The Independent One: A Billionaire Bride Pact Romance

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The Independent One: A Billionaire Bride Pact Romance Page 8

by Cami Checketts

  She and Taz were heading down to the beach after lunch when Taz tugged her toward the glass front doors of the hotel. “Mama, can we go see the forest?”

  He pointed across the street at the trails leading up into the forested area of the island. She wondered if it was smart to go into those trees, but there were plenty of people traversing the trails and Haley loved to climb as much as Taz. At home in Colorado they went hiking at least once a week. “Sure, but you have to hold my hand.”

  Taz sighed dramatically and placed his hand in hers. Haley shifted her beach bag higher on her shoulder, waited for a golf cart to drive past, then ushered Taz across the street and up a steep trail. Within a few minutes they were high enough they could see the top of the hotel and the beach beyond. Birds twittered and the warm sun filtered through the tree branches.

  “I like this, Mama.” Taz tugged her higher up the trail. “Can we live here?”

  “On the island or in this jungle?” Haley laughed. Whenever they went on vacation Taz wanted to move and couldn’t understand that they had a business and family back in Colorado.

  “The island. We could live in the hotel with Cal.”

  The mention of Cal brought a rush of heat to Haley’s face. She’d missed being with him today, even though she was still mad that he hadn’t trusted her enough to tell her he was part-owner or to tell her some ghost was stalking her. Why did all men have to turn into jerks? She’d really thought Cal was different, but she didn’t know him well enough to surmise that.

  “It’s just vacation, sweetie. We have to go home to Mama’s work, Papa, and Uncle Isaac.”

  Taz nodded his head. “I miss Papa and Unca Isaac, but Mama.” He stopped and turned to face her. “Don’t you get sicks of working all the times? I like when you like me more than your store.”

  His dark eyes studied her with an intensity that ripped at Haley’s heart. Did she neglect her son for her work? She thought she had a good balance, but obviously in a five-year old’s eyes work took priority. Squatting down to his level, Haley wrapped her hands around his little arms. His skin was so soft and she loved every bit of him. “I like you so much more than my store. Mama works because she has to make money to take care of you. To pay for our house and food and go on vacations like this. Does that make sense?”

  Taz’s eyes said it didn’t. He shrugged his shoulders. “I guess. I like to eat. But if we stayed here, Cal could just pay for that stuffs.”

  Haley forced a smile. She’d fought and scrimped since Taz’s birth to take good care of her son and Cal had done a better job in two days than she had in five years. How had Cal become such a part of her son’s life so quickly? “No, he couldn’t, bud. I’m your mama so I take care of you.”

  “But why couldn’t Cal be my daddy? Ryan and Joshie both have daddies and they say they’re lots of fun. Like Cal.”

  Haley swayed. Maybe she should stop squatting. She stood and lifted Taz off the ground, squeezing him close. “I love you, Taz. I’m sorry you don’t have a dad, but we have each other.”

  He kissed her cheek. “I love you, Mama. Maybe we can find a daddy later.”

  “Maybe.” The thought terrified her. Even if she fell in love with someone, someone like Cal, how would she know if it was the right thing for Taz? She wasn’t some dumb nineteen-year old this go-around, and she would make sure to protect her son, even if it meant shattering her own heart, but she’d be hard-pressed to find anyone as cute as Cal was with Taz. Dang him. She reminded herself that she wasn’t even speaking to Cal, and she shouldn’t remember all the things she liked about him. The sparks of his touch, the way his smoky blue eyes studied her, the way his dimples deepened when he smiled, the strength of his body, or the way his kiss had rocked her world. Oh, crap. Time to stop thinking about Cal.

  Taz struggled to the ground. Haley sensed movement to her right. A man stood next to the trail. He was a nice-looking blond, probably in his early thirties. Haley felt like she’d seen him before, but she didn’t know where. It was a small island with only the one hotel and the small beach houses that she’d learned were for the employees of the hotel and other businesses. She’d probably seen most people who were staying here.

  “Hi!” Taz called.

