Torment (Primal Progeny Book 1)

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Torment (Primal Progeny Book 1) Page 3

by Stacey Mewse

  Hunter nodded tearfully, raising his injured hand for his mother to see.

  Elise ignored her husbands raised eyebrows and amused headshake as she struggled to focus on the hand that was being waved under her nose.

  ‘Da – daddy m - made me better mummy’ Hunter sniffed, trying to be brave like his father had asked him to be.

  Elise nodded in response ‘of course he did honey that’s one of daddy’s jobs; but we still need to get you fixed up a bit more ok?’

  Hunter bobbed his head.

  ‘Mummy’s going to carry you home and we’re going to get that stinger out and get you into a nice bubbly bath.’ She continued.

  Hunter’s eyes widened for a fraction of a second. ‘S – stinger out?’ He queried, as panic began to in his voice.

  Elise nodded ‘yes honey, that little bee was very naughty but daddy will fix it for you ok.’

  Bruce nodded ‘that’s right little guy, I’ll make it all better just as soon as we get home.’ He didn’t give the boy time to respond to his statement, turning and walking away in the direction of the house and holding low hanging branches aside for his family as he went. He hoped that getting him home quickly would distract him enough that he would not have time to dwell on what ‘removing the stinger’ might entail.

  Bruce’s simple plan had been a good one. Hunter had watched open mouthed as his father moved away, and leant into the comforting warmth of his mother’s body. He found that the swaying motion of her walk made him feel sleepy and he had closed his puffy eyes, slowly sinking onto her.

  Noticing how heavy he had become Elise had looked down briefly at her young son and smiled. Hugging him tighter for a moment she kissed his forehead gently. ‘All that crying and adventure has worn you out hey little one?’

  Hunter nodded against her chest, admitting he was tired was not typical of him but after all the drama he was exhausted.

  Elise’s lips curved into a warm smile, her son was never tired!

  ‘Ok then soldier’ she said quietly ‘you can have a little nap after we’ve cleaned you up a bit, after your bath. Then later on I’ll wake you up and make you something special for dinner… How does some of daddy’s venison sound to you?’

  Hunter nodded lazily, he had learned his love of game from his father and liked nothing better than his mother’s venison ragu. Of course he only ever ate a small amount but he loved the rich sauce and the way he had to chase the slippery pasta across the plate to catch it.

  Little Hunter had not noticed when they made it back to the neat green grass of the garden. His eyes remained closed as his father swung open the door for them to pass through. He teetered upon the edge of sleep, distantly hearing the sounds of the door creaking and his parents hushed conversation. He stirred and briefly opened his eyes when his mother shifted her grip to push into the bathroom, but closed them again with a tired sigh.

  Ever so gently Elise crouched to the floor and twisted him around so that he sat facing outwards on her lap. She had seated herself with her legs folded under her with his little legs stretched out straight on top of hers. His feet barely stretched over the ends of her knees. The sight of his tiny brown boots bought a loving smile to her lips. She often marveled at how small he was, like a tiny carbon copy of the man she had fallen in love with.

  Hugging him close she had quietly called her sons name, knowing this would eventually rouse him. Behind her Bruce entered the bathroom quietly, sneaking across the room and crouching before his wife and son. Silently he waved a pair of tweezers in the air, pressing a solitary finger to his lips with his other hand.

  Elise nodded wordlessly in agreement; if they could get the job done whilst he slept it would be a lot easier for everyone.

  Bruce delicately lifted his son’s hand and turned it so that his palm was facing upwards. Looking at the angry red welt that was forming he shook his head. He had told the boy countless times not to venture into the woods, both of them had. Still, he supposed that sometimes you had to make mistakes to learn.

  Focusing all his attention on the tip of the stinger jutting from the reddened skin he got to work quickly. With one swift motion he snagged the end of the sting and jerked it free. Observing the way its barbed edge pulled harshly at Hunter’s skin he felt awful, but had no time to dwell on it as the boy snapped awake with a yowl of pain.

  Chapter 3

  Hunter slipped back further into the bathtub as his memories ran wild. Of course he remembered nothing of being carried back to the cottage or into the bathroom. He simply recalled being shocked back into wakefulness by a sudden pain in his tiny toddler hand…

  Sitting bolt upright in his mother’s arms his whole little body had gone tense, his hands curling into fists and his legs jolting.

  ‘Da – daddy?’ He whimpered, unclenching his injured hand and staring at it in shock.

  Bruce smiled as reassuringly as he could ‘yes buddy? It’s all done and you’re all better. Would you like to see?’

  Hunters eyes darted up to his father’s face, their red rims amplifying the green to look almost like clear coloured glass. He did not respond but for a shaky nod of his head, his podgy form edging forwards on his mother’s lap.

  Bruce’s smiled broadened ‘ok fella, well check this little thing out!’ He held the tweezers forward so that his son could get a better look at what was held between their prongs. Hunter shifted further forward and slid off his Elise’s legs, toddling forward a pace with outstretched hands.

  ‘AH!’ Bruce chided ‘you mustn’t touch!’

