Cowboy Take Me Away (Rough Riders #16)

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Cowboy Take Me Away (Rough Riders #16) Page 18

by Lorelei James

  Carolyn laughed right then and the sound flowed through him like liquid happiness. He wanted to say, “She’s definitely worth everything I have to go through to make her mine,” but his brothers would rag on him endlessly for such a sappy comment, so he merely said, “Yep.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Carolyn waited on the front steps of Carson’s trailer, her leg bouncing as she tried to focus all her restless energy in one place. She probably could’ve gone inside—she knew neither Carson nor Cal locked the door—but waltzing in without an invite would feel like trespassing.

  The sun beat down, frying the top of her head, making the skin on her arms sting. Thankfully she hadn’t worn stockings or they’d be melted to her legs.

  She should’ve gone home. The sun porch would’ve cooled off by now. She could strip, lie on her bed and let the breeze wash over her, hoping it’d wash away the ugly words that’d been tossed around today as if she wasn’t there.

  She’d done an onsite first fitting in Moorcroft for Missy Ludwig, the bride, and her two bridesmaids, Tammy and Edie, the catty women Beverly had pointed out to Carolyn. And to make matters more fun, the first bridesmaid she fitted was the brunette, Edie, who Carson had his arm around. Her nasty glower could’ve torched Carolyn’s hair.

  Carolyn had stayed professional, just like her aunt had taught her, when Edie started asking questions.

  “So you’re really dating Carson McKay?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “How long has that been going on?”

  “Three weeks.”

  “Longer than most. That’s probably just because you’re not from around here.”

  “My parents live here.”

  “But you didn’t go to school here. Where’d you go?”

  “A Catholic academy in Billings.”

  “You were studying to be a nun?” She laughed. “That would be a challenge for Carson McKay. Trying to sweet talk a nun candidate out of her habit.”

  “Turn to the left please.”

  Edie paused as she admired herself in the mirror. Then, “You sure Carson hasn’t dumped you and you just haven’t realized it yet?”

  Do not let your hand slip and jab her with this pin.

  “He was downright hostile to you that night at the dance when he had his arm around me and invited me back to his place.”

  Tell her you and Carson had a fight and he was just using her to make you jealous.

  No. She wouldn’t stoop to that level. “We’ve been out almost every night for the last two weeks. I’m surprised you haven’t seen us.”

  “But I didn’t see you out with him last night. Looked like he was having a good old time without you. And he wasn’t alone.” Edie smirked at Carolyn’s look of surprise. “Oh, sorry, you didn’t know?”

  “I know what I need to.” After Carolyn finished pinning the hem, she said, “Turn.”

  “Yeah, right. Bet you don’t know what kind of man Carson really is. He’s using you; he uses everyone. It’s a game with him. He’ll see if he can get you to fall into his bed and he’ll fuck you over as you’re falling for him. Then he’ll drop you like a bad habit—not that he’s dropped any of his own bad habits. He’s done the love ’em and leave ’em thing so many times, with so many girls, it’s no wonder he had to go looking elsewhere for fresh meat.” Edie’s piggy eyes scanned Carolyn head to toe. “Young meat.”

  Carolyn blinked at her.

  “Oh, sweetie. Are you gonna cry?” she cooed maliciously.

  Like I’d give you the satisfaction. “Of course not.” She jerked on the bodice. “Maybe you should think about wearing a padded bra with this dress so there’s not such a huge gap in the bust line. There’s nothing I can do to fix that.” She couldn’t manage a smile. “You’re done. Go ahead and hang the dress on the back of the door and send in the next bridesmaid.”

  Edie unzipped the dress and let it fall to the floor. She kicked it at Carolyn. “You hang it up. You’re nothing but the hired help around here.”

  Heat blazed in her cheeks as she shook out the dress and hung it up.

  The don’t let her get to you self-advice didn’t work.

  Tammy the bridesmaid was equally nasty.

