by Shreya Faria
At that moment his mobile rang; it was Harvey. After the long wait for Harvey’s call and Rachel’s suspense since morning, he had no interest left to talk to him and was only interested in his fries. He missed his few calls and parked his car. His mind was now occupied with the fries and Rachel. There was a ninety-nine per cent chance that Rachel would be inside the house. He really wanted to have his fries and wine before facing Rachel and he focused on that. He slowly opened the door with his keys and slid inside the house. There was some noise coming up from the study room. For a few seconds, he was curious to know what the little chaos was in his study about. He knew it was Rachel along with her secret person, but still, he decided to sneak inside his bedroom without letting her know. He climbed the floors slowly, as if he was a thief in his own house. As he was climbing, again his cellphone rang; it was Harvey again. Sam disconnected and switched off the phone and went inside his room and locked his door. He took out a glass, poured his favourite wine, removed his blazer and opened his parcel of French fries. Instead of the T.V., he played his favourite music to try and relax. Rachel was already home and he would soon have to face her and the secret friend. He removed his socks, washed his hand and face and landed on his bed along with the wine and fries, luxuriating in the spicy and tangy flavour of his fries and the fruity wine. He forgets about everything for some time and lost himself in the victuals and music. He wondered why he hadn’t done this in the afternoon when he was at the peak of anxiety, but then everything has its time, he thought, and one forgets about everything. Soon he had finished his fries and wine and was feeling so good about himself that he was in a forgiving mood; he might not take Rachel seriously, after all, for what she had done and for what she had to say.
Sam got up, washed up again and was set to face what he somewhat predicted. He assumed that Rachel would have had a fling or a relationship with someone out of frustration and might want to confess about it. Or it was possible that she had an account with Ashton Martinson and met someone from there and so now they both were being blackmailed and might be helping each other to hide. Now that they were not being very successful in escaping scrutiny, what with the daily data leak from the blackmailers, they had decided it was best to come clean to their respective partners. He was quite sure something like this was cooking and now decided to end the suspense and marched outside to face them!
Harvey kept calling Sam, but his phone was switched off. He wondered what must have happened and decided to rush to Sam’s home to find out.
Sam was feeling so peaceful now that he was all set to meet Rachel and the mystery man. He went downstairs and called for Rachel. He heard some unclear voices, giggles in fact and wondered what the hell is happening. Just standing across the door of the study, he called her name again.
‘Rachel ... Rachel ... I am here.’ This time, Rachel heard him, the giggling stopped, and she stepped out of the study room in a state of surprise.
‘How come you are early today?’ asked Rachel.
‘Hmm, well, you know me ... I was not able to concentrate the whole day and so ...’ said Sam.
‘Oh yes, you hyper soul ... fine then, come into the study, I will make you meet someone special,’ said Rachel and started walking towards the room again.
Sam was excited to see what is coming next. He followed her to the study, and a strong fragrance of perfume hit his nerves; he remembered this fragrance but was not able to recollect anything properly. As he entered, he saw a lady with a knee-length emerald green dress, standing with her back to him, and as Rachel approached her, she turned to face Sam. He was shocked. For a moment, he was not able to understand what was happening. He was so confused with his own feelings. He was happy to see her, but he was also perturbed to see her with Rachel.
‘Hey Kavya, how come you are here?’ asked a happy but confused Sam. All this while he had kept thinking about Rachel’s fling or short affair confession or something like that. Now he didn’t know what to expect next. Utterly clueless and all blank, he stood there in an awkward state. Just then, the bell door rang, and Rachel left the study to see to the front door. Sam kept staring at Kavya and expected an answer to his question.
‘Well, you will come to know, let Rachel come back. So how are you doing?’ asked Kavya.
‘I am okay. Has Rachel called you here? Why didn’t you inform me? Does she know about us?’ asked curious Sam. Before he could get answers from Kavya, he heard the hubbub of approaching voices. Kavya walked in, Harvey in tow. Harvey wanted to tell Sam about Kavya, and as he entered the study room, he too was shocked to see her already inside the study room.
