Alpha & Omega

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Alpha & Omega Page 18

by K. Webster

  “Alpha,” he murmurs as he approaches.

  With reluctance, I open my eyes but straighten my back to face my consequences like a man. “Sir.”

  “After much deliberation and pulling apart your file, they’ve come to a conclusion,” he says.

  Another ache seizes my chest and to ease it, I press my palm to it. God, I miss her.

  “Things are very complicated, son,” he sighs, “but you didn’t break any damn rules.”

  My brows rise in question. “That’s great news, Pallas, right? But I still don’t understand.”

  Pallas sighs and crosses his arms. “There’s an internal investigation going on. We have a major problem within the organization. Someone with their own agendas has been tampering with files. We will continue to work diligently until we find the source. Unfortunately, though, your files were tampered with as well.”

  I look at him in question.

  “Do you remember your name?” he asks.

  Connor. Last time I uttered the word, I nearly lost Lark.

  “No,” I lie.

  He rolls his eyes at me. “Lying’s a sin, Connor.”

  I swallow the lump in my throat. “Pallas?”

  “Yes, son?”

  “Am I her Connor?”

  Instead of answering me, he slaps his palm to my forehead, and I begin to feel all of my thoughts and memories disappear. I’m powerless against him when my body becomes lighter and an empty darkness fills my head. Soon, everything fades and I feel much like I did upon waking in HEA that first day—the day where my life as Alpha began.

  “Goodbye, Alpha.”

  WARM SUNSHINE ON my skin wakes me from my slumber, but I can’t seem to open my eyes. My whole body aches, especially my back. Was it the fall down the stairs?


  Each eyelid feels like it weighs ten pounds as I attempt to lift them. When I finally open them, I’m confused. Am I in a hospital?

  The window facing me reveals a green yard, and I spy a swing set.

  Where am I?

  Dragging my line of sight from the window, I look over at the wall in front of me. Someone stenciled a part of an Edgar Allan Poe poem on it—Annabel Lee, to be exact.

  But our love it was stronger by far than the love

  Of those who were older than we—

  Of many far wiser than we—

  And neither the angels in Heaven above

  Nor the demons down under the sea

  Can ever dissever my soul from the soul

  Of the beautiful Annabel Lee

  So beautiful.

  A noise from the bedside table startles me—singing coming from a baby monitor. An angel singing, I think. As the sweet voice of a girl begins singing “Jesus Loves Me,” a tear rolls out of my eye.

  Who is the sweet girl singing?

  Three framed photos sit behind the baby monitor. A familiar ultrasound picture. My baby.

  Am I in Heaven?

  Beside it is a picture of Connor and me on our wedding day.

  I’m most certainly in Heaven.

  The third picture confuses me. A family.

  My family.

  My green eyes shine happily as I hold the hand of a little girl no more than six years old as she sits on the shoulders of a certain blond-haired, blue-eyed man. Connor Miller.

  Reaching over, I snatch the picture up and bring it close to my face to inspect it. The picture is perfection. If this is Heaven, I never want to leave.

  Please, God. Don’t make me leave.

  I run my thumb across the picture to see if it’s real. The glass feels cold. Hard. Real. Then a hand slides over my bare belly and I freeze.


  I don’t even want to imagine who could be under the blanket beside me. But as the thumb strokes my stomach, I know. God, do I ever know.

  “Good morning, Connor,” I whisper as silent tears stream down. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  He lifts his head from under the blanket and grins a goofy smile at me. “What? You missed this morning breath?” he laughs as he attacks my lips with his.

  His taste.

  His smell.

  His skin.

  All Connor.

  My Connor.

  A sob pierces the air, and he sits up, alarmed, narrowing his blue eyes at me.

  “You’re crying. What’s wrong? Don’t blame it on pregnancy hormones again. Are you hungry? I’ll make you some food.”

  Pregnancy hormones?

  I rub a hand over my barely swollen belly. “I’m pregnant?”