  The man nodded a greeting, but didn’t move or speak. Suddenly Haley remembered. He was the guy who had been watching her the day they arrived at the hotel, after Taz fell down the stairs.

  Haley offered a quick smile. “Hello.” When he still didn’t respond, just kept looking at her with an almost unblinking stare, she reached for Taz’s hand but only grasped air. Haley spun around. Oh, crap. Where was her boy? She caught a glimpse of his blue shirt up the trail. “Taz!” she screamed.

  He turned around. “Hurry, Mama, this is cool.”

  Haley ran up the trail. Before long, she was gasping for air and her legs burned, but she wasn’t about to let her son get into dangerous territory. The tour guide on the ferry had said there were drop-offs in these mountains and areas that were off limits.

  Taz’s blue shirt disappeared and Haley heard him cry out and then silence.

  Oh, no. Oh, no! Her legs were about to give out, but she pushed on. Reaching the summit of the hill, she screamed as a huge cliff yawned beneath her. “Taz!” Her little boy. Had he gone over? Help, please help, she begged in a quick prayer.

  “Mama?” Taz appeared next to her side. “Isn’t this cool!”

  Haley dropped to her knees and pulled him back away from the edge. She gulped in oxygen, her heart thudding out of control. “Taz,” she panted. “You scared me.”

  “Oh, sorry, Mama. I was just a-hikin’ and I fell on a rock so I kinda cried.”

  Haley shook her head, holding him close to reassure herself he was okay. He hadn’t gone over the edge.

  “But look, how beautiful it is.”

  Haley finally did look and it was a breathtaking view. The mountains were green and lush and the valley below them was filled with trees and flowering plants. “It is pretty.” She stood on still trembling legs and tugged Taz even farther away from the edge.

  A hand on her shoulder startled her. She screamed and clung to Taz. Turning, she faced the same man who had been watching them.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, his voice slow and melodic.

  Haley nodded vigorously. “Yes, thank you. We’re fine. He just scared me, but we’re fine. Thanks. We’re going to go swimming now.” She had no idea why she was rambling on and telling this guy anything, but he made her nervous.

  The man studied her like he’d done a few minutes ago. Haley grabbed Taz’s hand firmly and tugged him back down the trail. “You ready to go to the beach, buddy?”

  “Yes, lady, I am!”

  Haley’s smile became genuine as they hurried down the trail. A quick glimpse behind her confirmed what she’d feared. The man was still watching them, his hazel eyes determined and cold. A chill passed through her. At least he wasn’t following.

  Haley’s head was pounding when Taz finally tired of the beach and said they could go find some dinner. They’d eaten the leftover salad and pizza for lunch, reminding her of Cal all over again. With no desire to go out to eat, it was either more pizza or peanut butter and honey sandwiches from the food she’d packed in their suitcases. Maybe she should do something completely out of character and order room service. She hadn’t spent much beyond gas and some grocery money on this trip. Then she remembered, Cal had put five-hundred dollars on her room service tab. Dang that man. How could she be grateful to him, attracted to him, and ticked at him all the same time?

  They entered the room and Haley made sure all the locks were secure then took some ibuprofen and gave Taz a bath. After a serious talk about him staying on her bed and playing a letter game while she showered, she hurried to scrub all the salt and chlorine out of her hair.

  Taz was perched on a chair leaning over the master bedroom’s balcony when she exited the bathroom. “Taz!” Running in only her towel, she scooped him up in her
arms. “Honey. You have to be more careful. I thought we talked about this. Can I not even shower without worrying you’re going to hurt yourself?”

  “I sorry, Mama. I really sorry.” Taz’s lips drooped in a pout.

  “It’s okay, love. Don’t climb on the balcony, okay?”

  “Okay. What’s we eating?”

  “Shall we order room service?”

  “Can I get a hot dog?”


  He planted a kiss on her lips. “You’re my best, Mama. I love you so much and so much and so much and—”

  His declaration of love was interrupted by a rap on the door. Taz scrambled from her arms and raced for it. “No, wait.” Haley tried to keep the towel tucked above her chest as she ran after him. He yanked the door open, which also automatically opened the dead bolt. She could have sworn she put the chain across. Taz had probably undone it during her shower. She needed to chat with him about safety without scaring him too much.