‘Hey, Harvey ... can anyone please tell us what’s going on here?’ asked Sam. He kept looking at everyone’s face for some answer, but none came. Harvey and Sam looked more perturbed, and Kavya was amused to see their reaction. Rachel still didn’t know how to start.
‘So, I will tell you all everything straight. Frankly, I don’t know how to start. So can we start with a drink?’ asked Rachel casually.
She looked at everyone for some response, but all were busy with their silent conversations with eyes, looking at each other for some answers.
‘Yeah, wine for me,’ answered Kavya eventually.
‘Hmm, well wine for me too,’ said Sam and looked at Harvey.
‘I don’t mind having a beer,’ said Harvey and moved towards the couch.
Rachel went out and instructed staff for the respective drinks. Sam kept looking at Kavya and Harvey for some answers, but nothing came. Harvey wanted to tell Sam about the call details of Rachel and Kavya, but after seeing Kavya there, he thought it was too late; so he sat quiet and waited for what was about to come. Probably it would be the end of all the surprises. Rachel took some time, and Sam messaged Harvey.
‘How come you are here? Did Rachel call you?’ asked Sam on WhatsApp. Harvey’s phone beeped, and it also caught Kavya’s attention; he checked his message and was typing a reply.
‘I came to inform you about Rachel’s calls to Kavya and vice versa; quite shocked to see her here already.’ As Sam’s phone beeped, Kavya was sure they were texting each other, and she smiled ironically over their curiosity. Soon Rachel came in, followed by the drinks and some food to munch on.
Chapter 54
The vibes of consternation in the room were getting strong. Especially from Sam and Harvey, with all the circumstances so conspired. Drinks were being served, and Rachel had a big sip of wine. As it hit her nerves, Rachel was all set to say what she had to say for a long time.
‘So, it’s time that I tell you about a ludicrous act that Kavya and I did ...’ She took a deep breath, and continued. ‘...Kavya and I are friends, and we were only blackmailing you and have your money. This is what I had to confess, and now you can both can ask us whatever you want to know,’ said Rachel. Sam was definitely in a haze about what was happening, and started shooting questions.
‘What the heck! You did all this. How is this even possible? All this while you knew Kavya, and Kavya you knew Rachel ... and why would you do something like this, Rachel?’ asked Sam.
Harvey was surprised too, but he preferred staying quiet, listen and assess the information coming out. Sam was so shocked that he didn’t need any wine or alcohol. He had kept his glass aside and wanted to understand things that were happening in reality. While Kavya was quiet and gulping wine uninterrupted. Rachel and Kavya had expected this set of questions long before.
‘Yes, all this while we knew each other, Sam. We are friends for a long time. I was a victim of my own imagination, and then this happened,’ said Rachel.
‘What do you mean, Rachel? Can you please be more clear?’ asked Sam.
Rachel had been reminiscing while she had a sip of wine and was ready to face the heat of the questions.
‘Sam, our marriage was going in a dire phase, if you realized. I had started feeling lonely in our marriage; what can be worse than that? You were taking me for granted, and once while using your laptop, I sa
w you had visited the Ashton Martinson site. I just didn’t know what you wanted and why you were doing these things. First, I thought I would leave you. But I loved you to do that and hence thought of teaching you a lesson,’ said Rachel.
‘Rachel, I was not checking the website for some extramarital affair or something, I told you I did it in a whim after a few drinks, just curious about its contents and approach. And in any case I told you about this earlier, then why did you take so long to tell me about it?’ asked Sam.
‘I know Sam, but my silly act was already done before you had confessed about it. Also, you confessed only after you started being blackmailed. So I was not in the right state of mind to tell you everything then. This is the thing about doubts; once you fall into the doubting game, it becomes almost impossible to dispel the dark thoughts,’ said Rachel.
