Badboy Romance

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Badboy Romance Page 55

by Lisa Simmons

  After finding some packaging tape and a cardboard box, I managed to cover the hole in the window with some of the cardboard. I used more tape than was necessary and it didn't look pretty, but at least the gaping hole was closed. It would have to do for now.

  "Beautiful," Abigail commented good-naturedly from her chair. I laughed, relieved she had actually listened to me and stayed out of the way.

  "Doesn't have to be beautiful, just has to keep the hole shut," I said, shrugging. She grinned.

  "We should get one of those for you mouth," she said playfully, her mouth dropping open into an 'O', her eyebrows raising as she waited for my response to her joking insult. I scoffed, pretending to be offended.

  "Oh, you think so?" I said, stalking slowly toward her. She shifted in her chair as she watched me with a wide grin on her face.

  "I really do. Sometimes you say these things, Reece, and I just don't know anymore..." she shrugged casually, her expression giving away her attempt to look like she meant a word of what she was saying. I loved when she was playful like this- she could dish it out and take it and it was amazing.

  I nodded, sticking out my lower lip as if considering what she was saying. "But see, I think you'd probably miss the things I can do with my mouth."

  I was pleased to see a bit of a blush interrupt her cool façade at my words. She squirmed even more as I leaned over the chair, my hands on either side of her body.

  "Nah," she managed to say, her casual tone faltering as I drew closer and closer. I could feel her breath on my face now.

  "So you'd be okay with losing this..." I ducked my lips to her neck, her soft skin warm beneath my mouth as I pressed it into her throat. Her pulse jumped at my touch.

  "Yes," she said determinedly.

  "And this?" I said, parting my lips to let my tongue slide down the muscle in her neck until I reached her collarbone. My lips sucked around the protruding bone before my tongue soothed the slight sting it surely caused.

  "Mmhmm, fine with it," she muttered. I could feel her shifting beneath me as she tried not to give in.

  "This?" My teeth tugged at her ear lobe now and she let out a quiet groan. She blew out a heavy breath as she tried to compose herself.

  "Y-yes, I don't need it," she said. Her tone lacked all conviction now.

  "What about..." I let my hand trail lightly down her side, my palms sliding over her breasts through the sweatshirt before settling on her ribs. "This?"

  My fingers pinched her sides suddenly, tickling her relentlessly as she shrieked beneath me, her body squirming instantly away from me and into the chair. I grinned widely as her laughter ripped from her body, the beautiful sound quickly starting to sound maniacal as I continued to tickle her. She had nowhere to go, trapped between my body and the chair as she continued to squirm.

  "Reece!" she shouted through her laughter, her voice weak and breathy and delighted. She gripped my wrists in her hands as she tried to tear them away from her sides, but she wasn't strong enough. She slid lower on the chair, her face contorted with insane laughter as her body managed to wiggle between my legs. Abbyf of her was on the floor now, the rest of her sliding away some how as I lost my grip on her.

  I watched in amusement as she tried to crawl away from me on all fours, her laughter making her move extremely slowly. I followed, catching her easily and flipping her to her back. My body pinned hers to the floor and my hands rested on either side of her head as she grinned widely up at me. Tears flowed from her eyes, wetting her hair. She tried to catch her breath from laughing but took one look at my pleasantly amused face and started on a whole new round of laughter.

  I shook my head in disbelief, my smile wide as I watched her in joy. She was laughing so hard that she was actually crying, her nose pinched up and her grin so wide it almost looked painful, but she looked absolutely radiant. Her eyes glinted from the wetness and her joy, and I felt it run through me with a jolt. Before I could stop myself, I ducked down to press my lips roughly against hers.

  She stopped laughing immediately, her lips molding to meet mine and return the urgent kiss. I couldn't help it- she was so beautiful in that moment that I couldn't not kiss her. Her arms rose to wind around my neck and pull me tighter against her, my hips resting between her thighs as we lay on the floor in the middle of my living room. She deepened the kiss, parting my lips with hers and letting our tongues connect.

