A Greek Affair (Seven Days to Fall in Love #4)

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A Greek Affair (Seven Days to Fall in Love #4) Page 7

by E. M. Irons

  That killed my vibe and I decided to walk around the ship, heading back to my cabin. I was confused again. And really, how much my brain was trying to screw me over? When I was beginning to be ok, all the doubts crept back. When I was happy, James sent a text. When I was ready to give Elliot a chance, I second guessed myself about it. Fuck my messy feelings.

  I took extra care getting ready for dinner, because I wanted to look fantastic, and I did. My make up was light, my hair was flowing around me and I was wearing a pretty sundress. Elliot was waiting outside the restaurant like before, his eyes trained on me.

  “You look beautiful, as always.” He kissed the corner of my mouth.

  We sat with his colleagues again, and soon we were sharing our Santorini adventures, to everyone’s amusement. His hand found my thigh under the table, and he left it there, claiming me with no one being aware.

  “See, it was a fantastic idea to have you accompanying Olivia, Elliot." Mr. Chapman was happy and tanner than before.

  “We rented a small boat for the day and circled the island. It was lovely.” Mrs. Chapman told us.

  “How about you two?” I asked Mr. Mikaelsson and Mr. Rodríguez.

  “We stayed here, working. We're almost done calculating the margins of profit and the overall investment.” Mr. Mikaelsson told us.

  “And we need your numbers as soon as possible, Elliot.” Mr. Rodríguez sounded apologetic.

  “That’s all right. I have them almost ready, but I still need to do some adjustments and a little bit more of research. Richard, back in London, is just finishing some points and we can have it ready tomorrow late afternoon.”

  “Should we schedule a meeting at 4pm?” Mr. Chapman was almost rubbing his hands.

  “Sure.” Elliot replied, giving my thigh a squeeze.

  “Sorry to steal your partner, Olivia. I promise to give him back to you for dinner.” Mr. Chapman winked at me.

  “Don’t worry, I’m sure Elliot is tired of me.”

  Everyone laughed but I could feel his eyes on me. With the server’s arrival, it was the perfect opportunity for him to lean sideways and whisper in my ear.

  “I’m never going to get tired of you.”

  “Don’t say things like that.” I whispered back.

  “Why not?”

  I blushed and looked away.

  The rest of the dinner was uneventful, and it ended quickly. As was our routine, Elliot walked me over to my cabin, but this time, before I could get in, his arms surrounded me, lifting me off the floor, and he kissed me. My hands found his hair and I tugged at it, earning me a grunt. He pressed me on the door and we kissed some more, until he parted our lips and sighed, resting his forehead on mine.

  “I keep losing control around you.” He sounded hoarse.

  “I'm not complaining.” My voice was husky.

  He finally deposited me on the ground, and I was thankful for the door holding me up, otherwise I’d be a puddle on the floor.

  “I’m sorry to bail you tomorrow. I promise to make it up for you.”

  “Don’t worry. Do what you have to do. We still have Nafplio to explore together.”

  “So we do.” He smiled at me, his fingers touching my cheek. “Good night, shorty, sweet dreams.”

  He stepped back and waited for me to open and close my door. I could hear his steps getting further away, and I slid to the floor, taking a deep breath.

  I was in love.


  It’s weird how you can get used to someone else so quickly. From the moment I woke up, I missed Elliot. Breakfast was not the same without him, and greeting the staff on the ferry to Monemvasia sounded hollow without his voice doing the same. The tiny village was rustic and pretty, but I didn’t find in me to enjoy as much as I would like. I sat on a stone wall, dangling my feet and watching the view.

  Seven days it was all it took for me to fall head over heels in love with a stranger.

  And finally coming to terms with that, I got my phone and wrote to my sister.

  Olivia: Is it crazy to fall in love in seven days?

  Her reply came immediately, and I found myself smiling.

  Ophelia: Life is crazy, baby monster. But when you know, you know

  Olivia: So, I’m not some psycho?