  His eyes dart back and forth between mine as he attempts to understand what’s going on in my head. Then he purses his lips together in concern but nods.

  My eyes fall to my bare chest and belly. The star tattoos are gone. The sweet, pink bow tattoo is gone.

  I’m in Heaven for sure.

  “Lar, you’re scaring me. What’s going on in that head of yours?” Connor questions.

  His eyes are so blue. My mind briefly remembers the ones so black, and I close my eyes.

  “Nothing, Connor. Everything will be just fine. I love you,” I tell him with a smile as I reopen my eyes.

  He beams at me and lowers his body over mine, this time kissing me with slow reverence. Is this what Clarence meant? That I would be with my family again? I know I didn’t dream everything—the deaths of Connor and my baby, Alpha finding me, and eventually losing him. It was real.

  “I’m going to make love to my gorgeous, pregnant wife,” Connor murmurs between kisses.

  The room spins at the prospect of having my husband back.

  I nod my head in slow agreement and he doesn’t hesitate before pushing himself into me. My eyes black out from the pleasure, and all I see are stars.

  Six beautiful stars.

  “You’re a star, Lar. I love you so much,” Connor breathes against my lips as he makes love to me.

  “I love you too, big boy.”

  My body feels like a live wire—full of electricity—as my orgasm slices through me. This orgasm doesn’t belong to me though. It belongs to us. Connor groans as he joins in on an orgasm shared by two people—two married lovers who own the key to each other’s souls.

  And what about Alpha?

  Alpha is in there somewhere. I’ll never let go of that piece of him inside me.

  “I could stay here all day making love to you, woman, but someone has to feed our daughter,” Connor chuckles as he climbs off me.

  I close my eyes as I hear him pad off to the bathroom. Our daughter. That will never get old.

  “Mommy!” a sweet voice chirps from the doorway.


  My eyes jerk open and I look over at the blond-haired, green-eyed little girl in the doorway. A perfect mix of Connor and me. I pull the covers up over my chest as she runs around to my side of the bed.

  “Give Mommy a hug,” I smile.

  When her small arms wrap around my neck, I want to melt. I love this little girl, even if I don’t know her name. She’s mine. My daughter.

  “I love you, Mommy.”

  “I love you too, sweetie.”

  “Al and I are going to have Oreos for breakfast. Lark, you should eat something healthy for the baby.”



  He’s here!

  Relieved tears fill spill over, but I’m confused.

  “Alysson,” Connor instructs, “why don’t you go pour us some milk?”

  She releases me and with excitement bounds out of the room.

  Alysson is Al.

  A pain aches in my heart, but I try to push it away.

  Connor watches me from the doorway of the bathroom. He’s wearing a pair of pajama pants now, but he still hasn’t put a shirt on. The man is handsome as ever, and I’ve missed him so much. But then I notice a scar on his ribs and stare at him in puzzlement.

  “Where’d you get the scar?” I demand.

  His brows rise playfully as he smirks at me. “Would you believe a Mex
ican gangster shot me?” he jokes.

  “Daddy, I spilled some!” Alysson shrieks from the kitchen.

  When he turns away from me to stride toward the bedroom door, I die. I seriously die when I see his back.

  The most beautiful angel wings are tattooed over the muscles there. Wings I gave to him.

  “Alpha,” I barely whisper with my hand over my mouth.

  My blond-haired husband looks over his shoulder, and I swear his blue eyes are almost black.

  “Time for breakfast, Twiggy.” He winks.

  Before he leaves the room, I call out to him. “Wait!”

  He turns my way once more with a brow raised in question.

  “Are we in Heaven, big boy?”

  His smile is so beautiful that it lights up the entire room. “No, but this sure is close.”

  The End.

  A Note from the Author

  I hope you enjoyed Alpha & Omega.

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  Thanks a bunch!

  Omega & Love

  Coming Soon . . .

  Chapter One


  Six months after joining HEL Enterprises . . .

  “HARDER, OMEGA!” VIV screams as I pound into her from behind.

