Just for the Summer (Chasing Carolina #0.5)

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Just for the Summer (Chasing Carolina #0.5) Page 13

by Danielle Jamie

  L.A. traffic is horrific right now. After sitting in traffic for thirty minutes, I’m finally able to park my Jeep alongside the curb. I fix my hair and makeup in the visor mirror before grabbing my purse and jumping out. The streets are buzzing with people everywhere. Starbucks is packed as I make my way inside.

  Getting in line, I pull out my phone and scroll through Facebook to pass the time before I’m finally called up to place my order. After ordering my coffee flavored Frappuccino, I step off to the side and wait for it to be made. Of course being my usual clumsy self, I foolishly try to text and walk, and end up crashing against a tall hard body. Looking up I mentally cringe.

  Of all the males in the Los Angeles area, I have to run into Logan Sanders.

  Kill me now please.

  “Whoa…Brooklyn.” He says reaching out and grabbing my arms.

  Letting out a loud sigh I give him a fake smile, “Oh, so sorry about that.” Holding my phone up I tell him, “Texting and walking, seriously the most dangerous thing on the planet.”

  Nodding he lets out a nervous laugh, “Sure is. So, how have you been?”

  The last thing I want to do is have small talk with this douchebag.

  Dropping my phone back into my purse, I grab my coffee that was just set on the counter. Turning back to Logan, I decide he’ll learn sooner or later, so maybe me telling him will finally get him to leave Savannah alone for good.

  “I’ve been great. Super busy with filming and packing up our house. I actually just finished up about thirty minutes ago, so I stopped here for a coffee on the way to my parents’ house.”

  Raising an eyebrow he gives me a questionable look, “Packing? Where are you moving to? Savannah’s moving, too?”

  Shifting my weight onto my right foot, I take a sip of my coffee as I glance towards the exit. I just want to get as far away from this man as fast as I can, before I can’t resist the urge to knee him in the balls any longer.

  “Yeah. Our landlord was letting us lease month by month since we’ve been there two years so, thankfully, he let us move. We are in need of a change of scenery. We’re both sick of the L.A. smog and the nonstop drama that comes with living here. So we’re moving into the beach house in Galveston.”

  Logan’s face quickly goes from confused to angry.

  Crossing his arms against his chest, he lowers his voice and glares down at me. “What a coincidence she decided to move to a town just outside Houston, where that Kayden Knox guy lives. I saw the photos of them after the Envy party. I’m guessing this has a lot to do with that guy and not just needing a change of scenery.”

  This is the last place I want to be having this conversation. Nervously shifting my purse on my shoulder, I eye the people around us, praying no one is giving Logan any attention. He is seriously the worst fame whore of all time.

  I glare straight back up at him, “You lost the right to know anything about Savannah the day you decided it was okay to bang any whore who walked into your office. Kayden is a hundred times the man you ever were and a stallion in the sack…” Spinning on my heels, I take a long sip from my coffee before flashing him a mega-watt smile, “Have a nice life Logan.” The sarcasm in my voice is evident, I can’t help but giggle at the look of fury on his face.

  I just lost five minutes of my life I’ll never get back, but the look on Logan’s face when I told him about Kayden was so worth it. I’m glad I won’t have to run into his sorry ass every damn day now.

  I now understand why Savannah wants to get the fuck out of this cesspool they call Hollywood.

  My parents are out to dinner with some friends. So I have the entire house to myself and taking full advantage of it. I’m soaking in the hot tub enjoying a nice bottle of white wine while jamming out to my future husband, Jared Leto, and his band 30 Seconds To Mars.

  The best band. Ever.

  Savannah picks on me every time I tell her I can’t settle down because I’m saving myself for him, but hey, it could happen. With my head leaning back and my eyes closed, I’m getting lost in Jared’s amazing voice as he sings Hurricane when the song is cut off because I’m getting a call.

  Sitting up and splashing water everywhere, I set my wine glass down and grab my phone. Looking at the screen, I see Reagan’s gorgeous face smiling back at me. I answer and immediately put him on speaker phone.

  Soaking back into the water, I relish in the sensation of the jets on my back as I cheerfully answer in my best valley girl voice, “Reagan! What’s up love?”