  As Carolyn packed up her notions bag, she overheard them in the room next door, talking about her as if she couldn’t hear every blasted word.

  What is she thinking, screwing around with Carson McKay? Does she think she’s got a chance with him? Please. The only person that man will ever commit to is himself.

  I know she’s not from around here, but is she stupid? He’ll use her and move on.

  I wonder if she’s seen the notches in his bedpost? A friend of mine swore me to secrecy that she’s actually seen them.

  I bet after he dumps her she’ll slink away in embarrassment.

  I heard their families have some kind of feud going on and Carson only took her out on a dare from his brothers to make her family mad.

  But had Carolyn stood up to them? No. If she spoke her mind she’d come off as a screech owl. Better just to smile and move on.

  She’d knocked on the bedroom door and all conversation ended like someone had sucked the oxygen out of the room. “I’ll be back in two weeks for the final fittings. God bless and have a peaceful evening.”

  Then she’d driven to Maxine’s shop and ditched the dresses. At loose ends, she backtracked here.

  Even as her tears fell she knew they were stupid and pointless. Crying never solved anything. Did she really want Carson to find her sobbing on his steps? Then he’d have another one of those “you’re too young for me” moments—which were becoming rarer by the day. But still.

  Carolyn wiped her eyes and stood. Before she made it to her car, Carson’s truck barreled up the gravel road, a dirt rooster tail trailing behind him.

  He slammed on the brakes and bailed out of his truck almost before it stopped. “Well, ain’t you a pretty sight to come home to.”

  She threw herself into his arms.

  “Hey, now. Much as I love havin’ you wrapped around me, I just got done workin’ and I reek to high heaven.”

  “I don’t care. I just need…”

  He covered her mouth with his. He tasted like coffee and man. She held onto the back of his neck, keeping those full, soft lips on hers when she sensed he wanted to pull away. The sweet and slow kiss kept the passion between them on simmer rather than starting out as a raging inferno. It was exactly what she needed.

  All of a sudden Carson bent forward, hooking her knees in his arms and lifting her up. Still teasing her lips with nibbles and soft smooches, he carried her into the trailer straight to his bedroom and lowered her onto his bed.

  “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “To take a shower.” He grinned and let his hungry gaze wander over her. “A quick shower.”

  Carolyn stretched out. Sex aside, she wondered what it’d be like to spend the whole night in Carson’s bed and not just a few hours. Did he sleep naked? Would they fall asleep in each other’s arms? Would he want to have sex with her first thing in the morning? Beverly told her morning sex was the best. Then she’d gone into a little too much detail about how Mike had woken her up.

  That would be a great way to wake up; Carson’s tongue licking and teasing, his lips sucking on her tender flesh. He kissed her down there with as much skill and enthusiasm as he kissed her mouth. He liked making her squirm until she begged.

  Which she always did. Without shame. Then he launched her into that pulse-pounding rush of heaven and gently brought her back down.

  Just thinking about all the wonderful sensations her body was capable of under his tutelage sent a tingle down her spine and dampened her panties with want.

  When the bedroom door shut, she pu
shed up on her elbows.

  Carson stood by his dresser, small towel wrapped around his hips, rummaging through the top drawer.

  His naked back was a sight to behold. His muscles flexed even with the smallest movement, sending the water droplets still clinging to his skin rolling down his sinewy muscles.

  Then he faced her. “Caro? You okay?”

  She automatically answered, “Uh-huh,” but she was more focused on the impressive tent at the juncture of his thighs. Right then she wanted to feel that hardness in her mouth. Kissing him the same way he kissed and tasted her. Scooting to the edge of the bed, she gazed up at him.

  He eliminated the space between them and curled his hand around her face. “Interestin’ look on your face, sugar. Whatcha thinkin’ about?”

  Carolyn didn’t break eye contact. “I want to put my mouth on you, but I don’t know what to do. Will you teach me what you like?”

