Beyond Promise

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Beyond Promise Page 19

by Karice Bolton

  Katie let go of Gabby’s hand and grabbed mine as Gabby wrapped her arm around my waist. With every twist and turn, Katie squealed into the night air a joyous sound that was infectious. Every single guest began grabbing one another’s hand and circled us four girls as we danced our hearts out until the bouquet toss.

  The music quieted, and the unmarried gals congregated on the floor. Jenny handed me the replica bouquet, and Ayden asked if the crowd of single ladies was ready. They roared to life, and the music began as I tossed my bouquet behind me. I turned quickly to watch Gabby diving toward the bouquet, as Brandy almost snatched it away from her right before Tori jumped toward the sky with such gusto, we all dropped our jaws. The moment her fingers wrapped around the stems, I knew it was a done deal.

  Mason was next.

  More photos were taken as I hugged Tori, and Ayden pushed Mason over to Tori where a few more photos were snapped. I glanced at the chair Jenny had now placed on the floor, and Ayden motioned me over with his finger. They began playing Bach’s “Funeral March”, and I scowled playfully, plunking in the chair where Ayden lifted my dress over my knees.

  Slowly his hands worked up my leg, and his fingers wrapped around the garter. He flashed a devilish grin and, without warning, ran his chin along my knee until his teeth firmly gripped the garter. A fit of giggles erupted from my belly as all the men started cheering. I tipped my head back as Ayden lifted my leg and worked the garter over my knee. The moment it was over my foot, I stood up and gave Ayden a deep, passionate kiss before he made some guy’s night lucky.

  As all the unmarried men were called to the floor, I scanned the crowd. There were a lot of men out there. I spotted Aaron in the front and Jason strategically to the side. Mason was all the way in the back, even though Tori was trying to persuade him to move to the front. The music changed, and Ayden turned his back on the men as the countdown began.

  Within seconds, I saw the white garter fly into the air as if it were finding its forever home with some unsuspecting soul. As the garter came closer, I watched all the men dive bomb away from the dance floor, leaving Mason alone staring up toward the sky as the garter landed in his hands.

  The guests broke into applause as Mason’s eyes looked dazed and confused as to what just happened. Tori came bounding onto the floor and jumped into his arms as a smile broke immediately onto his lips.

  Life couldn’t get any better than this.

  Until he whispered those magical words, “Should we go upstairs?”

  I looked around the dance floor that was now lively with couples displaying their drinking moves, and I knew no one would miss us if we snuck away. I waved over to Gabby, who pulled Brandy my way as Ayden went to say goodnight to a few family members and friends.

  “Thank you for everything,” I whispered, flinging my arms around the girls. “You made today perfect.”

  “You’re beautiful inside and out, Lily. My brother’s a lucky guy.”

  I took a step back and Gabby dabbed away a joyful tear. “I’m just so happy this is how tonight turned out.”

  I knew exactly what she meant, but all I could do was nod as Ayden snaked his arm around my waist.

  “See you on the beach tomorrow—”

  “Or the next day,” I interrupted.

  Brandy and Gabby hugged each other and watched as we walked across the beach toward our hotel.

  As we made our way to the elevator, a few hotel guests uttered “congratulations” and I beamed proudly as Ayden held my hand. We rode the elevator up to our floor, and my heart skipped a beat. The wait had been worth it.

  “Never again,” Ayden whispered.

  “I don’t know what you’re referring to.”

  “Waiting like this.”

  Ayden and I stopped in front of our door.

  “I love you, Mrs. Rhodes, but I’m going to be honest. There might come a day in the near future, I won’t be able to carry you across the threshold. I think it’s important we do it while we can.”

  He slid the key card into the lock and pushed the door open with his foot. Scooping me into his arms, he carried me into the hotel room and I chuckled, nestling my head in his neck.

  Ayden’s face softened from the thunderous expression he’d worn as he set me down, and his gaze traveled from my messy, braided hair to my breasts and down to my hips. A slight arch of his mouth drew me closer, and my pulse accelerated.

  My body trembled in Ayden’s arms, and he could resist no longer. He cupped my chin in his hands, and his gaze steadied on mine.

