Just for the Summer (Chasing Carolina #0.5)

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Just for the Summer (Chasing Carolina #0.5) Page 6

by Danielle Jamie

  I tell him professional or not, I’m so going to beat his ass. I love go-kart racing. It’s one of my favorite things to do besides miniature golf when my friends and I go out.

  After waiting in line, in which Chase signs a few autographs for some kids, seeming to make their year by chatting with them and signing their pamphlet for the go kart track, we finally get to pick our cars at the Slidewayz Track. This place has a variety of tracks to choose from. I’m excited to race on this one, and hopefully a few others. There’s even one where you get to race in mini versions of a NASCAR car!

  I pick the go-kart just behind Chase and buckle myself in, quickly getting myself all situated. I’m ready to see Chase in his element and having fun. I feel like I’m seeing a part of him not many get to see, and it makes this date that much more amazing.

  “Hey! You ready to eat my dust?” I shout at him.

  He spins around and gives me his best game face. It’s adorable how seriously he is about go-karts. “You sure can talk the talk, Myers, but can you walk the walk?”

  I shake my head at him using my last name. He is so in the moment right now it’s highly amusing. I just pray I can beat his ass fair and square, because if I do, I am going to victory dance all over the track.

  Rolling my eyes, I push my eyebrows together and purse my lips up at him. “You can just wait and find out. Whatever you do, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  The guy running the go-karts comes over the loud speaker, telling us they’re powering our cars up, and instantly, they rev to life. They’re so loud I can’t hear anything but the roaring vehicles around me.

  Finally, we get the green light, and I press my peddle to the floor and shoot off towards Chase. I launch forward with so much force my body gets pressed against the seat. I can’t contain my laughter as people behind and beside me bump into my car, but I continue to maneuver around the track, keeping them from getting around me.

  I shout towards Chase, doubting he can hear me, “I’m gonna catch you, Kenzington!” I love how his last name sounds on my lips. Almost as amazing as his lips feel pressed against mine.

  I see his head shake side to side as he jerks the car from one side of the lane to the other, maneuvering around kids and adults alike. I mirror his actions, passing everyone too. As I pull up right behind him, my body is humming with excitement as adrenaline pumps through every inch of me.

  “Hells to the yeah!” I shout as I jerk the wheel, bumping into Chase’s back tire, causing his car to skid towards the tires lining the track. I get just enough space to scoot around him. I turn my head to look up at him, and so wish I hadn’t, because his crystal blue eyes sparkle down at me while he gives me his mega-watt smile. I become distracted just long enough for him to shoot back by me.

  “Damn you, Chase Kenzington, and your way-too-cute smile!” I shout at him as he peers back at me laughing. He is such an ass!

  If I didn’t know it before, I do now; I have it bad for this guy.

  After we do a few more laps around the track and have fun passing each other, we get serious for the final lap. No more playtime. I put on my game face and don’t hold back. I run anyone and everyone out of my way, even the dad with his kid in the kart, racing beside me. I know…it’s not my proudest moment, but I’m determined to win!

  With the checkered flag flying ahead, I floor it as fast as my car will go and find myself right beside Chase. I’m screaming with excitement as we race towards the finish line. We pass over it side-by-side, tying.

  Seriously?! I’m a little disappointed, but I guess tying with a soon-to-be professional NASCAR driver is still pretty good bragging rights.

  Climbing out of my car, my body feels numb from all of the excitement I’m feeling. My legs feel like Jell-O as I walk towards Chase. He reaches his hand out and I take it, but instead of walking beside him, I tug on his hand, pulling him to me. Releasing his hand, I wrap mine around his neck and bite my lip as I gaze up into his bright, playful eyes.

  His hands slide into the back pockets of my shorts as he pulls me flush against him. Images of us in a similar position to this just last night flashes through my mind, and I can feel my cheeks heat.

  Leaning down, he presses his lips to my ear. “You’re adorable when you get flustered,” he whispers before pressing a kiss to my neck. I shiver as his soft lips tickle my skin.