‘But I had told Kavya about it, didn’t she tell you that part since she is involved in all this with you,’ asked Sam.
‘Sam, Kavya told me about it, and I was expecting that after meeting her and talking to her, you would tell me about all that sooner. But you never did, so how would I trust you on this?’ said Rachel.
Sam gave weird surprised looks at Kavya and finally had a mouthful of wine to digest and understand the things that were going on.
‘Hey Sam, I was impressed with your candour and frank attitude when we met and when you told me everything. I tried explaining it all to Rachel, but she was expecting a confession for what you did from you and not me. Rachel had come to meet me in New York and not for any work, and over there too, I tried convincing her the same,’ said Kavya.
‘Thanks Kavya, that’s very sweet of you. In that case, you guys should have stopped blackmailing me then, why did you still keep blackmailing me and that too by making me send my money to some bank in India? Also, where is my money now? And since how long do you guys know each other to do things like this and trust on it? Where did you meet Kavya, Rach?’ asked Sam. Kavya and Rachel blushed as this question came up. They winked at each other before giving answers to Sam.
‘Finally, the question which we had expected has come up. Sam, I will answer all your questions today. I know Kavya since 2012, and we know each other through a worldwide tuberculosis support group. I don’t know if you observed, we both are tuberculosis patients. This is an online group where you can discuss anything related to the disease, side effects of the medicines and causes with other patients and a few doctors over private chat. It helps and motivates other patients who are undergoing the treatment. Blackmailing you was only to teach you a lesson, but taking money from you again and again and sending it to the Indian bank account, which is under Kavya’s organization, was a different thing. Kavya has started an organization to help other patients, and all our money has gone there for a cause,’ said Rachel.
Sam and Harvey finally started discerning what had happened. The environment of suspense had decreased.
‘Oh, okay, that’s really nice Kavya. So Rachel, money from your account which you kept transferring to India was also for the same cause?’ asked Sam. He finally started sipping his wine along as things were discerning.
‘Yes Sam, all my money too went there for the organization,’ said Rachel.
‘Then, in that case, what did you think Rachel? I would not have given you money if you directly asked me for it? For such a cause?’ asked Sam.
‘You would have Sam. That’s why it was silly of me to prolong all this. And trust me, I felt bad about it myself and thus wanted to confess about it for a long time,’ said Rachel numbly.
‘Oh really, or is that because you came to know that Harvey was checking on you and so you decided to come clean,’ said Sam.
‘I know you will be mad at me for this, but you also took time to confess even though you knew you had not used the Ashton Martinson services, so same here. I didn’t know how to come up with this,’ said Rachel.
‘Hmm, so what do you expect from me now?’ asked Sam.
‘You wanted to start our marriage afresh, and I wanted to confess about things which I did before starting afresh. Hence, it’s your call to decide if you still want to continue with me?’ said Rachel. Her eyes were glassy with tears and Sam kept the wine glass aside on the table and moved towards Rachel. He held her hands tightly, and his voice became soft, eyes getting moist and said, ‘Of course, I want to continue with you forever and ever Rachel. These things cannot separate me from you. I have done more silly things than you have done. Still, you are here trying to teach me a lesson for what? To save our relationship, right?’ asked Sam.
Rachel didn’t say anything, she just got up to hug Sam tightly. Sam had not expected anything of this, and he was on cloud nine after the whole confession thing. Sam was so relieved.
Kavya just kept smiling after looking at them, and Harvey too felt jovial about how things had turned out. Though he had a lot of questions to ask Rachel and Kavya, that could wait for some time. They went back to enjoying themselves with the ample spread. Harvey would wait till it was decent to shoot his set of questions.
Chapter 55
‘So, Rachel, if you don’t mind now, can I get that Scotch and the ring. I feel here, this time is the perfect moment to celebrate with these guys,’ asked Sam. Rachel nodded, and Sam rushed to get the ring and the Remy Martin for their special celebration.
