Badboy Romance

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Badboy Romance Page 47

by Lisa Simmons

  “They’re two,” he said. He paused slightly before adding, “Twins.”

  “Who’s are they?”

  “Mel and Tim’s,” he said, keeping his answers short.

  “And who are they?” I asked. I was probably annoying him but I wanted to know everything about this sudden revelation.

  “My... sister’s best friends,” he admitted. My heart leapt in my chest at the direct mention of his family. He never spoke about his family.

  “Your sister Gemma,” I clarified. That as all I had ever managed to get out of him- her name. He nodded curtly.

  “Wow,” I said quietly, shock and awe stealing my voice.

  “Yeah, yeah, now are you done?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

  “Not even close, but for now, I guess so,” I said, not wanting to demand too much of him after the trying night we’d had. I had nearly completely forgotten we were still in the shower, the sudden surprising turn of our conversation distracting me. “Good,” he answered, sliding his hands up my sides, over my chest, and around to the nape of my neck as he pulled me forward suddenly. His forehead rested against mine as he held my eye contact. “I don’t want to talk anymore.”His thumbs ran along my jaw line as I let my hands fall flat against his chest. My heart gave a sudden heavy thud at the sudden shift back to the serious mood. The light, surprising conversation about his godchildren had lifted the mood, but his sudden tender touches and quiet words had brought it right back down to the loaded, vulnerable feel from before. “What do you wanna do?” I asked softly. My palms laid out flat against his skin, and I could feel the steady beat of his heart through his chest.

  “I just wanna be with you,” he mumbled quietly.

  “Okay,” I breathed. He ducked his head down to press his lips lightly against mine once more, his kiss lingering as we stood under the constant stream of water.

  “Let’s get out,” he whispered against my lips, pushing me backward out of the stream. I nodded breathlessly as I broke from his grasp to step out of the shower. I pulled a towel off the rack and wrapped it around my body as he turned off the shower and followed me out. My eyes lingered on his beautiful body- dripping wet, toned, and bruised. A pang of hurt struck my heart once more as I tried not to stare at his bruises. He caught me staring and shot me a curious look before he wrapped another towel around his waist and smiled gently at me.

  “Stop looking at me like I’m broken,” he said suddenly. My eyes snapped up to his face as I took in his expression. His brows were pulled low as he watched me watch him.

  “I’m not,” I defended.

  “Yes, you are. I’m fine, Abby, seriously,” he insisted, softening his features slightly.

  I sighed heavily, trying my best to believe him. It was so hard for me to believe him because he wasn’t the type to admit if he really was hurt.

  “Okay, I’m sorry,” I said sheepishly. He pinched his lips together before walking toward me. He pushed my hair off my face gently.

  “It’s okay,” he said evenly before walking around me to head to his room. I shook my head again, trying to force myself to stop focusing on his injuries before I followed him. He went straight to his dresser, pulling out a pair of boxers and pulling them on before even drying his body. He picked up his towel and ran it roughly over his body before rubbing it through his hair a few times. The strands stuck up wildly as he dropped the towel and shot me a soft grin. “Help yourself,” he said, waving his arms at the dresser before he lumbered over to the bed and lay down. I couldn’t ignore the tentative way he did so, laying down slowly rather than flopping down like he usually did, but I bit my tongue. I could feel his eyes on me, like always, as I pulled out a pair of boxers for myself and a plain black t-shirt. I slipped the boxers on under my towel before dropping it and pulling on the shirt. I wrung my hair out a few times in the towel before picking up Reece’s and hanging them both on the hooks behind his door. Turning to Reece, I watched as he wiggled his fingers at me, beckoning me to him. I smiled softly as I carried myself to him and laid down gingerly by his side, careful not to put pressure on his side. He sighed, observing my careful behavior before wrapping an arm tightly around me and shifting me so I was on top of him. “Don’t you say a word about hurting me,” he warned, reading my mind. I had been just about to protest before he spoke. My knees rested on either side of his hips and my arms held me over him as his hands reached up to push my wet hair off my face again. His fingers repeated their action, combing my hair back over and over again as he held my gaze. My breathing became shallow from his gentle actions, and I couldn’t tear my gaze from his. “Kiss me, Abby,” he whispered. His fingers tangled into the hair at the base of my skull as he pulled slightly, tugging me down to him. I sucked in a breath between my lips as the space between us closed. My lips pressed lightly to his and heat spread immediately through my entire body.