  “It’s your fault. You get me flustered every second of the day.”

  “Then I must be doing something right.”

  Sliding my fingers into his hair, I lean up on my tip-toes, giving him a soft peck on the lips. I don’t dare do more than that, since this is a family place.

  “Thanks for bringing me here tonight. This was so much fun. I may not have made you eat my dust at the end there, but I’ll settle for a tie.”

  Chase lets out a low, husky chuckle that vibrates against my chest. “You’re a feisty one. I felt bad for that poor kid you ran off the road…well, only for a second, because I did the same thing more than once trying to outrace you.”

  I bite back a smile as I draw circles on his neck with the tips of my fingers. I love touching him. Every chance I get, I find my hands on his body one way or another. “So what do you have planned for us next?” I ask as I slide out of his embrace and lace my fingers with his as he leads me off the track.

  “You’ll just have to wait and see,” is all I get out of him, and I know there’s no use prying, because he loves leaving me in suspense.

  WE SPENT TWO MORE HOURS at NASCAR Speedpark, miniature golfing and go-karting. I am having such an amazing day with Chase that I’m dreading the point when we’ll have to say goodnight and part ways.

  We just grabbed a quick dinner at Broadway Bill’s Bar & Grill, and now we’re heading down to the water to walk along the shoreline. It’s already almost ten, but I am trying to prolong this day as long I can. It has been by far the best date of my life, and the most fun I’ve had with a guy since I don’t even remember when.

  I have my flip-flops in one hand and holding Chase’s with the other as we make our way down the beach. It’s dark, with the only light coming from the stars and the streetlights that line the boardwalk. There’s no one else on the beach, so we have the entire place to ourselves.

  Chase and I have been talking about our favorite movies, childhood cartoons, and vacations we’ve taken. I love seeing this side of him. He’s so sweet and funny. Every second I spend with him makes the idea of walking away at the end of the month that much harder.

  I’m not stupid. I know what we have right now is just for the summer, but I plan on making the most of it. Every girl dreams of having a hot summer fling they can look back on. I know deep down no summer will ever compare to this one.

  I hope once we do say goodbye that we’ll still keep in touch over texts or Facebook; there’s no reason we have to break all ties. I know it would break my heart to never see or speak to Chase ever again. I push away the negative thoughts clouding my head and try to focus on just us right now.

  Tugging on our entwined hands playfully, Chase pulls me closer to him so he can press a kiss to my temple. This is the perfect way to end our day, walking together on the beach, listening to the waves roll in.

  “So what’s your major in school? What does Ashlynn Myers want to be when she grows up?” he asks me with a flirtatious smirk as the pad of his thumb rubs circles on the back of my hand.

  I can barely think straight with his scent tickling my nose and the feel of his lips still tingling on my temple. He makes it impossible for me to ever focus when I’m around him.

  I feel silly telling him my major, when he’s on his way to becoming the biggest name in Nationwide Racing. “I’m majoring in English and Literature. My dream is to one day be able to write full-time. I love reading, and have always dreamed of being an author one day, with my books being read by millions around the world.” I keep my eyes down at our feet, watching the cool waves roll over us before washing back out to sea.

Chase stops walking and gives my hand a gentle squeeze. “Ashlynn, look at me.” I let out a shaky breath and lift my eyes up to his. “When you talk about your dreams, I want to see your face light up and hear the excitement of the possibilities that are waiting for you in the future. Don’t ever talk about your dreams as if they’re crazy or not good enough. I think if you set your mind to it, you’d be a wonderful writer, and I hope maybe you’ll base an extremely sexy character off of me some day. ”

  Wrapping my arms around his waist, I pull my body into his and try to hide the smile on my face. I’d be past embarrassed if he knew I started writing a sexy romance novel with him in mind.

  I can’t help but laugh, because I’ve actually been working on something since we got here. I’m only two chapters into it, but the male character’s looks are based on Chase’s. Like I said, he’s burned into my brain and I can’t escape him, even in my writing. “What if I really, really suck and no one has ever told me?”

