Under the Owl Tree

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Under the Owl Tree Page 28

by Sara Daniell

  I nodded and put my forehead against his chest and wrapped him in a hug. “There’s one more thing.” I moved back to look at him. “Trevor and I caught you and Sadie having sex, but we weren’t gonna say anything because we didn’t want to embarrass you two. But what’s going on? You two are acting like nothing ever happened. What is that all about?”

  “She said she had a weak moment and pretty much that it was a mistake.” I could see the hurt in his eyes. “She’s asked for ‘time’.”

  “Are you two okay though?”

  “I guess. I mean, we’re still talking. I guess she’s okay too. I’ve pulled back though. I’m trying not to, but it’s hard. She seems to do this a lot.”

  “Do what?”

  He shrugged. “Pull back and not really tell me why. She’s been doing this since our break-up in the ninth grade.”

  I got off the desk and took my rubber band off my wrist. I pulled my hair into a messy bun. “I’m so sorry, Dane. Let’s not keep things from each other. I feel so much better just talking to you.”

  “Me too.” He smiled as he looked at my stomach. “So Zach is being overprotective?”

  I rolled my eyes and laughed. “You have no idea.” I pulled my phone from my back pocket and showed him the twenty texts I received in the past two hours from him just “checking” on me.

  He laughed. “Do you want me to talk to him? I can try to calm him down a bit.”

  “You can try, but I don’t think it’s going to work. He’s in such a bad place right now with Coach dying and the stress of it all. I’m sure he’ll calm down once I go to the doctor, and he sees everything is okay. Oh, and don’t tell anyone. We aren’t saying a word until I go to the doctor. We are going to tell Coach tonight though. Just in case he —” I swallowed hard. “We just want to make sure he knows.”

  Dane and I both jumped when the door opened. Zach looked at us oddly. I didn’t know he was even coming into work today. He was supposed to be getting some sleep since he kept getting up all throughout night.

  “What are you two doing?” he asked as he looked at us. I looked at his hand and saw he had an energy drink in it. “Were you looking for me?”

  “Just in here talking.” I smiled. “Dane knows about the baby.”

  He smiled. “Good.” He walked to his chair and sat down. He opened his laptop. He ran a hand through his hair, messing it up. He looked at Dane and me. “Do you guys have plans for tonight?”

  I looked at Dane. We did. We had to meet with the Glee Club to listen to them rehearse and finish up our plans. Zach had no idea because this was a surprise for him too.

  “Yeah, we need to study for a big math test.”

  He looked a little depressed as he nodded. “Okay.” He gave us a forced smile.

  I looked at Dane again. “Hey, I’ll be out there in a second, okay?”

  Dane nodded and left the office. I shut the door and shut Zach’s laptop then sat down in his lap.

  “You’re not supposed to be up here. You’re supposed to be with your brother and resting.” I smoothed out the wrinkles on his forehead with my thumb. “Stop frowning so much.”

  He grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. “I’ll try. I need to do some work. I’m behind on my books now that Jenny has left.”

  I stood. “Why don’t you bring them home, and I’ll help you with them tonight after I get back from studying? We still have to go practice, and you have to be there today. You can’t do it all, Zach.”

  “I’ll be at practice, Tiger. No worries.” He smiled a little. He grabbed my hand and pulled me so that I was sitting on his lap again. “I love you, Hales.”

  Before I could answer, the door opened. “Mr. Shaw, we have a problem.”

  Zach groaned. “What’s the problem?”

  “Bethany and Thomas didn’t show up for work. Jamie said she’d cover Bethany’s shift, but we don’t have anyone to cook.”

  Zach nodded. “I’ll be out there in a second.”

  The man closed the door back. I got off Zach’s lap and moved so he could stand.

  “I need to go help.”

  “So you won’t be at practice then? Dane and I can handle it and work out plays if we need to again.” Dane and I had been running a lot of the practices for Zach, and we didn’t mind, but it was so nice having Zach there because he could pinpoint things we couldn’t. He was such a good Coach, just like Elliot.

