Salvage-5: Another Mission (First Contact)

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Salvage-5: Another Mission (First Contact) Page 18

by Brian K. Larson

  “I’m almost out of ammo, Tucker!”

  “I think you’re almost through them all,” Tucker shouted.

  Cassie’s rail gun went silent as she finished off the last approaching clone.

  “We’re not gonna make it, Tuck!”

  “Sure, we’ll be fine,” Tucker said, lowering his shield.

  The two looked into each other’s eyes, “Why Tucker. Your eyes are glowing such a lovely shade of green. What have you been up to since I was captured?”

  “Actually, you missed quite a bit.”

  “Like what?”

  “I’ll tell you everything when we get outta here!”

  “Time’s a tickin’, Tucker! How did you know I was here?”

  “Well, I didn’t know you had been left behind, Cassie.”

  “You’re honestly telling me that you didn’t know that the other Cassie clone-bitch wasn’t me?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  “How could you not know, Tucker?”

  “I came back...”

  “Apparently, but how we gonna get out of here? We’re at least two minutes from the exit, and it’s going to blow in one!”

  “Whatever happens, Cassie. I love you. Just know I risked all of it to get you back. My friends, my commission, my son. All of it, just so I could be with you.”

  “Why, Tucker? Why?! You should have stayed back on Earth...stayed alive to be with your son,” Cassie began to weep.

  “Because I love you, and couldn’t live my life without you.”

  “Oh, Tucker,” Cassie cried, “It’s too late for us now, DAMN IT!”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Tucker calmly replied.


  Tucker held up his arm as he pulled her close with his other, “Relax. It’ll be fine...” glancing at the device he grew on the end of his hand, he looked back into Cassie’s wet eyes, “Now this might sting a little, but will you marry me?”

  Cassandra grew a smile, held Tucker close as he pierced her skin with the needle, “Yes! Yes, you ol’ fool! Of course I will!”

  They locked lips as the Falcon’s reactor finally reached critical mass. The explosion set off a chain reaction enveloping the entire alien complex.

  * * *

  Samuels counted the time to the detonation, “5...4...3...2...1...she just blew!”

  “They’re still in there!” Samantha sobbed.

  The Falcon erupted into a ball of light as the reactor core detonated. Then three additional explosions erupted in light, sending the asteroid apart into thousands of pieces.

  “Shockwave impact in 30 seconds, Sam!” Samuels reported, and then glanced over to Sam, “There’s nothing left. Hargrove, do you read any other power signatures out here?”

  “No, nothing. Just SSV-5 and 6.”

  A look of horror came over Samantha, as she concentrated on her docking maneuver.

  “Coming up on you now, dash-6...hold your speed...that’s it...almost there,” Sam said, choking back her tears. She rolled the ship 180 degrees so that the two ships were belly to belly.

  “Skids down and locked!” Sam reported.

  “15 seconds to shockwave, Sam!” Samuels counted.

  “Lining up skid to skid...dash-6, engage your mag locks, NOW!”

  The two ships connected perfectly. The magnetic connection sent a shudder throughout both hulls.

  “We’re docked!” Hargrove reported.

  “10 seconds!” Samuels continued in his cadence, “9...8...7...6...”

  Samantha’s eyes turned green once more. She reached out and grabbed Samuels hand at the same time and looked out her port window one last time, looking for any sign of the others.”


  Samuels and Captain Rothschild concentrated, the adrenaline seething through their veins, the two salvage ships began to race away from the sector.

  “Hang on dash-6!” Hargrove said over his wireless.

  The two ships disappeared as the shockwave from the nuclear detonations passed their location.

  The alien complex vaporized. The asteroid flew apart, sending the chaos of debris in every direction. The stars streaked across the windscreens of the salvage ships as they flew home to Earth.

  Then the stars returned to normal and the crew relaxed from pulling against their harnesses.

  “Position report?” Samantha asked, with a slight shake of her head.

  “W-were in Earth’s orbit. Looks like our chip enhancements did the trick,” Samuels sighed.

  “Yeah, but what about the others?”

