The Sweet Life

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The Sweet Life Page 8

by Dakota Star

  Not long after, it was her turn to try barrel racing. Mitch had told her that many of the visitors tried this event. She shouldn’t worry about going slow or trying to beat the more competitive riders. She should just have fun. Competition was in her blood, and she couldn’t stop the adrenaline that rushed through her, demanding she do well.

  She mounted Blaze and watched as the other competitors rode. When a rider fell off the horse after a sharp turn, Alexis gulped in air, her vision narrowing. She held onto the saddle horn tightly until she could breathe and see clearly again. The crowd grew quiet as they waited for the woman to rise. When she did, loud applause greeted the fallen rider. Alexis rode to the gate on Blaze, waiting for the buzzer to signal the start of her ride.

  She didn’t feel ready. Even after years of riding, this was different. The buzzer sounded and Blaze lunged forward, taking Alexis with him. She adjusted in her seat and worked on staying centered and finding her targets, the barrels. Her thighs strained against Blaze as she held tightly to the saddle as he rounded the first barrel. She knocked the second barrel, but didn’t have time to see if it dropped. She took the third barrel a little slower and crossed the finish line unscathed and still on her horse.

  As she dismounted, Mitch was at her side, picking her up and swinging her around. “That was amazing. You were amazing. I can’t believe you never rode barrels before.” His hat fell to the ground beside them.

  “I loved it,” she gushed as she hugged him back. “I can’t wait to do that again.” She couldn’t stop the adrenaline-fueled laugh.

  “There are plenty of rodeos.” He laughed along with her. “And I’d be happy to sign on as your coach.”

  “Would you now?”

  “Absolutely. Barrel racing is really popular. I could make a lot of money off you.”

  “So now I’m your money maker? Exactly how much money could I make barrel racing?”

  “When it started in the 1930s, it was more for equitation and, of course, pretty women. You would have won that as well, but now it’s all about the speed. You could make a lot of money, but you also need a fast horse. Are you willing to put out fifty thousand dollars to get started?”

  She paused at that information, laughing at the absurdity of taking up barrel racing. “That’s a lot of cash. I might have to stay in marketing for a few more years.”

  He surprised her with a kiss. “I have to help my dad with the rest of the events. Can I meet you later tonight?”


  “The door’s open at my house. Feel free to drive back up and make yourself at home.”

  “I’ll see you in the bar around nine.” And once again he was gone.

  After he left, she hustled to the stands to watch the rest of the rodeo. Her new friend Anna joined her after her turn at the barrels. It was no contest—Anna rode better around the barrels than she ever would. When the rodeo ended, Alexis went back to Mitch’s to shower and change. She put on clean jeans, a soft blue button-down shirt, and flats, and secured her red hair in a high ponytail. She thought he’d join her at some point, but the rodeo kept him busy well into the evening. At five past nine, she walked into the saloon. Her eyes immediately focused on Mitch, who sat at the bar, beer in hand.

  He stood when he saw her. She skootched in next to him on an empty barstool and their eyes met. He leaned close. “Would you like a drink here or do you feel like going somewhere a little quieter?”

  She peered around the bar. People were drifting in and a band was setting up to play. “Somewhere quiet.”

  “I know a place with a great view and a fully stocked bar.”

  “Sounds perfect. But from now on how about you embrace technology and text me.”

  “Promise.” He offered her his hand and out into the night they went.

  After another pothole-filled ride up his unpaved driveway, Alexis once again stood inside the doorway of Mitch’s hilltop oasis.

  As Alexis stared into the inky black sky from the wrap-around porch, noting the outline of trees and the mountains behind them, she was unsure how she ended up here. Nothing had changed with the dude ranch campaign, yet she stood in his house, surrounded by his stuff. She walked inside and used the same skills she honed in the marketing field to study the décor. Her analysis was as much about understanding herself as it was about understanding her cowboy. The living room had alpha male written all over it with clean, crisp lines and dark wood. The huge fireplace had been built from white brick. But there must have been a woman in his life at some point because the window treatments had a feminine touch.