  “No, I’ll be there. I’ll figure something out.” He pinched the bridge of his nose.

  I kissed his cheek. “Okay. And remember, I can help with the books and your homework. I can do whatever you need me to, okay?

  He nodded and left the office.

  It was the day of our big surprise game for Coach and Zach. We got approval for the team and the Glee Club to be excused from classes all day so we could get ready. I texted my parents, inviting them to come, but only Mom responded that she would be there. Dad had missed all my games after finding out about Zach and me. Mom said it was because he refused to condone watching me play for a coach I was dating. He threatened a few times to go to the school board about it but never followed through. Mom told me she was working on getting him to come around, but I didn’t foresee it happening for a while. I just hoped she’d be as understanding about everything once she found out I was knocked up.

  I stood over a large box in the gym, helping Sadie hand out the jerseys with Coach’s name on them to the team. Dane and Trevor were on the field with the Glee Club, decorating the dugout. I looked at Sadie after we passed out the last jersey and were alone.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  She moved the box out of the way. “Sure, what’s up?”

  “What’s going on with you and Dane?”

  “What do you mean?” She asked, not meeting my eyes.

  “Just asking. I care, so, I just want to know.”

  She smiled a little and shrugged. “We’re friends, Hales. All we will ever be is friends.”

  I frowned. “Does he know that?”

  She nodded. “I think I made it clear. Everything is, well, it will be okay. Dane and I will figure it out.”

  I wanted to ask for a deeper explanation, but by the look on her face, she wasn’t going to say anything else. “Okay then. We should go help on the field.”

  We headed out to the field and made sure everything was how it was supposed to be. I smiled when I watched Dane and Trevor sending up a practice lantern. Sadie ordered enough for the entire team and people in the stands so they could send them up in the air for Coach. She thought while the Glee Club was singing and it was dark out, it would be cool to light up the sky. It was going to be perfect.

  I looked at my cellphone when it dinged.

  Zach: I’m coming by the school to bring some extra bats. What class are you in?

  I looked at Sadie. “Zach is coming!”

  “No! Distract him!”

  I immediately called Zach and walked out to the student parking lot.

  “Hey, where are you? I’m actually leaving the school now.”

  “I’m almost to the school. Why are you leaving school? Are you okay?” he asked in a panic.

  “Actually, I’m not feeling that great. I think I’m gonna go to the doctor.” Okay, so lying to him about not feeling good wasn’t the best thing right now, but I had to figure out a way to keep him away from the school. “Will you meet me there? I’m going to the clinic you had me make an appointment at.”

  “I’m on my way!” He sounded like he was about to have a breakdown.

  I called the doctor on the way to let them know I was coming. I made up a lie saying I felt like I was going to pass out. I couldn’t believe I was going to that extreme, but he couldn’t find out our surprise. When I got to the doctor, Zach was waiting on me. He hurried over to my car and opened the door. His hair looked like he had been running his hands through it. It was standing up everywhere. I felt guilty as I took in his expression.

  I got out and smoothed down
his hair. “Calm down. I’m going to be fine.”

  I wanted to tell him the truth so badly, but I didn’t want to spoil the surprise.

  He took my hand in his, and we headed inside without him saying a word. After I signed in, we sat down. Zach’s leg bounced as we sat there. He held my hand on my thigh. I hated seeing him like this. He looked scared. He was past worried. Now he was scared out of his mind.

  “Zach, talk to me. I’m okay. Really.”

  The office wasn’t too busy so I wasn’t shocked when we were almost immediately called back.

  “Looking at your chart we have started, I see that you have an upcoming appointment regarding confirmation of pregnancy.” The nurse stated with a bright smile.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “And you’re here today because of a dizzy spell?” she asked as we came to a height ruler.

  I slipped off my shoes and nodded. I put my back to the wall and stood up straight as she measured me. I smiled and gave Zach a wink, trying to calm him down. Next she weighed me and then showed us to an office where she took my blood pressure. When she was finished, she stood and stuck my chart outside the door.