  “No sign of the dash-7 on our scope. We’re it. Just dash 5 and 6,” Hargrove nodded.

  Sam shook her head, “Tucker...Cassie...I’m so sorry,” Sam finally broke down and wept at their loss.

  Sam cleared her throat, and then depressed her comm link, “SSV-5, to Approach Control, come in.”

  “This is Approach Control. Salvage-5, is that you?”

  “Affirmative, Captain Rothschild in command. I have Captain Hargrove and Sergeant Samuels. We have recovered the dash-5 and 6, over.”

  “Proceed to Oak Harbor Space Port for docking. I’ll inform the General that you’ll need a debriefing.”

  “Roger that, Approach Control...course set to Oak Harbor Port. SSV-5 out.”

  * * *


  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Salvage Mission Debriefing

  General McKenzie’s Office

  Earth Date: 04/01/2066 10:00

  “...and you’re saying,” General McKenzie began, “Tucker made you steel the Salvage-5? You had nothing to do with it?”

  “That’s right, General,” Sam confidently answered, “The Colonel forced us to go along with him. We figured it was better that we went with him. You know, to keep our eyes on the Salvage-5’s return?”

  Sergeant Samuels nodded along with Captain Rothschild, “That’s right, Sir. Better that we go along so we could ensure the military’s property was returned to its rightful owner.”

  “Captain Hargrove?” McKenzie addressed, “Do you concur with the Captain, and Sergeant?”

  “Their story of the mission is accurate, Sir. I was captured by the clones on our last mission. Major Phillips was captured on the time before last.”

  “So, you’re telling me that Major Phillips, the one I sent off before Tucker stole the ship, wasn’t Major Phillips at all, but one of those Clones?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Hargrove answered.

  “...and that’s the reason why Tucker was so hell-bent on going back?”

  “Yes, Sir, General. Tucker tried to tell you that Cassie, er, Major Phillips...” Sam swallowed hard.

  “’s okay, Captain. You can refer to the Major as Cassie. It’s perfectly fine that we remain as calm and relaxed as we can...”

  “Thank you, General, er Mac, er...”

  “...but don’t call me Mac! You should still call me General...”

  “Yes, Sir...sorry, Sir...General,” Sam stammered, “Cassie was a clone. None of us knew it. Tucker only wanted to be with her.”

  “...and we did succeed in bringing back 2 of the 3 ships,” Samuels interjected.

  “...and the Military is grateful that you did. What about the complex? You sure it’s gone?”

  “Yes, Sir, General,” Hargrove nodded, “The alien complex blew up with asteroid 52 Europa. There was no signs of anything surviving the blast.”

  “You’re sure it’s gone?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Sam agreed. A tear rolled down her cheek. “Along with the Major and Colonel Petersen. But he is where he wanted to be; with Major Phillips to the very end. He was going to ensure that complex blew, and he was with her before it did.”

  “Well,” the General said, rubbing his chin, “I suppose the Colonel did a good thing in the end.”

  “You reinstating his commission, Sir?”

  “Oh, well, sure. Why not? He did die a patriot to the United Territo
ries of Land and Space, after all. Only fitting that we provide a proper report.” The General leaned forward in his chair and whispered, “None of this leaks to the press, you hear me? As far as the Military are concerned, the Colonel was following orders in an undercover mission to rescue personnel and recover assets.”

  “Yes, Sir. You can count on us, Sir,” Sergeant Samuels said. He stood to his feet and offered his hand to the General.

  “Not so fast, Sergeant.”


  “Sit down!”

  “Yes, Sir,” Samuels said, gently resting back into his chair.

  “We have some unfinished business.”

  “Sir?” Samantha asked.

  “Yes, that’s right, Captain,” McKenzie looked at Sam, not cracking any expression across his stone face, “Seems I’m down a Colonel and Major.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Sam nervously replied.

  “...and because of your successful operation in rescuing Captain Hargrove, and returning our assets, I have decided to promote you to Major,” McKenzie held out a jewel box displaying a set of gold oak leaves.