  As if reading her thoughts, Mitch said, “My dad and I built the house from the studs up. My mom came to visit and helped me decorate.” He appeared a little sheepish.

  “It’s beautiful.” She stared out the large picture window at a star-filled sky. “The view is amazing.”

  “I like it. You can almost see the entire ranch.”

  She trembled as he came up behind her. His heat warmed her back. She wanted to lean into it, but resisted the urge.

  He spun her around to face him and drew her close. She fell into his hug and heard him exhale as she did. His arms tightened, sealing the two together. She leaned her head against his chest, wanting to tell him everything, from her anxiety about the project to her growing feelings for him. Her chin tilted up in an attempt to do exactly that, but failed. Words fled when she saw the raw emotion in his eyes.

  “I’m crazy about you.”

  She concentrated on breathing. Her heart thudded against her ribs. His words warmed her, but also elicited panic. They had known each other for so little time and yet he seemed so sure of this relationship. What would she do on Tuesday when she returned to the office?

  He didn’t give her time to think, tugging her tightly against him, his arms around her sides, trapping her. She fit him perfectly, and while she couldn’t sink into his rock-hard chest, she loved the feel of it and wanted to purr like a cat.

  “I have to do this,” he said. His lips touched hers. They were gentle for a minute, testing the waters. Alexis leaned into the kiss, the taste of his lips too tantalizing to resist.

  His passionate kiss had her responding with equal intensity. She didn’t want to keep her hands away from him. She began to work the buttons of his shirt as their connection deepened. He moved his hands to her hair, pulling it from the elastic she used to secure it. It tumbled to her shoulders as his fingers raked through it.

  She helped him shed his shirt. It fell to the floor. Cold invaded between them as Mitch stepped back, removing his boots and jeans in a few quick, clean motions.

  Alexis watched in awe, unable to do anything but gaze at his nakedness. He was glorious, tanned from the sun and muscled from hours of ranch work. Her eyes drifted down and then shot up.

  “Care to share your thoughts?” he asked with a chuckle, noticing where her eyes lingered.

  She blushed, but then shook away her misguided feeling of embarrassment. He was glorious and loved being noticed. She loved noticing him. “Can you help me? I feel a little overdressed for this party.” Alexis began to slowly unbutton the top of her sky-blue shirt that matched her eyes.

  “I hope you don’t love this shirt,” he said before taking it in his hands and ripping it apart.

  “Hey.” She stepped back. “That was expensive.”

  “I’ll buy you another.” His hands traveled from her stomach to her pink, lace-trimmed bra. Her nipples hardened at his touch. One hand fluttered under her bra and the other to her back, where he deftly worked the clasp. Her bra slipped to the floor and she stood clothed only in her jeans and flats. She stepped out of the flats as his hands found her again.

  “Still too many clothes.” Mitch dragged her to the couch and gently pushed her down onto it. His hands worked the buttons of her jeans while his mouth captured hers. He pulled away to whisk her pants off and throw them on the carpet. And then he was hers. His body, braced against her on the edge of the couch, half coverin
g her, burning but not suffocating. His mouth traveled from her mouth to her ear, and then the sensitive side of her neck, sending shivers coursing through her.

  Tension built between them. His hand caressed her breasts, circling her nipples as they grew hard. He took one in his mouth while his other hand traveled to her stomach and lower. His finger slipped inside her and she bucked against him, her body hot and warm and wet.

  She wanted more. She pushed her body against his, but he controlled the pace and wasn’t ready to let Alexis have her way. He captured her roving hands and pinned them above her head with one of his. His other hand continued to drive her to the brink of passion.

  Her mouth reluctantly left his. “Not fair.”