  The waiter who had brought her the strawberry daiquiri on the beach stood next to a rolling tray filled with covered dishes. Haley could smell fresh-baked bread and some kind of delectable grilled meat scent.

  “Ms. Turnbow?” The blond young man glanced over the parts her towel didn’t cover then focused on her chest.

  “Yes.” Haley tucked the towel in tighter, wishing she’d wrapped up in a beach towel instead of one of these tiny bath towels.

  “I have a dinner delivery for you.”

  “We didn’t order anything.”

  “Mr. Johnson took care of it.” He winked and licked his lips. “Can’t say I blame him.”

  Haley bit her lip to keep from responding to that. She stepped aside as he rolled the cart in and unloaded all the trays onto the table and counter.

  “When you’re done, just leave the trays outside your door.”

  “Wait. Let me get my purse and…”

  “No ma’am.” The guy finally met her eyes and grinned. “I wouldn’t dream of taking,” his eyes flicked over her body again, “your money.” He mockingly saluted her and walked out the door. Haley was happy to see him go.

  Taz was already uncovering dishes and shouting out the contents. Haley glimpsed a three layer chocolate cake that looked delectable. She started to shut the door when she noticed a large body in the hallway. A small scream escaped and she slammed the door closed. Looking out the peephole all the air whooshed out of her. “Oh, Cal.”

  He said something to the waiter then stood there looking at her door like he didn’t know if he dared knock, especially after she’d just slammed the door. Seeing that tough man looking so uncertain tugged at her heart.

  Slowly, she pulled the door open and gave him half of a smile. “Thank you for dinner.”

  He nodded, but didn’t smile. “I thought you’d probably be tired after playing with Taz all day and not want to go out.” He didn’t add, with me, but she felt it.

  “So you watched me again today?” She didn’t feel the anger she’d felt last night. Honestly, she wasn’t sure where she was at right now. She was an independent businesswoman and a single mom, she took care of herself and her boy, but at the same time it was nice to have him care about them and want to watch out for her like her dad and brother tried to do. Honestly, Cal was pretty hard to resist.

  His eyes flicked over the towel pressed against her body then dipped to her legs before he met her gaze. “Yes, ma’am. I watched you closely.”

  She didn’t know why that made her smile and why his eyes checking her out appealed to her when the waiter had made her want to run and hide.

  “Can you forgive me?” He drummed his fingers against his dress pants.

  “For what?” Haley tilted her chin up.

  “All of it.” Those intriguing blue eyes focused in on hers and Haley had to remind herself to breathe.

  “The dinner was a very nice gesture.” She pulled a face and dragged out her answer. “Maybe I’ll forgive you if…”

  “What?” He leaned closer.

  “You’ll eat dinner with us.”

  He finally smiled and the tension dissipated. “I could do that.”

  She clutched the towel tighter. “And could you buy some bigger bath towels for this hotel?”

  Cal’s smile grew and the dimples deepened. “I am making no promises there.”

  Haley stood back and he walked through the door.

  “I’m going to go change.” She backed toward the master suite.

  “I think you should stay the same wonderful person you are today.”

  She stuck out her tongue at him. Taz dropped a half-eaten French fry and threw himself at Cal. “Where was you today? It was boring without you.”

  Haley rolled her eyes. All her work at being fun couldn’t compete with Cal. She started to worry about the understandable attachment Taz was developing to this man. They’d go back home in a few days and both of their hearts were going to suffer. Would Cal be interested in seeing them again? She hurried to her bedroom. Cal’s voice came from behind her, “That’s a fabulous look for you, by the way.”

  Haley’s cheeks warmed. She chose not to respond.

  After dinner they watched the newest Captain America movie on the big screen in the living room. Taz jumped and cheered with each swing of Captain America’s shield. Finally, he snuggled up between them on the couch and by the end of the show was asleep. Cal shut the movie off and smiled at her. “I never knew watching a movie could be so fun.”

  “Everything’s fun with Taz.”

  “Everything’s fun with Taz’s mom.”

