Pretty When She Destroys pwsd-3

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Pretty When She Destroys pwsd-3 Page 32

by Rhiannon Frater

  “Mom!” Cassandra dragged the door open, breaking the lock in her haste.

  Galina stared straight ahead, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. Foot still pressed on the accelerator she urged her car forward, trying to push the big SUV in front of her out of her path.

  “Mom!” Cassandra snatched the keys out of the ignition. “Mom!”

  Staring straight ahead, Galina calmly unbuckled her seatbelt and shoved Cassandra violently out of her way. Cian made a grab for her, but Galina moved with preternatural swiftness to avoid him.

  “She’s under its control!” Cian darted in front of Galina, raising his hands to stop her.

  “Where is it?” Cassandra clutched her mother’s shoulders and twisted her about.

  Galina struck her across the cheek with a closed fist. Cassandra staggered backward, shocked, hurt, and angry. “Stop it, Mom!” Her mother was still beautiful, but her sweetness was gone, replaced with a zombie-like stillness that terrified Cassandra.

  The eerie illumination that Cassandra had witnessed before caught her eye again. It was emanating from Galina’s coat pocket. Cian saw it at the same time. Taking hold of the front of the coat, Cassandra ripped it open, the buttons bouncing off the asphalt as Cian yanked it off Galina’s arms.

  Galina blinked her eyes, tilted her head, then a befuddled look came into her blue eyes. “Cass?”

  The dhamphir had only a second to relish the return of her mother when she saw her father swarmed by people from all sides. Men, women, and children attacked him with nails, teeth, and hard punches. Surprised, Cian staggered backward, falling under the torrent of attackers.


  Cassandra began dragging people off of him, startled by their strength and determination. They struck out at her and she shoved them away. She didn’t want to hurt them, but she didn’t know what else to do. The mob of bodies thrashed about, then a small child broke free and ran toward the stationary tornado that continued to rip apart the area.

  “He has the ring!” Cian shouted at Cassandra, pushing people off him.

  The spell to bring the ring to The Summoner was in full effect, influencing all the humans around it. They rushed alongside the boy, guarding him as he ran toward the tornado.

  “Cass, what’s happening?” Galina asked, tears in her eyes. Shivering in the cold, she looked around in confusion.

  “Mom, I have to go,” Cassandra said, kissing her cheek.

  Cian gave up on trying to not hurt the humans and hurled the last few away before taking flight.

  “Why? What’s happening?”

  “I’m saving the world,” Cassandra answered.

  There was a rush of cold air, then Aimee stood next to them. “The others are almost here. They’re on foot.”

  “Aimee?” Galina smiled with relief at the sight of the witch. “You’re here!”

  “Galina, sit in the car until our friends get you. Okay?” Aimee touched Galina’s shoulder gently, magic slipping from her fingertips into the confused woman.

  A tranquil smile flitted over Galina’s lips. “Of course.”

  After one last loving look at her mother, Cassandra grabbed her girlfriend’s hand and they ran after the Cian.

  Chapter 28

  The tornado dissipated with much less drama than it had appeared. One moment it was tearing apart the highway and interstate and the next it was gone.

  What remained were the jagged remains of a once great structure. Like broken bones, the remaining cement pillars raised skeletal fingers made of rebar toward the dark and threatening sky.

  Death surrounded Amaliya. Broken, shattered, and burned bodies called to her. Confusion ruled the living, but the dead cried out for justice. It was difficult for her not to reach out to them with her necromancy, but she kept it wound tightly inside of her, refusing to unleash it.

  A crowd of people ran in the direction of The Summoner. A small boy led them clutching a winter coat to his chest. The little Hispanic boy’s big dark eyes didn’t blink as he darted around dead bodies, battered cars, and the concrete and asphalt chunks that had peppered the area.

  “Well done,” Etzli said to Trish.

  The redhead looked unsteady after the use of so much of her power, but she grinned.

  The Summoner wearing Bianca’s form stepped forward and held out one hand to the boy. With a blank expression on his face, the boy extended the coat.

  Lifting her eyes to the sword, Amaliya fought to regain control of her body. Her mind felt terribly lucid, but her limbs were weighted and immobile.

