Risk Worth Taking: Music For The Heart - Book Three

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Risk Worth Taking: Music For The Heart - Book Three Page 29

by Faith Starr

  My new buddy, Carol, identified Drew’s name in the system and sent me on my merry way. Before I took off, I gave her Camilla’s email so she could request what I’d offered her band wise. Camilla would love me for that. Right now I didn’t give a shit.

  Mrs. Sanders eyes widened in disbelief when I entered Drew’s room, the bed empty. Oh no, where is she? What happened to her?

  My heart raced double time. I had forgotten her mother was in the room until she spoke. I had been too deep in thoughts about Drew.

  “Logan, what’re you doing here? How did you know where we were?” Her tone was harsh, her eyes swollen and red from crying.

  “Why do you think I’m here? How’s Drew? Where is she?”

  “She was a lot better until you came back into the picture.”

  Screw her.

  She shifted her attention away from me. The woman despised me. I felt it as much now, if not more, than I had years ago. Back then she doubted my music career, called it a dead-end road, and felt Drew could do better. Guess she’d been wrong. Bitch.

  “I’m not here to argue. I just want to know how Drew’s doing.”

  “I don’t have to tell you a thing. In fact, I think I’ll call security and have you ushered out.”

  “Drew’s not a minor. She can make the call if she wants to see me or not. I’m going to place bets on the fact she will. So please stop with the threats.”

  “She’s still my daughter and as her mother, my job is to protect her, no matter what age she is. So you can stop with the threats. Drew’s life has turned to shambles ever since you’ve come back into the picture, with this being the final straw. My poor daughter got clocked over the head, broke her arm, and got dragged through our house by some crazed fan of yours. This is all your doing.” She pointed at me, giving me the evil eye.

  Holy shit. All that had happened to Drew? I swallowed hard, guilt consuming me, even though I wasn’t the person who’d committed those horrific acts.

  “This is not my doing, and you know it.”

  “What I do know is you broke my daughter’s heart years ago because you couldn’t keep your zipper closed, and now here you are again, same scenario, different day.”

  “What’re you talking about?”

  “The woman who broke into my house claimed you two are involved. You should’ve heard the things she said to the police. Ugh, I’m disgusted. Please leave.” She shooed me away with the back of her hand.

  “That woman has been stalking me. She’s crazy. You can’t believe a word that comes out of her mouth. Wait a second, why am I trying to explain myself to you? I don’t owe you a God-damn thing. I’m here for Drew.”

  “I don’t care who you’re here for, but you’re not seeing my daughter. Stay away from her. She’s been through enough. Every time you show up, you bring harm with you and hurt her.”

  “I think you’re the crazy one, Mrs. Sanders. Here’s the deal, I love Drew and there’s not a thing you can do about it. If I were you, I’d start getting used to the idea of me being around more. The sooner you accept it, the better things will be between you and Drew.”

  She gritted her teeth, her nostrils flared. “You don’t intimidate me. Maybe your fans and groupies bow down to you, but I won’t and never will. My daughter is getting an X-ray right now because one of your ex-lovers chased her down. She doesn’t need or deserve a man loving her who can’t keep his dick in his pants.”

  It took everything I had to reel in my anger. What a fucking nerve she had to judge me. She knew nothing about me.

  “I told you, I’m not going to argue with you. I merely wanted to check on Drew before heading to the police station to see if I can identify the woman who attacked her.”

  “She’ll probably be in testing for a while, so you may as well leave. There’s clearly not enough room in here for the two of us, and I don’t plan on going anywhere.”

  Fucking bitch. I knew she wouldn’t call me with information regarding Drew either.

  “I’ll be back.”

  I left for the waiting room. I was powerless over the situation, couldn’t do shit about it until Drew had her tests done, so figured I would return after I took care of police business.

  “Let’s go,” I advised Tyler and Chris.

  A short time later, Tyler dropped me off in front of the station and parked the car. A woman at the front desk escorted me to Officer Fields’ office.

