Douluo Dalu - Volume 20 - Slaughter City

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 20 - Slaughter City Page 6

by Tang Jia San Shao

  It wasn’t that Tang San didn’t want to finish a hundred matches as soon as possible, but rather because after his number of victories grew, the number of people who had the courage to participate in slaughter matches with him grew fewer and fewer. It frequently took several days to collect ten people, and that was moreover under conditions where the news of him participating in the Hell Slaughter Arena didn’t leak in advance.

  In one year, Tang San and Hu Liena had become characters like celebrities in Hell Slaughter Arena. Especially Tang San who, having used only a year to obtain such a record, could already rank in the top ten since Slaughter City’s founding.

  Compared to when he first arrived, the expression in Tang San’s eyes was a level colder, to the extent that his body even released a faintly blood reeking aura. Ice cold, bloodthirsty, ruthless, those had already long since become synonyms with him.

  It wasn’t that he could overpower the opponents with spirit power. Even a few opponents whose spirit power surpassed the eightieth rank had died in Tang San’s hands. Spirit Masters without their signature were like tigers who had lost claws and teeth. Let alone when Tang San himself was like a terrifying killing machine.

  His most dangerous time was when he left the Hell Slaughter Arena just after destroying two opponents with eightieth ranked spirit power, and was immediately besieged by more than a hundred people. One couldn’t tell how many blades cut him, but the final conclusion was that all those hundred people died, and moreover not leaving whole corpses behind. And Tang San had crawled like that from the piles of pieces of dead men, his whole body emitting a black energy.

  After three days, his injuries were gone as if he had never been wounded, and he had entered Hell Slaughter Arena once again. That day, nobody dared fight. For twenty four hours, there was not a single bout in Hell Slaughter Arena.

  He had the Tang Sect secret lore that common Spirit Masters didn’t, hidden weapons, poison, Controlling Crane Catching Dragon, Mysterious Jade Hand, Ghost Shadow Perplexing Step. And he still had the solid Clear Sky Hammer as a weapon. Tang San didn’t use Blue Silver Grass, nor did he use Eight Spider Lances. Purple God Light had also only been used in that most dangerous moment. It wasn’t that he wanted to hide anything in front of Hu Liena, but rather that those were techniques he had set aside as life saving trumps.

  That time, Tang San had made his name, his current name in Slaughter City: Asura King.

  It was of course impossible for the nine people entering the arena with Tang San now to have a victory count only five lower than his, because Tang San’s was already far, far too far ahead by now. And he didn’t know if Hu Liena was intentionally avoiding fighting him or if it was planned by Hell Slaughter Arena, but from the start, Tang San had never encountered her. Therefore, the two of them were both still alive. Hu Liena also had a name here, her nickname was Hell Envoy.

  Among the nine people entering the Hell Slaughter Arena with Tang San right now, there were three who were already trembling all over, and the remaining six were trying to put up a strong front. After the nine entered the arena, they surrounded Tang San in practically the first instant. Because they knew, if they didn’t kill Tang San, they wouldn’t leave alive.

  Within his deep blue pupils was a smear of blood red, an ice cold killing intent extended from Tang San in practically an instant. Closing his eyes, he seemed to enjoy the feeling of the trembling degenerates around him.

  Tang San’s spirit power had progressed very little in this year, only rising one rank. But he believed that the him right now could completely prevail over three of him from a year ago. He also understood the meaning of his father’s words more and more clearly. Only by constantly struggling on the edge of life and death could the true meaning of battle be understood.

  Snarling, hissing, nine voices rose practically simultaneously in nine directions around Tang San. Those nine opponents simultaneously threw themselves at Tang San.

  Sharply opening his eyes, what Tang San looked at wasn’t the opponents in front of him, but rather, in a dark corner of Hell Slaughter Arena’s stands, Hu Liena.

  In one year, Hu Liena had watched practically each and every one of Tang San’s matches.

  But she discovered that she couldn’t see through this man. For this man, she even felt an unprecedented dread.