  His blue eyes went molten. “What prompted you into wantin’ to give me a blowjob?”

  “Seeing you naked pretty much did it,” she admitted. “I love it when you put your mouth down there and I want to know what it feels like to do the same thing to you.” There. That hadn’t been so hard.

  “I want that too. But before we get to the next stage, I wanna hear you say the words.”

  “What words?”

  Carson yanked away the towel. He circled his free hand around the base and stroked up. “This is my cock. Say it.”

  Her cheeks burned. “That’s your cock.”

  “I know you’ve got issues sayin’ dirty words, but when that bedroom door closes and it’s just you’n me nekkid? Those words ain’t dirty. They’re body parts—our body parts—and I expect you to tell me what you want.”

  You can do this. “I want your cock in my mouth,” she said softly.

  Carson groaned and he moved his hand faster. Then he realized what he was doing and stopped. His hand tightened on her face and he swept his thumb over her cheekbone. “So fuckin’ sexy that you want this.”

  “Show me what you like,” she whispered. She placed her hand over his as he stroked himself.

  “You can keep a pretty firm grip.” He removed his hand, placing hers on that hard shaft. “Slow is good until I need it fast.”

  Without waiting for instruction, Carolyn angled her head and licked the tip.

  He sucked in a breath and said, “More of that.”

  She swept her tongue across the slit, wetting her tongue with the clear liquid seeping out but it didn’t really have a taste. She enclosed the entire tip in her mouth and sucked. Then she backed off and traced the edge of the head with her tongue.

  Carson didn’t direct her; he just let her explore, apparently not minding that she was so tentative. His hand was still curled around her face and his other hand played with her hair.

  Bolstered by his patience, she took the tip in her mouth again and let her lips slide down the length, not stopping until her gag reflex kicked in. This close to his groin she caught a whiff of his musky male scent that even the soap from his shower couldn’t mask. She eased back and swallowed him again to where her hand gripped the base.

  Some instinct told her to kick up the pace; to move her hand up and her mouth down in tandem.

  “That’s it, just like that. God that feels good, sugar. So good.”

  She focused on pleasing him, knowing by the harsh sound of his breathing that she was doing something right. She took a chance and glanced up at him, expecting he’d have his eyes closed. But that burning blue gaze zeroed in on her, not her eyes, but watching his dick disappear into her mouth.

  When Carson started bumping his pelvis forward, that was the sign he’d spoken of to go faster.

  She bobbed her head, sucking hard when his length was in as far as she could take it. She had a quick thought: why did they call this a blowjob? There was no blowing involved. It should be called a suck job.

  “Caro. I’m gonna come…pull back when I tell you.”

  His deep moans and the tighter grip on her hair made her squirmy and anxious. Doing this to him had already soaked her panties.


  As soon as she’d released him from her mouth, he wrapped his hand around hers and pulled on his dick so hard and fast, she wondered if it hurt, especially when the look on his face seemed pained.

  “Watch,” he said hoarsely.

  His body began to shudder. She watched as thick ribbons of milky white shot out of that slit and coated both of their hands. He kept pumping and pumping until the spurts ended.

  “Fuck.” Carson blindly reached behind him and braced a hand on his dresser, acting as if he needed something solid to hold him up after that.

  What a sense of satisfaction that response gave her.

  As he caught his breath she asked, “Why did you have me pull back?”

  “Since this was your first time…you ain’t ready for me to come in your mouth.”

  Carolyn wondered how it’d feel having those powerful spasms on her tongue. Curious as to what that tasted like, she enclosed the head of his cock in her mouth and sucked.

  “Jesus, what are you doin’?”

  She showed her disapproval about his language by lightly sinking her teeth into his softening flesh.

  “Shit. Sorry. That just… Damn, woman. I’m feelin’ a little shaky after that.” He sat beside her on the bed. Snagging the towel off the floor, he wiped off her hand before cleaning up his own.