  “The doctor will be here in a bit. We are going to go ahead and do everything as we would have at your first appointment since we already have you here.”

  I smiled. “Thank you. What all should I expect?”

  “A lot of questions, blood work, and an ultrasound. With the dizzy spell, I’m sure the doctor will order one just to make sure everything is okay.”

  I nodded and held onto Zach’s hand.

  “Can I stay for everything?” Zach asked as he looked at the nurse.

  “If it’s okay with Miss Grayson.”

  Zach looked at me.

  I nodded.

  The nurse smiled and left the room.

  I wasn’t completely lying. I did feel dizzy while handing out jerseys, but it was normal from what WebMD said. I googled it, and early pregnancy has all kinds of weird symptoms.

  “I was just dizzy. I’m okay now.”

  Zach put his head to my leg. “Promise?”

  I rubbed his hair. “Yes.” I moved a little, making the paper on the bed crinkle.

  Several minutes later, the doctor came in.

  His whole face lit up when he saw Zach. “Zachary Shaw? What on earth? Are you here with Miss Grayson?”

  Dr. Biggs shook his hand.

  Zach smiled. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Aren’t you the spitting image of your father! Gosh darn, I miss that man. How are you, Zach?”

  “I’m good.” Zach took my hand and squeezed it.

  Dr. Biggs looked at me, at my chart, and then at Zach again. “I’m assuming you’re the father, seeing that you are here today with Miss Grayson?”

  “Yes, I am.” His smile faded. “I’m being a tad paranoid though.” Zach looked at me. “I’m driving Hales insane.”

  “As expected after what your brother went through with his wife. How is he and your niece doing?”

  Zach didn’t answer. It was easier not to. He hated talking about his brother dying.

  Dr. Biggs smiled at me. “Well, let’s have a look and see what’s going on.”

  I answered all of his questions and looked at Zach while Dr. Biggs jotted notes down on his clipboard.

  “Was he Sam’s doctor?” I whispered.

  Zach nodded. “He’s the best.”

  I looked at Dr. Biggs when he spoke to us. “Alrighty, you two. I’m going to send you to the hospital for an ultrasound and some blood work. I will call and let them know you’re on your way.”

  Zach helped me off the bed, and Dr. Biggs walked us to the door that led to the waiting room. He shook Zach’s hand, and we left for the hospital.

  I PICKED AT the hot pink bandage that was wrapped around my elbow from the blood work while we waited for the ultrasound tech to prepare everything.

  “You’re not gonna let me play tonight, are you?” I whispered to Zach. I hadn’t thought about that before I planned this whole thing to keep him away from the school.

  “Hales, I’m not your father. I’m not going to tell you you can’t.”

  “But I don’t want you freaking out.” I was about to say more when the ultrasound tech came and sat next to me. Zach sat on the other side of me, holding my hand.

  “Alright, sweetie. Since you’re so early, we will need to do this vaginally. I’m going to step out and let you change into this,” she said, handing me a pale blue hospital gown. “I’ll come back in shortly.” She patted my knee and walked out.

  My eyes were wide. “What!” I looked at Zach.

  “It’s not so bad according to the books I’ve re—” he stopped talking and turned red.


  “I bought some books.”

  I smiled a little. “About?” I got off the chair and changed.

  “Pregnancy, parenting, things like that.”

  Zach stood and helped me tie the back of the gown.

  “That is probably the sexiest and sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.”

  He chuckled. “Really?” He kissed my neck softly then took his seat again.

  I nodded and laughed after looking down at myself. “But this, this is far from sexy.” I laughed some more and sat down in the chair.

  He gave me his crooked smile. “I think you’re very sexy. No matter what you’re wearing.”

  I laughed. “Thanks.”

  The door opened, and the ultrasound tech came in. She got everything set up, and Zach and I watched the screen. My breath caught in my throat, and a smile spread across my lips when she turned up the volume and a heartbeat, the most perfect sound in the entire world, filled the small room.