  That wasn’t because of Tang San’s innumerable killing techniques, but rather because of this man’s unswerving will.

  Chapter 137: Slaughter King

  Part 1 (TL by Bagelson)

  Everyone who came to Slaughter City struggled on the line of death each day, and all would subsequently be corrupted. Especially men. Because under this enormous pressure, each person needed a way for relief. But Tang San didn’t. After the fights ended, he would always cultivate in a cabin. He only left to go to Hell Slaughter Arena.

  It was unknown how many women wanted to throw themselves into the arms of this Asura King, but what met them was only Tang San’s ice cold murderous spirit.

  Long ago when Tang San had reached twenty victories, Hu Liena had been certain that this man was here for the same purpose as she had. To temper himself.

  Before she had always thought that her big brother was the most outstanding among the men she had seen, but after the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament ended, even if she didn’t want to admit it, Tang San had also joined this ranking. And this man in front of her was the third. He was also the one she believed to be most outstanding.

  He wouldn’t compare himself, his handsome appearance, his unswerving rejection of the lure of depravity. Each quality profoundly attracted Hu Liena.

  A woman liking a man, frequently had a great many reasons. Hu Liena knew that she already liked this man. Even though they hadn’t exchanged a word since they talked on the first day he came here, she was still completely certain. Besides him, there was already no others in her heart.

  Hu Liena sighed deeply. Unfortunately, he was a Clear Sky School disciple. Born of Spirit Hall, how could Hu Liena fail to recognize the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang San’s hand? She even disappointedly wondered why all outstanding men were from Clear Sky School. Tang San was so. This 9528 was so.

  Just as thoughts constantly bubbled up in Hu Liena’s mind, Tang San moved in the arena.

  Nine people, attacking from nine different directions, but there wasn’t the slightest bit of confusion in his mind. His figure flickering as if illusory, there seemed to be springs under his feet. Tang San had already dodged in front of a shuddering opponent in a split second.

  The next moment, the steel knife in that man’s hand was already embedded in his neck.

  Turning, kicking, hands flying up.

  Countless bright crystal rays of light shot out of Tang San’s palms, brilliant steel needle after needle. Surging out, cutting through the air with ear-piercing sounds. Blood curdling screams rose and fell in succession.

  Able to survive through Tang San’s hidden weapons, were only three people.

  It wasn’t because they could dodge Tang San’s hidden weapons, but rather because they had grabbed their companions as shields in front of them, or to be precise, their corpses.

  Two sixtieth ranked, one seventieth ranked. Or two Spirit Emperors and one Spirit Sage.

  If they could use spirit abilities, these three were enough to threaten the life of the only fifty something ranked Tang San. But this was Slaughter City. Passing the forging of three great immortal herbs and two great spirit bones, Tang San’s physical power was an unknown amount higher than theirs. Spirit power was admittedly important, but first came technique. Spirit power wasn’t absolute.

  These three moved simultaneously. All held a body in one hand, a weapon in the other. Under the effect of their deep spirit power, they charged at Tang San from three corners. Their minds were already locked in on this sixty seven victory Asura King. They knew that the outcome lay in this one move, and they only had this one chance.

  ‘Want to block my hi
dden weapons? Fine, then I’ll let you die from hidden weapons.’

  Body hastily rotating one turn, nobody clearly saw just what Tang San did with his hands. Nine thin as willow leaf arcing flying knives already flew out from him.

  Tang Sect hidden weapons ninth rank, Phoenix Guides Nine Chicks.

  Nine flying knives were like nine phoenixes flapping their wings and crying, swaying in the air.

  After three seconds, this battle stopped. On Tang San’s shoulder was a blood scar. That was left behind by the Spirit Sage among the opponents. Unfortunately, before cutting Tang San, there was already a flying knife embedded in the center of his back, the two big arteries on the side of his neck were also simultaneously cut by the other two flying knives. Consequently, that dagger filled with spirit power only managed to leave a three cun[1] long wound on Tang San.