  This chick is all woman. Curvy hips. Full lips that can work magic on a cock—my cock in particular. Blond hair ripe for pulling. She’s a sexual beast, but she still can’t keep up with my ongoing carnal needs. She’s a champ for trying. I’ll definitely keep her around for a while longer.

  I slap her white ass hard and smirk at the red handprint that immediately begins to color her flesh.

  “I’m coming!” she cries out.

  After grabbing a handful of blond hair, I roughly yank her head back. “Not yet, baby.”

  She whimpers, but I feel her relax the walls of her pussy and let go of the orgasm she wanted so badly to give in to. To reward her for her obeying, I reach to her front and begin massaging her clit as if I’ve been doing it my whole life.

  “Please, Omega,” she begs as her sweaty body rocks against mine.

  I groan when I feel curls of pleasure deep from within me. I guess I’ll I grant her wish. “Now,” I bark and jerk once again on her hair.

  “Oh, God!” she moans as her body quivers wildly, finally giving in to her need for me.

  The way her pussy squeezes my cock sends my orgasm pumping into her. I thrust a few more times and revel in the way my balls slap her bare pussy. This woman feels damn good. Almost as good as the one who will be here later.

  When I pop her on the ass once more for good measure, she slides off of me and purrs over her shoulder, “You’re amazing.”

  I laugh at her words as she crawls away from me and lies down on her back on the bed. With her blond, curly hair spread around her on the black, satin sheets, she looks every bit a Playboy model. Huge tits quiver with each overexerted breath she takes, and her flat stomach begs to be licked.

  “Don’t get too comfortable, Viv,” I grin. “Lacey is coming by in an hour. You know how she feels about threesomes. Time to skedaddle.”

  Viv’s big, blue eyes widen like saucers. “Omega . . . I thought you and I were something special. We fuck just about every day. I think that’s pretty incredible. Dare I say it’s love?” she teases.

  I freeze at her words.


  The vilest word in the English language. It also happens to be the name of the Devil’s favorite plaything—the woman who crushed my soul.

  I hate love.

  I hate Love.

  Fury glides through my veins like a rush of heroin. “Get the fuck out and don’t come back.”

  “What?” she asks in shock as she sits up. Her lips form a pout, and if I weren’t so fucking pissed right now, I’d bite the bottom one.

  “Don’t make me say it again, baby.”

  She stares at me with hurt-filled eyes as I climb off the bed. Then I shake my head at her and storm toward the bathroom.

  Over my shoulder, I spit out, “Viv, when you leave, don’t come back. I’m tired of your skanky ass. You bore the hell out of me.”

  A shocked gasp is the last thing I hear before I slam the door shut.

  * * *

  “Someone has their panties in a wad,” Gabe taunts loudly with a grin as I enter the bar and stride toward him.

  I flip him off as I slide into the booth across from him. This is one of the things I love about HEL. We get to pretty much do whatever the fuck we want. There are no rules. Rules were made for breaking. As long as we do what’s for the good of the company, they reward us with whatever our heart desires. And tonight, I desire a Jack and Coke shared with a friend.

  “I go commando, remember?” I smirk as he pushes my drink over to me.

  We met not long after I moved over to HEL. His suite is beside mine, and we’ve been known to throw a couple of kickass parties.

  “Don’t remind me. I’d like to forget that tan ass of yours. But seriously, how is your ass that tan? Do you have a tanning bed in your room? I’ll tell Corson to order me one. I deserve it,” he says smugly.

  I fight the laughter that threatens to burst from me as I remember the night he got a glimpse of my ass. That night, I was balls-deep in hot, black-skinned model who was visiting from Nairobi. The woman had shorter hair than I do but was a wild beast in bed. Gabe burst through the door thinking someone was getting murdered only to see my ass clench as I came all over her back.

  “Your albino ass would burn,” I chuckle before I sip my liquor.

  He scoffs at me. “Shut up, asshole, and stop calling me an albino.”

  “Man, your skin’s as white as snow. Where are your seven dwarves?”

