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Memories of Us

Page 19

by Fabiola Francisco

  “Dex is performing tomorrow at Riot,” Hunter says.

  “You’ll love Riot. It’s laid back, and the music is amazing. That’s where my brother first started playing with the guys. They got their big break after that. They go in every chance they get and play.”

  “Hope it’ll help me get my big break,” Dex says.

  “It will. You’re extremely talented,” she tells him, a hand on his forearm. She may say they’re just friends, but her interaction with him tonight shows she cares about him.

  “I can’t wait. Hunter’s told me you’re a great singer.” I smile at Dex.


  I like Dex and Reese. They’re easy going and funny. As much as Reese says they’re not a couple, I can see the chemistry between them.

  After dinner, Reese stands with me by the entrance while the guys go to the bathroom. And they say girls are the ones to go to the restroom in pairs.

  “I’m glad Hunter found you. He’s been so hard on himself. I haven’t known him for a long time, but we became fast friends. The first time we met, he immediately told me he was unavailable,” she laughs. “I wasn’t even interested. I just recognized him from my brother talkin’ about him and wanted to tell him I loved his music.”

  “And you’re interested in Dex,” I add with a chuckle.

  “No.” Her head shakes quickly. “I met them both the same night. Dex is great, but he’s not one to settle down. I like to have fun, but I know how far I can go. Dex is someone I keep at arm’s length when it comes to a relationship.”

  “You never know.”

  She shrugs. “Maybe not, but I’ve seen him in action. Once he gets signed with a label, it will only feed his ego more.”

  “I’ve only just met him but give him some credit. You have a brother who’s a musician, and his ego isn’t inflated from what you told me tonight and what Hunter’s said about the band.”

  “I guess,” she shrugs.

  “Ready to go?” Hunter interrupts us.

  “Sure. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” I turn to Dex and Reese. I’m glad that meeting them was unexpected. It helped to ease the nerves I had building for tomorrow night.

  Once we’re in the car, Hunter speaks. “Sorry about that. I didn’t think he’d show up and highjack our date.”

  “Don’t be. I liked them. It was fun.”

  “But I wanted time with you.”

  “You’ve had a lot of time with me alone, besides, we’re alone now.” It’s not as if I’m staying at a hotel where he’s dropping me off. I’m going home with him.

  “We are.” His thumb brushes across the hand he’s holding as he drives us back to his place.

  We walk into Hunter’s apartment and I get ready for bed. When I walk out of the bathroom and into the living room, Hunter is spreading a blanket on the couch.

  “I grabbed one of the pillows from the bed, but you still have two.”

  “Why are you going to sleep out here?” I look up at him, my heart starting to race.

  “I told you I wouldn’t cross that line until we were serious again.”

  “Hunter, you can sleep in the same bed with me and not have sex. I want you to. I miss being in your arms.”

  “Fuck, Kenzie,” he groans. “I honestly don’t know if I can do that and not be tempted to do more.”

  I walk up to him. “Especially when you’re wearing that thin top and shorts. You’re killing me, darlin’.” His finger brushes against the edge of my pajama shorts, causing my skin to pebble.

  “Hunter, lay in bed with me. We can talk or not talk. You can wrap your arms around me and kiss me goodnight. It’s ridiculous for you to sleep on the couch all week.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m positive. We don’t have to do anything until we’re ready.”

  “Being ready isn’t the problem,” he says against my lips. I laugh and shove his shoulder.

  “Come on, cowboy.” I turn and walk back into his room, his cursing groan following me.

  Waking up in bed with Hunter was surreal, yet natural. His arms were around me all night, holding me tight as if I’d disappear in the middle of his dream. He’s always been the person I’ve wanted to wake up to, day in and day out. I’m getting that opportunity again, and the feelings I have for that life are greater than the lingering anger.

  When we got to the studio, he introduced me to Cash, Jason, Cole, and Ryder. It was so cool to meet them and see where they work. It’s clear they respect Hunter a lot, and I was proud watching him interact with them.