  He smiled. “Today, you’re mine. I want to bring you all the pleasure I can.” He silenced any more conversation with a kiss. His continued touch sent her to the edge of pleasure, and she moaned. He parted her legs with his and a new friction, warm and hard, stirred her desire. He entered her with one quick stroke and rode her. Hands released, she became an active participant, caressing his back and hair, legs wrapping around him.

  “Let me on top,” she gasped.

  “It’ll be too much. You’re too beautiful. I’ll be done.”

  It was her turn to smile. “Not up for a challenge?”

  She didn’t know how he did it on the couch, but suddenly, without breaking the connection, she sat above him. Now it was her turn to drive him over the edge, and she did so with expertise.

  Afterward, she nestled next to him, one leg slung over his. “Tell me about your family,” Alexis said as she pushed herself closer to him. She couldn’t get enough.

  He shrugged away from her a little so he could meet her eyes. “You’re such a curious person, aren’t you?”

  “Is that bad?”

  Mitch looked resigned. “What do you want to know?”

  “Are you close with your mom?”

  Another shrug took him farther away from her. The cold leaked between them and Alexis shivered a little.

  He pulled back farther but then rubbed her arm when he noticed goosebumps. “It’s complicated. We’re close now, but when I was thirteen, I decided I wanted to move in with my dad. This was after the divorce. He had moved north for a new job and lived outside Boston in a small town called Acton. It really didn’t matter where he was living, I just wanted to get away from my mom.”

  “Why?” She thought of her parents and wondered how hard it must have been for Mitch to watch his dad leave.

  “She had started dating someone. Roger, her now-husband. I was only thirteen but smart enough to know the relationship had started before my parents’ actual divorce. At thirteen, you don’t really understand how hard it is to be in a committed relationship, especially with someone like my workaholic dad, but I blamed her for the breakup. Actually, I blamed her for every bad thing that happened to me at that point in time, and there was a lot, mostly due to my own poor decision making.”

  Alexis put a hand on his arm, hoping to offer comfort. “What happened?” Her voice was hushed.

  “At first, she didn’t want to send me to Dad, but I started acting out. Smoking, drinking, vandalizing the neighborhood. I could take a mailbox down with one strike of a bat. I got arrested for drinking and hauled into the local jail, but it was a small town and they let me go pretty easily after trying to scare me straight. Didn’t work. I started doing some other destructive stuff.”

  “You’re joking, right?”

  “Nope. I hated Roger for no other reason than he was with my mom, and was so mad at Mom that I didn’t care about the consequences. Finally, she couldn’t deal with me anymore.”

  “So you came to live with your dad?”

  “He was much stricter, but I guess I kind of needed that. I saw my mom during the summers, but something had changed. I had changed and couldn’t let go of blaming her for the breakup.”

  “I’m sorry.” Alexis placed a hand over his heart.

  “Don’t be. All part of growing up, I guess. Funny thing is, before the divorce, my dad and I weren’t even that close. He’s always been driven to succeed. As a rising surgeon, that meant working a lot of hours, attending lots of meetings, and even cozying up to some big pharmaceutical companies. I didn’t see him a lot when I was young. Mom was my world.”

  She paused a beat, trying to gauge his mood. “It sounds like you’ve made peace with the situation. Does that mean everything is really okay now?”

  “We all talk. Dad and Mom are friendly. She has two kids with Roger. Growing up with that was hard, and my half-siblings and I still aren’t that close. Mom and I have mended fences for the most part, but she’s not overly excited I’m working here. I’ve grown to respect Roger too. He’s a decent guy.”

  “I feel a ‘but’ coming.”

  His gaze was direct. “The whole experience has left me a little jaded about relationships.”

  It was like a slap in the face and Alexis felt herself recoil. “Oh.”

  “Don’t.” He pulled her back next to him. “I’m a work in progress. Give me a chance. Jaded doesn’t mean that I don’t want this to happen, it just might take me a little time to get there.”

  Even though Alexis snuggled close, the conversation left her with a lot to think about. She had thought he had been so sure of their connection. Maybe it was all in her head.