  Reaching out with his free hand, he cups my chin and tilts my face up to his. “I seriously doubt that. One day, when you’re famous, I’ll track you down and get a signed paperback from you. Mark my words—you will achieve your dreams, Ashlynn.”

  I’ve never met a man who captivates me the way he does. He is handsome, but there are many good-looking men in the world. Hell, we have a plethora of smoking hot guys at the University of Georgia, but there’s just something about Chase’s face. Everything about it, from his light scruff to his beautiful blue eyes, and his perfect lips I could spend every waking second kissing, has me falling for him.

  To hear him talk about my dreams, letting me know he believes in me, means more to me than he’ll ever know. Evan, from the moment we started dating my freshman year, had constantly told me I was wasting four years on a degree that’d lead me to nowhere but living with my parents. He told me I should go a ‘more prestigious’ route, either majoring in Psychology or a Medical Degree.

  I hate it’s making me emotional hearing Chase talk like this, telling me he believes in me and my dreams. I blink away the tears threatening to fall. Thank God it’s dark outside so Chase doesn’t notice.

  To Evan, my goals were nothing but a childish pipe dream, and not a real career, like his Law Degree he’s working towards. For a while, I allowed his negativity to get to me, but over the last four months of being away from him, I’ve used writing as a form of therapy. I’ve written one or two short stories about cheating, asshole boyfriends getting exactly what they deserve, and it made me feel a million times better.

  “You don’t know how much it means to me to hear you say you believe in me. So many times I’ve been told I am wasting thousands of dollars a year on a gamble, instead of building stepping stones towards a successful career. If I fail as a writer and end up homeless, at least I know I’ll sell one copy to you.” I laugh up at him.

  “Those people are idiots. Plain and simple. And for the record, I’d buy a million copies.”

  There goes my heart again, pitter-pattering against my ribs like it’s doing the freaking Irish jig.

  Chase slides his hands into my back pockets and gives my butt a squeeze, making me squeal as he leans down to kiss me. Before his lips can touch mine, I wiggle out of his grasp and run down the beach laughing.

  “Hey! Where are you going?” he calls as I run ahead towards the long fishing pier. The waves are crashing against the large wooden beams that hold the pier up.

  “Come here,” I tell him, holding my hand out.

  I toss my sandals onto the sand and walk into the water. It’s chilly, but the air is warm, making it feel good on my legs as the waves crash against my shins.

  “You seem to like it when I chase you,” he whispers into my ear as he comes up behind me, hugging my back into his front. I melt into his embrace.

  “I wanted to get you somewhere private, where no one can see us,” I tell him as I lay my hands over his resting on my hips.

  He presses kisses to my neck as he murmurs against my skin, “Is that so?”

  My body becomes blanketed in goose bumps as his hands move to my waist and slide under my tank top. His warm hands on my stomach make every inch of my body awaken, and the all too familiar ache between my thighs from last night returns.

  “God, every time you touch me, I swear I lose all sense of reality,” I whisper as I slide my fingers between his and tilt my head, giving him full access to my neck. His mouth is kissing, licking, and nibbling a blazing path along my neck to my ear. The second his tongue flicks my lobe, the heat from his kisses warms me, causing my core to tighten as I crave him to touch me everywhere.

  “Baby, you ain’t felt nothin’ yet.” Within seconds, Chase has me spun around, and he grips my hips as he presses me against a wooden beam. It’s cold and damp, but the heat exploding between us is more than enough to keep me warm.

  I wrap my arms around his neck, fisting his shirt at his shoulders, pulling him down to me. Our kiss is intense and all-consuming, unlike the soft, sweet, and passionate one we shared last night. Our continuous flirtation throughout today has built up this tension between us. A small peck here and there, teasing and taunting each other, has led us to this moment.

  Right now, my head is consumed with thoughts of Chase, forcing all other thoughts and worries to fly free into the night. All I care about is kissing this man and relishing in the feel of his arms around me and his body pressed against mine.

