Alpha Bully

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Alpha Bully Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I feel much better.”

  “How about you spend the day with me? Would you like that?”

  “You want me to spend the day with you?”

  “Yes. I want to take you back home.”


  He rolled off the bed, stretching out.

  Scarlett’s cheeks heated when she saw the evidence of his need.

  Turning away, she heard him chuckle. Glancing toward him, she saw him go toward her closet for his bag. When he was gone, she climbed out grabbing some clothes and heading toward the bathroom her parents used.

  She washed, changed, and found Marshall already in the kitchen making her some toast. He’d made himself at home, and she really didn’t mind.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “Nothing much,” she said.

  “Come on, you can talk to me.”

  “Just about how weird this all is. I mean, you used to bully me, and now you’re making me breakfast.” She stopped talking as he put the plate down in front of her.

  “You’re going to need to get used to it, baby. I’m not going to stop being there for you.”

  “You say the strangest things.” She bit her lip as she picked up a slice of toast. He took a seat beside her, placing a hand on her thigh. Scarlett had started to notice he always found a reason to touch or hold her.

  They ate in silence. She took several slices for herself, grateful her stomach no longer turned over at the taste of food. When they were finished, she helped him to clean away the dishes before they headed out.

  Jack was waiting for them.

  “You’re looking a lot better,” Jack said.

  “Thank you, I think.” She climbed into the back of the car as Marshall sat beside his friend.

  “We heading back home?” Jack asked, talking to Marshall


  Jack turned the car around heading toward Marshall’s home.

  “How was school?” Scarlett asked.

  “Boring as shit. This one here kept staring at the clock. I’m sure it dragged by just because you weren’t there. Fucking annoyed me.”

  Marshall reached behind him, taking her hand. He squeezed her hand, locking their fingers together. “I missed my girl.”

  “Your girl?”

  “Yes, we’re exclusive now,” Marshall said.

  “Score. You’re Marshall’s girl now.” Jack looked back at her in the rearview window. She didn’t know what to make of Jack’s words. Was this a joke? Was Marshall jerking her chain?

  Scarlett rubbed her temple as doubt washed over her.

  Marshall squeezed her hand, and she watched him shoot a glare at Jack. Something happened between them, and Jack bowed his head.

  She tried to pull her hand out of Marshall’s grip, but he wouldn’t let her.

  “What’s going on?” Scarlett asked.

  “Nothing. You’ve got to realize we’re not joking around. This isn’t some prank for me. This is real.”

  “Okay.” What else could she say?

  Marshall cursed but still wouldn’t let go of her hand. She didn’t bother to fight him. The rest of the journey went by silently as they made their way toward Marshall’s house.

  Climbing out of the car, he finally released her hand, and she was happy to be able to focus on something else beside the doubts that assailed her.

  “See you soon,” Marshall said, slamming the door closed. Jack drove away, and Scarlett rubbed her hands together to try to warm herself up.

  He closed the distance between them, taking her into his arms, and holding her close. “You don’t believe me.”

  “I don’t know what to believe.” She was honest in her response.

  He cupped her cheeks, pressing a kiss to her lips. “I’m going to prove to you that we’re meant for each other.” He rubbed her arms, kissing her again. “Come on, let’s get you warmed up.

  Marshall took her into his home. His parents were not there, and he led her all the way up to his room. She didn’t know what to make of the change inside him. Scarlett wanted to believe him more than anything, but the past with him made her doubt his sincerity.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “I want to take you for a walk into the forest, but I’m so not doing that while you’re dressed like you are.”

  He entered his wardrobe and grabbed out a jumper along with a pair of sweat pants. “I want you to put these on top of your clothes. I don’t want you to be cold at all.”

  “I can’t wear your clothes.” She looked down at the large garments wondering if they would even fit her much larger frame.

  “This is about fun. I swear this is nothing but honesty.”

  Nodding, she reached out to grab the sweats. She was going to trust him.


  The word was getting harder to ignore, and she didn’t have the first clue why.

  Chapter Nine

  Marshall wished he’d not bullied her. He was so angry with himself for everything he’d done to her. She didn’t do anything to him, yet he’d tormented her, hurt her. His wolf was angry at their treatment toward her. There was nothing he could do about the past, but he would make sure he didn’t hurt her again. She was going to be treasured, loved, and adored. His parents already adored her and approved of her as a mate.

  The need to take care of her was a compulsion within him. When he left her house on that first night, he’d been overcome by pain. He couldn’t leave his mate while she’d been hurting. By the time he got home, he’d already known he was going back to spend the night with her. It wasn’t even the need to mate. It was something more primal. She was going to be his mate and one day carry his young. He couldn’t allow her to be hurt.

  He gave her some much needed privacy as he headed downstairs to pack them a couple of flasks of hot chocolate. He saw his mother had also left a large chocolate cake on the counter. Marshall packed a couple of slices, and by the time he finished, Scarlett was waiting for him.

  She looked so adorable bundled up in his clothing.

  “What?” she asked. “Do I look bad?”