  “Hey! Nothing much, you busy?”

  “Nope, just chillin’ in the hot tub.”

  I hear Reagan speak to someone before I hear a car door slam and an engine roar to life. He must be just getting out of work.

  “Sorry about that, just leaving the office. Well, I have some juicy deets for you and knew you’d want to be the first to know. Believe me, it’s pretty fucking juicy!”

  Instantly, my interest is peeked. Sitting up, I climb onto my knees and kneel on the seat. Hovering over the edge of the hot tub closer to my phone, I grab my towel and dry my hands and face. “Ohh, I’m all ears. Do tell.”

  Reagan lets out a low husky chuckle before speaking again, “You sure do love your gossip. Well let’s just say Savannah found a surprise visitor on her doorstep this afternoon and you’ll never believe who it was.”

  He had me at gossip but now I’m all in with ‘surprise visitor.’ “You’re killing me Reagan! Who the hell visited Savannah today?”

  “Logan.” Is all he says before bursting out laughing.

  He’s laughing so hard into the phone and trying to continue but can’t get his words out. They just sound like gibberish to me.

  All I keep hearing is Logan’s name.

  What the hell?!

  Logan flew to Texas? I just saw him earlier today.

  Oh. Shit.

  “Reagan!” I shout into the phone. I’m now going into full on freak-the-hell-out mode. “Pull yourself together and tell me what the fuck happened!”

  I hear his laughter start to taper off as he gasps for air. “Sorry…sorry. It’s just, I can’t believe it and thinking about it again hit me all at once. I couldn’t control myself.”

  Letting out a loud sigh, I grab my phone and climb out of the hot tub. Wrapping a towel around my body, I pad across the stone patio and plop down on an outdoor lounger. “Well now that you’re all good, can you tell me what the hell Logan was doing at the beach house and why the hell you’re laughing about it?”

  “I guess you had a little run in with Logan today and spilled the beans about moving. So that asshole decided he was going to try and win Savannah back. He flew to Houston, then with a rental car drove to the beach house where he surprised Savannah. As we can imagine, she was pretty freaking pissed to find him on her doorstep.”

  “That’s putting it lightly. I can picture steam pouring out of her ears when she realized it was that cheating piece of shit at her door. Seriously, Reagan! We just packed up all of our belongings to move to Galveston to get away from that douchebag and his never ending attempts to get back with her. Now he has the audacity to fly out there and harass her. I’m surprised Kayden didn’t beat his ass.”

  I cannot believe this. What in the world would possess that man to fly down there? I don’t understand why he can’t just move the hell on. He is seriously mental. Logan cheats on Savannah for years but still thinks that there’s a chance for them to work things out. If he is smart, he’ll get his ass back on a plane and fly back to Los Angeles; he doesn’t know who he’s dealing with. Kayden Knox is 6’3” and solid muscle. Not to mention he’s from the South. Those country boys can whoop some ass. I’ve seen enough over the years with traveling to know pretty boy, Logan, is signing a death wish if he tries to go up against Kayden.

  Reagan’s voice breaks me out of my thoughts, “Lucky for Logan, Kayden wasn’t there yet. And, believe me, I thought the same exact thing. Logan has lost his damn mind. But that’s not even the best part. He gro
veled at Savannah’s feet, begging her to come back to L.A. Even after she repeatedly told him no, and she’s starting fresh in Galveston. He continued to try and promise her the world if she’d give him another chance. I guess he spewed some shit at her about Kayden and she snapped...and I mean…Snapped.”

  Oh no. Savannah is a firecracker. She looks tiny, adorable and innocent. But piss her off and she goes all Southern on your ass!

  “Oh my God. Please tell me my best friend isn’t in need of someone to bail her out.” I ask Reagan nervously.

  Laughing, Reagan tells me, “No. Not that I know of. But I’m surprised she isn’t being charged with assault. She busted Logan’s nose pretty good. I was freaking out when I saw online he was spotted at George Bush International. I thought maybe she had a lapse in judgment and took his sorry ass back. Thank God that was far from the truth.”

