Torment (Primal Progeny Book 1)

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Torment (Primal Progeny Book 1) Page 11

by Stacey Mewse

  First he had taken her to a quiet country pub on the outskirts of the town, letting her caress his leg as they had sat in a dark corner. His nostrils had been filled with the scent of her arousal, and he had responded in kind. With a wicked smile that somehow came across to her drunken mind as seductive, he had placed her hand on the firm bulge at his groin. He had laughed quietly when she gasped and wrapped her fingers over it through the fabric of his trousers. Before she could move her hand however, he had lifted it away again and leaned in close to whisper into her ear that perhaps they should go for a walk in the starlight. She had nodded slowly, and seductively bitten her lower lip as he quickly rearranged his throbbing erection to hide it and stood to leave.

  They had not gotten far before she had stumbled into him and clutched a hand to her head, complaining of feeling peculiar. He offered to carry her and she had mumbled something into his chest, which he had not heard past her mouthful of his shirt. He had scooped her up into his arms and taken her down a dark country road and straight to the barn, luckily without detection.

  She had been easy to hoist into the restraints, and had only stirred once as he had lifted her arms to the overhead restraints and snapped the cuffs around her wrists. Since she had been secured in place he had observed her in silence, waiting patiently for the drugs to wear off of their own accord.

  Taking in every detail of her he had struggled not to touch her delicately tanned skin, and somehow had managed to restrain himself. It would be much more fun when she was fully conscious…

  Instead he let his eyes creep over her nearly naked body, pleased with his decision to remove her dress. Her underwear was rather conservative for his tastes. A simple padded white t-shirt bra encasing her voluptuous breasts, and a matching set of white hipster boy-shorts hugged the luscious curves of her rear. Although they were simple garments the white offset the golden tone of her skin beautifully, and he could see the faint bumps of her nipples through the fabric of the brassiere.

  As he looked at her dangling there before him he felt his groin stir to attention, whilst his mind filled with ideas of what he could do with her. His eyes slid over her limp form as he tucked his hand into the waistband of his trousers. He absorbed the curves of her body glistening with a fine sheen of sweat, as he tightly grasped the hot length of his throbbing manhood and groaned in pleasure as his hand worked at it. For a fraction of a second he closed his eyes, snapping them back open again as the sound of rattling chains rang through the air.

  Snatching back his hand he lent forwards in the darkness, she was waking… His game was about to begin.


  Lucy’s head ached relentlessly. Her ears rang, and her mouth was so dry her tongue stuck to her palate when she attempted to swallow. Pulling a face she attempted to rub her eyes and found her arms resisted her somehow. Frowning slightly she let her dry tongue snake out to lick her lips and tried again, startling herself with the metallic rattling that resulted.

  Half opening her eyes she rapidly screwed them shut again… Her watch must have caught somehow on her bed’s metal barred headboard … But since when had she ever slept with both hands flung above her head? … And why were her legs spread so far apart?

  How had she even got to bed in the first place…?

  Blinking heavily, like a newborn fawn, she forced her eyes to open, willing them to focus in the gloom. Only it wasn’t dark as she had expected but glaringly bright, almost blindingly so.

  She felt panic begin to rise in her chest and flung back her head to look at her hands.

  She wasn’t in bed.

  Her head fell back to a right angle and she found herself staring groggily at shackled hands… Her hands.

  Suddenly feeling very much awake she tried to look down at her feet, and found her head flopped forward onto her chest all too readily. Her bare chest. Her dress had gone; she was half naked and shackled. Her feet just close enough to the ground to allow her a clawing attempt at tiptoeing to support her weight.

  The realisation that she had been drugged hit her like a slap in the face. She desperately shook her arms and legs against her restraints in a feeble attempt to break free, filling the air with the harsh rattle and clank of the chains.

  That man! He had done this to her! He had drugged her and tied her up… Worse than that, chained her up.

  ‘Help me?!’ She croaked hoarsely, her voice denying her the volume she wished to reach. She tried again but in vain, nothing but a hoarse rasp uttering from between her dry, cracked lips.

  A quiet, masculine chuckle echoed around her, full of a strange mix of genuine amusement and sinister intention. Her eyes rolled in her head as she desperately tried to force them into focus, to discern where she was… Where the laughter was coming from. With muscles quaking from the effort she forced her head to rise sluggishly from her chest, her eyes wide but unseeing.

  Out of nowhere a freezing barrage of water cascaded onto her back, spraying over her shoulders and sloshing down her bare legs. With a small sound of surprise she attempted to lunge sideways out of the way, and succeeded only in throwing herself from her feet. Pain shot through her arms as her weight suddenly hit her aching limbs. Dangling from her restraints she grunted at the sudden pain, scrabbling frantically for a foothold as the cold liquid continued to beat onto her exposed skin. She barely noticed it was moving around her until the harsh spray splashed into her face.

  Screwing her eyes shut she flinched backwards and again lost her footing, squealing at the weight on her tightly shackled wrists. The cold metal bit into the soft skin there, pinching and burning. Her open mouth filled with water as the sound broke free from her lips, the barrage cold and painful on her tongue with the force of the spray.