  “I’m buck assed nekkid and you’ve still got all your clothes on. How did that happen?”

  She kissed the cup of his shoulder. “Oral sex education, remember?” she said, suddenly feeling shy. “So how’d I do?”

  Carson dipped his head. Against her lips, he murmured, “I’d say since you made my knees weak you did pretty damn good, wouldn’t you?”


  “You wanna slip them britches off and let me have a go at you?”

  “If you want.”

  He nuzzled her neck. “Gonna be shy now?”


  “Can’t have that.” Carson put his hand in the center of her chest and pushed her back until her spine hit the mattress. He slipped her pedal pushers to the floor, then her panties.

  When Carolyn started to scoot into the middle of the bed, he clamped his hand onto her thigh.

  “Don’t move.”

  “But how—”

  Dropping to his knees, he brought her legs over his shoulders, burying his face between her thighs.

  “This sweet juice tells me you liked havin’ my dick in your mouth.”

  Then she couldn’t answer because her mind was focused on his lips, his teeth and his tongue. Lapping and sucking, his hot breath washed over her, sending tingles up her belly.

  Carson didn’t tease her, leaving her hanging on the ragged edge as he’d done before. He built her into a frenzy of need and then finished her off with that rhythmic sucking thing he did with his lips that sent her soaring.

  Her entire body quaked. She had a strange whooshing in her ears and she thought she might’ve…yelled out his name, with maybe a couple of loud yes, yes, yeses.

  He released her legs and set her feet on the floor. “Sugar, put your britches back on or I’m afraid we won’t leave this bed the rest of the night.”

  She watched him putting on clean clothes, which was almost as sexy as seeing him strip out of his clothes.

  “I could use a beer. Come on.” He offered his hand and led her down the hallway and into the kitchen. “Sorry that I forgot to pick up Coke for you.”

  “I’ll just have a sip or two of your beer.”

  Carson raised his eyebrows. “Didn’t think you drank.”

  “I do sometimes.”

  He let her have the first drink.

  She swall
owed the bitter brew. “Thanks.”

  “Let me know if you want more.” He took a healthy swig. “What happened today? You seemed a mite melancholy.”

  “I was. Just…” Don’t go whining to him. “No big deal. Just forget it, okay?”

  “Nope. I’ll keep pestering you until you talk.”

  Carolyn fought the need to fidget under his probing gaze. “I had a fitting for a bridal party today. Remember that woman you had your arm around that night you were so cold to me? She’s in the wedding. And she said some stuff about you.”

  His eyes narrowed. “What’d she say? Because I never did nothin’ with her. Never even kissed her.”

  “I believe you. She said the only reason you were with me was because I’m a challenge to you and you’d dump me like you’ve dumped everyone else. In fact, maybe I was too stupid to know I’d already been dumped because she saw you at the bar last night and you weren’t alone.”

  “Are you askin’ me if that’s true? Yes, I was at the bar with my brothers, we had a couple of beers and left. That’s it.”

  Carolyn placed her hand on his chest. “I wasn’t accusing you. I believe you. I know you like to go out and rip it up. Edie’s comments about you and me started this whole nasty conversation and they were acting like we weren’t a couple.”

  “What’d you say about that?”

  “Nothing. I overheard them. They didn’t say it directly to me.”

  “They’re idiots. We are a couple. Everyone who’s seen us out and about knows we’re a couple.” He tugged on her hair. “As long as you know I’m with you and only with you, then I don’t give a damn what anyone else thinks or says.”

  Easy for him to say. Turning a deaf ear to the rumors was harder to do.

  He’s a McKay. You’d better get used to dealing with rumors.

  “How about I buy you supper?”

  “Someplace quiet?”

  “I was thinkin’ more along the lines of the diner in Moorcroft. Show people we are a normal couple out on a date.” He grabbed her hand and kissed it. “I haven’t wanted to share you or our time together, but now I see I’ve gotta show off my beautiful girlfriend.”


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