Under the Owl Tree

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Under the Owl Tree Page 6

by Sara Daniell

  Dane choked on his drink then looked at me once he stopped coughing. “Yeah, they’re cute together.” He had that odd look on his face again, like he had at the beach. He was definitely hiding things.

  I was confused. “What?” I whispered before taking a bite of food.

  He looked at me, but I could tell he didn’t want to say whatever he was thinking so I dropped it.

  I stood. “I’m gonna go use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” I walked to the back and froze when Zach came walking out of a room that looked like it was an office.

  “Hey,” he said with a slight smile. “You hanging out with Dane and them?”

  I nodded. “I am.” I smiled. “You working?” Obviously he was, but I didn’t know how to talk to him. I always said stupid things when I opened my mouth around this guy.

  “Yeah. I lost my manager. I’m having to talk to applicants now. Plus, I have to hire two new waitresses.” He shrugged. “I tend to run people off.”

  He had some pizza sauce on his chin, and I was shocked when I reached up to wipe it off. My hand stopped midair, inches from his face. I dropped my hand quickly.

  “I think I should probably go.” I walked past him, my arm gently brushing against his in the narrow hallway, and shoved the bathroom door open. When it closed, I let out the breath I was holding and cursed myself. I was just about to walk into a stall when the door opened suddenly and Zach walked in. He didn’t say anything. He walked up to me.

  “W-what are you doing?” I asked as I looked up at him.

  He put his hand behind my neck and leaned down. His lips touched mine softly, and mine parted all on their own, going against what I knew was right. But the kiss heated up, and I had zero intentions of stopping him. He pulled me closer to him, wrapping his hand in my hair. The door started to open, but he moved his hand out of my hair to hold it shut. His lips moved off mine, and he stared down at me, both of us trying to catch our breath.

  “Zach, I’m eighteen. I’m barely an adult.”

  And there was my stupid word-vomit that came out around him. Who gave a flying fuck about age? This man just gave me the most mind-blowing kiss I had ever had, and I should be making it happen again and again, not talking about my age.

  He ran his thumb across my lip then turned and left the bathroom without a word. I moved back when the door opened and a few girls came in. I didn’t know if I should smile or cry. What the hell just happened?

  After using the restroom, I walked back to the table and sat down next to Dane. Everyone was finished eating. I looked at the barely-eaten salad then at Dane who was looking at me oddly.

  “What? There was a long line,” I said, blushing hardcore because Dane kept staring like he knew.

  “O-kay,” he said in disbelief as he leaned back in his chair.

  “Can we leave?” I asked quietly. The whole table erupted with conversation and laughter. The entire restaurant was packed, and I just needed to think about what happened in that bathroom.

  He nodded. “We’re heading out. See you assholes later,” he said with a smile, making everyone laugh. He waved goodbye as we left the restaurant.

  When we got to his truck, he looked at me. “What really happened?”

  My hands were shaking. I leaned against the truck and ran my hands through my hair.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Just tell me.”

  I looked at Dane. “Zach followed me into the bathroom and kissed me. He didn’t say a word before or after. He blew my fucking mind and then just walked out without a fucking word.”

  Dane’s mouth fell open. He remained silent for a minute then started frowning. “Do I need to go kick his ass?”

  “If anyone is going to do any ass-kicking, it’s me. I’m just so confused, Dane. Why would he do something like that and then not say a damn thing?”

  “I don’t have a fuckin’ clue, but I’m going to ask,” he said with a growl as he opened the door for me.

  He got in and started driving. I stared out the window.

  “Please, don’t say anything,” I asked quietly and looked at him.

  He sighed heavily but nodded. He was lost in his thoughts as he drove toward my house. “Maybe,” he stopped and shook his head, “never mind.”

  “No, say it.” I looked at him.

  “Maybe he likes you. It would explain his odd behavior. It’s not like him to do stuff like that. Well, not like him anymore. He used to be a player, but even then he didn’t act like this. I heard he knew how to be charming when he wanted something. That’s not what he’s doing here.”

  He looked over at me. “I may be just overthinking this, but he’s being odd.”

  “I’m a kid compared to him, Dane. I don’t get it.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you, Hales. Like I said, it’s odd for him.”

  I nodded. “Can we go hang out at your house? I still have yet to meet your parents.”

  Dane stiffened a bit. “Umm... no. They’re busy. We can hang with Coach if you want. I was going to go spend time with him and Millie.”

  “Do you think that’s a good idea after what happened tonight? Won’t Zach be there later?”

  “He said he was working late then going to the cabin. The house will be Zach-free.”

  “Alright. I’ll text my parents.”

  Me: Hey, Mom! I’m hanging out with Dane at Coach’s house to talk about plays and stuff. Is that okay?

  Mom: Sure. Is anyone else going to be there?

  Me: Just Coach, his daughter, and Dane.

  Mom: Text me when you get there. And promise me you and Dane are JUST friends. I know you told your father and me he was gay, but we worry.

  I laughed.

  Me: Promise. No worries. You can trust me, Mom.

  Mom: I know. Love you, Hales!

  I set the phone in the seat. “I can come over.” I smiled.

