Every Time We Say Goodbye

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Every Time We Say Goodbye Page 20

by Colette Caddle

  ‘Were they having an affair?’

  ‘Yes, although she maintains it was much more than that. She said that Dominic was planning to leave me and marry her.’

  Helen frowned. ‘Was he, Marianne? You never said anything.’

  ‘I never said anything, Helen, because he never even mentioned her,’ Marianne said. ‘He seems to have told her nothing but lies.’

  ‘That’s incredible.’ Helen sat with her coffee and listened in silence as Marianne explained about how Dominic had persuaded Barbara to sell her house, dangling the carrot of a life together in a new country. ‘I almost feel sorry for her,’ she said at the end of it.

  ‘There’s more.’ She could hear Marianne sigh. ‘Barbara’s pregnant.’

  ‘No!’ Helen gasped.

  ‘So she says. We left soon after that. I didn’t know what to say; I just had to get out of there.’

  ‘I can understand that. How long did the meeting go on?’ Helen added casually. ‘Only I tried to call Johnny and couldn’t get hold of him.’

  ‘Less than an hour but he was rushing off to another meeting.’

  Helen had to work hard to keep her voice light. ‘I tried your phone too but no luck there either.’

  ‘Oh, did you? I was a bit flustered after all of that and forgot to switch it back on. I never got a message saying you’d called but then Andrew’s dropped that phone so many times it’s a miracle it works at all.’

  Helen froze; she knew this woman well and knew when she was telling a lie and she was. She had to take a deep breath before she could manage to reply. ‘Kids, eh? You sound amazingly calm for a woman who’s just met her husband’s pregnant girlfriend.’

  There was a small hesitation. ‘I’m not upset that he had an affair, Helen, and you know that if he’d asked me for a divorce I’d have happily agreed and wished him luck. But a child; that’s knocked me for six, to be honest.’

  ‘I can imagine.’ Helen couldn’t continue the conversation a moment longer. ‘Marianne, sorry, must go; I have scones in the oven. We’ll talk again tomorrow. You take care, try not to worry.’

  ‘Oh, I need to go myself; there’s someone at the door.’

  ‘Johnny! What are you doing here? Your wife’s just been on; she’s been looking for you, you should call her.’

  ‘I will, I will.’ He came in, shooting a quick look around. ‘Are you alone?’

  ‘The kids are in bed and Dot’s gone to visit a friend in hospital. Why? Is something wrong?’

  ‘No, it’s just I’ve been completely distracted all day. I keep going over things in my head and so much of what Barbara said just doesn’t make sense.’

  ‘You know, I’ve been the same,’ Marianne exclaimed, although in her case, her distraction was as much down to Rob. ‘Cuppa?’

  ‘I’d prefer a real drink but I suppose I’d better behave.’

  Marianne put the kettle on and then turned to face him. ‘So, tell me, what doesn’t make sense?’

  Johnny sat down, stretched out his legs and crossed his arms across his chest. ‘Well, if Barbara thought you knew all about her and she thought that her money was in one of Dominic’s accounts, why didn’t she come and confront you before now?’

  ‘She didn’t confront me at all; she responded to Kate’s texts,’ Marianne reminded him. ‘But good point.’

  ‘And the business about the phone . . .’ Johnny shook his head. ‘I think there’s more going on than meets the eye but I can’t quite figure out what.’

  ‘I know and I agree. Perhaps when we’ve had a night’s sleep things will seem clearer.’

  ‘Have you had a chance to check out his phone at all?’

  ‘No, Dot had only walked out the door when Helen phoned and then you arrived. I’ll check it out later. I think Barbara was shocked to hear that I knew nothing about her, and that Dominic hadn’t asked for a divorce.’

  ‘Yes, agreed, and if I were to give her the benefit of the doubt, she has probably been grieving for Dominic and may have only just realized that the money was missing. It would account for why she agreed to meet you so quickly; she was afraid you had got your hands on it.’

  ‘And if he’d told her I was a total bitch then she was probably quite worried about that,’ Marianne agreed.

  ‘I’ve arranged a meeting with my solicitor for Monday week. Have you heard anything from Matthews and Baldwin?’