  The sound of helicopters, sirens, and screams rent the air, but an eerie calm filled the bystanders who had delivered the final ring to The Summoner. Taking the coat, The Summoner withdrew the ring from the pocket.

  “No!” Amaliya cried out.

  Seconds later, she caught sight of Cian hurtling over the heads of the crowd that had brought the ring.

  “Ah, look who’s here. But too late,” The Summoner said.

  The golden ring spiraled out of The Summoner’s hand to join the other twelve hovering overhead. There was a bright flash of white light that illuminated the entire area like a nuclear bomb. Amaliya was instantly blinded and covered her face. A loud noise like a sonic boom followed, and the glass windows of the Navigators exploded.

  When she was finally able to see and hear again, Amaliya lifted her face to see The Summoner standing over her with Bianca at his feet. Handsome, cruel, and nude, a halo of golden light surrounded him. Above him hung the complete Sword of Lucifer. Its elegant hilt was encrusted with jewels and its sharp blade glinted in the ethereal light it cast.

  “It’s time,” The Summoner said to her.

  Then the ground opened and started to swallow the world.

  Cian flew over the heads of the crowd, aiming for The Summoner. He could clearly see Amaliya standing just behind Bianca’s possessed body in a circle of black SUVs. Etzli, dark witches, and other beings were also gathered in the ring that was protected by the power emanating from the floating rings in the form of a sword.

  Amaliya screamed just as Bianca withdrew the ring from Galina’s coat. Cian was almost to The Summoner. Drawing his obsidian blade, Cian prepared to attack.

  The explosion caught him just as he descended. The concussion sent him spinning through the air and crashing through the remains of a pillar, destroying it completely. Landing among the ruins of the overpass, Cian growled with anger and agony. His broken bones started to mend as he fought the blindness that had seized him. Unable to hear or see, he pushed himself to his feet and staggered forward. Pumping his blood power into his broken body, he repaired the damage.

  “Dad! Dad!” Cassandra called out to him.

  He spun toward the direction of her voice, his vision still blurred but rapidly returning. Cassandra was hopscotching over cars and hunks of the overpass with Aimee close behind.

  The ground rumbled beneath his feet.

  Twisting about, Cian saw enormous fissures spreading over the ground and the remains of the interstate. The earth lurched violently, then began to crumble. In horror, Cian watched people, vehicles, and debris disappear into the massive sink hole.

  “Fuck!” Cassandra screamed. “Fuck!”

  The cracks spread toward where Cian stood and he leaped into the air just as the ground gave away. Darting backwards, he barely caught Cassandra and Aimee before they tumbled into the cavern opening below them. Lifting the women into the air, he swung over the growing chasm.

  Across from the expanse, he caught sight of Lucifer’s complete sword glowing brightly in the night. The Summoner in his true form stood directly beneath it with his arms spread out. Behind him was Amaliya clutching Bianca in her arms.

  A redhead stepped forward and raised her hands. Within the cavern, the walls shuddered and formed a long sloping path to the floor far below.

  In a long procession, The Summoner and his people started downward.

  Aimee and Cassandra clung to Cian observing
the destruction. In silence, the three descended into the darkness.

  Samantha ran behind Jeff, weaving between vehicles. The cataclysmic sounds ahead were terrifying in volume. It sounded like the end of the world. Debris littered the ground and dirt filled the air.

  “There it is!” Benchley was running along another path through the stopped traffic with his sister hot on his heels.

  Eduardo loped along in full were form. No one said anything to him about exposing his true nature. The world was ending. Samantha supposed seeing a were-creature was the last of everyone’s worries. Those people still alive were running away and not paying attention to the small group of people rushing toward the devastation. Baptiste was just ahead them, pumping his arms as he sprinted. He was in the best shape out of all of them due to his regular runs. Samantha now wished she had kept up her running regime.

  Baptiste reached the Mini Cooper first and peered inside. “She’s here!”

  When Samantha saw the woman inside, she was struck out how absolutely gorgeous she was with her dark hair and big eyes. She looked strikingly like Cassandra and not much older than her daughter.

  “Galina, it’s us!” Benchley bent into the car to hug her.

  “Oh, Benchley!” Galina cried out. “I remember you!”