  Gargling and spluttering she clamped her mouth shut. She knew without being able to see it that she was being hosed down, she had done it to the horses enough times to know. The spray remained on her face, deliberately following her heavy movements as she tried to turn her head out of the way, filling her ear and spraying up her nose.

  Coughing and spluttering she somehow managed to get back onto her tiptoes; panic filling her in a cold icy wave as the harsh stream of water was projected down her chest and onto her breasts. The pressure was rapidly adjusted and she cried out in pain as it stung against her nipples through the sodden cloth of her bra. She writhed and squirmed, clawing at the ground for purchase with the tips of her toes as the water sluiced from side to side and then lower and lower… Bucking backwards away from the stream as it crashed icily onto her groin and thighs, she again lost her footing and found her voice. She screamed as she toppled and her weight jerked on her tender joints.

  Another low-pitched chuckle rumbled through the air as she scrambled back onto her toes, puffing ad panting in pain. The chill water cut onto her goose pimpled skin with no respite. She whimpered feeble sounds of fright as the water again lowered its target, splashing at her legs and then tauntingly stinging at her toes. Then threatening to throw her off balance once again as she scrabbled her feet to try and avoid the pain.

  Then all of a sudden it was over, and she was left dangling and shivering fitfully, sobbing quietly as she finally dared to open her eyes.

  Her stinging eyes came slowly into focus as she blinked hard to expel the water that had forced its way in and clung heavily to her lashes. Cold and frightened she slowly lifted her heavy head and tried to take in her surroundings, very conscious of the sudden silence and tensely preparing her quaking body for another onslaught of water. Maybe it would be all right? Maybe he was just one of those kinky city types who she had heard about… The kind who thrive on control in the bedroom…

  Not remotely believing the frantic offerings of her terrified mind she still clung to the feeble idea in blind hope, her vision slowly coming into focus.

  ‘A – are we playing a game?’ Her voice cracked as she spoke, echoing hollowly around her.

  All hope began to fade as she fully realised she was not in a bedroom; t
he tattered wooden walls and distant piles of hay revealing the room to be a cavernous derelict barn… This wasn’t right.

  Something was seriously wrong.

  She could see no evidence of her captor and jumped violently when his reply to her question came from behind her. He whispered so closely into her ear that she could feel the heat of his breath on her face.

  ‘I am Lucy. ‘ He stressed the first word so pointedly that she could have no doubt as to his intentions.

  She jerked forwards in terror, throwing herself off her feet only for a strong masculine arm to wrap about her waist and tug her backwards. She grunted in protest, throwing her head back and hitting nothing but air. Another hand wound tightly into her hair until her scalp felt it would tear, and yanked back her head so that she could see only the ceiling.

  ‘Don’t play with me you little bitch.’ He hissed at her, still out of sight but his voice unmistakable. ‘This is MY game.’

  He pulled her hair back into him, pressing her squirming back onto the aching rod of his erection, and a scream tore from her lungs. Pressing his hips forwards he smiled and pulled her more tightly against him, her writhing drawing a low groan of animal lust from his lips.

  ‘Oh I’m going to enjoy this’ he muttered against her cheek, the sounds of her screams blotting out his words. ‘I have so much planned for you.’

  He jerked her back hard against his still growing erection, her struggles and desperate screams taking his sick arousal to new heights. Feeling her firm buttocks thrashing around against him, he moaned in ecstasy at the idea of what was to come and with a deep laugh he threw her forward off her feet. A crooked smile cracked across his lips as she lurched against the chains and wailed in agony and terror; desperately scrabbling to regain her footing.

  He never failed to surprise himself with just how much he enjoyed his little hobby; he never tired of their groans and screams…

  Chapter 12

  Inside the blue people carrier the three werewolves sat in tense silence. Each one understood what he or she should do upon their arrival, and the impending situation had their entire focus. Not once did any one of them try to break the silence, there was no place for idle chitchat.

  The car sped through the woodlands and out onto more exposed countryside roads so fast that Hunter couldn’t have identified where he was even had he wanted to. The roads were dark and foreboding, lit only by the stars and moon and the cutting beams of the headlights. Stones and dirt skittered under the tyres and dust billowed in the wake of the vehicle, as Tobias skidded around sharp turns and pushed up rapidly through the gears on straight stretches of road.

  Both Hunter and Eve clung tightly to their seats and lurched from side to side as the car swung around corners. Tobias did not pay heed to his passengers as he sped on his way, he was entirely focused on his destination and nothing could draw his inner wolf’s attention away from the situation at hand. It urged him on to fight the hostile intruder with a ferocity that could be clearly seen dancing behind his eyes.

  The male beta was as good as his word, and it took barely a minute for him to reach the main road; and just less than eight before the imposing shadow of the barn loomed on the crest of a hill in the darkness.

  All three visibly tensed at the sight of it, Hunter leaning forward in his seat to be greeted by a stony stare from Eve.

  ‘Be calm.’ She instructed firmly ‘this all swings on your ability to hold it together long enough to distract him. We need a clean shot at attack while he is unsuspecting.’

