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A Greek Affair (Seven Days to Fall in Love #4)

Page 5

by E. M. Irons

  “Oh man, you do know how to win a girl over.”

  His lips curved into a smile, the big kind.

  “Better start then. We have a lot to see and such little time.”

  “Do you mind if I use your bathroom?”

  “Go for it. I’ll finish this coffee first.”

  I left the table with a spring in my step. He had actually researched ruins for us to visit? Happily, I closed the door so I could pee and brush my teeth, because honestly, I was going to be away for at least 12 hours, and some basic hygiene was in order. Looking around me, I realised how intimate it was to see someone else's bathroom. He had his things organised: a razor, toothbrush and toothpaste, a small comb, deodorant and a small flask of perfume. Inside his toiletry bag - and yes, I did invade his privacy a little too much - there was a pack of condoms and some medicine. Was he hoping to have sex on this trip? My reflection was scarlet with embarrassment, and I learned not to snoop on other people's things. I quickly washed my hands and left the bathroom.

  “Everything ok?” He was looking at me curiously.

  “Yep! Are you ready?"


  He went to the bathroom and closed the door behind him while I sat on his bed, searching for my phone in my backpack. The signal has been on and off, and I was reluctant to buy a wi-fi pass, but sometimes, when I was just in the right spot, it connected and my phone was flooded with messages, updates and notifications. Opening my message app, I found many groups filled with news, some quick replies from family and my girlfriends asking for more pictures. And a text from James.

  I’m sorry about everything. How’s the trip? Wish I was there with you.

  He finally decided to reply after my message yelling at him some five days ago. Wow, had it only been five days? What was I supposed to reply? Fuck you? How’s your new girlfriend? Were things over with the new girlfriend, and that’s why he was texting me? And what did it mean that he wished he were here? He could have been, but he chose not to be. I wrote and erased so many different things, to simply ignore it for the time being.

  Elliot left the bathroom and stopped, cocking his head at me. “What's wrong?"

  I gave a weak smile. “Nothing. Ready to go?”

  I looked once more at my phone, blocked the screen and packed it away. Getting my backpack, I threw it on my back and headed towards the cabin door, stopping when his hand held my biceps. I took a deep breath and met his eyes, eyes that squinted at me and scanned every corner of my face.

  “Hmm.” He let go of my arm and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. “Let's make this day memorable."

  And we were off to start our day in Patmos, beginning with Psili Ammos Beach. It was a small recluse place, with sun loungers and sunshades scattered around. The sea looked more like a swimming pool, with its calm waters. I took off my shorts and t-shirt, folding everything and tugging at my new bikini, the tiny one I bought in Mykonos. It made me a little uncomfortable, but I decided when I woke up that I was going to do things that were outside of my comfort zone today. And by the way Elliot caught his breath and his eyes widened, it was a good move and a nice bikini.

  The next hour was spent sunbathing and enjoying the peace the scenario brought. Elliot ordered some ice creams so we could endure the heat, and after they arrived and I licked each single drop of vanilla, fighting the quick melting of the sugary treat, my hands were sticky and I was happier. I practically skipped into the blue water and dove in, the warmth enveloping me and washing away everything: the messy ice cream, my doubts and my confusion. Resurfacing, I saw Elliot watching me. Smiling, I kicked water and floated on my back, closing my eyes to the burning sun. The sea muffled the sounds around me, but I felt Elliot’s presence before actually acknowledging him.

  “Thanks, I needed that.” I opened my eyes to meet his gaze.

  He tugged my feet, and I was underwater, swimming, until I was standing, feet in the sand, water around my belly button.

  “My cousin always says that ice cream is the cure for everything. And wine. But it’s a little too early for that.” He was looking away.

  “And your cousin is right.” I smiled at him, laying a hand on his arm.

  Suddenly I felt something slick brushing my leg and I gave a muffled scream, jumping straight at Elliot, my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso.

  “What?!” He looked around, holding me close.