  Samantha yelped as the ground lurched under her feet, knocking her into the car. Jeff grabbed her. They both lost their balance and fell to the blacktop.

  “Oh, shit!” Baptiste exclaimed, hands held out trying to keep his balance as the road trembled.

  Samantha and Jeff fought to get to their feet just in time to witness the remains of the interstate falling into the massive chasm opening beneath it.

  “Get Galina out of here!” Samantha shouted at Benchley.

  “I want to fight!” Benchley protested.

  “No! Go!” Samantha shoved the big guy. “You have to get her away from here.”

  Benchley’s mouth twisted in frustration, then he nodded. Grabbing Galina’s arm, he heaved her into his arms. The blood from Cian granted him strength and swiftness he didn’t usually have. He rushed toward the van.

  Alexia drew her pistols out of her backpack and took a deep breath. “We’re going in, aren’t we?”

  “Yeah,” Jeff sighed.

  “I’ll see you down there.” Samantha closed her eyes, summoning her powers. Her magic instantly spread out from the core of her being and filled the air around her. The sparkling mist of her magic was a comfort amidst the bedlam. She summoned the ghosts to her side and felt them rushing to answer. When she reopened her eyes, they were glowing white with tiny black specks spiraling within them.

  “Sam, wait!” Jeff cried out.

  “I love you, babe, but I gotta get down there. The Summoner fucked up by not killing me. I’m The Phasmagus and I’m about to show him what that means.”

  The rush of spectral beings zoomed over the cars like a milky-white fog and caught her up in their arms. Riding the crest of the massive wave, Samantha was swept up and over the crashed cars.

  The gigantic crater below was filled with darkness and death, but Samantha wasn’t afraid anymore. The Summoner couldn’t control the ghosts, but she could.

  The sparkling wave of phantasms descended into the sink hole carrying her into the darkness.

  The Mayan temple was nothing more than a ruin. It had been swallowed long ago by the earth. Maybe it had been sheltered in a cavern all that time, but now it lay exposed to the fine rain falling from the storm clouds above. The walls covered in glyphs and elaborate stonework lay in shambles. The heads of stone serpents were broken in pieces, but a few still snarled at the base of the remains of the temple.

  Crumpled cars littered the floor of the cavern. Bodies lay broken all around the temple, blood oozing along the rocks and pooling in the dirt. None had hit the desecrated temple, which didn’t surprise Amaliya. The black magic of the sword would protect everything but the human innocents.

  Their descent was in silence. Much to Amaliya’s relief, the sword had released its hold on her and allowed her freedom of movement. She knew she could not strike out yet, or else she would meet with failure. Amaliya clutched Bianca to her side, supporting the smaller woman. Clearly overwhelmed, tears streamed over Bianca’s cheeks. Failure weighed heavily on both of them.

  Amaliya couldn’t use her necromancy or The Summoner would seize her power and use it against her. That left her vampire abilities to fight with. It made her feel weak, but she trusted herself. She could and would find a way out of the situation. Plus, she had seen Cian, which meant the others were coming to help her fight. She had hope, which was enough to keep her walking into the dark behind her creator instead of foolishly trying to flee.

  The Summoner strode before them. Etzli behind. The witches, demons, were-jaguars, infused humans, and elemagus finished off the procession.

  The Sword of Lucifer soared over the center of the broken temple and illuminated the ruins with its golden radiance. The top of the building had broken away, but a flat surface remained.

  The slope that the elemagus had formed was firm beneath her, but Amaliya kicked off her heels anyway. The dirt was frozen beneath her feet. Everyone always associated black magic, demons, and Lucifer with flames and heat, but all she felt was a marrow-deep cold.

  When they reached the base of the temple, The Summoner easily scaled the broken steps rising to the platform. Amaliya followed. Keeping a tight clamp on her necromancy, Amaliya focused on her desperate, but only plan.

  A giant serpent hewn from stone lay in pieces in the center of the temple floor. The head was massive, with a gaping mouth and ornate stonework creating elegant, gruesome designs over its surface. The sword hovered just above it. The black witches strode ahead of the group and took their positions in a circle around the head. Raising their hands to the sword, they began to chant.

  “Bianca,” The Summoner said, extending his hand to her, “it’s time to usher in the new world.”