  Having time to myself was good so I could digest all these emotions, and explore the city. Hunter laughed when I told him I got a cupcake from a cupcake ATM, but I couldn’t resist.

  Now we’re walking into Riot, and I’m excited to see what all the fuss is about.

  “Hey!” Reese waves at us as we approach her.

  “Hi,” I smile. I’m surprised when she gives me a hug.

  “So glad you guys are here already. This place has more people than usual on a Monday, since summer vacation started. I was getting dirty looks for taking up so much space at the bar.

  “Thanks for holdin’ down the fort,” Hunter replies. “What would you like to drink?” He turns to me.

  “A beer is great.”

  “How about you?” He looks at Reese.

  “I just ordered a beer.”

  Hunter nods and lifts his hand to catch the bartender’s attention. I stare off at him, taking in his jeans, black tee shirt, and boots. He still dresses more classic than the style I notice around here.

  “What did you do today?” Reese steals my gaze from Hunter.

  “I went to a few different places. I had one of those cupcakes from the ATM. It was so cool.”

  Reese laughs. “Aren’t those the best?”

  I nod. “Delicious and such a neat idea. I also went to Centennial Park and a few different shops.”

  “Sounds like a busy day. How do you like Nashville? This is your first time here, right?” Reese leans against the bar.

  “Yeah. It’s a cool city. The people were really friendly.”

  “Well, of course we are,” she bats her eyelashes.

  “Here you go.” Hunter hands me my drink.

  “Thanks,” I smile.

  We drink our beer and talk to Reese while we wait for Dex to perform. Hunter explained that Mondays are when a few singers perform throughout the night. I’m excited to see live music and take in the Nashville experience.

  “Hey.” I hear a deep voice behind me.

  “Well, hellooo there, big brother. My favorite sister-in-law. My little bug.” I laugh at Reese’s greeting to her brother and his wife.

  “Hey, man,” Hunter shakes Jason’s hand.

  “This is my wife, Cassidy Rae,” he introduces us to her.

  “Hi,” I say, smiling.

  “It’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you, Hunter.”

  “It’s great meeting you. Congrats on the baby,” he smirks.

  “You must be excited,” I add.

  “Ugh, yeah, I am, but I’m huge and just want to sleep all day.” Cassidy Rae taps her swollen stomach.

  “You look gorgeous,” Jason looks at her with love.

  I smile at them, my mind far away. Would Hunter and I have been like that, or would I have been alone and pregnant? Deep down I know he wouldn’t have left me, but I wonder at times what path my life would’ve taken.

  “You’re definitely not huge,” I laugh. You can tell she’s pregnant, but she’s all belly.

  “The rest of the guys should be getting here soon,” Jason tells us. “Still can’t believe you’re friends with my sister,” he shakes his head, looking at Hunter.

  “Hey, I’m lovable and funny,” Reese speaks up.

  “And a brat.”

  She shoves him and laughs. “Whatever. He’s right,” she looks at me.

  Not too long after Jason and Cassidy Rae arrive, the rest of Rebel Desire joins us
. I’m overwhelmed by the introductions and the chatter. Hunter’s arm is permanently around me, whispering secrets while the others talk.

  Once the show starts, we listen to the music and dance. I laugh as Hunter sways us.

  “I can’t tell you how happy I am that you’re here.”

  “I’m happy, too.” My arms are relaxed around his neck and my cheeks hurt from smiling.

  He bends his head to kiss me and I welcome his lips with a sigh.

  “Hey, love birds,” we hear called from somewhere behind me.

  “Ignore them,” Hunter murmurs against my mouth, his tongue dancing with mine.

  “Fuck,” he mumbles when something hits his head.

  “What?” He looks up and over my shoulder.

  “Dex is up now,” I hear Reese say.

  Hunter groans and looks at me. “We’ll finish that kiss later,” he promises. My stomach flips as I imagine the kiss leading to more.

  We return toward the bar, eyes trained on the stage as Dex walks out with his guitar. I sneak a peek at Reese and notice the intensity in her gaze as she looks at him. She notices me watching her and rolls her eyes.