  “No, far from it. You look so adorable.”

  Scarlett smiled, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. While she’d been ill her hair had lost that glossy sheen to it that he loved. The glossy sheen was back, and her scent was back to normal. He loved sniffing her, but she’d also started to notice that he did sniff her a lot.

  “Come on.” He helped her into a jacket before putting his own on.

  Taking hold of her arm, they headed out of his home. He put the bag on his shoulder. Walking down the street, several of the pack chose that moment to come outside to check out his mate. He didn’t mind. Everyone knew he’d found his mate. They were all curious to see her.

  He nodded to each person, introducing Scarlett to others along the way, explaining who they were. Not once did he mention the pack.

  “Your street is very close.”

  “Yeah. We’ve all come together to take care of each other.”

  Marshall took her hand as they walked into the forest. What little sunlight there was disappeared. He held her hand tightly as they started into the forest.

  Slowing down his movements so she wouldn’t trip, his wolf started to pace at the forefront of his mind.

  Stand down. She doesn’t know about us.

  Mate. She’s ours to claim.

  Marshall paused, gripping a tree as his wolf pounced against the wall of his mind, demanding to be released.

  Scarlett touched his shoulder. “Marshall, are you okay?”

  Her voice, her touch, did what he could not. She pushed his wolf down, happy to have her touch on him.

  “Yes. Sorry. I’m fine.”

  “Are you coming down poorly?” She reached up to put her hand on his forehead. “You’re warm, but you’re always warm.”

  “I’m not sick.” He took her hand, placing a kiss to her knuckles. “Come on. I’
m ready to move on.” He locked their fingers together walking toward the stream.

  Neither of them spoke, and he used the opportunity to sniff the air. There were a couple of wolves in the forest and they knew he was there.

  He couldn’t hear them, but he smelled them. They were close but had seen him with his mate. They were keeping a distance so they were not exposed. There would come a time when he didn’t have a choice and he’d have to show her his true side. It wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.

  Marshall wanted her trust along with her love before he opened himself up that far.

  “This is really beautiful,” she said. “Do you walk here often?”

  “Yes. I love coming here.”

  They exited the forest as the river came into view.

  “Oh, wow,” Scarlett said. “You can see this from your window.”

  “I know. You wanted to see it, and I wanted to be the first one to bring you here.” He headed up toward the large boulder. Many days and nights he’d spent sitting on that boulder thinking about his future. He was an alpha, and when his father stepped down, Marshall would be expected to take his place to rule the pack. His father knew what it was like to be a leader whereas Marshall didn’t know if he could be responsible for so many people. Since Scarlett came into his life, he did think he could handle whatever the pack threw his way.

  Releasing his sack and her hand, he pulled out a blanket, placing it over the cold stone. With his mate being human he had to remember she would feel all of the cold stone.

  Patting the blanket he encouraged her to sit down.

  She took a seat, looking up at him. He took a seat beside her, pulling out the flask of hot chocolate.

  “Do you watch the water rushing on by?”

  “I do. I can sit here for hours looking at the water. It soothes me.” You soothe me more.

  “I can see why. I know it’s cold, but it’s beautiful. It won’t be long until it’s frozen over and solid.” She tucked some hair behind her ear.

  “I’m glad I brought you here.”


  “I wanted to share a part of myself with you. I’ve never brought anyone here. Even Jack doesn’t come here. He knows about it, but he also knows not to interrupt me when I come here.”

  “Why were you so angry with him in the car?” she asked, turning those intense brown eyes onto him.

  “He upset you.”

  “How can you even know that? You seem to know so much, and I don’t even talk all the time.”

  “No, you don’t.” Unlike the girls he’d been with, Scarlett was not easily talkative. He didn’t know if he liked her silences. There was no way for him to know what she was thinking or what about. If it wasn’t for the different smells that came from her, he wouldn’t have an insight. In the car, he’d glared at Jack and his friend knew he had overstepped the line with his comments. “I don’t like how you doubt me. I know I’ve not given you any reason to believe me when I tell you that this is not a joke. I know I’ve got to prove to you that I’m with you with this, all the way.” He passed her a flask of hot chocolate. “Don’t worry. I can wait for you to trust me.”

  “Thank you.”

  He watched her sip at her drink. She really was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Marshall leaned back on his hands staring up at the clear blue sky. It was cold, and it would be colder still.

  “This is nice.” She leaned her head against him, and joy suffused him. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he pulled her close.

  Pressing his nose against her hair, he inhaled her scent, moaning. He was falling in love with his mate. This wasn’t just about the chemical need of his wolf. Marshall liked Scarlett. She was beautiful inside and out. He’d been too much of an asshole to see what was right in front of him.

  “You know I’ve dreamed about this place, and you,” she said, surprising him.

  “Have you been here before?”

  “No. Strange but my dreams are about this forest and you, and please don’t look at me strangely, wolves, real live wolves.”

  He turned to look at her.

  “What?” she asked.

  “You dream about me and wolves?”

