Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3)

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Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3) Page 17

by JK Ensley

  “Jiro,” Mika whispered.


  “Yes, Princess,” Musashi answered. “It means, second son.”

  Her burning tears were already soaking her night dress when Yui came to her side, presenting her with a second breathtaking bundle. Jenevier raised her trembling arm just enough to lightly touch his little round cheek, before it fell limply back to the bed.

  “Fret not, my love. Your strength will soon return. Already your color glows and your eyes have found their magical sparkle once more.” Musashi tenderly rubbed his thumb across her brow as he spoke. “Mika told you true. You bled out when the babes came forth. I carried you to the bath and she washed you while I held them. Yui called the guards to carry out and replace your ruined bedding.”

  The young girl’s tears flowed anew. “I thought I cleansed you for your funeral. You were so cold.”

  “Then… how long have I lain here?” Jenevier asked, worriedly. “Days? Weeks? Who fed my Angels?”

  “You’ve slept only hours,” Musashi reassured her. “Fear not, my little rainbow. They nursed from you as I held them.”

  “This is the same night of their birth, Milady. You have missed nothing,” Yui added. “Gather your bearings and be at peace. You came to us yesterday. Early this morning we heeded your labor cries. And now the moons have risen this same night. Two days you have been upon Jinn, but the blessings you carried here with you… they are eternal.”

  “I feared I was a curse unto you,” Mika whispered.

  “A curse? You are a sacred blessing, Mika. What would ever make you think thusly?”

  Musashi spoke up. “Yui and Mika both lost their mothers in this manner.”

  Jenevier tried to reach for the girl, Mika grabbed her trembling hand.

  “You will find, little one, I’m not so easy to kill. It is my curse and my blessing. You’re the little sweet cake who took care of me and my Angels when I could not. I will always be obligated to you.” She looked to the two men holding her angelic twins. “I will never be able to repay this great debt to you all. No matter how long I shall live.”

  “Not true, my love. It is I who placed you in such harm. Had my greedy heart been removed from you, the Guardians could’ve done so much more than we.”

  “Everything happens for a reason,” she said. “We will speak no more of this. I’ll break those words with Valencia one day. But not this day. This day, this night, this glorious moonlit night, shall be for joys alone. I wish now only to hold my precious Angels and look into their eyes.” Her smile beamed. “Ah, Tenshi stirs.”

  With her words, the babe Musashi held began to squirm in his arms.

  “We were too loud,” he whispered.

  “No. His tummy aches. He’s hungry. Help me, Milord. Help me feed my firstborn.”

  The Emperor of Jinn gently raised her up. Sitting behind her, leaning her back against his broad chest, he placed her little boy before her. With what little strength she could muster, Jenevier held her son as he nursed.

  This was a love she had never dreamed possible, a bond unlike any other. There are no mortal words which can contain the whole of a mother’s love. It’s the most powerful force in all creation.

  That night, upon that giant bed, Jenevier slept with two identical Angels, a Shinobi ninja, an invisible girl, and a mighty Shogun Emperor.

  It was the most peaceful night of sleep she’d known thus far.

  Chapter 22



  “How is it we’re Warriors of God and one of our own can be so easily snatched away? This is madness,” Vareilious roared.

  “Aye, so ye found naethin’ either, Brother. Tis the same for us all.” Vittorio sighed in despair. “We’ve combed every layer. Her name’s nae even whispered upon the wind.”

  “She vanished. She didn’t cease to be. You’re not looking hard enough,” Varick snapped.

  “Aye, an’ ye think ye love her more than I? Destiny an’ Fate be damned, Brother. Yer pain cannae exceed mine own.”

  “Nor mine, Varick. Quit whining and casting blame upon others,” Vareilious snorted. “You were the last one to see her. You alone were there when she was taken, oh mighty Prince.”

  Their beastly snarls and roars were silenced only when Valadrog pulled the bloodied warriors apart.

  “If you succeed in slaying one another, will that bring her back sooner?” Valadrog demanded.