  Ophelia: If there’s a psycho in the family, it’s probably me

  Olivia: So true

  Ophelia: And how’s Elliot?

  Olivia: He stayed on board to work, but he’s good

  Ophelia: And what’s your plan?

  Olivia: Walk around and mop that he’s not here

  Ophelia: Not your plan for the day, your plan for you two!!

  Olivia: Pretend nothing is happening and hope for the best?

  Ophelia: That plan sucks

  Olivia: Shut up and go back ignoring your feelings for Jonathan

  She sent me a middle finger emoji, and I replied with a selfie with my tongue sticking out and an amazing view in the back.

  Ophelia: Nice view. Tell me how it goes between you two, you little shit

  I was happier while scrolling down my messages and trying to see if there was anything urgent or that actually was worthy of my reply in the middle of a holiday, when I spotted James’ I miss you text. I thought for a few seconds and decided to reply, because I was so done with him and all our history.

  Hey, James. I’m going to be honest here, so bear with me. You don’t miss me, and I definitely don’t miss you. We were over for a while and we just didn’t have the courage to have a serious talk and part ways, but I’m glad that you broke up with me. Does that sound crazy? I really hope you are happy with your new girlfriend, and that you have the life you want, but please stop sending me random texts. We’re good, and we’re better now. See you around, I guess.

  I pressed send and it was like a tonne of weight lifted off my back. I didn’t need the ghost of an ex screwing my future and I was done with shitty texts that left me stuck in what could have been.

  Jumping from the wall, I skipped back to harbour, ready to take the ferry back to the boat and enjoy a little of what the cruise had to offer. I was gone most of the time, and it was time to just relax and enjoy.

  Back in my room, I found a note on the bed.

  Dinner at 8pm in my room. Elliot.

  I just had to kill a few hours until then. A few very long hours. So I went to the pool, enjoyed the sun, walked around the deck, watched the view, went to one of the restaurants to grab a bite, went to the theatre to watch a show (yes, they even had shows on board) and I still had almost four hours to go. Time was slowing down, that was my only explanation.

  So I indulged myself and went to the spa. I booked a massage, a sauna, some weird mud facials and a blow-dry. And that’s how time flew and I found myself giving the finishing touches to my look in my cabin. The only thing I took with me was my cell phone and my key card, ignoring the need to carry a purse to dinner.

  I knocked on Elliot’s door at exactly eight, trying not to look too eager, and when he opened the door, my breath caught in my throat. He was wearing black pants, no shoes and a white dress shirt, rolled to the elbows. Why this sort of thing was almost like porn for women, I had no idea, but it worked. He whistled low and gazed at my bare legs and slip dress.

  “You look incredible."

  “Thank you. So do you."

  He waved me in, and I could see the veranda’s table covered with a white tablecloth, with fancy glasses and plates. To the side was a cart filled with food and drinks.

  “Want something to drink?"

  “Wine would be lovely."

  He walked over, served sparkling wine and offered me, for himself he poured a whisky. Raising his glass, he toasted.

  “To unexpected encounters.”

  My mouth curved into a secret smile, and I clinked my glass with his.

  “To unexpected encounters.”

  We sipped our drinks quietly, leaning over the rail and watching the sun going down. The sky exploded in colours a
nd I was amazed.

  “I missed seeing you today.” He spoke low.

  I turned to watch him.

  “I missed having you around. Exploring was not the same without you.”

  We held each other's gaze, and I saw a glimpse of something coming over his eyes.

  “Shall we sit? I asked the chef to prepare some Greek specialties, so I hope you enjoy it.”

  As the gentleman he was, he pulled my chair for me to sit and brought over the dishes. It was an incredible feast, with feta cheese, olives, crispy salads, grilled octopus and a perfect Greek dessert.

  We talked non stop all dinner long, about our day apart, his job, my post grad, London, Edinburgh, family, everything. It was so simple to share my life with him that I was constantly surprised to remember that we knew each other for less than a week.