  Oh. My. God! I am dying here. Now I’m the one laughing hysterically. She finally gave the King of Douchebags exactly what he deserved. Except, if it was me, I would’ve kept on going. To hell with stopping at one punch. I would’ve made sure his baby makers were officially out of business by the time I was through with him.

  Taking deep breaths, I calm myself down as I press my hand over my abdomen to try and ease the cramp in my side from laughing so hard.

  “She isn’t pissed at me is she?” I ask between breaths. “Since you know I’m the reason he knew where to find her.”

  “No. She knows he would have come sooner rather than later with her and Kayden all over the news. You know Hollywood. They love a hot new couple and will talk about it until we’re all sick of hearing it.”

  I talk to Reagan for a few more minutes before saying goodbye and heading inside to get dressed and order a pizza. Then find a comfy spot on the couch in our family room so I can call Savannah and get the full scoop with how she’s holding up. I know Kayden was supposed to be back from a business trip to Miami. Thankfully he wasn’t there yet, because I don’t doubt she’d be bailing his ass out of jail for beating Logan to a pulp.

  I cannot wait to hear her play by play of what went down today. Pulling up my contacts, I push on Savannah’s number and impatiently wait for her to answer. I’m just about to hang up when she finally answers.

  “Hello?” She whispers into the phone.

  “Hey, Biotch!! Or should I say Rocky-freaking-Balboa!” I shout into the phone at her with laughter in my voice. Forget whispering! I’m bursting with too much energy to whisper. I’m too excited to hear about her finally putting Logan in his place.

  I hear Savannah sigh into the phone and what sounds like a door shut. “Let me guess, you talked to Reagan? Let’s not forget you are the cause for my extremely hurt hand!”

  What the hell! I know I had that coming…but still!

  “Wow! Hey, now girlfriend…don’t go blaming that shit on me. That was all Logan. I didn’t make his ass jump on a plane. Anyways! He was bound to find out.”

  “Yes, he would’ve found out soon enough. But seriously, Brooklyn! He shows up the day Kayden is flying back into town!” Savannah shouts at me in a loud whisper. It’s very evident that she’s a tad pissed off at the moment. But she’ll get over it. She always does. Plus this is a hilarious story we can reflect back on for years to come. “I came all the way to Galveston to escape the drama back in L.A., but just my luck, the freakin’ drama follows me here!”

  I can’t help but find it all a little funny. I don’t bother trying to hide the amusement in my voice with all of this, “I still can’t get over the fact that you punched him! It’s about freaking time; if it had been me, I would’ve nailed him in the balls.”

  “Believe me, the thought crossed my mind. I’m not usually a violent person, but Logan brings out the worst in me.”

  Oh my gosh…I am literally going to die from laughing so hard tonight!

  “Damn it, I wish someone would’ve recorded it. That is something I definitely wanted to see!” I would so watch it with a big ass bowl of popcorn!

  Savannah is quiet for a moment when I hear her let out another sigh of frustration before continuing, “I wish the whole thing never happened. I know this is going to come back to bite me in the ass. You know how Logan has been lately. This is just one more thing to sell to the press.”

  I understand she’s pissed about it all now. But I know once she has a few days to think on it she’ll be like me. Amused by the whole thing. Because, seriously…it’s Logan! He’s a douchebag who’s had it coming.

  It’s infuriating to me that she’s beating herself up over him and what happened today. I let out a loud groan because I’m frustrated that she is upset and we’re so far apart that I can’t be there for her.

  “Oh, I bet he will, but I think a lot of people will get a kick out of seeing photos of Logan with a busted nose.” I let out a small giggle to try and relax her. I feel helpless but have to do what I can for my bestie.

  I hear her voice perk up, “Yeah, I would enjoy seeing his not so perfect face everywhere for a change, sporting two black eyes. He’s going to have a heart attack; I would bet my car he will try to cover it up with makeup.” Her laughter is like music to my ears. I knew I’d wear her down.

  Now we’re both giggling fools together. “Oh. My. God! I know; he is such a pretty boy! Speaking of gracing covers of magazines, Miss. Thing, how was the shoot and interview for Envy?”