  “I’ll never forget this moment for as long as we both shall live.”

  “And after,” I whispered.

  “And after,” he repeated.

  My body ached with longing as our lips remained so close, but he refused to let them touch. It was as if the last few weeks of pent-up desire was an addictive game, and the longer we held out, the more we needed one another. Yet we both refused to be the one to give in.

  He ran his fingers slowly over my bare shoulders and down to the top of my strapless gown. “You are the most beautiful bride.”

  My cheeks flushed at the admiration I saw in his eyes. He brushed the seam of my mouth with his tongue, and I shuddered, parting my lips, begging him to kiss me deeply.

  The desire was so spectacular it drilled into every part of my body with such an intensity my body burned for him. I leaned into him and brushed my lips against his, and in return, he pressed his mouth to mine. His kiss heated my entire body as my eyes closed, and his hands slid along my waist. His mouth released from mine as he slowly worked his tongue down my jaw to my throat sending a shockwave of longing through me.

  His hands ran up my spine, slowly tugging on the zipper of my dress. I felt the tightness ease as the zipper sank lower, and the gown dropped to the floor. My breath caught as I watched his gaze canvas my body as if it were the first time he saw me naked. He quickly threw his jacket on the bed. I slowly unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his shoulders. My tongue tasted his shoulders, chest, and stomach before I began unbuttoning his pants.

  He sucked in a deep breath as my hands fumbled with his pants, grazing him, as I slipped his boxers down. His hands slipped around my wrists, and he pulled me to the bed with him. The calmness we both tried to exude quickly slipping away as our bodies tangled with one another.

  He caught my lip softly between his teeth as his fingers ran through my hair. Ayden slipped his mouth lower as his hands slid my lace panties to the side. I sucked in a deep breath as his hands slid down between my thighs. I clutched my nails into his shoulders, his fingers controlling my every whim.

  “Ayden, please,” I almost whimpered, the playfulness trading for pure want and profound desire.

  “Please what?”

  I opened my eyes. His gaze was steadied on mine as he drove his finger deeper, commanding something from me that we both needed.

  “Deeper,” I moaned, his lips curling into the expression I adored.

  He moved his body over mine, kissing me along the way. His mouth traced along my throat as he moved into me, filling me with a sensation that immediately heated me all the way through.

  His body rocked harder into mine, and my craving only intensified. An almost helpless noise escaped my lips as my mind and body succumbed to the pleasure flowing through my limbs.

  Ayden drove himself into me, and my fingers clutched into him. Tilting my hips slightly as his eyes locked on mine brought an explosion of sensation to us both. His body tensed and breathing quickened as we shared the overpowering awareness running between our bodies. The pleasure surged through my body in endless waves as I watched Ayden’s strong body thrust into me and spin my love into a utopian existence for only us to share. I succumbed to every part of Ayden as my body arched, and he held me in his embrace. I licked my lips, feeling the sensation of where his mouth rested only seconds before.

  “Amazing,” I whispered.

  He propped himself on his elbows, tucking a smile behind his g

  “I guess you were right,” he confessed.

  “About what in particular?” He slid his finger along my jaw as his gaze stayed fastened to mine. His mere touch made me lightheaded as I imagined the world I’d been blessed with, the man I’d been blessed with.

  “About waiting.”

  “Pretty spectacular.”

  “But nothing I want to practice often.”

  “I don’t think I could ever hold out again. It was pure torture.”

  “Torture?” His brow arched.

  I nodded and he rolled off, admiring me as he stood up and tugged on the sheet, wrapping it around him.

  “Do you know you always make me feel amazing?” I asked.

  “How so?”

  I shrugged, still staying in bed. “Not sure. I guess it’s the little things.”

  He walked to the hotel door and slid the chain. Turning off the lights, he made his way back to the bed and crawled in beside me.

  “Get enough little things and they add up to the big things.” He ran his hand along the length of my body, and a wave of shivers ran through me.

  “I love you, Ayden. I loved you even before my mind caught up to my heart, and I never want you to leave my side.”

  “I love you, Lily Rhodes.”