  ‘No. I thought about calling Matthews but then I figured that if I seemed anxious, it might make me look guilty,’ Marianne admitted as she carried two mugs of tea to the table.

  Johnny laughed. ‘I know what you mean, but I think you should set up an appointment with him for that afternoon.’

  ‘And deal with both of them on the same day? I’m not sure I could handle that, Johnny.’

  ‘I’m afraid you’ll have to if you want me to go along; I’m tied up the rest of that week. Besides, the sooner you tell them about the phone and Barbara the better. It will show that you are being proactive in trying to help them recover their money; that’s important.’

  ‘You’re right. I’ll call and set it up,’ Marianne said, feeling panicky at the rate things were moving.

  ‘It will all be clearer after we’ve had a chat with Eddie.’

  He yawned and Marianne thought how weary and pasty-faced he looked. ‘Is everything okay, Johnny?’


  ‘You know if you have too much on your plate, I can see the solicitor alone . . .’

  ‘Not at all; it’s no trouble.’

  ‘Something’s bothering you, though.’

  ‘Well, my friend, Christy, isn’t the best.’

  ‘I’m sorry.’ Marianne went to the worktop for her packet of antacids.

  ‘What are they?’ he asked as she popped two in her mouth.

  ‘Indigestion tablets.’ She pulled a face. ‘I think Dominic’s final parting gift may be an ulcer.’

  ‘Give us one.’

  She handed the packet over. ‘Why, what’s up?’

  He shrugged. ‘Something I ate isn’t agreeing with me.’

  ‘I thought you didn’t look well. Go home to Helen, Johnny.’

  He drained his mug. ‘Okay. Do you have the paintings ready?’

  ‘I do, they’re in the office.’

  ‘Holy God!’ Johnny said when he saw the stack of paintings of all shapes and sizes resting against the wall. ‘I’d no idea he had this many.’

  ‘Seventy-four,’ Marianne told him excitedly. ‘I know he paid over a thousand for some of them.’

  ‘He didn’t!’

  ‘If he admitted that to me, then he probably paid more.’

  ‘Remember, what he paid and what they’re worth now are two completely different things; some of them may well have increased in value but others could be worthless.’ Johnny held up a small painting and turned it this way and that. ‘Never been able to make head nor tail of modern art myself; I think the people who pay thousands for it have more money than sense.’

  ‘I know nothing about art or its value, so it looks like we are putting our trust completely in your friend’s hands.’

  ‘I’ve known Frank since I was a boy and believe me, we can depend on him; a better man you couldn’t meet. Dear God, that’s ugly!’

  Marianne laughed as Johnny grimaced at the abstract he was holding up. ‘I’ve always hated that; it’s like something from Crime Scene Investigates.’

  He put his head on one side and screwed up his face as he studied the painting that consisted of red and black lines, blotches and a yellow circle. ‘What the hell is it supposed to be?’

  ‘No idea.’

  ‘Don’t you just know that’s the one that’s probably worth the most,’ Johnny sighed.

  ‘Funny you should say that. Dominic always said to me: if I croak it first, sell the painting but hang on to the frame; it’s worth a lot.’

  ‘It doesn’t look that special to me,’ Johnny said, looking dubious.

  ‘Still, tell yo
ur pal Frank that if he wants he can have the painting but to give me back the frame; I’ll put a nice photo of Dominic and the children in it instead.’

  ‘I’ll take it off now,’ Johnny said.

  ‘I tried, Johnny, but I couldn’t and I was afraid I’d damage the painting.’

  ‘Fair enough; I’ll leave it to the expert.’

  They carried the paintings out to the car and then after saying goodbye, Marianne went back inside and closed the door. She took Dominic’s phone from her bag and returned to the kitchen. Rob had called and left a message while she was talking to Helen and she was itching to phone him back, but she was also curious to check Dominic’s last calls and texts. She’d do that first and then she would be able to relax when she was talking to Rob. She was still in a state of excitement after their special few moments on the canal bank. It had been such a strange day of highs and lows. The thought of Barbara’s pregnancy and its repercussions frightened her but the idea that perhaps Rob might still love her filled her with happiness.

