Hot Moon Rising

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Hot Moon Rising Page 2

by Desiree Holt

  Pushing the thought from her mind she bent to her pleasurable task, sucking his cock, feeling the thickness of it as it pushed against the roof of her mouth. His taste was incredible, the skin velvety soft over hard steel, the drops of pre-cum with a delightful salty-sweet flavor. Her hand cupped his balls, rolling them with her fingers, loving the feel of the fine hair on the pleated skin.

  He moved so swiftly that before she realized it his cock had popped from her mouth and she was flat on her back, his hands pinning her shoulders to the quilt.

  “Enough.” His voice was hoarse. “You’re driving me crazy. I’m about two seconds away from spilling myself in your mouth and that’s not where I want it to happen. Not this first time.”

  He scrabbled for his jeans, pulling a foil wrapper from his pocket and ripping it open with his teeth. Holding his cock in her mouth had heated her blood and moistened the walls of her pussy with fresh cream. She watched as he rolled the condom onto his cock, wishing he could fuck her pussy and her mouth at the same time. She wanted to taste the mingling of their flavors, the blending of the essence of their two bodies.

  Tonight was a risk. She knew it. Had waited for it. Pushed it away as long as she could. And exactly what she feared had happened. The sexual link between them was stronger than she’d even anticipated. Not to mention the jumble of emotions that just being touched by him brought roaring to the surface.

  Whenever they’d been together it was hard to ignore the signals Charlie broadcast about his feelings for her. But she also knew all too well that between shifter and human those feelings could disappear with the wind. But even if tomorrow he decided he couldn’t hack the shifter thing, couldn’t bear to be with her again, she’d decided she wanted this one night.

  Every nerve in her body sparked, every pulse throbbed with delicious anticipation as she waited impatiently for him to sheath himself. When he slid his hands beneath her buttocks and lifted her, opening her even wider for him, she wanted to scream at him to hurry. To do it now.

  Instead he paused, staring at her, the moonlight reflecting the heat in his eyes. “God, your cunt is so beautiful. You’re so beautiful.”

  One thick finger traced the length of her slit from her pounding clit to her vagina, then back again.

  Put it in. Put it in.

  When the head of his cock pressed against her vaginal opening, she almost wept with relief but then other sensations took over her body. The muscles in her cunt fluttered, her stomach muscles clenched, pulses throbbed with an insistent beat and she could hear the roaring of blood in her ears. Inch by inch he pushed himself into her, her tissues stretching to accommodate him as her liquid heat flooded him, easing his way.

  Outlined in the moonlight, his long hair falling loose from its usual tieback, eyes glinting with passion, he looked like a warrior come to claim his prize. His face was in shadow but she could make out the sheen of sweat on it, the high plains of his cheeks.

  The angle he held her at allowed him to penetrate deep inside her, so deep she felt the tip of his cock when it touched her womb. The mini-climax caught her by surprise, rippling through her, her vaginal muscles milking his cock with light spasms. It was gone almost before she realized it had started but when she looked up at Charlie she saw the realization in his eyes. And the satisfaction.

  But not smugness. Not like…the others. He was enjoying her pleasure, an uncommon reaction in the men she’d taken to her bed.

  She might have thought about her choices a little more but Charlie began to move, his fingers gripping her ass, his balls slapping harder and harder against her skin as the pace of his thrusts increased. In and out. In and out.

  “I wanted…to take this…slowly,” he managed to gasp, “but damn it all, Liane, you …set me…on fire.”

  In and out, In and out.

  The clawing fingers of desire reached through her system, making her nipples tingle, her breasts ache and the pulse in her womb throb. Sliding his forearm beneath her to balance her, he moved his other hand to the top of her pussy, his thumb and forefinger capturing her clit. In a moment he matched his strokes there with the plunging of his cock in her vagina.


  She couldn’t feel anything any more except the thick, hot penis thrusting into her. It seemed to fill her entire body, until there was nothing left except her cunt and his hard, driving shaft. She closed her eyes and let her head drop back, losing herself in the battering of sensations.

  “Lock you ankles behind me,” he ordered in a choppy voice. “Now.”

  Using the arm beneath her for leverage he tugged her forward. If possible she pulled him even deeper. His hips rolled as his thumb and forefinger worked her clit harder and harder.

  The ribbon of desire inside her that had been coiled so tightly began to unwind and her cunt muscles clamped down on him with such force she heard him gasp.

  “Look at me,” he commanded as his hips pistoned in their demanding rhythm. “Do it, Liane.”

  With great effort she opened her eyes and saw him staring down at her.

  “Now, Liane. Let go…now!

  Not that she could have stopped it. He pinched her clit hard, thrust one last time and she exploded, a burst of power consuming her body. They tumbled over the edge of the cliff together, falling through a swatch of black velvet. He wrapped his other arm around her and clutched her to him as their bodies shattered in the moonlight, his heart battering her ribs. Or was it hers? It was impossible to tell. She’d been grabbed by a cyclone and tossed about like a leaf in the wind. Spasms racked her over and over, tearing at her muscles, draining her of every drop of energy.

  And all the while he held her gaze, eyes boring into her as if he could see into her very soul.

  At last it was done, the energy flowing out of them, bodies limp and spent, glued together as they hauled air into tortured lungs.