  My heart felt like it was pounding a thousand miles an hour and I had completely forgotten what I'd been doing just moments ago. Now, with Abigail pressed beneath my body and our lips urgently connected, I was happy. Now, she was all that mattered.

  "Home, let me come home; home is wherever I'm with you."

  Chapter 59

  Reece had me pinned to the floor, my back pressing into the wood while his hips held me in place. My near hysterical laughter had been cut off abruptly by his lips crashing down onto my own, his sudden intensity mysterious to me. I wasn’t sure what I’d done for him to suddenly feel so urgent, but I wasn’t going to complain. It was insane how one minute we could be laughing and playing and the next desperately tearing away at each other; my emotions for him could change at the drop of a hat, the slightest indication from him flipping something inside me. He could make my body come alive in a second, not that it was hard for him; I was practically always craving his touch, craving the way his body felt against mine. In all honesty, there wasn’t much he needed to do to make me want to tear his clothes off.

  My hands had snaked their way into his hair, the strands gripped between my fingers as I pulled him down against me. He hadn’t said a word since kissing me, and I couldn’t find the strength to stop. His lips pressed firmly against my own, the kiss rough and urgent as his tongue pushed into my mouth. I could feel the weight of his body against my own as he pushed himself against me, the heaviness of him digging me further into the floor. He held himself up by his hands, his palms splayed wide on the floor on either side of my head as he lowered himself down, his hips never separating with mine. Our kiss grew even rougher, his tongue pushing deeper into my mouth as I found myself leaning off the floor to create more pressure. My neck strained as I rose to meet him but was promptly pushed back down to the floor as he increased the pressure even more. Tufts of his hair were tugged with my fingers as they flexed against his scalp before releasing them and sliding down to his back. I needed more contact, more pressure, more everything as I dug my fingers into his skin, the soft texture of it giving to the pressure of my fists. I could feel the intensity building momentously between us, every swipe of his tongue or roll of his hips against me adding to the inevitable fire that always burned through me when he touched me. It crept through my veins now, the ever-searing inferno that grew more intense by the second. The muscles in his back were tight as he held himself over me, the push-up position he was in straining every fiber in his back. My palms slid down the muscled expanse before finding his heated skin on his lower back where they flattened out against him to pull him even tighter against me. I could feel him between my legs, firm and ready just as I knew I was ready. He pushed himself against me as a quiet groan strained from his throat.

  I could feel the groan in our kiss, the tiny vibration of it traveling through our lips as he continued to kiss me deeply. He shifted his weight so he held himself up with one hand as his other traveled down my side, his hot palm heating the skin on my hip as it slipped beneath his sweatshirt I was wearing. My body felt needy as he squeezed my hip, impatient to feel him and feel the way my body reacted when it was connected with his. I could tell from the rough way he tore his lips from mine and shifted them to suck harshly against my neck that he felt the same. I lifted my hips to meet his, earning another groan that vibrated against my throat as my hands clawed at his back.

  “Reece,” I said in a strangled, breathless voice. I didn’t want to waste any time- I wanted him now. The fire already searing through my body made it difficult for me to focus on forming a word
and he hadn’t even really touched me yet.


  “I can’t wait,” I said truthfully. I already felt like I was going to explode if he waited any longer. He let out a strangled groan, clearly turned on by the desperation in my voice.

  “I can’t either, baby,” he said, nipping at my neck one more time before returning his lips to mine.

  “I need you,” I mumbled into the kiss, his lips pressing down hard against mine as his tongue swiped against my own. My hands clawed at every inch of his bare skin I could reach, and I was thankful he hadn’t put a shirt on this morning. His hips pressed into mine once more before pulling back enough for him to shove the shorts I was wearing down my legs leaving me naked from the waist down. My hands found the band of his shorts, digging into the fabric and copying his actions until I had them down to his thighs.