  “Good. Millie will be excited. She likes you. Which means you’re awesome.”

  He nudged my shoulder with his hand. “She doesn’t like many people.”

  I smiled, but it faded as my thoughts went back to Zach.

  I went running in the woods behind the house because I was in the mood to explore new territory. I loved getting lost in the woods as a kid and finding my way back out. I needed something to focus on rather than that perfect kiss playing over and over in my mind.

  I was thankful for the weekend and loved morning runs. The woods were amazing. The dew made everything sparkle as the sun started rising. I turned up the music and continued to run. I was five minutes in when I came to a stop at a fence.

  I climbed over it and walked slowly through the brush until I came to a small opening. A beautiful secluded garden with a large tree and swing came into view. It felt so familiar. I walked a little more and froze when I saw Zach.

  He was putting earbuds in his ears and scrolling through his phone.

  I looked past him and saw Coach’s house. I looked like a damn stalker. I was just about to leave, but he saw me. I felt naked. I was just in a sports bra and shorts. I figured I’d be okay running in just that since I was in the woods. I pulled my earbuds from my ears, crossed my arms in front of my chest, and stared at him. He saw me in a bikini. This should be nothing. But it was something. All because of that stupid, amazing kiss.

  He slowly smiled at me. “That’s not doing much but showing me more,” he said as he motioned toward my chest.

  “I’m about to go for a run. Do you... do you want to join me?”

  I let my arms fall with a defeated huff. “Oh, now you talk to me?”

  His smile faded. “I-I didn’t know what to say.” His forehead creased a little. “I’ve never had that problem before.”

  “Anything would have been nice.”

  I wiped sweat from my forehead. “So let’s run.”

  He nodded then led me to the fence. He let me climb it first; then he followed. He set the pace, leading me deeper into the woods.

  “My house
is five minutes that way,” I said pointing west. “I just happened on your brother’s place. I had no idea.”

  He smiled a little. “These woods connect to a lot of the area. If you go far enough you can get to my place.”

  We ran for a half-hour without saying anything. He led me back to the place we met.

  I sat down in the grass under the tree where there was shade.

  “This is Millie’s favorite spot.” He leaned against the tree and looked at the swing.

  I heard something in the tree and looked up. “What was that?”

  “Just Sam moving around. She comes down and talks to us. Well hoots at us.”

  I smiled. “Oh yeah, that’s right. Dane showed me the owl.”

  I looked at Zach. “Don’t ever kiss me again and just leave me like that, okay? Sorry, I’m sure you don’t want to talk about it, but my mind has been going crazy.” I looked at my hands. “You’re the assistant coach.”

  “I know.” He moved and sat down next to me, his back to the tree. He brought his knee up and rested his arm on it. “So, if I decide to kiss you again… I have to stay and talk to you, right?” he asked as he turned his head and looked at me.

  I laughed a little. “Yes.”

  He gently grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. He ran his thumb across my bottom lip. “You’re beautiful, Hales.”

  I swallowed hard. “So are you.”

  He leaned down and kissed me. He moved me until I was straddling his lap. I gasped a little when his hand gripped my thigh and his other hand roamed my bare back. I pulled back from the kiss and looked into his eyes.

  “Can I trust you?”

  He kept his eyes locked on mine. “Yes.”

  I tilted his chin up so I had better access to his lips. I kissed him, and moved my arms around his neck. His hand on my thigh moved up my body, leaving my skin tingling wherever he touched. His hand on my back brought me even closer to his body while his other hand brushed against my breast beneath my sports bra.

  I had no idea where this was going, but it could go anywhere, and I wouldn’t stop him. I was completely lost in every touch, the way his lips moved against mine, the way he breathed...

  But then Millie’s giggles filled the air in the distance. I pulled away from him. Thankfully, Millie was on the deck talking to Dane. They couldn’t see us, but we could see them through a small opening in the bushes.

  “Wow, ummm, I should go, right?” I stood and backed away toward the fence.

  He stood, following me. He ran his hands through his hair. “If that’s what you want.” He brushed a piece of hair out of my face.

  “I—” I ran into the fence as I was backing up more and almost fell, but he caught me. I laughed.

  “I should head back before my parents start questioning where I am.”

  He gave me his crooked smile. “I guess I’ll see ya later.”

  I climbed the fence and looked over my shoulder at Zach. I smiled when I saw him watching me.

  What just happened?

  DANE AND I were in the backyard throwing the ball to one another while Dad grilled some chicken. I invited Sadie and Trevor over to hang out with us, but they already had plans with their families.

  “You know you can hang out with other people, right?’ I teased Dane as I caught the ball.

  I still hadn’t told him about the morning “run” with Zach. I didn’t know if I should. At first, he seemed okay about the whole Zach thing because he teased me about it, but after Zach kissed me, Dane got all weird and upset.

  “But no one is as fun as you,” he said back as he threw the ball at me.

  He caught the ball again but didn’t throw it back.

  He pulled out his phone, and his smile completely faded.

  “What?” I walked over to him.

  He put his phone back in his pocket. “I have to head home.”

  “Why? Everything okay?”

  “Yeah. My dad just needs my help with something. I’m sorry; I have to go.”

