Badboy Romance

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Badboy Romance Page 33

by Lisa Simmons

  "Damnit Reece," I grumbled jokingly. "You can't do that to me when we're around other people."

  "You didn't seem to mind," he smirked, eyes sliding down from my face and noting the flushed color of my chest- my body betraying my words.

  "Now for fuck's sake, I need you," he said, green eyes flashing to mine as he grabbed my hand to pull me inside. I didn't argue as he pulled me along, opening the door with ease and kicking off his shoes by the door. My shoes weren't as easy to kick off, however, and it was extremely difficult to focus on undoing the laces of my boots when his hands slid over my hips, the tips of his long fingers pressing between my legs once more.

  I grew increasingly frustrated as I struggled to get my boots off, my attempts to balance on one leg while Reece insisted on touching me and letting his lips trail down my neck proving to be very unsuccessful.

  "Reece, stoppp," I whined, not meaning it at all. He ignored me completely before fully plunging his hand between my legs, his fingers curling up tightly against me as his teeth nipped at my shoulder he had exposed. Finally, mercifully, I had rid my feet of my boots. The instant they hit the floor, I spun in Reece's grasp and shoved his shoulders backward, my body following immediately because of my arms linked tightly around his neck.

  My lips crashed into his, unable to take his teasing touches any longer without going insane. Our connected bodies moved down the hall, our clumsy feet making it rather difficult to manage without bashing into the wall a few times. My hands tangled roughly into his hair as his shoulders collided with his door, my chest smashing into his when it didn't give way and I kept moving. His tongue pushed roughly into my mouth, deepening the heated kiss as one of his hands left my body to paw frantically at the doorknob, fumbling for a few seconds before successfully twisting it.

  Our entwined bodies fell through the doorframe, not stopping their momentum until the backs of Reece's knees pressed into the side of his bed. He managed to stop us from falling onto his mattress before tearing his lips from mine, his hands ripping my shirt over my head in a flash. I could feel the heat of his palm searing into my back as his fingers nimbly undid the clasp of my bra, freeing the silky fabric from around my chest.

  I was too worked up from his incessant teasing all night to bother with any type of foreplay, and my hands seemed to be in accordance with the rest of me as they tore viciously at his belt, ripping the buckle undone and yanking his jeans and boxers down unceremoniously. I sucked in a breath when felt his lips find my neck again, his tongue darting out to wet my skin as his fingers easily released the button on my jeans, copying my hurried manner by ripping them down off my hips until the pooled around my ankles.

  His hands trailed up my sides, the heat from his touch burning into my skin wherever he touched as his lips trailed lower down my neck. When his hot breath brushed over my collarbone, I couldn't take it anymore. I shoved him backward, his knees buckling against the bed as he fell backward. My body immediately followed, my knees coming to rest on either side of his hips as I ducked forward to kiss him once more.

  His hands gripped tightly to my hips, pulling me down against him where I could feel the solid length of him against my center. My lips connected with his once more, the kiss desperate and urgent and hot as he shifted my hips for me and let me slide along him. A quiet groan fell from my lips as I held myself over him, my arms already feeling weak before we'd even started.

  I desperately wanted to feel him inside me without the barrier of the condom. I wanted to really feel him and the way his body would feel connected with mine with nothing in the way, but I knew that wasn't smart. I was on birth control, but I didn't want to fully give in to him until we were officially together and I was sure there was no reason to worry about anything.

  My resolve almost caved, however, when he slid me along his length and pressed his thumb into my clit, the sensations already causing my body to squirm before he'd even entered me.

  "Condom," I mumbled against his lips. He groaned loudly, clearly just as upset about it as I was.

  "I want to feel you, Abby," he whispered, his hands gripping either of my face in a sudden show of gentle affection. His green eyes peered into mine as he waited for my response, hope that I would cave clearly written on his face.

  "Not yet," I whispered back as gently as possible. His lips pushed together in disappointment before he nodded understandingly. Without another word, he reached across his bed to pull a condom from the drawer, his torso twisting as he stretched with me still straddling him. He rolled back to where he had been, fingers quickly tearing the wrapper open and pulling the condom out.

  My hips shifted back slightly and I watched in awe as his fingers skillfully slipped it over his length. I was mesmerized by the way his fingers glided so easily over the shaft and I was struck by the sudden image of his hand sliding purposefully over himself, his eyes drifting shut and arm flexing as he focused on pleasuring himself.

  That was all it took for me to dive back down to him, my hands tangling in his hair and my lips finding his own as I let our hips align. His hands wrapped around my waist again, lifting me slightly until I felt him pressing at my entrance. A gasp of air sucked through my lips as he lowered me onto him, the familiar burn of the stretch he always gave me heating my body from the inside out.

  He pushed his hips up to meet mine, the slow glide of him in and out of me causing a quiet moan to fall from my lips. The sounds that escaped me were muffled by his mouth as he kissed me, his lips capturing my own in rotation with his tongue as it pushed into my mouth. Goose bumps rose over my skin as his palms trailed up and down my back, across my hips, and up my thighs as his hands explored my body.