  The battle was over, but Tang San was in no hurry to leave. He slowly walked over to each of his opponents, and stomped.

  Skulls shattered like chicken eggs under his feet, but the white light emitted under his feet kept even a drop of gore from landing on him.

  Previous battles told Tang San that as long as an opponent’s head wasn’t crushed, he couldn’t relax his vigilance. In order to learn this, he had once paid the price of three broken ribs.

  He retrieved the hidden weapons one by one from the enemies bodies, storing them in Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges. This was Slaughter City, and he couldn’t replenish his hidden weapons, so he had to treasure the life saving cards he had.

  A special splendor glittered in Hu Liena’s eyes. The instant she saw Tang San throw out the flying knives, she couldn’t keep her heart from skipping half a beat. If it wasn’t because she had special methods to see that Tang San absolutely wasn’t disguised, she would certainly have painted an equals sign between 9528 and Tang San.

  ‘How have I fallen in love? Have I fallen for his looks? His strength? Or everything?’

  Sixty eight victories, this was Tang San’s current record. The distance to Hu Liena had closed by one more.


  Slaughter City, a dark and expansive room.

  There was an especially enormous chair, inlaid with blue and purple crystal. These crystals drew the outline of a drum tower shape[2]. Besides this chair, everything here was dark red.

  “Asura King won another match.”

  A gloomy and cold female voice echoed in the dark room.

  “I know.”

  A tall silhouette sat in the giant chair. His appearance couldn’t be seen clearly in the darkness, it was only apparent that he was slim.

  “Great king. Won’t we start to contact him? Slaughter City already hasn’t had a true power join for a very long time.”

  “Do you believe he is truly a power?”

  The tall man sitting in the chair asked.

  “At least in technique, he is. Asura King seems born for Slaughter City. His spirit power isn’t especially strong, but all his techniques are terrifyingly powerful. Even if there was a Title Douluo in Slaughter City, they still might not be able to kill him without use of spirit powers. I can be sure that Asura King has at least one spirit bone.”

  The Slaughter King was silent a moment,

  “Then do you believe he can complete one hundred matches and challenge the Hell Road?”

  “Completing one hundred victories is only a matter of time. But as for Hell Road, perhaps he won’t be able to.”

  The Slaughter King coldly said:

  “No need to contact him.”

  “Why? Great king, don’t tell me you don’t want our Slaughter City to grow more powerful? Even though we had a pact with Spirit Hall a thousand years ago, who knows whether they’ll tear it up one day?”

  The Slaughter King coldly said:

  “Spirit Hall doesn’t have time to care about us right now. One month ago, there was a visitor. Do you remember?”


  “Yes. One of the two living Deathgods of the present age.”

  “Don’t tell me, that Asura King and that Deathgod are related?”

  The ice cold woman shuddered.

  The Slaughter King indifferently said:

  “You guessed right. If you’re speaking of true threats to Slaughter City in this world, then that isn’t Spirit Hall, but rather these two Deathgods. They, even I couldn’t offend. You should know that people who have passed the Hell Road can still use spirit abilities within the range of Slaughter City. And this Asura King was delivered there by the most terrifying of the two Deathgods. Just let nature take it’s course. Even if I don’t want another Deathgod to appear either, I’m even less willing to see that Deathgod’s fury.”

  The ice cold female voice drew a deep breath,

  “Mighty Slaughter King, I fear he will bring Slaughter City some unforeseen consequences. After all, the appearance of each Deathgod will be accompanied by a crisis for Slaughter City. Isn’t there an admonishment like that on our Slaughter City’s wall of legends? Deathgod descent, hell disaster. In the previous few times, each time a Deathgod appeared, there would be disastrous harm to Slaughter City, if there truly is another this time, I fear……”

  The Slaughter King lowered his voice:

  “I’ve anticipated this question as well. What you don’t know is that not only does the Asura King have a Deathgod backer, that Hell Emissary who has already reached seventy something victories is the same. She was delivered by the other existing Deathgod. If not for this, do you believe I would allow her to continue existing?”