  “Something brushed my leg!”

  I was freaked out, looking everywhere and trying to see what could have been the offending thing.

  Elliot chuckled. “Was it that seaweed?"

  My eyes were the size of saucers when I spotted the green leaf floating away.

  “Son of a bitch.” I muttered, giving the evil eye to the inanimate object.

  And that’s when I realised where I was and where Elliot's hands were. My heart skipped a beat and I turned my head to find his eyes on mine. It was like gravity was pulling us closer by the second, our chests touching, my arms tightening around his neck, his hand flexing in my back and my thigh. My breath caught, and finally his lips were on mine.

  It was sparks and butterflies, a warm pressure that burned me from the inside out and left me wanting more. And it was over before it began.

  Elliot rested his forehead on mine and took a deep breath. “Hi."

  “Hi.” My voice was weak.

  A corner of his mouth lifted and he gave me a peck on the nose, while his hand squeezed me where it touched my body.

  “Wanna go to the Monastery of Saint John the Theologian now?” I blurted out.

  Shit. I was a fucking mess. Did I just suggest seeing a monastery after having a perfect kiss? I wanted to slap myself.

  “Sure, let’s get dry first.” I could hear the laughter in his voice, but I was too embarrassed to look at him.

  I slid from his hold, feeling my skin on fire where it touched his, and when I began to walk to shore, his hand held mine, tugging me back. When I turned, he bent and gave another quick kiss on the lips, smiling.

  “A monastery, huh?"

  “Shut up.” I laughed.

  We walked back, side by side, and my mind began working overtime. It was too soon to be kissing someone new, wasn’t it? I wasn’t over James. I mean, I was mad at him, but his text in the morning had left me with a bunch of questions that I had no idea how to get answers to. I gave Elliot a tight smile and laid down on the lounger, closing my eyes.

  Half an hour was enough to leave us toasted and parched, so we packed our stuff and left the beach, catching a cab to cross the island. It was an interesting contrast, and the monastery had a holy feel, almost like you could sense generations coming and going. Elliot was patient while I explored each nook and cranny of the place, pointing out random things that I found interesting. He was always close, holding my hand, placing an arm on my shoulder and bringing me to his side, or slipping a stray piece of hair behind my ear. It felt natural and intimate.

  Was it wrong?

  We were within walking distance of the restaurants that he wanted to try, and we ended up at a table looking over the faraway bay. The breeze bellowing the tablecloth, a cold white wine in a bucket and a Greek feast to feed us. Maybe if I looked around, I could find a camera crew filming the perfect date with the perfect man, and me as the leading lady.

  How crazy was everything that was happening? I was not expecting to meet someone so soon after getting dumped, and most definitely not someone like Elliot. You could argue that I didn’t know him well, but I felt my heart at ease around him.

  “Can I ask you something?” He asked, playing with my fingers over the table.

  “Ask away.” I was raising a glass of wine to drink.

  “Did your ex really break up with you on the way to the airport?”

  My hand faltered, but I took a sip anyway. “Yeah, he did. Heard that at the bar, huh?”

  “I didn’t mean to intrude, but I was curious. And I was right by your side.” He pointed out. />
  “Not that I was aware of that, after all that absinthe.” I tried to laugh it off.

  “If you rather not talk about it…"

  I took a deep breath and shook my head.

  “No, it’s ok."

  “What happened?”

  “Well… I don’t know what to say. We were together for almost a year and a half, and we had planned to do the cruise to celebrate our last semester in the post grad program, but… He just broke up with me on the way to the airport. At least he gave me a ride, right?” I was in self-deprecating mode.

  “Out of the blue?”

  “I think there were signs. I just didn’t want to see it. We were growing apart, not making time for each other anymore. The small things that make the day-to-day as a couple, you know? We should’ve been over a long time ago.”

  “But why not wait until after the trip?” He seemed to think better and added. “Not that I’m complaining.”