  “Have you heard any news on Ms. Sanders’ condition?”

  “Sadly, no. She’s still having tests done.” I sighed in defeat.

  “Very well. I’m going to show you some pictures on my computer screen. Please tell me if any of the women look familiar to you.”

  He tapped a few buttons on his keyboard, and six pictures sprang to life. All of the women were similar in appearance: long dark hair and brown eyes.

  I studied each one for several minutes, the fifth sparking recognition. I didn’t know where I knew her from, but I recognized her from somewhere.

  Holy shit!

  It came to me.

  “Do you spot someone you know?” Fields asked.

  “Yes, this one right here.” I pointed to the fifth picture. The woman scowled and had a bruise on her face. “She used to come watch the band perform back in our earlier days. Wow, I never thought anything of it. One night after playing, she came on to me. She ended up in my bed. I never saw her again after that. It’s been years.”

  He nodded in acknowledgment, making some notes.

  “Is she the woman who attacked Drew?” I didn’t get this woman’s motive. It had literally been years since I’d fucked her.

  “She is. Her name is Liz Piper.”

  “Liz Piper.” I thought long and hard, trying to recall the name. “Yes. Believe it or not I remember that being her name.”

  He twisted his lips. I didn’t give a fuck. He could judge me all he wanted. I couldn’t deny I’d slept with my fair share of women.

  “Did she admit to committing the crime?”

  “At first, no. She claimed to be your girlfriend, and said that the two of you have had an ongoing sexual relationship. Upon further probing, she opened up and confirmed she had broken into Ms. Sanders’ home with intent to cause bodily harm. She also confessed to meeting Ms. Sanders in her workplace and vandalizing her car. She stated she didn’t want another woman having what’s hers.”


  He eyed me. I put my hand up in apology.

  “I want to press whatever charges I can against her.”

  “She will be charged with aggravated stalking, since you previously filed a claim, and she assaulted Ms. Sanders. The latter adds more severe charges. Don’t you worry, Mr. Trimble, Ms. Piper will definitely serve time for her crimes.”

  Excellent. I sighed, relieved the police had caught the bad guy, or in this case, the bad girl. Drew and I could finally move forward. Our next cross to bear—her parents, another story altogether.

  We finished up, and Tyler drove me back to the hospital, with Chris sitting in the back seat. During the ride, I phoned Camilla to update her on the situation and texted Joey and Trevor. I wanted to keep them in the loop as well.

  Drew had been placed in a private room. Of course her parents and Kate were sitting in it when I entered. Drew slept soundly.

  I gasped upon seeing her, guilt filling every fiber of my being. Her arm rested next to her side in a sling, her head was wrapped in gauze with an ice pack sitting on top, and her cheek had bruises.

  Dr. Sanders got out of his chair and approached me. “Don’t you think you’ve done enough?”

  He didn’t intimidate me. I had inches in height and width on the twig of a man. Not that I would ever hurt him, but still.

  “How is she?” I ignored him, focusing on Kate instead because I knew she’d answer me.

  Mrs. Sanders took the floor, anger seething from her pores. “How would you feel if you got hit on the head with a baseball bat, only to black out and break your arm, a
nd let me not leave out the part where you fall unconscious to the floor? I’m sure not too good. And that’s not all of it. That lunatic woman dragged Drew down the hall, unconscious with a broken arm, by her feet nonetheless, with the intention of drowning her in the bathtub. If my husband and I hadn’t shown up when we did, Drew might not have been so lucky.”

  Kate cringed and closed her eyes, wiping tears from her cheeks. Mrs. Sanders glared at me. Dr. Sanders now stood next to her.

  “What’s the prognosis?” I wanted answers.

  Kate interjected, cutting off Dr. Sanders. “She has a minor concussion and a cut on the back of her head where she fell and hit the floor. It’s stapled together. She’ll have to go to an orthopedist to get her arm casted once she’s released.”

  Relief crashed through me. I held on to the edge of the bed to steady myself because the enormity of the situation hit me like a ton of bricks.