  The next thing she felt was the light dusting of kisses as his lips traveled over her face, his tongue licking the seam of her lips, his teeth nipping her ear lobes. She sighed, an exhalation of air that seemed to have been dragged up from her very toes.

  “You okay?” Charlie asked, his voice still uneven, his breathing still slightly ragged.

  She shifted beneath him. “More than okay.” She studied what she could see of his face. “And you?”

  His white teeth gleamed in the moonlight as a slow smile curved his lips. “Oh, darlin’. I’m better than I’ve ever been in my life.”

  With great care he slid his arms out from beneath her before pulling his cock from the clasp of her pussy. As sore as she felt, she was still bereft by the loss of his presence inside her, the absence of his powerful shaft filling her. Driving her. Bringing her to a climax of epic proportions.

  He placed an open-mouthed kiss on her clit before standing, one that gave birth to another wave of tiny undulations. She caught her breath at the last pulse beats in her cunt, then watched him dispose of the condom in the remnants of the wrapper. He tucked it into his jeans, obviously to deal with later, then stretched out beside her again. He slid an arm beneath her and tucked her head against his shoulder, his free hand caressing every part of her body he could reach.

  Liane had never felt so satiated, so replete, in her life. So emotionally fulfilled. And so scared. Would he be back? Would he want more from her than sex? When he cleared his throat she tried not to tense in anticipation.

  “Problem?” he asked, his warm breathe fanning her cheek.

  She shook her head. “How could I have a problem? This was unbelievable. You’re unbelievable.”

  “Good.” He was so silent she could almost hear the gears shifting in his brain. “Listen, Liane…”

  She pressed her fingers against his lips. “Don’t say it. Please.”

  He took a closer look at her face. “Don’t say what? What’s the matter?”

  “It’s all right, Charlie. You didn’t force me into anything. This was my choice. And I know…”

  “Know wha
t?” he sat up so fast his arm yanked out from under her. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “It’s one thing to intellectually know about shifters. Even to see them. But it’s hard to—”

  “You must think I’m some piece of shit.” He was angry, his voice harsh. “You think all I wanted was a quick fuck with someone who’s…different and then I’m going to run away? Even after a year, you don’t know me very well.”

  “I just—”

  He bent his head and kissed her, hard. “I was about to ask you if I could come by again tomorrow night. And not just for the sex. To talk. To spend more time together.” He raked his fingers through his hair. “I know it’s late. Jesse and I don’t get the primo shift. But I was hoping…damn it, anyway.”

  This was the last thing he’d expected but he should have known. He remembered how hard it had been for Jesse at first. But also how quickly he and Alexa got past their…differences.

  Liane sat up and put her small hands on either side of his face as he willed the anger to leave him.

  “Charlie, I’m just letting you know know you have an out if you want it.”

  “Well, I don’t, damn it. I want more. Much more. How does that sound to you?”

  She kissed him then and he felt her lips smile against his. “It sounds wonderful.”

  “I love you in both forms, Liane. Yeah, that’s right. Love. I haven’t been hanging out here for a year just because of some sick fascination. I love you.”

  She took one of his hands and pressed it against her left breast. “Feel how hard my heart beats?” she asked.

  He nodded.

  “That means I love you too. But let’s not wait until tomorrow night. Come into the house with me. We’ll talk and hang out together.” She touched her mouth to his again. “And have more wonderful sex. But right now we’d better get inside before my friends start looking out their back windows.”

  She rose lightly to her feet and held out a hand to him. He gathered his clothes and the quilt and followed her to the back porch. A strange peace had stolen over him, the first he’d had since he and Jesse had started working on the gang task force, putting their lives out there every night.

  Inside the house she stopped, tugging at his hand.

  “In case you wanted to know, I won’t shift any more tonight. It takes energy and you certainly made sure I used up plenty of it.” She grinned at him.

  “It doesn’t scare me if you do,” he told her in a low voice. “The only thing that could scare me is if you told me you didn’t love me.”

  She through her arms around him and pressed her body to his. “No worries on that score, big boy. The wolf and me—you’ve got us for life.”

  About the Author

  I always wonder what readers really want to know when I write one of these things. Getting to this point in my career has been an interesting journey. I've managed rock and roll bands and organized concerts. Been the only female on the sports staff of a university newspaper. Immersed myself in Nashville peddling a country singer. Lived in five different states. Married two very interesting but totally different men.

  I think I must have lived in Texas in another life, because the minute I set foot on Texas soil I knew I was home. Living in Texas Hill Country gives me inspiration for more stories than I’ll probably ever be able to tell, what with all the sexy cowboys who surround me and the gorgeous scenery that provides a great setting.

  Each day is a new adventure for me, as my characters come to life on the pages of my current work in progress. I’m absolutely compulsive about it when I’m writing and thank all the gods and goddesses that I have such a terrific husband who encourages my writing and puts up with my obsession. As a multi-published author, I love to hear from my readers. Their input keeps my mind fresh and always hunting for new ideas.

  Desiree welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at

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  Also by Desiree Holt

  Cupid’s Shaft

  Diamond Lady

  Double Entry

  Elven Magic with Regina Carlysle & Cindy Spencer Pape

  Emerald Green

  Hot, Wicked and Wild

  Journey to the Pearl

  Line of Sight

  Night Heat

  Once Burned

  Once Upon a Wedding

  Teaching Molly

  Touch of Magic

  Where Danger Hides

  Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC on the web at for an erotic reading experience that will leave you breathless.




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