  Hunter nodded as the car ground to a slow halt about a quarter of a mile from the entrance of the barn. He had known they would have to keep a bit of distance to allow the others to change, but wished that the car could have inched a little closer. He did not dare to think what state Lucy might be in, and was struggling to keep his internal beast in check. As he quietly stepped out of the car and watched Eve slide out of the passenger door, it gnashed its teeth and thrust itself forward in his mind. Pushing him to change with an intensity that left the skin all over his body prickling, but he could not allow it. Pinching the bridge of his nose against the headache that threatened, he looked on as Eve and Tobias moved silently into the long grass at the roadside. He shivered against the cold as they lowered themselves down and lay concealed behind the vehicle that had taken them there.

  Out of respect he looked away when Eve pulled off her boots and began to hitch up her shirt. He knew from experience how painful the change could be and did not want to watch it happen to another if it were willingly forced. He had felt it so many times; he did not wish to see it as well. Though they both grunted in pain and he could hear their limbs squirming in the damp grass, he kept his gaze firmly planted on the silhouette of the barn.

  Slowly the sound of movement and the quiet noises of pain began to subside and he chanced a glance at the thick grass by the roadside. He turned his gaze just in time to see a large and well-muscled black wolf lurch to its paws and give itself a shake, sending droplets of dew flying from its dense pelt. The wolf inside him perked up its ears at the creature that stood before him, and he could not help the flare of his nostrils as he stared into its piercing blue eyes. Eve’s lupine form was equally as strangely beautiful as her human one.

  She stared coldly back at him as Tobias hauled himself upright and took a protective pace forward to stand beside her. His scruffy pelt was perhaps a shade lighter than his dusky blonde hair, and Hunter could not help but feel a little intimidated by the sheer size of him. His paws were enormous; almost the size of dinner plates and tipped with sharp black talons. He towered over Eve’s lupine form, and his gargantuan skull hovered at Hunter’s chest level as he scented the air; small puffing sounds issuing quietly from his muzzle.

  Hunter and Eve watched him as the fur on his nape bristled, his eyes narrowing as he jerked his head towards the barn to motion that they should move. Turning smoothly on his pads he sloped off down the roadside without looking back.

  Glancing at Hunter’s worried expression Eve nipped at his fingertips gently before turning tail and loping after her co-beta. Despite the mans obvious nervousness, she knew without doubt that he would follow. There was too much at stake for him not to.

  Hunter watched them go, hesitating for a moment to allow them time to get towards their positions. He noted how silently they moved despite their size and could not help but wonder how his own wolf would measure up next to Tobias. He had no idea how large he was in comparison, and found himself quietly grateful that they were on the same side.

  Once the pair of them had almost faded into the darkness he moved off, checking the car door was locked out of habit before he went. He moved as quietly as his clumsy human form in cumbersome work boots would allow. Crunching through the roadside grass, carefully avoiding the tarmac that was rapidly becoming a dusty, disused dirt road. The chill night breeze skittered across his back and ruffled his hair as he approached, sending a shiver across his work hardened skin. He was acutely aware that the wind direction was carrying his scent towards the barn and picked up his pace to a jog, fearful that Varulv would kill her and run.

  Every small sound seemed to echo through his head as he hurried towards his destination. There was no time to feel fear or upset, all he felt was his inner wolf insisting that he should change. There was danger ahead and he should change, he was stronger that way. He shook his head to clear it, ignoring the beast’s insistent ramblings; he had to stay calm and focussed… And human. He had no doubt that if he padded into the barn in lupine form he would have his throat torn out in a second. He had the element of surprise on his side in human form and he needed to utilize it. He was the distraction that would allow the others time to attack and he had to remain focussed. If only the wind would change and allow him a scent of what was in the dilapidated building ahead of him... He would have felt a little less tense if he could have at least smelled the faintest hint of Lucy. Or even the basic whereabouts of the creature he was about to face. Bu
t no, relentlessly the air battered into his back; announcing his presence as clearly as a neon sign above his head.

  Despite all his best efforts as the barn loomed closer and closer, Hunter felt his skin begin to burn. Within his clenched fists his nails bit painfully into his palms, growing ever longer and sharper. His wolf was desperate to break out and it took every bit of self-control he had to keep it within him. Lucy didn’t need to see him half changed and wild. She would need him to be strong and contained; and the human, protective male she had grown to love.

  He knew that she loved him and the thought burned in his mind as he stepped closer and closer to the towering wooden structure before him. It all seemed too coincidental; that Varulv would have chosen another human being who was a part of Hunter’s façade of a life to attack. How could they be so certain that a werewolf as ancient as he had no idea that he had created another in his image? It had all felt too much like a cruel stab at revenge. Revenge for the fact that he had dared to survive. Yet they had seemed so certain and perhaps fate was simply being cruel, but Lucy did not deserve this.

  Filled with a determination he had never dreamed he could feel; with rage flickering behind eyes set into a stony expression, Hunter stormed through the shadowy mouth of the barn doorway.


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