  “They’re keeping her overnight for observation. If all goes well, she can leave in the morning. I’m sure she’ll get in touch with you. That is, if she wants to.” Mrs. Sanders spoke snidely.

  “No, I think her phone broke during the accident,” Kate informed me.

  “I’ll come by and see her at your place, then.”

  “No, you won’t. You’re done with our daughter. You’re not welcome in our home,” Dr. Sanders snapped.

  “You can’t keep me away from Drew. I love her, and she loves me.”

  “Like hell I can’t keep you away from her. I’ll get a restraining order if I have to.” Dr. Sanders stood in front of me again.

  “For what, loving someone?”

  “Just get out and leave my family alone, Logan.” Mrs. Sanders stepped closer to me, tears falling down her cheeks.

  Fuck, my head ached. One would think I had gotten clocked over the head with a bat.

  “Lo…gan…” Drew whispered.

  “Baby, I’m here.” I moved around Dr. and Mrs. Sanders and ran to the side of the bed, taking Drew’s hand in mine, holding our joined hands against my heart.

  “Now you’ve woken her.” Mrs. Sanders sneered at me. “Drew has to rest. She shouldn’t be upset right now, which is exactly what you’re doing to her. She’s been through an extremely traumatic experience, all thanks to you. I think it’s best if you let her family take care of her tonight.” She rushed to the other side of the bed.

  Her parents didn’t fucking get it.

  “I’m not going anywhere unless Drew says otherwise.”

  Everyone turned their attention to Drew. She winced in pain as she shifted on the bed. I wanted to stroke her hair but didn’t want to hurt her. Her bruises were on full display. Her suffering pained me even more.

  “Don’t go.” She weakly squeezed my hand.

  “I’m right here with you, baby,” I assured.

  “Drew, you need your rest.” Her mother spoke through gritted teeth. “There are too many people in this cramped room. I think it would be best for Drew if everyone left. I’ll stay here with her.” She now focused on Drew. “You can speak with Logan when you’re home and feeling better.”

  Drew swallowed, briefly closing her eyes. Her hand had no strength to it. Her eyes went to mine. “Stay.”

  “Drew!” Mrs. Sanders admonished.

  “It’s not good for her to get upset, Mrs. Sanders.” I couldn’t help but spit her words back in her face.

  “I’ve had it with you, you bastard!” Dr. Sanders sprung toward me with his fist in the air. I moved swiftly enough to prevent it from making contact with my face. The women in the room gasped. Drew started crying, as did Kate, who ran out of the room. She returned with a nurse.

  “What in heaven’s name is going on in here? Ms. Sanders should be resting.”

  How many more fucking times did I have to hear that recommendation? I knew it already!

  Dr. Sanders stood in front of me, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

  “You might want to rethink that restraining order because I could swear you just attempted to punch me.” My own chest heaved with a surge of adrenaline.

  “Screw you, Logan.”

  He stormed away from me.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to ask all of you to leave this instant,” the nurse ordered.

  Standing next to the door, she gestured for all of us to exit. My feet remained intact.

  “Excuse me, sir, but that means you too.” She motioned to me.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” I advised.

  “I want him to stay,” Drew whispered.

  “Very well. Everyone else, please leave and let this patient rest. If I find any of you in here again tonight, I’ll have security escort you out,” the nurse warned.

  Dr. Sanders turned toward Drew. “You better start thinking about consequences of your actions. This conversation is far from over.” He careened out the door with Ms. Sanders following closely behind.

  Kate looked at both of us and mouthed, “I’m sorry.”

  The nurse closed the door, leaving me and Drew alone in the room. I wanted to hold her in my arms and console her but hesitated, too afraid I’d hurt her.

  Instead, I sat on the edge of the bed and held her hand, my presence all I could offer her.



  My head pounded, my ribs ached, and my arm throbbed. The rest of my body felt sore from head to toe. My throat was bone-dry.

  “I’m sorry for my parents’ behav…”

  Logan took offense to my apology, jumping in before I could finish my thought.