  It was crazy how alive he made me feel, no matter how he touched me, no matter what the situation. I gasped slightly as he deepened the kiss, his lips parting mine slightly to allow his tongue to weave into my mouth. His hands stayed tangled in my hair as he pulled me tightly against him, his slow, burning kiss causing my entire body to finally wake up after being shocked into submission for most of the night. This was a kiss that would absolutely lead to more, and I was finally convinced that he was okay enough to accept it.

  "Give me love like never before, 'cause lately I've been craving more."

  Chapter 51

  Reece’s body felt warm beneath mine as my chest pressed to his, the thin material of his shirt I was wearing doing a poor job of blocking the heat between our bodies. His lips molded gently against mine as kissed me slowly. His palms heated the skin along my jaw has they cupped my face, his fingers twisting into my hair and holding the wet strands from falling down in a curtain around us. My elbows rested on either side of my head, which was good because the way he was kissing me made me feel too weak to hold myself up much longer. His tongue swiped smoothly into my mouth as he deepened the kiss again, somehow managing to dominate the pace of things like he always did even though I was on top of him. My hips shifted down to put pressure between us, and he let out a quiet groan that was nearly stifled by our kiss. He lifted his hips slightly, recreating the pressure I had momentarily started. I could feel Reece’s fingers rake through my hair, the pads of his fingers trailing down my scalp before they continued down my back. The thin material of the shirt made my skin tingle wherever he touched me, the weak barrier adding to the tickling sensation. His touch was light as it moved down to my sides, the soft touch adding to my quickly growing restlessness. When his palms finally landed on my hips, I was practically on fire. His fingers squeezed lightly as he pulled my weight down against him again, increasing the pressure between us. He continued to kiss me, his lips shaping against mine and parting them easily as he directed the movement of my hips. The heat between my legs was quickly building and spreading through my body while his hands shifted beneath my shirt.