  She bit at the side of her lip. “Thank you. I’ll, um, just go put him in bed.”

  “I’ve got him.” Cal swooped Taz into his arms and carried him into the extra bedroom. Haley hurried ahead and turned down the covers. Cal settled her son into bed, brushing his fingers over his cheeks. Haley bent down and kissed Taz’s soft cheek. “Love you, buddy.”

  “He’s the cutest little boy,” Cal said from behind her.

  Haley grinned and straightened to face him. “That was the girliest thing I think I’ve heard you say.”

  “Hey, I was complimenting your kid.”

  “And sounding like a wussy in the process.”

  Cal took a step closer to her and Haley backed away, unable to not tease him a bit. He kept advancing and she kept backtracking until she was up against the wall.

  “Say I’m not a wuss.”

  “Or what?”

  “Or I’ll… tickle it out of you.”

  Haley grinned. “Not ticklish.”

  Cal arched his eyebrows. “That sounds like a challenge.”

  He feathered his fingers along her abdomen. Haley did not feel one bit ticklish—warm, tingly, wanting to kiss this man—but no desire to giggle.

  “You really aren’t ticklish?” He bent down closer to her and his musky scent filled the air.

  “Never have been.” Her breath was coming in short puffs.

  Cal stopped trying to tickle her and wrapped one large hand around her waist. He lifted his other hand and trilled his fingers along her neck. Haley gasped.

  “Ticklish?” he whispered, bending so close his breath was warming her cheek.

  “No,” she rasped out.

  “What’s going on then?”

  Haley’s eyes narrowed. Two could play at this game. She trailed her fingers along his chest and watched him tremble. “Ticklish?” she asked.

  “Not even close.” Cal brushed his lips along her chin and down to her neck. “How about you?”

  Haley grasped his broad shoulders and urged him closer. “If you don’t stop that I’m going to attack you.”

  Cal looked up at her with a grin. His lips slowly came back up until they were centimeters away from hers. “Attack me? This I’d like to see.”

  Haley kissed him. Fire raced through her body as his lips manipulated hers with passion and tenderness. She pulled back. “You won’t see it, but you’re going to feel it.”

sp; Cal chuckled heartily. She cut him off by pressing her lips on his again. Haley had no clue how much time had passed when Cal reluctantly pulled away and muttered, “I’d better let you get some sleep. I know you didn’t get much rest last night.”

  Haley appreciated his thoughtfulness, though she’d rather keep kissing him than sleep. “I hate to see you and your lips go.”

  Cal chuckled. “Believe me, both of us hate to go.” He took her hand and they slowly walked to the door. “Thank you for a fun night.”

  “Thank you. The food was delicious.”

  He stopped at the door and studied her. “The kisses were more delicious.”

  Haley giggled. “I love it when you talk like a wuss.”

  “Why, because I’m such a manly man and have no wussy tendencies?” He flexed.

  Haley laughed and grabbed his bicep, loving the feel of the muscle underneath her palm. “That’s exactly what I was thinking. Toughest man I know.”

  He puffed his chest out. “Am I really?”

  “No.” She shook her head and laughed as he deflated. “My brother, Isaac, actually is.”

  “Dang. Bested by the brother. At least the brother can’t kiss like I can.”

  Haley chortled. “That is a horrid thought.”

  “Kissing your brother or kissing me?”

  She took a step closer, resting her palms on his chest. “Kissing my brother. Kissing you is the stuff of daydreams.”

  “Oh?” He cocked an eyebrow. “Maybe we’d better make some of those come true right now.” He claimed her lips with his own and Haley clung to him as his kisses lit up her world. This was much better than any daydream she could conjure up.

  When they came up for air, he said, “I’d like to meet him.”

  “Who?” Haley couldn’t think clearly with him having just kissed her.

  “Your brother.”

  Feeling like he’d just thrown a bit of cold water in her face, Haley straightened. “Really?”

  He tilted her chin up and gently kissed her. “Yes, really. And your dad.”

  “They can be kind of intimidating.” He wanted to meet her family? That didn’t gel with her fears of this just being a vacation fling.


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