  She forced herself to concentrate on the phone and put everything else on hold. The first thing she did was to go to his photos; Barbara had said there were some personal ones there. She flicked through a few of Dominic alone. They all seemed quite businesslike; he was in his suit and wearing a formal smile. There were a couple of Barbara but they were slightly blurred and she wasn’t as neat and tidy and conservative as she’d appeared this morning in the hotel. And then there were some of Dominic with that telltale look in his eyes. Marianne sighed. She may have stopped loving him but it still hurt to see him so wasted. It was inconceivable that Barbara hadn’t noticed it. When it came to the extent of Dominic’s addiction she was either lying to them or to herself.

  After studying the photos for a few minutes she turned her attention to the text messages. She was disappointed to find they were all quite innocuous but realized that Barbara must have deleted anything personal. She thought for a moment and then searched out Dominic’s replies; if she was a woman in love she would find it difficult to delete loving or tender messages. But although Marianne found funny and flirty texts, there were none that could be described as romantic or loving. Feeling slightly deflated, she skimmed the other messages and went through the phone history but could find nothing of note. There was nothing much to tell Rob but . . .

  She picked up her phone and called, smiling when he picked up on the first ring. ‘Hi, it’s me.’

  ‘Hello, you.’

  She could hear the joy in his voice and imagined him stretching back in the chair, hands behind his head and the phone tucked under his chin. ‘I enjoyed our lunch.’

  ‘Me too, although I enjoyed the afters more.’

  She grinned. ‘The walk was nice.’

  ‘Oh, yes,’ he said. ‘I enjoyed that too.’

  ‘You haven’t changed.’

  ‘Neither have you.’

  Marianne clutched the phone closer. She couldn’t believe she was talking to Rob again; it was as if they’d never been apart. ‘I’ve checked Dominic’s phone but there’s nothing much of interest.’

  ‘That doesn’t surprise me; she would have deleted it all first.’

  ‘But she wasn’t expecting us to ask for it . . . oh, damn it.’


  ‘I knew something was bothering me all day. She went into the loo just after we asked for it and was gone for a while.’

  ‘There you go, then.’

  Marianne sighed. ‘I may as well give it to Dominic’s boss; he might recognize some contacts that I don’t.’

  ‘Good idea. Give it to him and put it out of your head for the moment; there’s nothing more that you can do.’

  ‘You’re right.’

  ‘I’m always right – had you forgotten that?’

  ‘I had, silly me. So, let’s talk about you for a change. Is there a Mrs Lee?’ she asked, keeping her tone light but anxious to hear his answer.

  ‘No Mrs Lee,’ he confirmed.

  She could hear that he was pleased she’d asked. ‘Tell me about your life.’

  ‘Not much to tell. I’ve been concentrating on work and the last few months I’ve been engrossed in designing the house with the architects; I’ve really enjoyed that.’

  ‘You were always creative.’

  ‘Was I?’

  ‘Yes. Do you still listen to jazz?’

  He laughed. ‘I do. Do you still go to those depressing musicals?’

  ‘They’re not depressing!’

  ‘They bloody are,’ he retorted. ‘It was the one plus about not being able to go out together in public; you couldn’t drag me along to one.’

  ‘I must check out what’s on at the moment,’ Marianne laughed.

  He was silent for a moment. ‘So, you wouldn’t mind being seen with me?’

  ‘Not at all,’ she said.

  ‘That’s nice to know.’

  ‘Are you sure you want me working for you, Rob? Is it a good idea?’

  ‘I’m very sure and it’s an excellent idea; I never have bad ones.’

  ‘Ah, I’d forgotten how modest you were,’ Marianne smiled.

  ‘I’ll send you over the job offer and contract tomorrow.’

  ‘Great. I’ll get it back to you as soon as I’ve read it.’



  ‘I enjoyed today.’

  It had been one hell of a morning, Marianne was still in shock at the thought of Barbara having Dominic’s child but her overriding memory of today would be sitting on Patrick Kavanagh’s bench kissing Rob Lee. ‘Me too. Goodnight, Rob.’