  “Shouldn’t have bothered,” he mumbled against my lips. I smirked slightly into the kiss, silently agreeing with him. His fingers caught the material and tugged it up over my stomach before pulling it over my head. He flung it to the floor where it landed with a soft whoosh. His palms flattened out across my back as he sat up suddenly, pushing me back on his lap further. Hot kisses were pressed into my neck, his tongue darting out to wet the skin as he held me against him. My head tilted to the side to allow him more access, which he took advantage of. I could feel the light pressure as he sucked lightly on my neck, his gentle lips raising heat and blood to the surface. My arms wound around his neck and the newly cleaned strands of hair tangled in my hands as he continued his gentle assault of my neck. Our chests pressed more tightly together as my back arched against him, his palms pressing firmly into it. His lips moved down my neck, leaving a hot trail on my skin as he inched lower and lower. My collarbone passed beneath his mouth, his tongue sliding out to trace it l
ightly before sucking on the skin more harshly. One of his palms slid around my ribcage where I felt his thumb trace the side of my breast so lightly I actually shivered. He managed to create enough space between us to let his hand cup it lightly, his thumb rolling around my sensitive nipple as his lips worked even lower on my skin. I gasped suddenly as his lips curled around it, the sudden wet heat causing my back to arch even more. His hair was gripped even tighter in my hand as his tongue circled around the bud, his lips shaping around it softly. A flick of his tongue across it made me feel nearly light headed, and I found myself positively clinging to his neck as his lips and tongue continued their assault. I let out nearly a sigh of relief when he finally released it, his lips returning almost immediately to mine. I sucked in a breath when he shifted us again, pinning me on my back as he flipped us over gently. I could see the muscles in his chest flex as he held himself over me, his lips peppering mine with light kisses until he shifted to my neck once more. My hands slid over his shoulders and down his arms as he shifted his body further down mine. Kisses were trailed across my chest again, his lips ducking between the swell of my breasts before trailing down the line of my stomach. My hands reached the ends of his arms to find his hands where my fingers tangled with his as he pressed them into the mattress. The heat from his kisses spread throughout my body as they dipped lower and lower, the trail now making it’s way down my hip as his lips pressed into my skin. He pulled his lips from my skin as he shifted his weight back. I gasped softly as he looked up at me, his eyes connecting with mine in a burning gaze as his fingers slipped beneath the band of his boxers I was wearing. He didn’t look away from me as he slid them over my hips, the soft fabric brushing against my skin along with the heat of his fingers until he pulled them from my legs completely. I found it difficult to breathe as his gaze stayed locked on mine, the intensity burning behind it setting my blood to a boil. His palms laid flat on my shins as he pushed them slowly up my legs, every inch of skin he touched erupting with chills as it passed beneath his touch. Heat seared through my skin to my bones as his touch moved up my thighs, his gaze still locked on mine as his body laid down to his stomach between my legs. My chest rose and fell heavily as my breathing became more and more erratic. He hadn’t even touched me where I was aching for him yet, but his attention to my body with his lips and hands already had me going crazy. His touch passed over my hips, his fingers pushing lightly into my flesh before finally separating from my skin. His hands found mine, which had been twitching uselessly by my sides as he wove his fingers between mine. Our grip tightened as our fingers flexed together, the desperation we were both feeling showing in our touch. I gasped loudly as he kissed my inner thigh, his head turning to the side and breaking our eye contact for the first time in what felt like years. His burning gaze was returned to mine almost immediately, though, when he turned back into me and ran his tongue up my entire opening. A involuntary moan escaped my mouth at his torturously slow movement, the combination of his tongue against me and the intensity of his gaze still locked on mine overwhelming me and making my brain feel fuzzy.

  My grip on his hands tightened even more when he ran his tongue up my opening again, the gentle dragging of the flat is tongue against me earning another quite moan. I could feel every little movement he made when his lips circled around my clit. He sucked lightly, bringing even more blood to the already throbbing area and causing a fuzzy tingling to spread through my body. His tongue circled the bundle of nerves, the speed and pressure varying enough to keep me on edge and unable to predict what he was going to do next. My toes curled tightly as I tried to hold myself still, the flicking of his tongue against my clit making it nearly impossible. Over and over again, the tip of his tongue alternated between circling, dotting, and flicking against my clit. Everything he did added to the already steady pressure building in the pit of my stomach, the heat radiating from my core in an undeniable pleasure. His tongue circled my clit one more time before his lips sucked against it again. My back arched off the mattress once more as he finally released my clit to drag his tongue up my center again before letting it tease my entrance. I gasped when his tongue pushed into me, curling upward and causing me to blow out a heavy gasp of air. He flicked his tongue inside me, the curl of it nearly driving me insane as it darted into me again and again. He tugged on his hands, wanting to use them to add to my unraveling but I kept my tight grip on them, desperately needing something to cling to as his mouth did a perfectly fine job of ending me. With a final curl of his tongue inside me, a loud, gasping moan erupted from my throat as the pressure inside me released, sending the tingling warmth flooding through my veins. He pressed his lips into my now very sensitive clit one more time before untangling his hands from mine. My eyes drifted shut as my breathing came out in ragged pants, the high of my climax taking over control of my body like it always did. I could feel him crawling up my body, the mattress shifting under his weight and the feel of his skin whispering against my own as he kissed random places on my skin. When I felt his lips at my neck, I finally managed to open my eyes enough to see him hovering over me. My hands found his face as I redirected his lips to my own, kissing him firmly as I pulled his weight down on top of me. The weight of his hips landed between my thighs, and my legs rose to run my feet down the backs of his calves as our legs tangled together. The thin fabric of the boxers he wore was the only remaining barrier between us, and I desperately wanted it to disappear. My hands left his face to trial lightly down his sides until I reached the band. I tugged down, the pressure between our hips making it difficult to shift the fabric from his hips until he lifted them enough for me to pull them down. He held himself up with one hand as he reached down to free them from his legs. “Reece,” I whispered breathlessly, my desperate need for him stealing the volume from my voice. My legs wound around his waist, pulling him as close to me as possible as my hands slid back up his sides. The muscles in his back passed beneath my palms, the tight curves of them apparent as he held himself over me.