  A laugh burst out of me. I don’t think I could complain as well.

  “He was seeing someone else.”

  “He cheated on you?”

  “Yeah… And you know what’s worse? I didn’t mind that. I was just sad to be going on this cruise alone. And I was mad that he cancelled our reservation.”

  “He did what?!” Elliot sounded mad. Really mad.

  “I know, right? I had a hotel booked in Athens for the first couple of days, but he cancelled so he could have the refund. Luckily the cruise was non-refundable.”

  “What a piece of shit.” He spatted out.

  “As lady luck would have it - or should I say Tyche? - I met a very nice taxi driver that allowed me to crash at his place.”

  “You did what? You slept in a stranger’s house?”

  He sounded livid, and his face was red.

  “He was in his seventies. And he was a married man.”

  Elliot muttered something under his breath and brushed his hands over his face.

  “Look, I know how that sounds, but I was desperate. And heartbroken."

  His gaze softened, and I could see a little sadness around his eyes.

  "Mr. Stravos and Mrs. Angelina were darlings, and they saved me from sleeping on the street or spending all my savings in an overpriced hotel room. High season in Athens is brutal. They said that Greece was perfect for romance, so maybe a summer fling works.”

  He was quiet, staring at me.

  “Well, enough about me. Shall we go to the Cave of the Apocalypse now? It’s about a half-hour from here, and we could use the walk, after all the food and drink."

  Maybe I was being a coward by changing the subject, but I was not ready to bare my soul. More than I already did.

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  He signalled the server, and after paying the bill - and refusing my half - we were on our way to the cave. The walk there was pleasing, with trees giving shade, stone walls surrounding us and a peaceful atmosphere, and once inside the famous place, I could feel the eerie vibe. We left quickly, chasing a lighter mood.

  Choosing to keep on walking until we reached Skala, the central part of the island where the main harbour was located, and where our ferries would wait to take us back to the ship, we searched the stores from memorabilia we could take home and I bought some magnets for my fridge and for my sister's.

  I kept quiet, going over our lunch conversation and second guessing everything I said and all his reactions. Elliot seemed withdrawn as well, and I blamed myself. The day had been wonderful, we shared an amazing kiss and the ghost of my ex overshadowed everything. And maybe I was feeling a little guilty as well, because I refused to answer his text and because I had not told Elliot about it. I realised I was freaking out and was in need of good advice, in the form of my big sister, whom I kept missing with the faulty phone signal.

  We finally took the ferry back to the cruise, but unlike yesterday, we were early and had plenty of time. Elliot was sitting by my side, his thigh pressed to mine, but his eyes far away in the distance.

  “I think I’m going to skip dinner today,” I told him, trying to make my voice firm.

  “Oh. Are you all right?” He frowned.

  “Yeah. Just tired. Craving some pizza, actually. And I want an early start tomorrow. It’s Santorini after all.” My smile seemed weak, even to me.

  “I understand. I’ll let everyone know."


  It was my turn to stare into the distance.

  “We're still meeting tomorrow, though?” He sounded hopeful.

  “I’m down if you are.”

  I was looking down at my twisting hands, when his bigger hand covered both of mine and stopped my movement.

  “I’ll be looking forward to tomorrow.”

  I turned my palm and we intertwined our fingers. And we remained like that all the way to my cabin door, where he kissed my forehead, bade me goodbye and left.

  The first thing I did was shower to try to clear my mind, and, still wearing my towel and with wet hair, flopped on the bed, grabbing my phone. The signal was fluctuating, but I crossed my fingers and called my sister. Two rings later and her face appeared on my screen.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? I was about to send a search party for you, you little brat!” She was almost screaming at me. Almost.

  “Nice to see your face too.” I smiled while she rolled her eyes.

  “Ready to talk, baby monster?” She asked, using my childhood nickname.

  “Yeah…” My eyes watered.

  “Oh shit. Hold on.”