  With a whimper, Bianca lowered her eyes understanding now what her fate was to be. “I knew it. He always wanted just you, Amaliya.”

  “No, you can’t.” Amaliya protectively shoved Bianca behind her.

  The Summoner’s blue eyes focused on her, cruel and demanding. “Amaliya, we discussed this.”

  “Get the girl,” Etzli ordered from behind Amaliya.

  Amaliya twisted about, snatched Etzli’s bone dagger from her waist, and slashed her throat in one swift movement. Etzli gasped in shock, her fingers gripping Amaliya’s shoulders. Amaliya was aware of the others descending on her, but ignored them. Thrusting the dagger into Etzli’s heart, she shoved the woman to the ground. The shock on Etzli’s face was satisfying, but not as much as the feel of her heart clutched in Amaliya’s fingers.

  “Bye, bitch,” Amaliya hissed.

  Amaliya yanked her hand out of the woman’s chest and shoved the organ into her mouth. She swallowed the bloody thing as the were-jaguars hauled her away from Etzli’s body.

  “No!” Gregorio cried out, falling to his knees beside Etzli.

  Blood dripping from her mouth, Amaliya smirked at The Summoner.

  With an angry howl, he grabbed Bianca, who was staring in shock at Amaliya.

  Etzli’s blood power surged into Amaliya a second later. It took her a few seconds to find the red thread of Etzli’s power mingling with her own, then Amaliya summoned all the blood from Etzli’s body. In a mighty gush it exploded out of the hole in Etzli’s chest and splashed over Amaliya and the six were-jaguars clutching her. Taking advantage of their shock, Amaliya wrenched free of their slippery grip. The blood soaking the were-jaguars turned into a supernatural vice as Amaliya attempted to utilize Etzli’s power over blood. The were-jaguars thrashed about in an attempt to break free of the blood encapsulating them while Amaliya struggled to contain the vampire blood magic. Etzli’s power was foreign to her, but Amaliya was good at winging it. She finally yanked the red thread of power taut in her mind’s eye and was rewarded when
Etzli’s blood tightened around the were-jaguars and popped them like ticks. As their destroyed bodies fell, Amaliya kicked Gregorio down the stairs of the temple and he vanished into the rubble.

  The murk lit up with a red glow and the demons turned toward Amaliya, their hands aflame.


  To her surprise, Aimee landed in front of her and the witch lobbed balls of white magic at the demons. They immediately scattered. Cassandra appeared, silver knives flashing as she fought her way through a cluster of Etzli’s vampires charging up the broken stairs toward them.

  Then Cian was there, handsome, fierce, and armed with his obsidian dagger. She wanted to drag him into her arms and kiss him, but she had to save Bianca. She raced toward the serpent’s head where The Summoner was attempting to hold down Bianca and Cian followed in her wake. Bianca had bought them some time by actually fighting against The Summoner. The slender girl battled savagely, kicking and punching, and to Amaliya’s relief, was not using her necromancy.

  It had been a huge gamble, but Amaliya had believed that The Summoner would be too arrogant not to want to be in his true form at the end of the world. That meant he’d utilize the power of Lucifer’s Sword to manifest himself and abandon Bianca’s body. To create his body in the greater world, she’d assumed that he’d have to utilize most of the power of Lucifer’s Sword and hoped that the drain on the sword’s magic would be too great to also keep her captive. She’d been right.

  It hadn’t been until they were almost ready to leave the mansion that she had finally remembered the advice Innocent had whispered to her in her dreams.

  Trust yourself.

  Amaliya planned to do exactly that.

  “Finish the ritual!” The Summoner barked at the black witches. Reaching over his head, he gripped the hilt of Lucifer’s Sword.

  “I’ve got the witches!” Cian shouted.

  “I’ve got The Summoner!” Amaliya answered, but immediately knew she was too late.

  The Summoner swung the sword toward Bianca’s throat.

  A great white sparkling mist billowed into view. Riding the wave was Samantha, eyes glowing, body shrouded in the power of the dead. Amaliya gasped as the ghosts bore The Phasmagus down on The Summoner. Samantha struck the sword from his hand a split second before it was going to strike Bianca. The look of shock and anger on his face was extremely satisfying, then The Summoner launched himself at Samantha.


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