  “You never know,” I mouth. The only response I get is a sigh and head shake.

  If I lived here, Reese and I would be great friends. I listen to Dex as he begins to sing.

  “Is this your song?” Cash looks at Hunter.


  Cash nods and turns his attention back on Dex.

  “I wrote this for you,” Hunter whispers into my ear from behind. His arms are wrapped around my middle as his body envelops mine.

  I don’t respond. Instead I listen to the words with rapt attention. How can it feel like no time has passed between us, yet feel like a million years have flown by from the days we’d sneak out to the desolate field and stare at the stars from the bed of his truck?

  He begins to sing to me, his breath tickling my skin and causing it to pebble. I lace my fingers with his, arms wrapped around me, and rock slowly against him. We’re surrounded by people, but this moment is ours. Hunter turns me around and holds my lower back with one hand and my hand with his other one. We dance to the beat of the music, a raw sound without all the other instruments and editing.

  “I don’t want you to leave at the end of the week,” Hunter confesses. “I just got you back.”

  “I need to apply at the schools, but I can come back after that, or you can come down on the weekends.”

  “Apply here,” his plea slips from his lips.


  “Try it. See what happens.”

  “Really?” My eyebrows lift.

  “Of course. I want you here, but I don’t want to interfere in your dream. However, if you’re going to find a job away from Springville, with the possibility of living somewhere else, why not try Nashville? I don’t want you to feel like you have to. I’ll love you no matter what and we will make this work, but I’d be fucking happy if you lived here with me.”

  I’m surprised, although this is what we always wanted to do. I’d teach in Nashville and he’d sing. I just didn't think of it for right now. He has a point. If I find a job in Birmingham and move there, I could consider Nashville.

  “I’ll think about it.” I lift my body on my toes and peck his lips.

  His smile is enough to melt me on this dance floor. I lean my cheek to his chest, continuing to move as he sings to me.

  TONIGHT HAS PLAYED OUT exactly the way I dreamed about over and over again—Mackenzie by my side and in my arms as we danced, laughed, and spoke with friends. I want her with me every day. I could move back to Springville when I finish this album with Rebel Desire and live my life with her. But we both know that wouldn’t work. She’d never let me leave this dream I’ve been building. All I can pray for is that she finds a job here.

  I unlock my apartment door after staying out later than planned. Mackenzie’s hand is wrapped in mine. I only release her when she goes to the bathroom and changes for bed.

  I watch as she moves around the room. She’s only been here two days and her scent is already invading the space and my senses. Her presence is already expected. It will be hard when she returns to Springville. If she could at least stay the summer with me.

  She catches me staring and stops, smiling. “What?”

  I get close to her, using her breath as my own. I reach for her hands, linking our fingers together, and raising our arms. “You belong here with me.”

  “Hunter.” She tilts her head, biting her bottom lip. I guide her hands until they’re holding my neck and release, my own landing on her hips.

  “I know you love Springville. This place isn’t as charming as our small town, but a short drive out of the city leads to beautiful natural spaces. We could go home whenever you’d want. I’m still helping my pops on the ranch, so I’ll have to drive down as much as I can. I’m not singing, so I have more flexibility.”

  “Do you want to sing?” she interrupts me.

  “Nah,” I shake my head for emphasis.

  “Even now? That you know where I am?” Her eyes widen.

  “I like what I do. Love it, actually. I’m not a big fan of having the spotlight directly on me. I like being able to drive home for a bit and ride Addie and visit the watermill without worrying about tour dates and interviews. I want to write songs inspired by you, by my home, and have a hand in creating the music we love. In a way, I think I was always meant to take this path.”

  “But you love singing. You’re a natural on stage.”

  “I do love it, still, and I can sing to you. As a career, I like the one I found on my way to finding you again.”

  Her fingertips tease my neck as they brush the end of my hair. “I don’t want to be the reason you never reached for your full dream,” she frowns.

  “You’re not. I found something I enjoy more.”

  “Are you sure?” Her eyebrows furrow and her lips purse.