  ‘Goodnight, Marianne; sweet dreams.’

  Helen was in bed when Johnny got in. She wondered whether she should pretend to be asleep, sit up and interrogate him or just carry on as if everything was okay. The decision was taken from her hands; Johnny didn’t come looking for her. She could hear him move around, the clink of a glass as he poured himself a whiskey and a squeak as the door to the study closed. They never closed doors in this house, there was no need to; or there hadn’t been. Feeling miserable and worried, Helen lay thinking, her eyes tight shut, long after Johnny had climbed into bed next to her.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Jo finished tidying the kitchen and decided to change all of the bed linen. It was after eleven on Sunday morning; Greg was off golfing, Rachel had gone to dance class and Di, having made a mountain of French toast, was back lazing in bed, texting her friends and listening to music. It was time she got up; Greg went mad when he came home and saw her still wandering around in skimpy pyjamas. And there was a party on tonight that she had been talking about for weeks; Greg would be delighted to have an excuse to ground her. Joanna sometimes tried to pinpoint when her husband had turned into such a killjoy. He had always been conservative and serious but they had still had laughs. Now with every day that passed he seemed to grow more and more like his bitter, sour-faced mother.

  With a resigned sigh, Jo went upstairs and tapped on the door of her daughter’s room. ‘Di, you’ve got five minutes to get up. I want to change the—’ She stopped as she pushed open the door and saw the tousled bed was empty. She ducked out again and paused outside the bathroom. ‘Di?’ There was no answer but she heard the distinct sound of retching and she immediately went in and groaned when she saw her daughter on her knees in front of the toilet. ‘Oh, my poor love!’ She quickly moved to Di’s side and held her hair back out of the way.

  Eyes watering, Di sat back on her heels. Jo rinsed a face cloth, rung it out and handed it to her daughter.

  ‘Thanks.’ Di smiled and cleaned around her mouth.

  Jo put a hand on her daughter’s forehead but she didn’t seem unduly warm. ‘What’s brought this on, I wonder? Did you eat anything when you were over at Sarah’s last night?’

  ‘No, Mum, I’m fine. It’s just I’m wearing that thin cream top tonight and I didn’t want to look bloated. I really should cut out white bread; it always has that effect, do
esn’t it?’ she added thoughtfully.

  Jo stared at her. ‘You made yourself sick deliberately?’


  ‘But that’s ridiculous, darling; you should never do that!’

  ‘But why not?’ Di asked, looking confused. ‘You do it.’

  That evening after Di had left for the party and Greg and Rachel were watching a wildlife documentary, Jo sat pretending to read a magazine, still reeling at her daughter’s words. She hadn’t known what to say, how to handle it and ended up just telling Di not to be silly and to get washed and dressed before her father got home. There was a commercial break in the programme and Greg looked across at her. ‘Make a cuppa, love; are there any of those brownies left?’

  She stared at him for a moment and then stood up. ‘You’ll have to get it yourself, I have to go out.’

  ‘At this hour? Where?’

  She searched her scrambled brain for a reasonable excuse. ‘I completely forgot that I promised to help Marianne and Dot with the packing. I should have been there hours ago.’

  ‘There’s no point going all the way to Howth now, it’s almost nine,’ he protested.

  ‘I’m sure there’ll still be plenty to do and it would be rude not to.’ She dropped a kiss on Rachel’s hair. ‘See you later,’ she said and slipped out the door before Greg came up with any more arguments.

  Jo didn’t really have any idea where she was going; she just knew she had to get out of the house. Without thinking she turned north and drove along the coast, Di still uppermost in her mind. Her daughter had not understood why her mother was upset; vomiting up food that would make her bloated or fat made perfect sense to her. She’d seen her mother do it so it must be okay. Jo felt consumed with guilt.

  By the time she started to pay attention to where she was going, Jo was in Sandymount. She thought of stopping and going for a walk across the beach but it was dark, starting to rain and she’d left without a coat. And so with a sigh she decided to head on out to Howth; it would be hard to explain if Greg found out she’d lied.

  Marianne opened the door and smiled. ‘Jo, what a nice surprise and great timing too.’


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