  “Are you kidding me? I’m sorry all of this happened. I don’t give a shit if your parents don’t approve of me. I don’t need their say-so, and to tell you the truth, you don’t either. I know I’m not one who should speak about family members sticking together, being I barely speak to my parents, but from what I gather, your father has you on a tight leash. When are you going to cut the cord? If money is the only thing holding you back, I’ll help you out.”

  His words rang true. I closed my eyes. “I know. It was awful, Logan.” I didn’t touch his comment about helping me out financially.

  “We don’t have to talk about it now. Like the nurse and everyone else said, you should rest. But I’m here if you do want to talk about it.”

  Thoughts about the horrific experience consumed me. Whenever I closed my eyes, that evil woman’s face appeared.

  “After you left, I washed up. I ate and chilled in my room. My dad called to tell me he and my mom were going to stop and grab a bite to eat before coming home. I waited, knowing an argument would ensue when they arrived. Out of nowhere, glass shattered. I ran to the other side of the house to check it out, and the next thing I knew, something hit me on the head and I blacked out. I woke up on a stretcher with paramedics around me. A girl was screaming in the background, saying she was your girlfriend and that she loves you.”

  My throat felt so parched.

  “Can you please give me some water? It hurts too much to move.”

  He reached for my cup and put the straw to my lips. I drank some of the chilled liquid, feeling a cold sensation as it slid down.

  “Was she the stalker?” I took slow, deep breaths, the pain in my head excruciating. Why couldn’t the doctor give me something stronger for pain? I’d have to remember to ask when the nurse returned to check on me.

  “Yes.” He took a deep breath. “The cops arrested her. I agreed to press charges, and once you’re feeling better, you can do the same for assault and battery as well as breaking and entering, since she broke into your parents’ place.”

  “This is horrible. I can’t believe she did this to me.”

  “Drew, I feel terrible. This is all my fault and I don’t know how to help you.” He swiped his hand through his hair, his eyes filled with the same amount of pain I’m sure mine revealed, if not worse.

  “It’s not your fault. And you being here helps me, in so many ways.”

  He smiled, tenderness filling his expression.
  “Are you sure you don’t want to sleep?”

  “I don’t think I can right now, my thoughts are too wired.” I sighed.

  “Fuck.” He faced the cold white wall. “Maybe your parents are right. I’ve been nothing but trouble to you. At first I argued against your mother’s claims that I was messing up your life but seeing you in such bad shape… I’m starting to think she’s right.”

  He rose and walked to the foot of my bed.

  “Logan, the only part of me that doesn’t hurt right now is my heart. If you walk out that door, it’ll shatter into a million pieces.” He couldn’t destroy me again. He just couldn’t.

  “Looking at you in such pain has my heart shattered into a million pieces. Here you are lying in a bed with a broken arm, bruised ribs, a fucking mesh thing around your head, a concussion, and God knows what else. And it’s all because of me. This is my fucking life!” He threw his arms up in frustration.

  “It’ll be fine. We’ll work it out.” I’d beg him to stay if I had to.

  “It won’t be fine. It’s not fair for me to bring you into the craziness of my world. It’s fucking selfish, if I’m speaking the truth. And I can promise you, the apeshit behavior of this fan won’t be a one-time episode. There will be more lunatic fans. Of that I can assure you. I’d never be able to live with myself if something were to happen to you because of me.”

  “You’ve hired security. We’ll be more cautious.” My heart ached more than the rest of my body now.

  “Indefinitely? It’s not fair for you to have to change your entire life because of mine.”

  “I want to, Logan. I love you.” I reached my hand out for him.

  “I love you too, more than you can ever imagine, which is why I have to leave right now. Please know I’m doing it to protect you. For once, I’m thinking of someone else’s best interest instead of my own. I love you enough to make sure you never have to go through something so horrific ever again on my account. The only way to guarantee that is to make a clean break. I’ll make sure Camilla takes good care of you and gets you the best deal she can for your songs.”


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