  “Zach,” I said in a gasp. “That’s our baby!”

  The tech laughed. “Everything looks perfect. Normally, I’m not allowed to say anything, but the babies look absolutely perfect.”

  I squeezed Zach’s hand. “Did you hear that? The babies are perfect!”

  Zach looked like he was going to pass out. I realized what the tech said. Babies. As in plural. As in more than one. I looked at the tech.

  “Wait. Hold up a second! You said babies?”

  She nodded. “You’re pregnant with twins.” She moved the screen and pointed to the two heartbeats.

  My jaw dropped.

  Her smile grew wider. “Here is baby number two’s heartbeat.” There was a momentary pause, and a new heartbeat filled the room.

  “No wonder you’ve been having dizzy spells,” she chuckled.

  I watched the screen. I stared at the two separate little jellybeans with arms and legs and beating hearts. Two. My body was housing two human beings.

  Oh. My. God.

  I closed my eyes when the room started spinning.

  “Oh, dear,” the tech said. I opened my eyes and saw Zach passed out on the floor.

  She rushed out of the room, and a nurse followed her back in. She started trying to get Zach to come around. It took a few tries before Zach woke up. He looked at the nurse in shock.

  “What happened?” he asked in a daze.

  “I think you just passed out, but we should probably run some tests.”

  Zach shook his head and got to his feet. He had to put his hand on my bed for a second. He looked at me. “Sorry. Are you okay?” Zach’s hands were shaking as he touched my face.

  I nodded. “In shock. Are you okay?”

  He nodded and rubbed his forehead. “Yeah. Just in shock too.”

  The ultrasound tech started cleaning everything up, giggling quietly.

  “I’m going to leave you two alone to process this and come back with pictures.” She left the room with the nurse.

  “I can’t believe I passed out. That’s so embarrassing!” Zach ran a hand through his hair.

  I laughed a little and bit my lip. I stared at my hands that were shaking.

  He took my hands in his. “Everything is going to be okay, Hales.”

  I sat up.
“I need to get dressed.”

  He grabbed my clothes, handed them to me, and then untied the back of my gown.

  “I’m sorry I passed out on you.” He grabbed my chin gently and forced me to look at him. “Tell me what you’re thinking, please?”

  “Can we just get out of here?” I took off the gown and got dressed. The babies were healthy and for that I was happy. I was just speechless. Two. Two babies.

  “Not until the doctor talks to us again. As soon as he tells you everything is okay, then we can leave.” His shoulders sagged some when I wouldn’t look at him, and I didn’t say anything else. He sat down in the chair.

  “But the doctor said he’d call, right?”

  “Yeah. I forgot.” He stood and opened the door for me. The tech was standing there waiting on us. She handed me the two-ultrasound pictures.

  I smiled a little. “Thank you.”

  She looked at Zach. “Are you sure you’re alright?”

  “I’m fine.” He smiled down at the pictures.

  I leaned against him as we admired our two perfect little jellybeans.

  I looked at the tech. “Everything is good, right? Anything we should be worried about? Any instructions for me?”

  She shook her head. “Everything is great, and your labs are being submitted to the doctor. If anything seems out of the ordinary, he will call you. But I see nothing to be worried about. All I can say is that you need to eat when you’re hungry, take prenatal vitamins, and rest when you’re tired.”

  Zach let out a relieved breath and smiled.

  “Thank you.” I looked at Zach. “You swear you’re okay?”

  He chuckled. “I’m fine. Especially now that I know you are all okay.” He kissed my forehead.

  We left the hospital, and he walked me to my car. I looked down at the pictures and started cracking up.

  Zach looked at me oddly. “What are you laughing at, Tiger?”


  He grinned so large his dimple showed. I hadn’t seen that smile in a while. “Well, when I do things, I do them right,” he teased.

  I laughed harder and wrapped my arms around his neck with the pictures still in my hands. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him. “I love you, and I’m sorry I got weird and quiet in there. I was just shocked, and you scared me when you passed out.”


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