  I felt him pressing against my opening, his eyes locking with mine as he hovered centimeters from my face. I shifted my hips toward him just enough to let him enter me slightly, the pressure of the slight intrusion earning a quiet groan from both of us. Without any further hesitation, he shifted forward and pushed fully into me. As with every time we were together, there was a gentle, beautiful stretch that only he gave me as he filled me. My lungs struggled to keep up with the oxygen demands of my body, the shallow breaths I was taking not sufficing as he let me adjust to him. He stayed still inside me, pushed as deep as possible as he ducked his head to kiss me once more. His lips were soft against my own as he molded them into mine, his hips remaining torturously still the entire time. After what felt like ages, I felt the gentle roll of his body against mine, followed shortly by the shifting of his hips as he pulled nearly completely out of me. The merciful roll that followed allowed him to push back into me, the movement slow and smooth as my body accepted his. My hands roamed across the width of his shoulders, the muscles there flexing beneath my palms as he rocked his body forward once again. He kissed me slowly as his body continued the fluid motion above me, the skin of his chest pressing against mine one second as he rocked forward and separating the next as his hips pushed down. It was like he was a wave in the ocean, the liquid fluidity coming so naturally to him that I couldn’t tell when one roll of his body ended and another began. He lowered himself over me, the weight of his body resting on his elbows on either side of my head as his hands shifted to touch various parts of me. My jaw was cupped in one hand while the other tangled in my hair as he rocked above me. He kept the same rolling motion, the pace flowing easily as he moved inside me. Every time he pushed into me felt like he was adding more weight to the warm pressure inside me, the heaviness of it building so quickly that I had hardly recovered from my first orgasm he had given me. The way his body moved against mine was almost too overwhelming for me to comprehend. He made me feel so many things I had never
felt before, physically and emotionally. What had started out as a strictly physical need for each other had evolved so much, it was almost impossible to believe. We had started out with a raw and burning need to be together, the physical desires we held for each other singeing through any sense we might have had. Now, that burning need was still there, but was accented by a deep love for each other. The combination of these things created such a powerful, all-consuming connection that allowed moments like these to happen; it allowed us to show our love physically when words couldn’t quite do the trick. Reece could make love to me the way he felt, the svelte way his body moved aiding in his expression of his love for me. It was, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful things in the entire world.

  One of my hands left Reece’s back to find his hand on my face, my palm pressing into the back of it before sliding to grip his wrist tightly. He moved at my touch, his palm leaving my cheek to connect with mine as he pressed it backward into the mattress by my head. His grip on my hand was tight, contrasting sharply with the soft way his body moved against mine.

  The fluid wave rolled through his body again as he let his hips rock against mine over and over again. Every moment of contact between our skin as he rolled was magnified times a thousand as the heat spread between us. Surely every single nerve in my body had been deteriorated into ash by now, because the way he was making me feel was unbelievable. Heat radiated from my core where he continued to rock into me and spread through my body as I tried to cling to the edge of my second orgasm. My breathing had become so uneven now that I couldn’t even manage to keep kissing him. My lips fumbled clumsily against his as he rolled above me, my hand that wasn’t still captured by his alternating in tangling through his hair and running down the length of his back.


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