  Just as they had at the club, my hips seemed to act of their own accord when they rolled against him, their smooth rotation falling into sync with when he rose to meet me. Every nerve I had seemed to be screaming as he pushed deeply into me, the position allowing him to push impossibly deep right away. His hands splayed wide across my back as he pulled my chest flush against his, his hips continuing to rise and meet mine while I tried to keep myself in control. Even from beneath me, he managed to take the control from me, not that I cared.

  As soon as he was inside me, I lost any power I might have thought I had, because every move he made seemed to chip away at the wall holding in my inevitable orgasm. We fit together too perfectly for me to resist any of the things he made me feel, and I wasn't about to try.

  His hips started to rise faster, mine keeping up with his as I sat upright, arching my back and pulling him with me. My lips stayed connected to his as he continued to kiss me, and my arms wove tightly around his neck. Everywhere his hands touched- my hips, my breasts, my back, and my neck- all seemed to be on fire as he let his palms press into my body while his hips continued to rock against mine.

  A particularly hard thrust upward caused my head to fall back, breaking our kiss as a gasp fell from my lips. He wasted no time in attaching his mouth to my neck, his tongue soothing the slight sting caused by wherever his teeth nipped at my throat. I rolled my hips to grind against him, and a throaty groan rumbled from his chest before his arms wound around my back.

  In a second, he lifted me up and practically threw me down to the bed, my back colliding in the tangled comforter before his body followed me. He came to rest between my legs as he pushed back into me immediately. Even though he'd only been pulled from me for less than a second, the renewed entrance made a heavy gasp fall from my lips as I relished the pressure.

  His lips were parted as his eyes burned into mine, their dark gaze incredibly intent on mine as he watched my reaction to him. He rolled his hips slowly, their agonizingly slow movement setting every nerve I had on fire. The slow roll repeated as he pulled his hips back and pushed them forward again into me, his eyes never leaving mine as I struggled to keep mine open.

  My breathing, which had already been irregular, was positively ragged now as it ripped from my chest. The tantalizingly slow roc
k of his hips into mine and the way he was watching me so intently set the lingering smolder that always ran through my veins absolutely ablaze, the inferno consuming me in every way possible.

  "You like it slow, baby?" he observed, his eyes taking in the way my lip bit involuntarily into my mouth and the way my eyes struggled to stay open as he moved slowly inside me. His hips rolled fluidly over me again, and I felt the devastatingly depth he achieved as he did so. Every languid thrust he gave seemed to increase the burn I felt for him as it stoked the fire in the pit of my stomach.

  I couldn't even respond to him, my body too taken over by the way he was making me feel to form a sentence. The shaky moan that left my lips was enough for confirmation, however, because a smirk fell across his beautifully full lips as he repeated his actions.

  I could feel each fiber of his muscles flexing in his back as he held himself over me, his eyes still connected with mine as he gave another achingly slow and deep thrust, the motion more of a roll than a thrust. His actions were so fluid and flowing that I could feel myself slipping farther and farther from control, certain I wouldn't be able to hold out much longer.

  While I knew I was almost done for, I was surprised to see that he appeared to be, as well. Usually, his pace would increase and his thrusts would grow sharper and deeper when he was close, so I was surprised when it seemed this desperately slow grind seemed to be working for him, as well. His eyes were dark as he watched me still, and sweat had formed over his forehead where dark strands of his hair clung to his skin. His body was warm beneath my touch as it rolled over me, and I could tell that his breathing was getting shallow again as he fought off his high.

  My back arched off the mattress as he pushed himself somehow deeper inside me, the fluid motion of his body rolling continuously now as if sensing I was almost done. One of his hands trailed down my neck and shoulder before palming my breast, his thumb rolling across my nipple in a slow rhythm to match that of his hips rocking into mine.

  "Come for me, Abby," he urged, his voice deep and gravelly as he spoke. He ducked his head down to kiss me once, his lips folding over mine and sucking it into his mouth before releasing it and pulling back a few inches to resume his careful observation of my reactions. His hand squeezed my side gently as his hips pushed into me once more, the deep thrust unleashing the fire that had been building up inside me.

  "Reece-" I gasped, unable to complete whatever I had been about to say because of the pleasure flooding through me.

  The second he saw he had gotten me, his thrusts slowed even more, the careful self-control he was embracing astounding me. He drove into me slowly, pressing deeper and hitting every inch of my insides as he coaxed my orgasm along. My veins were flooded with a delicious burn, the tingling from my high reaching every single cell in my body as my face screwed up in delight. Breath ripped from my lungs as my chest rose and fell erratically, and my hands pressed firmly into his back as I urged him to let himself come.

  My eyes refused to stay open as I came down from my high, but I was aware of my legs curling around his hips and my lips moving against his as I kissed him. His thrusts sped up now, hips crashing into me faster as he started a quicker, messier rhythm much like the one I had just thought of. I bit lightly on his lip as he rocked into me, my hips angling higher and my legs pulling him tighter against me as he rolled his body on top of me, mine still buzzing from my orgasm.