Working on the marriage again with the same excitement when both partners are equally willing is just like getting married again, but this time, the second time around the bond is strong. Things stop being taken for granted, and the understanding and tolerance level changes for the better.
Sam entered, wearing a huge smile and blush on his cheeks, and knelt in front of Rachel with the solitaire ring.
‘Rachel, can we annoy each other and others together for the rest of our lives?’ asked Sam.
‘Oh, you guys, please spare me any more annoyance,’ said Harvey. The atmosphere in the room went light with laughter and happiness all around.
‘Yes, let’s do it for the rest of our lives, together,’ said Rachel, and Sam made her wear the most beautiful ring.
‘Yo, so let’s celebrate,’ said Sam as he poured his most loved drink, saved for a great occasion, for all of them.
‘Cheers!’ said all as they clinked glasses with a lot of enthusiasm. Rachel showed her ring to Kavya and Harvey. It was such a jovial moment for them after such a long time. Harvey’s closed his case file on Rachel and Sam at that instant. No more surprises and no more conspiracies. Just that there were few questions for Harvey.
‘Must say, Kavya, you are an amazing actor,’ said Harvey sarcastically.
‘Oh seriously Kavya, you are really very smart. I still don’t believe how well I got connected to you. I owed up to you, and it was all not for real all the while. It’s going to take time to digest,’ added Sam. Kavya and Rachel started laughing over it, as to how expected it was for them.
‘Guys come on, she might have acted, but everything was for a cause, she is a gem of a person, and that is very much real,’ said Rachel.
‘Guys, I had to help Rachel because I know what she was going through and how all this could affect her health. She is my friend, and I had to do it for her. But trust me, I am not a great actor though I wanted to be once,’ she said, blushing. ‘I really was convinced with you Sam when you told me your part of your story and the bond we shared was for real, apart from the fact that I hid certain things from you. But I completely believed in you, and I said as much to Rachel when I met her at New York after my Los Angeles trip. And then you had said you would confess everything to her soon and I don’t know why you took so long. These things stretched, and we didn’t know how to end it in a proper way. Rachel was not sure how you would react, and also Harvey came to India, and we were seriously scared for a while as it was completely unexpected. Things were getting serious, and we needed to tackle it safely,’ explained Kavya.
‘Sam I am seriously sorry for what happened, I wanted to start afresh wit
h you and so didn’t accept the ring that day,’ said Rachel.
‘Yes, seriously, you have given me a hell of a lot of tough days, and I realize now it has taught me many things; so thank you, Rachel, and chill, you don’t need to be sorry about anything,’ said Sam.
‘So Harvey, I understand that you had reasons to doubt me, but later what made you doubt Rachel directly?’ asked Kavya.
‘Well, I had a doubt about you earlier, but you looked so clean and innocent every time that I had to shift my doubt on something else. And with the help of Sahil and his friend, I was able to contact Troy Hunt; he is a web security expert from Australia and he helped me check if any of Sam’s accounts was really being hacked or not. We found out that Sam’s online accounts were safe and no information had been leaked. So we knew that someone with a personal agenda against Sam was his blackmailer and was taking advantage of the Ashton Martinson scam. And so we tried nailing that, and during those days he learned about your suspicious calls and money transfers to India. Sam didn’t doubt you then, but he thought even Rachel might have opened an account on Ashton Martinson and was being blackmailed. He mulled over whether Rachel was into an affair and so we went behind checking her call details and eventually we got it. Before we could confront you with the information, you guys shocked us with this today,’ said Harvey.
‘Wow, I am really amused with the way things have evolved over the last few days,’ said Kavya. She and Harvey discussed many other details, but Sam was lost in his thoughts. Something bothered him, but he thought of ignoring it. He saw the three of them and tried listening to their discussions, a little absent-minded. They all looked so happy and relieved, he wanted to feel the same. He was having his drink and listening to their conversation.