  Hunter sharply withdrew his hands and leaned his face in close instead. His puffy eyes widened and he stepped back quickly. ‘Poindy.’ He nodded ‘its sarp, hurted me daddy!’ he exclaimed with a very solemn frown.

  Bruce couldn’t help but chuckle, and then as a wicked joke he jolted the tweezers towards his stern looking son.

  Hunter squealed and fell back into his mothers lap with his arms circling like propellers.

  Elise scowled briefly up at her husband but could not help the giggle that escaped her lips, and soon all three were laughing away merrily.

  Bruce was the one who eventually broke the cycle, leaning in to ruffle his son’s hair as he stood and ambled towards the door.

  ‘It’s about time your mum cleaned you up a bit little chap.’ He called over his shoulder before closing the door behind him.

  Elise gently nudged her young son from her lap and set about getting a bath run for him. Whilst she bustled about laying out towels and grabbing some bath toys Hunter simply stood and watched. He enjoyed his baths and would never have kicked up a fuss, but that day he was simply too weary even to move to help her efforts. Usually he would have helped her by undressing, but even when she called to him to take off his dungarees he did not move.

  ‘Can you help me mumma?’ He asked, blearily rubbing his eyes.

  Elise turned to look at him stood in the centre of the room and a smile stretched across her lips. ‘Of course I can baby!’ She answered, turning off the taps and crossing the room to help him. His tired limbs were heavy and uncooperative, and it took a moment to get him free from his freshly torn dungarees. After a brief struggle with the uncooperative garments, he stood unclothed before her. She swung him up into her arms, lifting him gently into the bubble-topped bath water.

  Hunter simply sat and smiled up at her, swirling the water with his hands. Usually he would have splashed and giggled but not that day, tiredness was dominant in his little mind and his hand was sore.

  Elise busied herself taking a flannel and wiping the grime from his cheeks. Gently she dabbed at his grazes and scrubbed under his armpits.

  ‘Poo!’ she exclaimed, rubbing the tip of his nose with the sopping wet flannel ‘you stink!’ She made a show of holding her nose with her free hand.

  Hunter shuffled away from the dripping flannel and giggled. ‘No I don’t!’ He laughed, smashing his hands down into the water in an attempt to splash her.

  Elise jerked bac
kwards and poked her tongue out at him. ‘No you’re right, not anymore you don’t… But you did! You positively hummed! All that dirt and grime, a skunk would have been jealous of you!’

  Hunter poked out his tongue in return and scrambled to stand in the tub.

  ‘Well I clean now so I get out?’ He asked cheekily, his hands gripping the edge of the bath like little vices to steady himself.

  Elise looked him up and down, nodding dramatically. ‘Well yes, I suppose as you are sooo clean now we had better get you out of there before you turn into a giant prune!’

  Not waiting for a response she grabbed a towel and hoisted him up out of the water and onto the tiled floor. She rubbed him dry and patted on some talcum powder, dusting it all over him as he stood and shivered.

  ‘Cold little man?’ she asked, frowning slightly at his slow nod of a response. ‘Well we can’t have that can we, lets get you in some jammies for your nap shall we?’

  Hunter nodded as his mother picked him up once more, mumbling sleepily into her chest ‘yes please mumma.’

  Elise carried her tired son quickly into her bedroom, ignoring his swinging feet kicking against her. She set him down on the bed and pulled a tiny pair of pants and some thick red and blue pajamas from the chest of drawers next to the headboard. Hunter had laid back whilst her attention was diverted, his little eyes closed and his injured hand rested gently on his belly. She smiled and tickled his side gently with one finger until he stirred and his eyes drifted open.

  ‘Sit up for a second honey’ she instructed softly ‘we’ve got to get these on and then you can have a nap for a bit ok.’

  Hunter nodded lazily and sat up slowly, watching as his mother hooked the legs of the pair of pants around his ankles. She pulled him to his feet and tugged them up quickly, then rolling up the legs of his pajama bottoms and holding them out for him to step into. He put his diminutive hands on her shoulders to steady himself and lifted his feet one at a time to allow her to put them on for him. He wobbled a little as she pulled the waistband up to his belly and sat down heavily on her instruction. Within moments she had pulled the pajama top over his head and fed his arms into the sleeves. Smiling down at him she yawned widely ‘now you can have a sleep, and do you know you’ve worn me out, I think I might join you.’

  With that she slipped off her shoes and clambered onto the bed, curling up with her head rested daintily on the pillows.

  Hunter shuffled across the mattress and snuggled up next to her, smiling contentedly when her arm drew him in closer for a cuddle. He drifted into sleep rapidly, darkness wrapping him in an inky blanket as his breathing steadied and he curled closer to the protective warmth of his mother.


  Hours later Hunter had stirred, he did not know how long he had slept but his bladder was straining and he had to get to the bathroom. He was very proud that he was a big boy and that he was out of nappies for good, but he sensed an accident coming on if he didn’t get to the toilet quickly… He knew how much that upset mummy. Only once had he had an accident in bed, his mother’s reaction had been more than enough to ensure he was careful it had not happened again. He was a considerate little chap, and he had felt sad watching her vainly try to scrub the mattress for hours before hauling it outside in frustrated defeat.