  This time, he flips me off.

  “Uh oh,” he groans. “Viv just walked in.”

  Earlier, before I texted him to meet me at the bar on the fifth floor of our building, I briefly explained to him about what she’d said. He knows how much I hate Love and what that word does to me. I could barely stay hard for “Loves to Lick” Lacey. She ended up sucking me off and then leaving shortly after.

  “Is she coming over here?” I question, staring into my glass.

  “No, she’s walking over to a table of guys. But fuck, we need to leave,” he says urgently.

  The moment he utters out his words, I know. I know exactly why we need to leave.


  I can feel her presence before I even see her. She’s magnetic like that, and I fucking hate that about her. From all the way over here, her seductive perfume twists and curls through the air toward me like wild tendrils of ivy. I’m enveloped in her scent, and I want to puke.

  “Shit. She’s walking over here,” Gabe curses under his breath.

  Gabe’s a good friend, and I’m pretty sure he’d do anything for me. I trust him even if he does look like a fucking vampire. His dark hair dips down in a widow’s peak on his forehead, and his eyebrows are perpetually furrowed as if he always means to scowl. He could pass for fucking Dracula, but the man is harmless. Loyal. And funny as hell.

  “Why the fuck is she coming over here? Didn’t the bitch get the message? We’re over. If I recall, she’s the one who made that call six months ago,” I growl.

  Gabe sympathetically shakes his head but turns on the sugary, fake charm when she reaches our table. “Sweet Love, so nice seeing you here. Where’s your boyfriend?”

  She clicks her tongue in annoyance. “You mean your boss? Luc’s in his office. And he’s not my boyfriend. I just please him when he needs it.”

  “Him and everyone else,” Gabe murmurs loud enough for only me to hear.

  “What’s that, Edward?” she snaps.

  I stifle a laugh at her vampire reference—not because it isn’t funny, but because she doesn’t deserve my laughter. She deserves nothing from me. I won’t even fucking look at her. I’m about to pass out from holding my breath so I don’t have to smell her into
xicating scent.

  “Omega, Luc wants to see you,” Lovenia mutters cautiously to me. It’s the first time she’s spoken directly to me since she told me that she’d used me for her own personal gain. Her voice, like before, winds its way through my core and niggles at my heart.

  I hate her voice.

  “About what?” I grumble as I eyeball a piece of ice in my glass.

  An exaggerated sigh rushes from her, but I ignore it and wait for her to continue. She doesn’t need me to look at her to tell me what he needs.

  “Fine. Be a child. He wants to talk about your next assignment. In fact, he wants to talk to the both of us. Together.”

  This time, I do look at her. Her perfectly manicured hand rests on her cocked-to-the-side hip—a hip I held on to many nights as I made love to her body. I hate that hip.

  Finally, I drag my gaze along the swell of her luscious tits in her fitted, red dress, all the way up to her brown eyes. One of her eyebrows is raised as she waits for an answer.


  Her nostrils flare angrily as she shrieks, “No is not an answer you’re allowed to give! You’ve been summoned. With me. Whether you like it or not. Now get your big ass out of that booth and follow me.”

  I slam my drink down on the table and slide out of the booth. Once I’m standing, I tower over her curvy frame. She lifts her chin in faux bravery and glares at me. I hate myself because I have the urge to taste those perfect lips of hers. Those same lips that made promises her heart never kept.

  Stepping forward until my chest brushes against hers, I look down into her mocha-colored eyes. She smells so goddamned good. Before I do something stupid, I press a finger against her chest bone and push her away from me. Her eyes widen at the fact that I touched her, but she quickly schools away her surprise.

  “You, Love”—I point in her face—“Don’t have the luxury of telling me what to do anymore. Your lying ass can follow me to go see Luc, not the other way around. And please don’t talk to me unless you absolutely must because you fucking disgust me.”

  With that, I briefly meet the nod of approval from Gabe before turning on my heel and stalking away from her. The click of her heels following behind me lets me know she understands the rules.


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