  Varick tore loose from his father’s grasp and spat blood upon the crystal street, roughly adjusting his mussed tunic.

  “We have every available warrior set to this task,” Valadrog reassured them. “It has been but a couple days. We shall find her. Put anger toward purpose, gentlemen. Cease not your hunt.”

  “Aye, only a couple days, says ye. Forget nae, good chief. She an’ I, we were missing only hours when Sha—”

  “I will never forget,” Valadrog growled, cutting off Vittorio’s words. “Now go. Find your sister and cease your quarreling. Have you heard back from Valencia yet?”

  “She’s with Vareen now. I only just left them,” Vareilious said.

  Varick spoke as the warriors entered Vareen’s home. “Deliver us fair news, dear sister.”

  “Would that I could, dearest brother. Alas, I know not where she ran.”

  “Where she ran? Where she ran? Bloody hell, Valencia. Will you never grow up?” Varick roared.

  “Don’t waste thy sweet anger upon me, Brother. If your fair Princess resides not upon the layers, search for her in hell. You were with her, were you not? She roamed those woods daily, calling out for her demon lover. Perhaps he heeded her siren call at last.” Her voice remained eerily calm. “You know where the portals appear, you know where she spent her time, what her mind was continually upon. You of all people should remember, Varick. He left hell for her once already. Who’s to say he cannot bargain for their spawn the way he bargained before?”

  “Valencia, if you weren’t mine own sister, I would tear your tongue—”

  “Aye, Brother, the same thought crossed my mind,” Vittorio interrupted.

  “You’re all mad,” Vareilious yelled.

  “Hold, Brothers, an’ think. I dunnae take Valencia’s part in this. Jenevier wouldnae leave withoot hinting at farewell. She certainly wouldnae allowed ye, Varick, tae accompany her if she knew of Apollyon’s plan. Think hard, Brothers. He came when he should nae have been able tae. An’ his son’s time is close at hand. What would ye do tae be with the one ye love an’ yon babe?”

  “I would rend heaven and hell,” Vareilious answered.

  “Aye, as would I, Brother,” Vittorio said.

  “But, God forbid him from—”

  “Oh, yes.” Valencia interrupted Varick’s words. “And we all know how well Apollyon has always followed God’s commands. He’s the model Angel, is he not?” she quipped. “Perhaps that’s why he resides in hell, a throne worthy him.”

  “Heed not your sister’s ill counsel, my son,” Vareen said. “Vareilious is right. This is madness.”

  “Yes, listen to honored mother instead. Was it not to you, dearest brother, that she confessed wishing Jenevier would break loving heart? Letting your pain amass into a single, world-altering moment.” Valencia turned her icy gaze on Vareen. “Is this not true? Did you not confess to your only son you could no longer bear to see him in pain, Mother?”

  “Are you saying he should heed counsel from the one who now turns claws on revered mother, in front of us all?” Vareilious countered.

  “Aye, perhaps this is madness,” Vittorio said.

  “Then look for her upon the layers for all eternity. I care not.” She headed for the door and didn’t turn back. “Farewell, good family. I have more important matters to attend.”

  And with those words, Valencia left Vanahirdem.

  “Mother, I know Valencia hates Jenevier. I also know she would stay her hand at helping to return her. Yet, her words give me pause,” Varick admitted.

/>   “If Valencia had a hand in this, your sister would be dead,” Vareilious said flatly. “That vicious little Princess of yours would’ve happily watched your sister’s ashes blow away on the wind. She would’ve run back to your waiting arms with a satisfied smile upon her lovely face.”

  “Aye, nae so, Brother. Nae this time. Our colorful little Angel is currently absent her powers. Her spirit may linger, but her strength is gone.”

  “Vittorio’s right. We cannot be certain of my sister’s guilt or innocence in this thing. But we fail Jenevier if we leave one stone unturned in our quest.” He sighed. “Have you seen nothing, Mother?”

  “No, Varick. God is quiet in this.”

  “Dark words birth darker thoughts. God may be silent because this is what should be. Or He may—”

  “Don’t dwell upon the unknown, my son. Do not venture to guess intention,” Vareen said. “Only grief can come with such thinking. Do what you can. Search where you will. Exhaust every possibility. Then we shall see.”