  “I promise. In no way are you, or have you in the past, stopped me from doing what I love. I’ve told you that writin’ songs, this career, has been somethin’ to do while I hoped I’d see you again someday. You’re all I want. Losing you put a lot of things into perspective.”

  Mackenzie nods silently. “I love you, Hunter. I really do.” Her words are meant to convince me, but I already believe her.

  I dip my lips to hers, angling my face so I can taste her. Mackenzie sighs into me, her tongue seeking mine. I take my time kissing her, my fingers indenting her hips as I try to control my urge to throw her on the bed and fuck her. It’s been too long. I groan and kiss her harder when her fingers tug my hair.

  I pull her close to me, sure she can feel my erection hidden in my jeans and attack her mouth with more need. Sweeping my tongue with hers, she whimpers.

  “Fuck, Kenzie,” I growl into her mouth. She pushes her body into mine in response.

  “Make love to me, Hunter. You’ve won me. I’m yours,” her words come out in spurts as she breathes.

  “Are you sure?” I look down at her, her gorgeous faces flushed, her lips swollen, and her eyes bright as the summer sky.


  That’s all the permission I need before I lift her up. Her legs wrapped around me feel fucking fantastic, but they’ll feel even better when we’re naked. I sit on the bed, her on my lap, and toe off my boots while my lips find the spot in her neck that I know drives her wild. She moans as soon as my lips make contact with her skin, urging me on.

  I lift her shirt over her head and throw it on the floor. I lean back and take her in, black bra and soft skin. I run my hands down her sides and smirk when she shivers.

  “You’re stunning.” I kiss her softly before looking at her in the eyes again. “So damn beautiful. I’m a lucky man to be here with you.”

  Her eyes stick to mine as I speak to her, both of our chests rising quickly with each breath. I close my eyes for a beat when her gentle hand touches my cheek.

  “I’m lucky,
too. I hate what happened, but if it brings us to this moment stronger, then I’ll take the lessons and chuck the bullshit. I know your heart.” Her hand moves down to the place that is encasing my thundering heart.

  Her hands then move to the hem of my shirt, pulling it up and over my head, tossing it blindly behind her. Her strokes on my bare chest tickle, but I let her continue her exploration. This feels like a dream. I run my fingers up and down her back until my hands sneak to the front and skim her covered breasts. Her soft moan pushes me forward, touching her breasts with more purpose.

  “Hunter,” my name is a sweet plea coming from her lips.

  I crash my mouth against hers and move the cups of her bra to expose her. As soon as my fingers pinch her nipples, her lower body begins to rock into me. The friction feels good, but I want to feel it without denim blocking us.

  I stand and turn, facing the bed, before laying her on her back. She looks up at me, panting and wide-eyed. I tease her in silence, her breasts still spilling over her lowered bra, as I run my fingers slowly down her body, teasing the skin where her jeans start. I unsnap the button and grin. When I lower the zipper, she sighs.

  “I’m going to take my time lovin’ you,” I promise.

  All Mackenzie does is nod. I’ve been waiting for this day for three years, wishing it would come and refusing to accept it may never happen.

  “Love you, babe,” I tell her as I lower the jeans down her legs, leaving her in nothing more than her underwear, and it’s still too much clothing. I stand at full height and admire her tan body, hair spread out around her.

  I lean down to kiss her neck, her body tensing and relaxing, before moving my lips down to her chest, licking her taut nipples. My kisses lead down her body, stopping at her hips.

  “I’m dying to taste you,” I tease.

  “Then do it,” she challenges. I love that she doesn’t hold back.

  “With pleasure.” I hook my fingers into her panties and take my time removing them, my eyes stuck on her exposed body. With her underwear removed, I get on my knees and tug her closer to the edge, hooking one thigh over my shoulder.

  I kiss up the leg that’s lifted, her wetness evident on her skin. When I reach my destination, I swipe my tongue once up her center and she cries out. I’m going to explode watching her come undone. I lift her other thigh, kissing it as well and nipping her sensitive skin. I look up at her and find her watching me with a mix of desire and curiosity. I lick her again, and her hips buck off the bed.


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