  Chapter Eight

  They woke up together in Mitch’s queen-size bed, naked and very comfortable. Alexis snuggled closer.

  “Good morning. You awake?” she asked, rubbing his already stirring manhood.

  “Sorry,” he replied sleepily. “I guess you wore me out more than I thought. I thought you didn’t like mornings before coffee.”

  She hid her face, not ready to admit she didn’t sleep well after their conversation. It left so many questions running through her mind. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.” His hand began to rub slow circles on her skin. “But I might not be able to answer it if your hand stays where it is now.”

  She removed her hand. “I promise to put it back in a moment, but I was thinking about it all last night.”

  “A woman in deep thought. Not a good way to start the morning.”

  She slapped him on the thigh playfully. “I can aim higher.”

  He laughed. “You know I’m kidding. Ask your question.”

  “Why are you working at your father’s dude ranch when you have a finance degree? You could easily come to the city and be successful.”

  “Are you saying that what I do now is failing at life?” Annoyance laced his response. “Now you do actually sound a lot like my mother.”

  “I don’t mean it that way, but you could do so much more.”

  “That sounds exactly like my mother.” Mitch removed his hand from her and twisted her on her back so he could gaze into her eyes. “What more should I do? I’m up at five most days to run the horses to their stalls where I manage the feeding and help the wranglers tack them up. I supervise the rides and cattle drive, organize the rodeo, work around the ranch, and manage the finance side of the business. What more would you like me to do?”

  “I didn’t mean it that way.” She put a hand on his chest. “You’re being too sensitive.”

  His voice held a note of contempt. “You mean I don’t make enough money to support your lifestyle in the city.”

  “Maybe I wondered if you might consider joining me.” Alexis’s temper jumped into overdrive. “But so what if I like the way I live?” She used her hand to push away from him and sit up, the sheet falling away to reveal her nakedness.

  “There’s much more to life than hundreds of pairs of shoes.” Mitch sat up as well.

  “Who’s being critical now?”

  “All I’m saying is I like life on the ranch. I like being a cowboy.” He stared at her, brown eyes darkening to chocolate. “Do you think you could ever see yourself out here?”

  She didn’t have an answer for him. �
�Could you ever see yourself in the city?”

  “No.” He sounded so sad.

  The phone rang, causing her heart to skip. Mitch left the bed to answer it. She heard a “hello” before he left the room. She listened even though she knew it was wrong, but she couldn’t hear anything. When he reentered the room, he looked like he had just eaten a sour apple meant for the horses.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “I was just on the phone with my father. I guess your agency called him with your amazing plans for the ranch.” His hands clenched, but his face remained composed. “It sounds like you want to destroy everything that makes this place wonderful. Great campaign, Alexis. Way to go.”

  “I presented the best option to make your father a lot of money from his investment, which is this ranch. I didn’t think they were going to unveil it yet.”

  “By destroying everything that makes it special and unique?” His voice rose. “Why didn’t you discuss your ideas with me ahead of time?”

  “I’m making it better,” Alexis yelled. “The ranch will be a huge success.”

  He lowered his voice, but his stance remained stiff and angry. “You are not making the ranch better by turning it into another luxury getaway for the rich and snobby.”

  “That’s not my intent at all,” she said. “How could you think that?”

  Mitch obviously didn’t trust her.

  “Well, I told my father to say no.”

  “You did what?” She glared.

  “No.” His foot hit the ground hard to accentuate the point.

  “Is he going to listen to you?” Her voice turned to ice.

  He shrugged.

  “I have to go.” She jumped out of bed, trying to find her clothes. She almost cried when she saw the buttons ripped off her shirt, but held back the tears. Rummaging through her overnight bag, she slipped on clean jeans, a t-shirt, and her flats, and headed to the front door. Only after she opened it and stared at his driveway, she realized they had left her car at the ranch last night.


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