  Sam gulped at the new rank, and then looked the General in his eyes, “Thank you, Sir. I’m honored.”

  “No, I’m the one that’s honored here...Major.”

  Sam smiled at the new expression that grew on McKenzie’s face, “Thank you, Sir,” she stood to salute as she accepted the box. Then lowered her salute and shook the General’s hand.

  “Now that the Alien treat is gone once and for all out there,” the General explained, “We’re turning the salvage missions back over to the Company. They’ll be supporting the CSMO operations from here on out.”

  “The Military is pulling out of the salvage ops, Sir?” Hargrove asked.

  “Yes, we’re pulling out. However, we will continue to visit the CSMO’s on a regular basis to check on their progress and to ensure that no pirating goes on out there.”

  “Good idea, Sir. I’d like to volunteer...”

  “ can’t volunteer!”

  “Why not, Sir?” Hargrove asked with one eyebrow raised.

  “Because, I’ve already put you in charge of the oversight committee. It’s a hands on position.”

  “Hands on, Sir?”

  “Yes, you’ll be making several personal visits to all the CSMOs. Do you have a problem with that, son?”

  “No, Sir. I’d be honored, Sir. Thank you!”

  McKenzie pointed his finger in Hargrove’s face, “No promotion this time around for you, since you got yourself captured, Captain.”

  “I understand, Sir.”

  “Good thing!”

  “Yes, Sir, and thank you, Sir! I won’t let you down.”

  “See to it,” McKenzie said before leaning back into his chair, “Now, dismissed! Get out of here before I come to my senses and change my mind!”

  The three stood, saluted the General, and then stepped out into the lobby, nearly stepping over an enlisted man setting up new office chairs.

  “Whew, that was rough,” Samuels grimaced.

  Sam finished pinning her new rank insignia on her lapels and grinned, “It wasn’t that bad, Sergeant.”

  “Not for you...Major. Congratulations, Sam.”

  Samuels looked over at Hargrove, “and congrats on your new assignment.”

  “Thanks,” Hargrove returned a smile, “but I wouldn’t be thanking me just yet.”


  “Right, because I’m putting you in for a transfer to my command.”

  “Oh, gee, know how I detest space.”

  “Sorry, Sarge, but you’re the best man for the job.”

  “Yeah, right...I’m thrilled...I think. What are you gonna do, Major?”

  “Who me? I thought I’d get back into the cockpit and fly some land based missions for a while. You know, a little quiet time from all the excitement.”

  “Sounds great,” Samuels nodded, “Come on...what say we head over to Tucker’s watering hole to celebrate.”

  “What’s there to celebrate, Sarge?” Samantha scoffed.

  “Celebrate Tucker and Cassie’s life.”

  “Yeah, give them a proper send off, you know,” Samuels offered.

  * * *

  Whidbey Island

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Crow’s Nest Bar

  Earth Date: 04/01/2066 23:30

  “Major Samantha Rothschild,” Buster smiled, “I sure like the sound of that, Captain, er, Major...Sam.”

  “Relax, Buster. In here you can call me Sam, m’kay?”

  “Gosh, thanks, Sam,” Buster blushed.

  “Samuels,” Hargrove said with a lisp, “Pour Lieutenant Clark a round, will ya?”

  Buster held his hand over his Coke glass, “No thank you. I’m your designated driver, remember?”

  Samuels emptied the last of a fifth of scotch into the other’s shot glasses. “Everyone gets one more round...except the Buster, the Lieutenant...” they raised their glasses high in the air, “to the Lieutenant and his programming skills. Without them, none of us would have made it back.”

  “Gosh, I’m flattered, but what about the Colonel, and Major Phillips?” Buster asked, “You should toast them. They’re the real heroes if ya ask me.”

  They all downed the last shot from the bottle and slammed their glasses to the table.

  Hargrove leaned over to Buster, “Why do you say that? It was your programming.”

  “It was Colonel, er, ah, Tucker’s operation. His plan, his execution.”