  She nodded, humming. “Yeah, everything has been a little strange of late.”

  Marshall held her close even as his heart pounded. She was his mate and having dreams about him and the pack. It was meant to be. He was more convinced now than ever before. “Do wolves scare you?”

  “No, not in this dream. It’s weird, but when I see the wolf in my dream, I see your eyes and I just know everything is going to be all right.” She shrugged. “It’s just a dream, a recurring one, but a dream all the same.”

  He didn’t say anything as she snuggled up against him.

  “I love it here, and I know I could stay here forever.”

  “I’ll gladly stay here with you.”


  This was his world, and Scarlett liked being part of it. His warmth seeped through the clothes she wore, warming her up. She couldn’t believe that she had just admitted the truth about the wolf dreams. Pushing her doubts aside, she enjoyed the warmth of his body against hers.

  “I like you, Marshall. I like this guy you’re being. I don’t want to doubt you again.”

  He locked their hands together and brought their hands up for her to see. “This is us, baby. I’m not going to back down or give up. You’re mine.”

  She stared up into his eyes. “I’ve never had a boyfriend.”

  “Well I’m looking forward to being many of your firsts.”

  Her heart raced as she remembered the feel of his lips on hers. He’d been her first kiss as well.

  “You’re remembering my lips on yours, aren’t you?”

  Scarlett nodded.

  His free hand stroked over her cheek. The tips of his fingers slid over her lips.

  “I loved kissing you as well.”

  He started to move closer to her. His breath fanned her face, and Scarlett closed her eyes. She couldn’t hear anything other than the pounding of the blood around her body. Nothing made any sense, and when his lips touched hers, an explosion of pleasure filled every part of her body. Reaching out, she gripped his jacket, holding onto him as he deepened the kiss. He was the one who held all the control, not her.

  “You don’t have a clue what you do to me, Scarlett.”

  “What do I do to you?” She bit into her lip, opening her eyes to stare right back at him.

  “You make me ache for something we can’t do.”

  She chuckled, pulling away.

  Resting her head on his shoulder, she allowed herself to finally relax in his company. His hand held hers, and she didn’t want to pull away. Taking the flask from him, she shared the hot chocolate with him. Marshall fed her chocolate cake, and when the cold couldn’t be chased away by his body heat, they made their way back to his home.

  His parents were in the kitchen when they arrived.

  Scarlett stayed for dinner, calling her parents to find they were still at work. She didn’t mind. They were both doctors, and they loved their work and were lovely parents.

  She enjoyed the time she spent with Marshall. When he drove her home that evening she was sad for the day to be ending.

  “I really enjoyed today.”

  “Me, too.” He leaned over and pressed a kiss to her lips. “I’ll see you soon.”

  What did that mean? She didn’t ask him what he meant. Instead, she opened the door and walked up to her home. Scarlett let herself inside and turned to wave at Marshall.

  Her parents were home and in the kitchen.

  They were sharing takeout as she walked inside.

  “Hey, honey, did you have fun today?” her mother asked.

  “Yes. It was wonderful.” Sitting with her parents, she talked with them about her day. She asked them about theirs, which they discussed in great length.

  When dinner was over, she made her way upstairs.

arlett froze when she saw Marshall sitting on her bed. She’d not even heard him come back. Closing her door quickly, she kept her gaze focused on him. “I didn’t know you were coming back.”

  “I did tell you that I’d see you soon.”

  She smiled. “I honestly didn’t think you’d come back. I’m not ill anymore.”

  “I didn’t stay around because you were ill.” He rubbed his hands together. “I stay because I want to be with you. I always want to be with you, Scarlett.”

  Her heart began to race once again. “I like you being with me as well.”

  “I won’t get you into trouble, but do you mind if I stay with you again tonight?” he asked.

  “What about your parents? Don’t they worry?”

  Marshall smiled. “I’ve got my bedroom covered.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means they understand I need my own space.” He got to his feet, stepping toward her. Marshall placed his hands on either side of her head. “I promise you, Scarlett, you’re safe with me. I won’t do anything to hurt you.”

  She didn’t want him to leave.


  Something was changing inside her when it came to Marshall. She accepted him and wanted to forget about what happened in their past. He hadn’t bullied her since they returned to school.

  “I’m going to get showered.” She moved past the door, sliding underneath his arm to grab her pajamas.

  “I’ll be here.”

  Escaping to the bathroom, Scarlett closed the door. Staring at her reflection, she blew out some air pushing her hair off her face.

  “It’s okay, Scarlett. It’s just a boy in your room. No biggie.” Even as she tried to give her reflection a pep talk, nothing was happening. “No biggie.”

  She turned on the shower, stripping down her clothes. Scarlett washed quickly, not taking the time to enjoy the warm water. She was dressed and ready within ten minutes. Wrapping her hair up on top of her head, she walked back into her bedroom to discover Marshall lying on her bed in a pair of sweat pants and nothing else.

  “Hey,” he said.

  Pointing behind her, she frowned. “Do you want to use the shower? I didn’t even think to ask you.”


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