  That was all the further they made it, however, before he pushed forward suddenly and filled me completely. A loud gasp left my lips as my mouth fell open, his sudden intrusion setting a jolt of electricity through my veins and relieving some of the pressure that had been building up inside me. His hand that had been roaming around my body, squeezing my hip, my side, my arm, practically anything it could reach, found the side of my face to hold me still as he kissed me roughly.

  I could hardly return his kiss, however, as he shifted his hips backward only to slam forward into me again, the force of his thrust forcing all the air from my lungs. I gasped again, my jaw falling open even more as he took advantage and let his tongue swoop in once more. He pulled back, his hand clamped over my jaw as he forced me to look him in the eye.

  “Say it again,” he demanded, his tone matching the intensity and urgency of his movements as he rocked his hips forward sharply again. I felt almost dizzy as I felt every movement he made in every cell of my body.

  “I need you,” I said, my tone strangled and weak from the way he was slamming into me. He let out a low growl, the animalistic urgency taking over and absolutely setting me on fire. I had never seen him so desperately feral before and it was extremely hot. His hips rocked forward, this time using the momentum of his entire body as it rolled languidly beneath my palms. I had no control over them as they roved down his back, the muscles flexing and relaxing in time with the way he rocked his body.

  My body was practically buzzing with a desperate need for him and it was very quickly invading my brain. I completely forgot that we were in the middle of his living room, on the floor, still half dressed. In our desperate urgency, we hadn’t bothered moving to somewhere more comfortable or even managed to fully take off our clothes. All I was able to focus on in that moment was Reece and the way his body felt all over mine.

  My neck was arched as far as possible, the deep, heavy thrusts he gave making it impossible to sit still as my entire body writhed on the floor. He gave up on kissing me, clearly seeing that I was unable to make any minute movements as he rocked into me so sharply and heavily. His lips found my neck again, his teeth sucking against my skin as he brought blood to the surface. My shoulders actually left the floor as my back arched, the depth he was reaching making me positively restless. I could feel him lower himself to his elbows, his hands tangling into my hair and pulling roughly on it as he tried to hold me still. It was no use, however, because his tight grip on my hair only served to ruin me further. My legs were actually shaking as his entire body rolled over me, the fluidity of it clear as he pressed his chest to mine. My thighs were clamped around his hips as they moved between them, the tips of my toes tingling every time he moved inside of me. “Oh my god,” I moaned loudly, unable to withstand his actions much longer. His hands stayed tangled in my hair, his fingers pulling on the strands while his lips shifted all over my neck and chest, sucking, biting, and kissing. The way his hips moved was rhythmic, animalistic, and desperate as he drove into me again and again. It was harsh and fast-paced yet impossibly deep as he rolled above me, the crest of the wave peaking as his hips drove into me. My hands slid down his sides, their grip tightening in time with my gasps and moans every time he hit the sensitive spot deep inside me. The sharp ridges of his hips passed beneath my palms as they shifted to his backside, my fingers digging into the muscles there as they flexed in an attempt to draw him even closer.

  “Shit, Abby,” he groaned against my skin. He nipped once more at the soft flesh above my breast before returning his face above mine. My eyes struggled to stay open as they connected with his, the commanding grip he had on my hair holding my head in place despite my neck arching backward. He held my gaze as he shifted his hips forward over and over, every inch of him sliding inside of me and adding to the growing pressure in the pit of my stomach. It was almost too much to see him this way- wild and feral and frantic with need for me. The intensity of it lit something deep inside me, a dangerous and animalistic side I didn’t even know I had until he had awoken it. Right now, I wanted it rough, I wanted it hard, and I wanted it just like he was giving it to me.