  A low growl comes from Chase as his hands find my ass. He gives it a squeeze and grinds his hips into me. I can’t contain the moans escaping my lips. I’m holding onto him for dear life, fearing if I let go, I’ll be washed out to sea.

  Last night was amazing, but this kiss has me practically falling apart the second his mouth hits mine.

  I squeal into his mouth as I feel him lift me off the ground, and instinctively, I wrap my legs around his waist. I’ll probably end up with a million splinters in my back, but I don’t care. Right now, the only thing I care about is the orgasm building inside me.

  Taking control of our kiss, I slide my tongue into his mouth, gently licking inside and twisting my tongue with his. Letting myself go, I begin meeting Chase’s thrusts, feeling my orgasm building as he grinds into me, causing my jean shorts to tease my sensitive clit. I’m so close I feel as if I’m going to die if I don’t climax right now. It’s intense, making every muscle in my body tighten with the anticipation of what’s to come.

  I tighten my legs around his waist and come hard. Holy shit…this is without him inside me?! I squeeze my eyes closed and pull away from his mouth so I can bite down on his shoulder—which, by the way, is solid freaking muscle—as he flexes his upper body while holding me up against the pole.

  He buries his face into my neck and begins sucking, sending my head spinning as I shudder against him.

  “Fuck, Ashlynn. You are making me lose my goddamn mind.” His voice is low and gruff as he carries me towards the sand. We’re still under the pier, shielded from the boardwalk in a cloak of darkness.

  “Umm, I don’t even know what to say.” I giggle nervously as I hide my face in my hands. I’ve never done anything this crazy in my life. He just dry humped me against a fucking pole on a public beach!

  “You’re so cute when you get all bashful.” He sits down on the sand and takes my hands, pulling them from my face as he pulls me down onto his lap, making me straddle him. His erection is bulging in his shorts, and I shudder as I think about how it’d feel thrusting in and out of me.

  His hands slide up and down my back as he flutters kisses over the swells of my breasts peeking out of my tank top. “Fuck…you don’t know how bad I want you right now, but I can’t…not here, not like this.”

  What? Has a guy ever turned down sex? I admit I told him last night not to expect us to hook up any time soon, but damn it, he has me all worked up! So I’m willing to break a few of my own rules. He’s worked hard enough to convince me just to go for it, have fun, and live in the moment.

>   “Chase, listen. I know I told you last night I didn’t know if I could be a bed buddy, summer fling, or whatever the hell you wanna call it, but I’ve changed my mind. I want to do this.”

  He stares up at me with the most breathtaking smile on his face, sparkling brighter than the stars twinkling above us. “Baby, believe me, I really wanna do this right now too, but you deserve better than beach sex and sand in your cooch.”

  I immediately burst out laughing. “Did you really just call my vagina a cooch?! You’re so cute, even when you’re bruising my ego.”

  His arms tighten around me and his face turns serious. “Listen to me, and listen good, Ashlynn. If I was the asshole Chase you met a few days ago, don’t doubt for one second I wouldn’t be stripping your clothes off and fuckin’ you right here on the beach, not caring who saw us. But I like you and care about you. To me, you deserve better than this. I don’t want you for one single second to think I’m not having sex with you right now because I don’t want to, because I’m pretty sure the raging fuckin’ hard-on in my shorts is telling you otherwise.”

  Well, then. If I was turned on before, I’m way past frickin’ turned on now.

  “Okay. When you put it that way, it sounds all romantic. Who would’ve guessed you, Chase Kenzington, have a romantic bone in your body?” I tease before leaning down and kissing him again.

  His hands squeeze my hips. “We better go before I lose what little self-control I have left,” he whispers against my lips before giving me one more kiss. Lifting me off of him, he stands and brushes the sand from his butt while I brush off my legs and grab my flip-flops.

  Reaching out for my hand, he laces his fingers with mine and wraps our entwined hold behind my back, sealing me to his side as we walk in silence to his truck, just enjoying being with one another and the peacefulness of the beach.


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