  I felt his muscles tighten suddenly and the way his body stilled on top of me as he came, his lips stalling our kiss as he hit his high before he gave one more slow thrust inside me. His breathing was ragged, but not the scary wheezing I had experienced last time. I could feel his heart pounding through his chest as he collapsed down to me, but it was no more than usual. I smiled as I felt his lips press into the skin of my neck and his hot breath across my skin.

  My hands found his face and tugged so it was in front of mine. My eyes darted between his, noting their clear and alert state as I made sure he was okay. The memory of our last time together had haunted me a bit, but I was pleased to see he seemed to be perfectly fine. He seemed to realize what I was doing because he smiled gently at me, the sweat covering his beautiful face making him seem like he was glowing.

  "I'm not gonna die on you, Abby," he whispered, the volume stolen from his voice as he grinned at me. I smiled softly. He could read me far too easily, but I was getting used to it.

  "You better not," I whispered. In a sudden flash of endorphin induced vulnerability and contentment, I leaned forward to kiss him slowly before speaking again. "I think I need you too much."

  "Listen ma, I'll give you all of me. Give me all of it, I need all of it to myself, so tell me you love me."

  Chapter 37

  Reece's POV

  Abigail's hands were soft on my scalp as she pet them through my hair, her nails dragging lightly along my skin in a soothing manner. The look on her face when she'd inspected my own had tugged at my heart, because I knew exactly what she'd been doing; she'd been making sure I was okay, concern laced through her features as it accompanied the bliss and euphoria that still coursed through her.

  I think I need you too much.

  Her words had made my insides glow, her admission that she cared about me deeply making me feel better than I ever had. It was clear in the way she looked at me, touched me, kissed me, and simply was with me that she cared about me, and it was something I had never experienced before. The way she reacted to me, physically, mentally, emotionally, made me feel something real, something important. It made me feel like I actually mattered to her.

  I had yet to respond to her statement, the meaning behind it still sinking in. I was always surprised when she said things like that, because I felt like the emotion in this relationship was so skewed. I felt like I liked her way more than she liked me, even though I knew that wasn't the case. The depth of my feelings for her utterly confused me, but I had never felt more attached to someone who made me feel so alive.

  Every tiny touch of her skin to mine nearly set me on fire, and the gentle way she'd touch me in moments like these were enough to satisfy me for the rest of my life. Being with her was like nothing I'd ever experienced before and it only grew stronger by the day. She was smart, beautiful, strong, funny, and maybe a little crazy from the way she had attached herself to me. She was the first person to actually give me a chance and actually wanted to know me. She was exactly what I'd been missing for years without even knowing it.

  My head rose from her chest where it rested, my body shifting up hers so I hovered over her once more. Her hands raked through my hair once more before trailing down to settle around the nape of my neck. Her clear blue eyes searched my face, a content expression on her features as she watched me think. While I could read her like a book, she seemed to have trouble deciphering my thoughts, which I liked. I was afraid if she could see what I was actually feeling, I'd scare her off.

  I liked her way more than I wanted to admit.

  I could feel myself getting anxious when she wasn't around, my irrational thought process tricking me into fearing she would soon tire of me and leave. When I was with her, however, it was like she was the only thing that mattered. I didn't care about her ex-boyfriend or the fact that her friends probably had their doubts about me, and I didn't care that she was way too good for me even though I should have. All I cared about was being with her and getting as much of her as possible.

  It was like the physical pull I had felt toward her from the second I had laid eyes on her had evolved into an emotional pull so strong I couldn't fight it. I still had trouble sorting out my feelings and what they meant, but I knew they were stronger than anything I'd ever felt before, and I knew that they were real.

  All these thoughts were masked behind my careful expression that was designed to hide them from her. I needed to take time alone when she wasn't here clouding my thoughts to sort them out, and now was not the time.

  "Did you know Jack was watching u
s?" she asked suddenly, her gentle voice ripping me from my thoughts. I blinked, fighting off the sudden apprehension that struck in fear she would get mad.

  "Yes," I said honestly. Her eyebrows knitted together in a thoughtful expression as her fingers circled lightly on the back of my neck.

  "Is that why you were so..." she paused, searching for the right word. "Affectionate?"

  I wasn't sure if that was the right word for it, because it had felt more like an inevitable occurrence to me, but I didn't correct her. She watched me closely as I stalled.

  "Yes and no," I answered. I flinched slightly as her frown deepened.

  "Oh," she said quietly. I frowned, realizing what she probably thought.

  "Well, no because I didn't see him until we went to dance," I started, hoping I'd be able to explain what I was thinking. "And that would have happened anyway because of how I... feel about you."

  It wasn't that anything had happened, specifically, but I knew she was referring to the way my hands trailed across her body and the way my lips attached themselves to her neck. She was thinking of the way I'd kissed her in front of everyone without a second thought, and the way I'd claimed her as mine very publically for the first time.

  "So you weren't just... using me to rub it in his face or anything, were you?" she asked, fear leaking into her voice. That was what I'd afraid she would think the moment she'd brought it up.

  "No, Abby. Sure, it was nice for him to get a little show, but that wasn't why I acted like that tonight. It's just because I can't stop myself with you," I tried to explain.

  "What do you mean?" she asked, pushing for further justification. I sighed as I tried to gather my thoughts and make some sense.


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