  Someone stood in the dark shadows and dropped a coin in the jukebox. The machine began playing a familiar song. “So, bye bye, Miss American Pie. Took my Chevy to the levee, but he levee was dry...them good ol’ boys, were drinking whiskey and rye, singing this’ll be the day that I die...”

  The music haunted them in the darkness of the bar, and they fell silent, listening, quietly whispering the lyrics.

  Sam and Buster grew tears as they remembered their fallen friends. Sam shifted her elbows on the table, and lifted her empty shot glass in the air, “To Tucker and Cassie...”

  Samuels put his hand on Sam’s arm, “You can’t toast with an empty glass.”

  “Well, you better do something about that, then,” Samantha smiled.

  Samuels continued to grin, “I’ll be right back,” and then stood from the table and made his way to the bar.

  About half way, he spotted a couple sitting in a dark corner booth. The man wore dark glasses between a beard and a billed cap. The woman wore a gaudy purple wig and dark glasses.

  Samuels shook his head and placed his hands on his hips and walked to the table.

  The man looked up, “May I help you?”

  “Tuck?” Samuels exclaimed, “Is that you?”

  “Shhh shhh shhh,” the man said, holding his index finger to his lips, “Don’t tell anyone.”

  “Why not, you ol’ dog?” he whispered this time.

  “It’s better everyone thinks we’re dead.”

  “How’d you...oh, I don’t know if I even want to know...” Samuels said, raising his hands in the air with a shrug.

  “April fools...”

  “Very funny, Tucker,” Samuels said, and then looked at the woman, “Cassie, you’re in on this too?”

  “Yep. Shhh, the Colonel’s right. You can’t tell anyone.”

  “But, how?”

  “The enhancement that Buster programmed. We were able to teleport back to Earth.” Tucker said from behind his disguise.

  “Who needs a ship with the hardware we have?” Cass snickered.

  “Why can’t you just do a voodoo trick on the General and get back into the service? You know, he told us that he was giving you back your commission.”

  “Yeah, yeah...I still don’t trust Mac.”

  “He hates that name, by the way.”

  “I know. That’s why I use it. You can’t tell anyone because our chips were burnt out when we teleported.”

  “Tucker deci
ded to propose to me before making our escape, and sort of was a bit close for us.”

  “You proposed to her, again?”

  “Shhh, keep your voice down, Sarge,” Tucker warned.

  “What do you mean, again?”

  “He sort of proposed to the Cassie clone before this all started.”

  Cassie snapped a stare at Tuck, “You never told me about that! Did you sleep with it too?”

  “Well…” Tucker shrugged.

  “Well, what mister?”

  “What? I told you, I couldn’t tell the difference. Tell her Sarge, we didn’t know.”

  “You’ll have to cut Tuck some slack, that thing fooled all of us.”

  “Well, alright. I forgive you, lover boy.”

  “You can’t expect me to keep this from the others, Tuck.”

  “Well of course not. You can tell Captains Rothschild and Hargrove, but keep it from Buster. It’ll go better for him that way.”

  “That’s Major Rothschild, now.”

  “Oh, my...good for her. Promise me, Sarge.”


  “Then it’s settled...good,” Tucker said, puffing on a short stogie.

  “So what are you two going to do next?”

  “We’re going to find my Son and Calvin. They might be able to repair our chips. We’re not alone on this planet, you know.”

  “What do you mean, not alone?”

  “When we teleported, some of the data stream from the alien complex filtered into our chips. The base has a secret alien complex below it.”

  “Tucker thinks that we have a better chance of defeating the complex that managed to migrate to Earth if we stay hidden.”

  “We’re going to lay low for a while. We will contact you when we need your help.”

  Samuels laughed, “You’ve got to be kidding me?”

  “I never would kid you, Sarge.”

  “Uh huh, right.”

  “Okay, you take it easy, Sarge. You better get back to your table before Buster misses you.”

  “He just took off for the bathroom,” Cassie pointed, “He’s still clueless.”

  Tucker reached next to him, and handed Samuels a fine unopened bottle of whiskey, “This one’s on the house, Sarge. You have a nice time tonight. We should be going.”


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