  Elliot played with my fingers, listening to me go on and on about London museums. When there was a lull in the conversation, he reached for my chair and pulled me closer, smirking at my surprised face.

  “You’re too far away.”

  “I think I am.”

  In a bout of courage, I rose and sat on his lap. His eyes widened, but his hands were quick to find a place in my body. I sighed happily, leaning towards him and pecking the corner of his lips. He followed my lead, kissing one corner of my mouth and then the other. Resting my forehead on his, I enjoyed how different it was to be sitting on his lap and being slightly above him.

  “You are perfect.” He smoothed his hand down my thigh.

  “Nobody’s perfect.” My hand was playing with the hair on his nape.

  “You are perfect for me.” He whispered in my ear.

  We shifted, our eyes locked, and our lips almost touched. This was the best kind of foreplay.

  His hand rose from my thigh and found its way to my chin, holding me steady. The distance grew shorter until our mouths met.

  The kiss began soft, almost reverently, but the pressure of our hands on each other began to speed things up. Our tongues clashed, I hiccuped, giving him more space, and we set each other on fire. I bit his lower lip, eliciting a growl. As payback, he pulled my hair, exposing my neck for him to suck. I was hot all over, and I could feel his heart beating fast and his breath coming out short.

  His arms came around me, holding me tight, and he rose, carrying me inside, to his bed. He sat on the edge of the king's size mattress and I turned on his lap, so I could straddle him, and we kept on kissing, hard.

  My hands were on his shirt buttons, opening one by one, in slow torture, while his own hands were climbing up my dress. Gravity pulled us down and we were laying down, me above him, my hair fanning around us. Elliot squeezed me and rolled us over, so he could be on top.

  All his weight was on me, and I could feel every inch of my body alive as never before. It was like every nerve ending was tingling, desperate to embrace all the feels. We were moments from tearing each other's clothes off and lighting everything on fire when he stopped.

  “Wait, Olivia."

  I sucked in air, trying to fill my lungs. “What?”

  He climbed off of me and sat on the edge of the bed, his head on his hands, taking deep breaths.

  “We can’t do that."

  “Whaaath?” I sat as well, staring at his back.

  He looked over his shoulder, and I could see him struggling.

  “Sorry, I… I didn’t bring you here for this, I swear.” He was fumbling, in a way I never saw before. “This…"

  “You don’t want to…” I couldn’t finish the sentence.

  “Oh no, I do. I really, really do."

  “Then what’s the problem?” Suddenly it dawned on me, maybe his little soldier was not up for action. “Oh. Hum… It happens with every guy, you know?"

  “Excuse me?” He turned fully to me.

  I pointed to his pants. I saw in his eyes the moment he understood my meaning, and he laughed.

  “That’s not the problem. Trust me. It’s not the problem at all."

  “I don’t understand.”

  Was I missing something? Because I was quite sure that we were on the same vibe and wanting to get naked.

  He took a deep breath and looked into my eyes.

  “The thing is…” He was nervous. “I don’t want to scare you or anything…”

  “Oh God, you like kinky stuff, is that it?” I blurted out.

  “Jesus Christ, shorty!” He huffed a laugh. “Come here.”

  He dragged me to him, making our knees bump.

  “I know we don’t know each other for a long time.”

  “Seven days.” I quipped.

  “Yeah, a whole week, huh?” He caressed my face. “But the thing is… I don’t want to be your rebound, you know?”

  “My rebound?”

  “The guy you get under to get over somebody else.”

  “You think you’re my rebound?”

  I was repeating it to him because it sounded crazy to me. He got up and started to pace around.

  “Look, I don’t want to be your Greek affair. Just some random guy you met on a trip.” His voice was gruff and he was rambling. “I know it is too soon, but I’m falling for you and…”

  “You’re falling for me?” I interrupted him.

  He stopped and his gaze was laser focused on mine. “Falling hard.”

  My mouth was hanging open, and I could feel my eyes watering.

  “Please don’t cry.” He sounded desperate.