  I walked him to his truck after he told my parents goodbye.

  “I’m sorry I have to go,” he said again, sounding depressed.

  “Are you sure everything’s okay?”

  “Yeah. Just looked forward to hanging out with you.” He tugged my ponytail a little. “Text me and let me know what’s going on in that head of yours.”

  I frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “You’ve been blanking out on me all day. I know something’s up.”

  I shrugged. “It’s nothing.”

  “It’s something. Trust me with it. This is a judgment-free friendship.” He grinned.

  “I made out with Zach again,” I whispered.

  He burst out laughing. “Did he talk to you this time?”

  I nodded. “You’re not mad?”

  “No. Not if you aren’t. I was upset before because you were upset.”

  “Oh.” I smiled a little.

  “You sure you can’t stay?”

  Before he could answer, his phone dinged again. “I’m sure.” He looked down at his phone. “That’s my dad again.”

  I hugged him and watched him get in his truck. He waved then drove off. I went inside to help Mom cook the side dishes.

  “We have too much food now. Why don’t you invite your coaches over? We’ve been meaning to for a while now.”

  I didn’t make eye contact with her. I poured the pasta into the boiling water. “I can send Coach a text.”

  “Please do.” She smiled.

  I got out my phone and texted Coach and Zach in a group text.

  Zach and Coach: My mom wants you guys and Millie to come for dinner. Sorry for the short notice. Dinner is at 7!

  Coach: What’s your address?

  Zach: I know it. We’ll be there.

  Coach: Okay. We’ll be there. Thank you for the invite.

  Me: I’ll let my parents know.

  I suddenly felt like I was gonna be sick. How the hell was I supposed to act like this morning never happened?

  I looked at Mom. “I’m gonna go get a shower.”

  “Are they coming?”

  I nodded.

  “Yay! I’ll go let your dad know.”

  I went upstairs and got in the shower.

  I sat next to Mom, and Zach and Coach were across from us. Millie was sitting in my lap, talking non-stop. Dad was loving it. He always became a big pile of mush around toddlers.

  Dad laughed from the head of the table. “Millie, please run for president one day. You have my vote.”

  I laughed and looked at Zach. He was carrying on a conversation with my mom.

  Coach kept his eyes on Millie. He only ever had eyes for her when she was around.

  “The country would definitely be interesting with her running it.” Coach smiled.

  “Everyone would wear pink!” Millie giggled.

  “Can I see your room?” Millie asked me.

  “Millie,” Coach said, looking at his daughter.

  “Umm, sure.” I looked at Coach. “Is it okay if I take her up?”

  He nodded. “It’s okay, but you don’t have to.”

  “I don’t mind.” I got up and held Millie’s hand on our way up the stairs.

  “I think I still have some of my toys from when I was your age!”

  Her smile grew. “Really?”

  She looked up at me. “I have some of Mommy’s old toys.”

  We came into my room, and I went to my closet to get out my old box. I opened it and pulled out one of my old American Girl dolls. She was dressed in a baseball uniform. I handed her to Millie.

  She smiled up at me. “I like her. Uncle Zach took me to get one.”

  I sat down in the floor with her. “You want to see what else is in the box?”

  She nodded as she held onto the doll.

  We were laughing and looking at my old drawings when I heard footsteps. I smiled when I saw Coach.


  “Hey. It’s time for
us to go, little trouble.” He looked at Millie who was pouting.

  “I’ll walk you guys out.” I tugged gently on one of her curls, making her smile.

  Millie handed me the doll and stood.

  I smiled at her. “You can keep the doll.”


  I handed it back to her.

  “Really. You just have to promise me you’ll play dolls with me when I come over.”

  She hugged me tightly. “Thank you! When will you come play?” she asked excitedly as she moved back. Coach scooped her up, making her giggle.

  “Whenever you want me to. Just tell your dad to text me.”

  I walked with them downstairs.

  Zach had his hands in his pockets, looking out of place. He smiled and took Millie from Coach. “Come on, monster. It’s time to go home.” He looked at the doll in her hands. “What’s this?”

  “Hales gave her to me.” She held it tightly in her arms. Zach kissed her head then looked at me.

  “That was nice of you.”

  I smiled.

  He helped Millie into the truck, and Coach got in the back with her.

  “Thanks for dinner.” Zach turned to face me. “I guess... I guess I’ll see you at practice tomorrow.”

  “Or in an hour,” I whispered.

  I caught a hint of a smile on his face before I walked off. I waved at Coach and Millie on my way past the tuck.

  On the way up the steps, I heard the door to the truck open and close. The truck started up as I made it to the door. I turned in time to see it drive off.

  I BROUGHT A flashlight with me on the way to the Owl Tree. I smiled as I came to the fence and saw Zach waiting. His smile brightened when he saw me.

  “And what are you doing here?” he asked teasingly as he helped me over the fence.

  “We never had a chance to talk after we kissed, and you promised.”

  He chuckled. “Yes, I did.” He ran a hand through my hair as he looked down at me. “Ask me what you want.” His voice had taken on a husky tone as his fingers ran through my hair.

  “I don’t know what to ask.”


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