  Chapter 23



  “But how did the babies get in your tummy?”

  Jenevier could only smile. “You remind me so much of myself, little one. I’ll tell you under one condition.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “You promise not to get scared, and… you can never tell anyone else.” She chuckled at her own very adult-sounding warning. “I mean, don’t go around telling your maiden friends… unless they’re of proper age… and they ask.”

  “I promise.” Mika beamed with anticipation.

  Sitting on the spacious balcony, looking out upon this beautiful realm, Jenevier couldn’t help but laugh inside with each new horrified expression that crossed the young girl’s shocked face.

  She is me at her age, truly she is.

  “It’s not as scary as all the images running through your head, child. It is a beautiful, wonderful thing. But only with someone you love. When you are a woman, you won’t be so frightened when the time is right. Your fears now only prove you’re not of a proper age. Not yet old enough to be entertaining such thoughts as these. If you wish, when you’re ready, come to me. I’ll open my mind to you, Mika. I will let you see what it is I speak of, witness it for yourself. If you’re truly ready, my thoughts won’t be such a shock. The images will not scare you, as my description has. Then you’ll see for yourself, little one. You have nothing to fear from such a beautiful thing as love.”

  “I believe I already know what’s in your mind,” Mika mumbled.

  “Truly?” Jenevier stopped fanning herself and looked at the lovely dark-haired girl. “How so?”

  Mika blushed. “Because a man from my village used to think about doing some of the things you just described. I knew not what he was thinking of doing to me… until just now. I only knew, in his mind, I was scared and crying while he lay on top of me, smiling.”

  “Oh, Mika, honey. I’m so sorry you had to see that. I know not this man, but he did not love you. If ever I should meet him, send me a secret nod. Stay clear of him, child. Love won’t make you cry. Well, not the way he was thinking.”

  “So, he’s evil then?”

  “I cannot tell you for sure, little sweet cake. More than likely, he’s never been in love, doesn’t know the true joy of it. His thoughts toward you were only physical, child. That part is but the tiniest part of love, insignificant compared to the joyous feeling living inside you. I cannot explain properly what your heart does not yet know.” She took a long look at the confused little ninja girl, jumbled thoughts filling her head. “Do you truly wish to know what my very first taste of love was like?”

  Mika’s eyes went impossibly wide. “Oh yes, Lady Jenevier, please. I wish to know more than anything.”

  She leaned her head back against the chair and closed her eyes. Opening her mind, Jenevier allowed the girl to see and hear and feel everything she experienced that blissful night. Standing on her back porch, Alastyn holding her in his arms, the feel of his warm breath upon her tingling skin, the tender kiss he placed atop her head. She let the pure, euphoric sensation wash over her, reveled in the memory, swept away by the amazing butterflies she felt all over again.

  “And that, my dearest Mika, is what your first taste of love will feel like.”

  She gasped. “That’s love?”

  “Yes, my child. That’s love. In its purest, most glorious form.”

  Her lavender eyes glistened with anticipation. “It was the most magical thing I’ve ever experienced. Will it be the same for me, too?”

  “I hope so, Mika. I wish it with all my heart.”

  “Do you not find it unnerving—speaking with someone you cannot see?” Musashi said as he entered her room.

  Jenevier, once again, avoided telling the Emperor she could actually see the invisible Shinobi girl all the time. She maintained her reservations concerning this man’s intentions toward her. Divulging her secrets didn’t seem a wise thing with him. He was a hard man to read, at times.

  “Good morning, Emperor. How goes your kingdom?” She smiled sweetly.

  “I’ll surrender it to you now if you will grant me but one moment to hold little Tenshi in my arms,” he said.

  “Done. You may leave your scepter upon my nightstand.” She winked at him, waving her hand in a mockingly dignified royal manner.

  “Emperor Musashi, are you their father?” Mika asked, innocently.