  Savannah goes quiet and leaves me sitting here hanging. Seriously? What the hell is she doing? Other than Kayden. I can’t help but laugh at that one.

  Man I am hilarious!

  “Savannah! Hello, earth to Savannah!” I shout into the phone as I try to remind her I’m sitting here on the other end of the damn phone.

  She is like a damn squirrel sometimes.

  Finally, she answers me, “Oh sorry, I heard the TV turn on, Kayden must’ve woken up. Anyway the shoot went great; we lucked out weather wise. So we did a lot of photos down by the water. They wanted to get pictures of Kayden and me for the article, to you know, officially announce us as a couple. He was still in Miami though, so Eloise said she would use pictures from the Envy party.”

  Bouncing with excitement, I squeal into the phone. “Oooh yes, the infamous dip and kiss picture! That was so freakin’ hot Savannah. Kayden Knox kissing you in front of the world and breaking a million hearts while doing it! I swear I could hear the broken hearts echoing from city to city.” We can’t stop laughing now.

  “Oh, don’t I know it. I’m awaiting the endless death threats now that I have stolen the heart of the world’s most Eligible Bachelor. I have to pinch myself; I still cannot believe Kayden Knox is sitting in my living room. Just a few months ago I was meeting him for the first time at Envy, a nervous stuttering mess, and now he’s fucking my brains out every chance he gets!”

  “Damn girl, I would do anything to be you right now! Is it as big as everyone says?” I can just imagine Savannah rolling her eyes at my boldness. I don’t hold back! I need to know if everything is truly bigger in Texas.

  I hear Savannah let out a small gasp. God, she is so dramatic. She should know me well enough by now to just expect this shit to fly out of my mouth.

  “Brooklyn! I cannot believe you just asked me that!”

  “What?! You should know me by now; I need the dirty details Savannah! Plus I had the worst lay of my life last night…I swear that man couldn’t find my G-spot if I drew the idiot a freakin’ map!” I seriously need a good lay. I’m still bumming over that last hook-up.

  “All right, if you must know, he is as big as they say and then some.” She whispers into the phone.

  What is with all the damn whispering!?

  Oh yay! I knew it! “I knew it! You lucky bitch. Does he have any brothers? I need to go cowboy hunting when I get there tomorrow, I’m in need of a good fuck.”

  Savannah says with amusement in her voice, “You are awful Brooklyn Bennett! And no, no brothers…but we can definitely go cowboy hunting and find you a cowboy to ride.”
  Oh hell yeah, baby! Mama needs her a fine ass cowboy!

  “Hot damn girly, I am going to hop on a red eye right now! Oh, speaking of Knox and his Texas size dick, did you ride him until his junk fell off? I know if I had to go four days without that man candy, I would be jumping his bones the moment he walked through the door.”

  I can already picture my best friend blushing about a hundred shades of red right now. She’s adorable.

  I hear her exhale slowly into the phone before answering me, “Yes…we pretty much christened the entire beach house today.”

  Go Savannah! But also ewww! I have to live there too. Who am I kidding, I’ve had sex on every inch of our Hollywood Hills home. Nothing like a hot ass kitchen fuck to start your morning off right.

  “Oh, my God! You dirty little hoe! You better be sanitizing that fucking house before I get there! One more thing, don’t get sidetracked having wild animal sex with Knox and forget about me tomorrow, I expect you to be at the airport to pick me up when my flight lands.”

  “For your information, Kayden has to work tomorrow, so don’t worry…I won’t be getting sidetracked by wild sex with Kayden. Once you land, we can go grab lunch somewhere and maybe do a little retail therapy, help me forget about this whole Logan drama.”

  “Oooh shopping sounds fan-freaking-tastic! I need some country chic clothes; I want to get myself some hot ass cowgirl boots!”

  I hate saying goodbye, but know it won’t be long and I’ll be with her in Texas for some much needed bestie time to talk about the whole Logan thing in person. I hear the pizza delivery guy buzzing at the front gate. I toss my phone onto the coffee table and jump to my feet running to the front door to buzz him in.

  I am really missing Savannah’s cooking. Thank the Lord for takeout or my ass would starve. But thanks to this pizza, I’ll have to hit the gym extra hard this week.


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