  “Mighty king, how about this? We’ll let Hell Emissary face Asura King, they will be……”

  She still hadn’t finished speaking when two blood red lights shot out of the Slaughter King’s eyes, the surrounding air clearly becoming thicker, a thick scent of blood spreading in the air, that ice cold woman’s voice immediately issues a seemingly inhuman shrill scream, and in the corner, an inflated delicate body shuddered violently.

  “Don’t think you can casually talk drivel just because I dote on you. Having passed the Hell Road, Deathgods can return to Slaughter City at any time. According to the rules of the Hell Slaughter Arena, degenerates with more than fifty victories in the ring won’t face each other. If any Deathgod learned about it, it would be a truly disastrous catastrophe for Slaughter City. Within their Deathgod Domain, any Spirit Master recovers the use of their spirit abilities. Otherwise, why do you think I would compromise with them?”

  The blood red gaze floated into the air, and the Slaughter King muttered to himself:

  “I only hope that under normal circumstances, they’ll be unable to persist to a hundred victories, and even more unable to walk the Hell Road. Otherwise, the appearance of two Deathgods simultaneously would perhaps herald calamity for Slaughter City.”

  Part 2 (TL by Bagelson)

  With a wave of a big hand, a deep red liquid flew out from in front of him. In the darkness in front of him was unexpectedly an enormous blood pool, filled with viscous blood.

  Gaping and swallowing the blood, in that dim light, two fierce teeth were vaguely revealed.


  Passing time waiting and cultivation, sitting crosslegged in his small cabin, Tang San’s entire body was constantly reached by burst after burst of chills. The tremendous murderous spirit continuously revolved around his body, and also influenced him.

  He had already been here for close to two years, and the distance to the champion title in the Hell Slaughter Arena was only one final match. However, Tang San discovered that he was about to collapse.

  In two years, the people who had died by his hands far surpassed a thousand. Even though those people were all evil and depraved, with each person he killed, Tang San would feel his own murderous spirit rapidly increase somewhat. And this killing intent also constantly imperceptibly influenced him.

  The reason why it had taken two years to gradually approach the final one hundredth victory, besides the issue of the number of people, was even m
ore because of Tang San’s own problem.

  The constantly rising killing intent was nothing much when it just started rising, but as the number of people Tang San massacred here surpassed a hundred, he discovered that this killing intent began to influence his will. Just at the start, he would only occasionally display a blood thirsty state of mind, but as time grew longer, the slaughter aura also became ever more clear. It was as if he wanted to kill any living organism he looked at. Casually killing people was as simple as crushing ants.

  Therefore, besides participating in the matches, Tang San’s cultivation was no longer mainly in the direction of increasing his spirit power, but rather to suppress the ever stronger murderous spirit. Fortunately his Mysterious Heaven Skill was the orthodox inner skill of the profound sects, and it had its own warding effect. He had also received the mind condensing wisdom skull bone, and its mental control capability was extremely powerful, and he wasn’t controlled by that idea of massacre.

  At the same time, Tang San’s slaughtering in the matches could be considered a channel to vent.

  Until not long ago, after Tang San completed ninety nine fights in the Hell Slaughter Arena, he faintly sensed that he was almost unable to contain the murderous spirit within him. At the same time, he also understood why Hu Liena had delayed without advancing the one hundredth match despite reaching ninety nine victories long ago.

  In this Slaughter City, the two of them could be described as having filled fields of victims. It was also because of their abrupt rise in these two years that the number of degenerates daring to enter the Hell Slaughter Arena had become fewer and fewer. Even more people chose to use their previously saved matches to exist, and when the matches was exhausted, they still gave blood to survive. After all, compared to certain death, the majority of people would choose to struggle on at death’s door.

  A peng peng knocking sound suddenly echoed from outside. Tang San’s restrained killing intent rose practically instantly rose, and the not very small cabin instantly turned ice cold. Under the oppressive murderous spirit, a heavy aura filled the air, the stink of blood imperceptibly releasing from Tang San.


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