  “Only in my dreams, child.” He smiled lovingly at his angelic prisoner and then down at her beautiful firstborn. “Only in my dreams.”

  “Then who’s their father?” Mika turned her curious gaze upon Jenevier.

  “He was my husband.”

  “Where is he?”

  Her chest tightened painfully at the girl’s simple question. “He’s in a place I cannot go.”

  “When will he get to see them?” Mika asked. “When will he get to hold his sons?”

  “I know not if he ever will.” Her silent tears were no longer containable.

  The inquisitive little raven-haired girl took them as a sign to halt her questions.

  “He was very handsome,” Mika said, trying to comfort her.

  “Who was?” Musashi asked.

  “Lady Jenevier’s husband. He had curls in his hair and his eyes were greener than new leaves.”

  “No, my child.” Jenevier smiled through her lonely tears. “That was my first love, not my husband. I didn’t marry until many years later. I was but a child when I first met Alastyn. I was a seasoned warrior when finally I wed.”

  Mika gasped again. “You were a warrior?”

  “I have been many things, child. Most of them would haunt your dreams, so I’ll not speak them to you.” She ran her fingers through the girl’s silky raven locks. “I have a picture of their father in the vanity, there.” She pointed. “I will gift it to my sons when they’re older.”

  “May I see it? Please?” Mika begged.

  “Of course, child. But treat it with care. I only have the one and no hope of another.”

  The curious young girl carefully opened the small drawer. She found a handful of dried flowers and the picture of Apollyon to be the only things inside.

  “Are these flowers some treasure of yours as well?” she asked.

  “Yes, Mika. I hold them precious in my heart. I had them in my hand when Mikage brought me here. Take care with them. They were a gift, given by the purest heart I have ever known. That drawer holds the only belongings I carried with me to your layer.”

  “Never have I seen such a thing as this,” Mika said with a gasp. “Our pictures are painted or drawn.”

  “Yes. It is a treasure beyond value,” Jenevier whispered.

  The excited girl ran to Musashi, holding the picture up for him to see. “Have you ever seen such a man as this? In the whole world, never has a man been so beautiful. Even Yui isn’t as fair as this man. Look at his eyes. They take away my breath. If one such as this loved me, I’d be the ha
ppiest woman to ever live.”

  “It’s a hard thing, learning to see past the wrapper, treasuring the gift within.” Jenevier softly smiled. “A man’s looks alone will not guarantee your happiness, child. Alas, with that man, the one you now look upon, to me… he was as perfect on the inside as you now behold on the out.”

  Musashi’s eyes drifted from the picture in Mika’s hands to the angelic woman now lying upon the bed.

  “Sire!” Mika furrowed her brow, staring hard at the Emperor. “What would make you think such bad things about Tenshi’s father? You told me never to wish a man dead for no good reason.”

  “I have good reason,” he mumbled.

  Jenevier muffled a laugh. “Do not find fault in your Emperor, child. He is but a man, and men cannot always control their jealousy.”

  Musashi ignored her comment. “Mika, go see if you can find Mikage Abe or someone who knows of his whereabouts. Listen to their thoughts and report back to me. The old wizard’s not in his quarters. I wish words with him.”

  “Yes, Sire.”

  Mika carefully returned the picture to its private resting place before she quietly left the room.

  Musashi lay down upon the giant bed, placing the beautiful babe beside his sleeping brother. He then looked at their glowing new mother.

  “I’m not the only man to ever feel jealousy concerning you, surely.” He openly pouted, very nearly blushing.

  “Take it not upon your heart. It was but jest.” She smiled at him. “I was simply enjoying Mika’s innocence. That’s all.”

  “Don’t show that beautiful smile to me, Milady. Already I plan day and night how I may keep you locked away, hidden from the rest of the world. My own personal treasure. If you look at me that way, smile at me like that with those heavenly eyes of yours, how will I ever be able to accept my bitter reality?” He touched her hair, worship and adoration evident upon his face, in his actions. “I wish to be their father, Princess. I want to be your loving husband. I gladly surrender my throne to you, only promise to smile at me, just like that, every single day.”


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