  He turned to nudge the sleeping form of his mother and called her loudly, worry evident in his voice.

  ‘Mumma!’ He cried, patting her exposed shoulder with both palms repeatedly.

  She quickly stirred, sleepily propping herself up on one elbow ‘yes honey?’ she asked blearily.

  Hunter bobbed up and down on the mattress ‘I need to go to da barf room.’ He squirmed.

  Elise sat bolt upright and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. Grabbing him up in her arms she placed him on the floor and crossed to the door, which she swung open for him.

  ‘Come on then’ she beckoned ‘lets get you into the bathroom. You’re a good boy for waking me up.’ She brushed his cheek tenderly as he toddled past her into the hallway. Closing the door behind her she watched him as he went, not wanting to crowd him but still mindful that he could have an accident. She looked on with pride as he reached up to the door handle and swung it open carefully… He seemed to be growing so quickly. Tempted though she was to follow him, she was pleased that he had not requested her help and so she hung back.

  Inside the bathroom Hunter shuffled over to the toilet and pulled down his pajama bottoms and pants, kicking them off he clambered up onto the toilet and got there just in time. Humming happily as he went about his business, he then clambered back down carefully. Pulling the chain that dangled from the overhead cistern he called out to his mother for assistance, he could not yet reach the sink.

  Elise peered around the bathroom door and could not help but giggle. ‘What are you doing?’ She laughed ‘you’re half naked, you can’t be wandering around like that!’

  Hunter looked down as if he hadn’t noticed and bashfully tried to pull down the front of his pajama top.

  Elise moved towards him and picked up his discarded clothing from the floor. Separating the pants and bottoms she held each out in turn for him to step into and tugged them up sharply.

  ‘Would you like me to lift you up to the sink?’ She asked.

  Hunter nodded and turned around to allow her to grab him round his waist with her arms and hoist him up like she always did. He reached out his hands and turned on the taps, and as he was about to take the bar of soap a loud bang echoed throughout the cabin.

  Both he and his mother jumped at the sudden noise and the soap shot out of his hands to skitter around the sink basin.

  ‘It was just the door honey.’ His mother comforted. ‘Daddy must have opened it too hard. Get your hands washed and we’ll go and see what exactly he thinks he’s up to.’

  Hunter scrubbed his hands thoughtfully, making sure they were nice and soapy before rinsing them by darting them back and froth under the water streams. Allowing him his game for a moment Elise lifted him down and rubbed at his hands with a towel. Rolling down the sleeves of his pajama top she made her way toward the hallway, calling out to him over her shoulder. ‘Come on then lets go and find Daddy and make some dinner.’

  He didn’t need to be told twice, his belly was rumbling with hunger and he practically chased her out of the room.

  By the time he got to the doorway she had already disappeared from view but he could hear her footsteps moving into the lounge and followed dutifully. He thought nothing of it when her footsteps suddenly stopped. He simply kept going until he saw her, running into the back of her legs and throwing his arms around her knees.

  A hand snaked out behind her and reached down to grab his shoulder, she was silent and her body was rigid, her breathing ragged and shallow. Hunter looked at her hand clawing his shoulder and up to the back of her head, worry suddenly filling him. Something was wrong. He tried to move back from her but her fingers dug deeply into him, he wanted to make a sound of protest but no noise escaped him.

  Craning his neck he pulled at her sundress to get a better look around her. What he saw froze him in place, his muscles seizing in fright.

  In the centre of the sitting room stood his father, stock still and with beads of sweat rolling down his forehead from beneath his flat cap. His breathing was rapid and uneven, and in his hands was the shotgun, which Hunter knew was normally kept on top of the cupboards in the kitchen. His hands were shaking, the gun cocked on his shoulder wavering a little as he focused on his target.

  Following the line of the gun’s barrel Hunter saw his father’s target half concealed behind the sofa. It was huge and furred, its dense pelt bristling with rage. His eyes widened as the thing began to shift into the light. Its tan fur glistened with golden highlights in the evening sunlight pouring through the windows; and a rumbling sound boomed from its throat. It began to round the sofa painfully slowly, rising up from where it had been crouching half hidden and arching its neck to get a better v
iew of its quarry. One terrible clawed hand wrapped about the sofa’s edge and pushed it aside with ease, the rumbling sound it emitted intensifying. Its eyes darted around the room from one person to the next; slaver dripping from its jaws as it knowingly stared down the barrels of the shotgun. Recognition glinted in its eyes.

  Bruce glared at it, fear evident in the slight quaking of his limbs. But the need to protect his family drove him to stand firm. He was transfixed by the beast before him, not daring even a sideways glance at his wife and son in case it followed his gaze and averted its attentions to them. His finger twitched over the trigger but he had to wait, he needed a clean shot at its chest, a surefire easy kill.

  Without averting his gaze his voice was firm and commanding as he addressed his wife.


  The beast snarled and moved forward a pace.

  ‘I’m going to need you to grab the boy and run when I say.’


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