  “I’m right here, and I always will be,” he murmured, as we drifted to sleep like an old, married couple.

  Lying on the beach, feeling dynamite in my red swimsuit, I heard some teenager behind me whisper, “Is she pregnant or just fat?”

  I sat up in my chaise and turned to face the troublemakers.

  “The answer is yes, I’m pregnant, and see that guy out there on the paddleboard? He’s my husband and he’s an ex-fighter. Undefeated, actually.”

  “Sorry, lady. We were only kidding.”

  I narrowed my eyes at these two and realized they were older than I thought, probably just out of high school, maybe in college already.

  “And do tell me what part is the funny part if I didn’t happen to be pregnant? Do you think that’s very kind? Did your parents forget to teach you manners on the way to Bermuda?”

  “No ma’am,” they replied.

  “Word to the wise. Even if you’re positive a woman is pregnant and might even give birth in front of you, keep your mouth shut. You wouldn’t like it if I pointed out your undeveloped bodies to the world. Oops. Just did.”

  “Hey, girl,” Gabby said, running up behind me from the water. “Trying to pick up men already?”

  “Boys,” I corrected. “They couldn’t handle a woman on their best day.”

  The two guys stood up and apologized once more before trudging down the beach. I dusted my hands off and leaned back on my chaise. Tori was in the chaise in front of me and turned around, giving me a thumbs up sign.

  “What was that all about?” Gabby asked.

  “Just trying to teach our youth some lessons to live by.”

  “Youth? They’re like in college.”

  “And just think how much we’ve learned since then, I thought I’d speed up the process.” I slathered more suntan lotion on my belly and chest and slid my sunglasses on.

  She chuckled and shook her head. “Why do I think there’s more to that story.”

  “Because there always is. So how was the water?”

  “I think you should at least get in to your ankles.”

  “We’ll see.”

  “Do you know what I just realized?”

  “What’s that?”

  “With our weddings so close together, we’ll be able to throw anniversary parties together. Can you imagine what our twentieth will look like?”

  A shiver ran through me. “Our daughter will be in college,” I almost whispered.

  “Crazy, isn’t?”

  “It is.”

  “Can I confess something?” Gabby asked, sliding into the chaise next to me.

  “Please do.”

  “I almost envy Brandy’s method of getting the deed done.”

  “Are you serious?” I asked.

  “Kind of. On one hand, I can’t wait to have a big wedding. On the other, I’m dreading the headache.”

  I reached over and grabbed her hand. “With Carla in charge, there will be no headache, and Brandy and I will be there every step of the way.”

  My eyes connected with Gabby’s and a huge grin was plastered on her face. “I. Can’t. Believe. I’m. Getting. Married.”

  I let out a squeal of delight. “You know the feeling of excitement you have right now?”

  She nodded.

  “It doesn’t even come close to the level of excitement on the big day. I’m still on a high.”

  “Speaking of which.” Gabby spotted the server and signaled she was ready for a drink. “I’m absolutely parched.”

  “I’m sure something with rum is in order.”

  “Absolutely.” She ordered her drink and I ordered a tea. “By the way, you look stunning in that suit.”

  I furrowed my brows and let out a sigh. “Thanks. I needed to hear that.”

  “It’s the truth.”

  And I believed it. After all, that was what friends were for: telling the truth and shaping our view of the world.

  Brandy bounded up with a plate full of nachos. “This is the best breakfast ever.”

  “Rum for a breakfast drink and nachos for breakfast,” I joked. “How are we ever going to function in the real world again.”

  “I was wondering the very same thing,” Brandy said, finding a spot to sit at the end of my chaise.

  “Do you realize what a whirlwind the last couple of years have been?” Gabby sighed. “Especially the last year.”

  I rubbed my belly again. “And something tells me the fun is only beginning.”

  Brandy crunched on a cheesy chip and glanced out toward the water. “We’ve got something pretty special.”

  “We do,” Gabby agreed.

  Tori stole a chip from Brandy’s plate.

  “I was wondering…” I stopped myself.

  “What?” Gabby prompted.


  “Come on. Don’t leave us hanging,” Brandy demanded.

