her buttoned up shirts and tightly pinned hair and wanted nothing more than to kiss the professionalism out of her?

  “What can I do for you?” she nearly purred when she reached his desk.

  A thousand suggestions rose to the tip of his tongue. None of which he cared to repeat in front of his sister.

  “Allison?” Jenny’s voice rose into the air between them.

  His assistant blinked, glancing down at the phone. The flirtation in her eyes drained away as she turned back into the business woman he knew would move mountains to accomplish a task.

  “Jenny,” she said, her voice polite if controlled. “How are you doing?”

  “Not so good, I’m afraid,” she said. “We’ve been delayed in Paris. Matt’s band got this great chance and, long story short, we need to stay here a few more nights to fit in his last gigs. I’ll be there the Monday before the wedding.”

  “Okay.” Allison arched a questioning brow at Darian.

  Wait for it, he mouthed back.

  “I’m sorry you’re delayed but I’m sure a week is enough time to get everything done. The rehearsal dinner is Friday, so you should have a few days to handle the jet lag.”

  “Least of my worries, darling,” Jenny said. “I have a dress fitting I’m not going to be around to attend.”

  “Oh. I can reschedule that right away for you—”

  “No, they won’t have time to make the alterations if anything is wrong. I know you’ve gone above and beyond for this wedding and I really appreciate it. Dare and I would be skunked without you. Which is why I’m hoping you’ll do me one last favor.”

  Allison’s gaze flicked to his, suspicion in their depths. “What can I do to help?”

  “Last time I saw, you and I are the same size. Assuming you haven’t dropped a few dress sizes, could you take the appointment for me?”

  Her eyes widened, and he really couldn’t blame her. His sister had never had a problem asking for everything she wanted.

  “You want me to try on your wedding dress?” Allison asked.

  “Pretty please?”

  “But you’re at least three inches taller than me.”

  “I know. I’ve been talking to the store, though, and hemming shouldn’t take much time. It’s the bodice part that will require work if it needs to be adjusted. Honestly, I wouldn’t bother you with this if there was anyone else I could ask. My friends in the city aren’
t even close to my size.”

  The helpless look she threw his way had him itching to race in and help her.

  “I suppose if there is really no one else…” she hedged.

  “Thank you! You are such a life saver. Darian has all the details, so don’t worry about a thing. I really do appreciate everything you’re doing, Allison. I owe you big time when I’m back in the States.”

  “Hopefully we’ll see you soon,” she said.

  So you can take over your own wedding, Darian mused, adding the words he knew Allison must be thinking.

  “I’ll let you know how it all goes,” he said, leaning toward the phone. “Talk soon, Kit.”

  He disconnected the call and turned back to his assistant.

  “You don’t have to do this. I know you have a ton on your plate. There must be someone else in this office I can rope into helping.”

  “It seems weird to try on someone else’s wedding dress,” she said. “It’ll be made to fit me.”

  He caught her hand. “Do you want to say no?”

  She chewed on her lower lip, a reaction that filled him with the urge to kiss away the damage she was doing. “I suppose, in for a penny in for a pound. We’ve planned every other element of this event. Might as well donate my time as a human Barbie doll as well.”

  He raised her hand to his mouth, drawing his lips across her knuckles before flipping her hand and pressing a kiss against her palm.

  “I’ll make it up to you.”

  “You’d better.”

  “Cross my heart,” he agreed, releasing her hand.

  Sighing, she maneuvered around his desk. “Is that everything?”

  “For now. I’ll see if I can get us into the dress store tomorrow.”

  “Then I’ll leave it to you.” But before she left she leaned over the desk, lips parted in invitation.

  It was the most natural thing in the world to press his mouth to hers. The kiss was quick but not less satisfying for its brevity.

  “If only we had more time,” he teased, drawing back from her.

  That earned him an eye roll. “Your desk is still disorganized from last time.”

  “Oh, I can think of quite a number of surfaces we could use in this room.”


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