  Her face crumbled in worry and I could see her moving around, closing her office door and returning to her desk.

  “Tell me. Do I need to kill James? Because I can make it look like an accident.”

  “No.” My laugh trembled. “Ollie, I’m so confused.”

  “What about?”

  “I met a guy on the ship. And he’s great, and he makes me laugh, and we kissed…”

  “Wait, wait, wait. Rewind a little. What the hell?”

  “Sorry.” I scrubbed my eyes. “So, you know how James broke up with me, left me at the airport, I got to Athens, and blah blah blah?”

  “Yeah, and that nice couple took you in and you stayed with them until you could board the cruise.”

  That’s the thing with having a sister so close in age and that you love like crazy: she could finish your sentences, read your mind, give you the best advice, pull your hair until you screamed and be by your side, even countries apart.

  “When I was getting on the cruise I bumped into this guy. And, Ollie, he was so handsome, like a magazine or movie star, kind of beautiful.”


  “The ship is huge, so I thought we would never see each other again.”

  “But of course you saw him again.”

  “Yeah, but for this part of the story I need you to look at me and see that I’m fine. And not to be mad.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake. What did you do?” My sister had a filthy mouth when she was losing control of her emotions.

  “I was sad, a little mad, and I went to one of the bars."

  “Someone gave you a roofie?” Her eyes almost bugged out.

  “NO! Jesus Christ, Ophelia! Really?”

  I only called her Ophelia when I was pissed or to bug her. My parents had no sense of bullying culture, let me tell you.

  “What?! You are all cagey talking about a guy, a bar, what was I supposed to think?”

  “That you taught me better!” I raised one finger at a time, reciting all her teachings. “Never drink at an open beer, open it yourself. Always watch the bartender making your drink. Don’t accept drinks from strangers…”

  “Ok, ok, so I’m a mama bear. Keep going with the story.”

  “I got a little drunk, because I drank those great cocktails with absinthe…”

  “Absinthe?!” My sister slapped her forehead.

  “Lecture me later. I was a little drunk, and this creep was trying to give me a pass, but this guy

  “The cute guy.”

  “Hum-hu. And I may, or may not, have forgotten my room number. So Elliot helped me again.”


  I just nodded and kept going.

  “I couldn’t even thank him later because I knew nothing about him. But on the captain’s dinner the seating was mixed, to encourage the passengers to mingle, and I was suddenly at his table.”

  “Wow. This is romantic comedy at its best.”

  “I know, right? Anyway… This is a working trip for him, because they are thinking of acquiring the cruise line or something like that, but his boss thought it was a good idea for him to see how the low class enjoyed themselves, and so we’ve been island hopping together.”

  “I think I’m speechless.”

  “The thing is… we kissed today.”

  My sister's phone almost slipped from her hold and she scrambled to hold it right, appearing again on camera, her eyes huge.

  “How was it?"

  “It was sweet, and hot, and perfect. And I don’t know what to do.” I could feel tears gathering in the corner of my eyes.

  “Liv, what do you want to do?” My sister was using her serious tone.

  “I don’t know! James dumped me not even a week ago. How am I supposed to kiss someone else?"

  “Time doesn’t mean anything, and it’s just a kiss."

  I bit my lips.

  “Oh shit, it’s not just a kiss, is it?"

  “I’m not sure… He… He makes me feel special.”

  “Do you feel butterflies?”

  We used to joke around that we would be able to tell when we were falling in love because of the butterflies in our stomachs.

  “So many butterflies.”

  “Oh. Ok. We can work with that."

  “I’m not supposed to be falling for someone so soon.”

  “Let’s quit the whole ‘what I’m supposed to be doing’ bullshit, right? There’s no wrong or right in this situation. And I know you were not happy with James for a while.”

  “I know…”

  “So why did you stay with him?”

  I gawped at my sister. Leave it to her to ask the hard questions and to rub salt in the wound.

  “Because it was easy, I guess. And it was comfortable.”


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