  Every thrust he gave seemed to send a jolt through me, the rough action pushing me harder and harder into the floor. It was like every time he pushed into me, he chipped away at any self-control I had. I wanted everything he could give me, and he wasn’t disappointing. My body was shaking beneath him now, the nearly angry thrusts growing even more intense as he moved over me. I was surprised when I felt the urge to shove him off me, my hands moving to his now sweat-covered chest in a sub-conscious action. It was like my body knew this was too much for me to handle and was trying to fight it off even though that was the last thing I wanted. I was at war with myself, fighting my instincts to preserve my sanity and desperately trying to tear it down at the same time. My hands balled into fists against his chest as I fought back whatever was going on inside me, the impossibly deep thrust he gave wilting my strength even more as I let out yet another moan. Any weak attempt at pushing him off me was negated by the way he pushed his chest against me. It was as if he could sense my strange need to fight him off, which only motivated him more. Sweat dripped from the tips of his hair, splashing onto my skin as he seemed to dig himself even deeper into me, every thrust pushing me closer and closer to the edge. I was a trembling mess below him now, my hands managing to unclench their fists but unable to still their shaking as I pushed them around his neck and into his damp hair. I clutched at the strands, desperately trying to hold out as long as possible. My legs curled around his back, crossing at the ankles to bring him even tighter into me.

  “Jesus, Abby, baby,” he mumbled, his words not really meaning anything as he voiced his feelings. His tone was so strained and wild that it sent a shock through me, earning an uninhibited moan.

  “Reece-“ I was cut off by another gasp as he pushed even harder into me, his hands using my hair as leverage as he pushed his body farther up mine, digging deeper than he had the entire time. One of my hands slipped from his hair to slam against the ground, the loud smack echoing strangely through the living room before a loud whine left my lips. The fire he had built inside me absolutely exploded, burning every cell and nerve inside me to a crisp as it flooded through me while I hit my high. My breathing was impossibly labored and my heart hammered against my chest as the feeling spread through my shaking limbs, ruining my entire body.

  Reece let out a tight groan as he felt me clench around him, my body’s reaction to the orgasm pushing him closer and closer to his own. He never stopped the heavy rocking against me as he continued to push deep inside me, the sensitive nerves in my body burning from what he was doing to me. I hadn’t even caught my breath from the first orgasm he had given me when I felt a second one rip through my body, his never-ceasing actions releasing the pressure for a second time. My hand that had fallen to the floor balled into a fist as the feeling flooded through me and I couldn’t stop it from pounding into the floor several times. His hair was still tugged roughly in my other hand, hauling his mouth down to my own for another desperate, needy kiss. “Come on, baby,” I breathed agai
nst his lips, my weak body barely managing to cling to his own after my two orgasms. I only had a few seconds left before I absolutely collapsed from exhaustion. I managed to lift my head enough to let my lips find his neck, the skin there wet and salty with sweat as I sucked at it. My teeth tugged on his earlobe as he rocked into me once more. He pushed in deeply, his muscles quivering beneath his skin as he held himself over me and I heard the heavy groan rush past his lips. I could feel the strain in his muscles and hear the slight gasp he took before taking another ragged, uneven breath as he hit his high. As soon as I knew he was done, my body collapsed back against the floor, unable to hold myself up any longer as fatigue set in every muscle fiber in my body. My eyes closed instantly as I blew out a heavy breath, my arms falling limply to the floor by my sides. My breathing was cut off for a second as Reece pressed his lips to mine firmly, his body hovering over mine before rolling off and collapsing next to me. I could hear him breathing, uneven and ragged, but still normal. Heat rolled off his body in waves, colliding with the heat from my own as we both lay next to each other trying to recover.

  “Holy fuck,” he said breathlessly. I laughed quietly, unable to even respond as I reveled in the after affects still flooding through my body. His hand fumbled between us before finding mine and gripping it. He brought it to his lips to press a kiss into the back of it before letting our hands fall back to the floor lazily. “I fucking love you,” he said truthfully, the urgency of the moment carrying over into our words now. I grinned widely, my eyes still closed as I tried to reign in control of my body again. I sucked in a deep breath and rolled over to my side, my hand resting on his damp chest while my other propped my head up. I ducked my lips to press into his skin once before speaking.


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