  Tori lifted her head up and looked perplexed.

  “Moi? Leave you hanging?” I teased. “What if we set up Emily?”

  My eyes widened in anticipation.

  “As well as that worked for you with Austin?” Brandy shook her head.

  “I’m not touching that with a ten-foot pole. No. Way. No. How,” Gabby echoed.

  “And look at where that amazing plan led,” I pointed out. “I married the man of my dreams and I’m with child.”

  “With child?” Gabby snorted. “The Madame is with child. Let her rest.”

  I grinned. “Seriously, guys. I think Emily could use a little GBL magic.”

  “What in the world is GBL magic?” Tori furrowed her brow. “Oh, I get it. Gabby, Brandy, Lily,”

  “The teacher strikes again.”

  Tori began rubbing the sunblock on her fair skin. “It’s the heat. I don’t function like others in the sunlight. I prefer darkness.”

  “A vamp,” Gabby cooed and Tori giggled.

  “Seriously, I don’t know about this idea. I learned my lesson.” Gabby shook her head. “Look at what a creep Austin turned out to be, and we’ve all run out of brothers.”

  A hearty laughed escaped and my sunglasses fell to the sand.

  “You’re missing the point. We’re on a white, sandy beach in the middle of the Caribbean. Not because you chose the right person for me, but because you let me stumble around the idea of love on my own terms. All I’m saying is that I think we need to be on the lookout. If we spot someone hot and with a good heart—”

  “Maybe we should reverse the order on that,” Gabby interjected.


  “I get where you’re coming from, and even though I retired from the matchmaking process, maybe I’ll keep an eye out.”

  Brandy raise
d her shoulders. “Couldn’t hurt.”

  Our waiter brought our drinks over and I sipped on my tea.

  “Exactly. A little GBL magic couldn’t hurt,” Brandy agreed. “But this goes no further than us. We don’t want the guys to get wind of it.”

  “Let the fun begin,” Gabby gushed, sliding her legs onto the chaise. Brandy stood up and found a trashcan for her empty nacho plate and slogged back to the chaise next to me.

  “This is a tough life,” Brandy said, dropping onto her chaise.

  “Isn’t it?” I agreed.

  “I wouldn’t want it any other way,” Gabby said.

  “Me neither,” Tori whispered, her eyes closing.

  My head lolled to the side as my body relaxed, and I watched Ayden paddle past the boundaries toward the open sea.

  Of course he did.

  Why wouldn’t he?

  Mason was paddling right behind him as was Aaron and Jason, and I shook my head.

  There was no taming these men.

  And I’d never dream of it.



  BEYOND the MISTLETOE ~ Holidays 2015

  I hope you enjoyed the sixth book in the Beyond Love Series. As a special thank you to all the loyal readers of this series and to commemorate the series end, I’ll be releasing a holiday Beyond Love book, “Beyond the Mistletoe”. In addition to reading about Gabby, Lily, and Brandy, we’ll get to experience Emily’s journey to her Happily Ever After, and I’ll also be including a special bonus novella of Gabby’s wedding in “Beyond the Mistletoe”.

  Don’t forget you can follow all your favorite characters in the Island County Series, which is a crossover series. Haven’t read how Mason and Tori got together? Check it out in “Finding Love in Forgotten Cove”! Again, thank you all for reading my stories. I hope they provide you with as much happiness as they give me.


  P.S. Keep reading for a glimpse of Mason and Tori!

  The last of the students shuffled out of the room, and I leaned against my desk wondering what in the world I’d signed up for. The silence wrapped around me and so did the dawning realization that I’d be stuck on the island all summer. It seemed like a good idea a few weeks ago, but once I arrived, I started having immediate doubts. Maybe teaching tenth grade summer school wasn’t the best idea to keep busy. I had more than enough to occupy myself with managing my dad’s affairs and getting his house ready to sell, but it was too late now. I’d signed a contract, and I needed to make the best of the situation. It was very clear none of the students wanted to be here and I didn’t blame them. Who would want to spend a summer indoors on the island? I needed to come up with a plan to get them interested and keep myself focused along the way.


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