  “Those are happy tears.” I mumbled.

  “Happy tears?” He came over and sat again.

  “I’m falling for you too. So hard.”

  A tear escaped, and he caught it with his fingertips. Staring deep into my eyes.

  “You sure?”

  “Oh yeah. And I freaked out because I thought it was too soon, but you know, love just happens when we are least expecting.”

  “True. I wasn’t expecting to bump into a girl and to start falling for her.”

  “Since we bumped into each other?” My voice wavered.

  “Maybe a little earlier?” He seemed sheepish “I saw you arriving, getting out of the taxi, and I swear my heart stopped for a second. I was sure it was just attraction, but we kept bumping into each other and when I realised, I was already halfway in love.”

  My hand found his chest, my palm feeling his steady heartbeat.

  “I tried so hard to keep away, because I thought you weren’t ready. You had your heart broken and I wanted to mend it for you.” He continued.

  “My heart was not broken, my ego was bruised.” I explained. “I loved James, but I should’ve ended things earlier, the last six months we were more friends than a couple.”

  “Is it wrong of me to be happy that he dumped you?”

  I gave a watery laugh. “I don’t think so.”

  “Because I’m really happy that you boarded this cruise as a single girl.”

  “Me too.”

  He sighed in relief. “Can I just hold you for a while?”

  “I’d love that.”

  We scooted back to the pillows, and he laid down, opening his arms to me. I rested my head on his chest and held him close, my leg going over his. He was playing with my hair and I was smoothing his shirt, and that’s how we fell asleep together.


  I woke up with a warm body glued to my back and the sun shining on my face. Blinking slowly, I remembered where I was and with whom. Turning in his arms, I came face to face with a sleeping Elliot. His face was smooth, no serious lines marring his face, and he looked peaceful, almost childlike. My fingertips trailed around his cheekbones, and he sighed, waking up slow.

  “Good morning.” I smiled at him.

  “Good morning, shorty.” He gave me a small smile, holding me close.

  My face was now pressed to his chest. “Slept well?"

  “Like a baby.” His rumbling voice came.

  “Are you ready for our last day on the cruise?” He nodded and we stretched. “I need to go to m
y room to get my stuff. And change.”

  “Ok. I’ll meet you in 15 over there.”

  I got off the bed, found my shoes and was almost out when his arms came around me.

  “Where's my morning kiss?”

  Laughing, I turned and kissed him.

  I rushed back to my cabin to get ready, and ten minutes later Elliot was knocking on my door, so we could go to Nafplion.

  Was it wrong that the last island I visited in Greece was the only one I could barely remember? It was beautiful and full of cobblestone streets, long staircases and blue sea all over, but all I could seem to recall was Elliot’s hands, our kisses, the stolen moments between sights and his company. After last night and our exposed feelings, everything became simpler. The day went by so fast that we caught the last ferry back, almost missing it.

  We had to go to dinner with his colleagues, but the difference was that Elliot was proudly holding my hand when we arrived, and he even stole a kiss between courses. Mrs. Chapman looked delighted by the turn of events, and all the men at the table kept giving Elliot a knowing smile. They spoke about meetings and numbers and the future of the cruise line, but all I could think about was the future of me and Elliot.

  I still had a semester in Edinburgh to finish my post grad program, but my plan was always to come back to London. If we took the high-speed train, it was a journey of four and a half hours, and if we took a plane, it was a little over an hour. We could begin this relationship slowly, until we were sure about each other, but distance would not be a problem.

  After dinner, we walked outside, enjoying the empty deck and the moonlight.

  “How are you feeling tonight?”

  “Fantastic. You?”

  He laughed at my phrase. “Really good.”

  We were looking at the water; the moon shining over the waves. A quiet lullaby to agree with our mood.

  “Listen, I know it is a little early, but how about we see each other when we get back? You still have a few weeks off, don’t you?”

  “I do. And I was thinking it would be lovely to spend some time with you in London. I promised my sister I would be over to visit her as soon as possible, so…”


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