Badboy Romance

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Badboy Romance Page 73

by Lisa Simmons

  I couldn’t even form a coherent sentence when I tried to speak, my words interrupted by the bliss that had taken over my body. He pushed impossibly deep, his entire body rolling languidly over me to keep us connected. His hand squeezed tighter on my hip as he rocked forward one more time, the delicious action setting off the explosions inside of me. “That’s it, baby,” he coaxed, his voice laden with a thickness that could only come from being together this way. “Let go.”

  His words were accentuated with continued smooth thrusts as he pushed me over the edge. My hands dug even further into his back while my teeth sunk into my lower lip, doing nothing to stifle the loud moans that spilled from my throat. Fire ripped through me and my muscles reacted without any control, arching my back and locking my legs around his hips while I came. My eyes were closed, the euphoria flooding through me making it impossible to keep them open, but I could feel him watching my every facial expression, taking in every tiny detail of my face in the moment of pure, unadulterated bliss. He pushed me through my second orgasm, rolling his hips through the tightened muscles in my center while I panted beneath him. I managed to cling to him for a few more seconds as he pushed into me one last time, his body tightening as he finally let himself hit his high. Though I was still very much flying high from my climax, I was able to open my eyes enough to see his face; it was my turn to watch him in his most vulnerable state. His eyes squeezed shut, cutting me off from the burning green irises. I was mesmerized by the way his lip bit into his mouth, his teeth showing easily in a type of grimace that took over his features as he came. He was slightly flushed with a thin sheen of sweat over his skin, but he looked like he was glowing. I felt the way his muscles relaxed as he reached the end of his high, the weight of his body settling over mine as he finally pulled free from me. His lips fell to mine once more, the kiss lazy yet still deep and passionate now that we had both come undone together. We were both breathing heavily and covered in sweat, but I made no notice of it at all. “I love you,” I managed to say, the volume stolen from my voice from how incredible he’d just made me feel. To finally be together with him after everything we’d been through had been absolutely perfect, the final piece to our complicated puzzle back in place. “I love you, Abby. So much, “ he whispered, his lips fumbling against mine.

  I sighed happily and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him down tightly against me. Finally, I was where I was supposed to be, and all was right in the world.

  "Can I lay by your side, next to you? And make sure you're alright? I'll take care of you... I don't want to be here if I can't be with you tonight."

  Chapter 76

  Reece's POV

  I pushed open the door to my room as I returned from the bathroom and my eyes were immediately greeted with a flash of Abigail's stomach before she pulled one of my shirts she had captured over her head. I nearly groaned at the sight of her in my t-shirt and her own boyshorts, my body still recovering from what we'd been doing only moments before. She grinned at me, her lower lip caught in her teeth as I approached her.

  As soon as I was close enough, her hands landed on my hips to smooth her thumbs along the waistband of my boxers, the only thing I was wearing. Her head tilted back to aim her radiant smile up at me, endorphins flooding through her body and making her very lazily content. My hand drifted up to push her messy hair off her face and tuck it behind her ear.

  "You're making it really hard on me, you know that?" I teased lightly. Her grin widened even more, her face positively glowing.

  "Oh, what's hard?" she asked, her innocent tone heavily contrasted with the knowing smirk on her face.

  "Hmm, keep it up and you're gonna find out," I said, my voice deepening. She pressed her body against mine very unsubtly, putting pressure at our centers.

  "I'm not doing anything, baby," she said sweetly. Her hands left my hips to push up my chest. I tried to ignore the way her touch woke up my entire body, sending shocks through my veins.


  She shook her head, pursing her lips while her wide eyes peered up at mine innocently. Innocent my ass.

  "Not uh." She leaned forward now, pressing her lips at the base of my throat. They parted enough to allow her warm breath to seep into my skin as she lingered there before pulling back.

  "Then what was that?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow skeptically at her. I couldn't help but grin at her seemingly insatiable nature.

  "I just love you a lot, is that alright?" she asked sweetly.

  "That's alright. But what about this?" I said, running my thumb along her lip to tug it out from between her teeth where she had recaptured it. "Remember what this makes me want to do to you?"

  "Remind me," she said softly, tilting her head back even more so her lips were inches from mine, as if she were drawn to me.

  "Bad things, Abby."


  "Like fuck you against a wall. Or on the floor. Or the table. Anywhere you'll let me, baby."

  She was barely able to maintain her cool composure as she gasped gently, pressing her hips tighter against mine involuntarily. She drew my thumb into her mouth, biting down gently before releasing it. A wave of heat washed through me from the wetness of her tongue on my skin.

  "Oh I'm sorry, Reece. I didn't mean to," she purred softly, her eyes flicking up from my lips to meet my gaze.

  "Mmhmm, and this?" I continued, pressing my hips against hers until the backs of her legs collided with the bed, sending her tumbling backward onto the soft mattress. My body followed, pinning her down while holding most of my weight up. Her thighs parted, knees bent on either side of my hips, to allow me to rest there.

  "That was all you, babe," she replied, shaking her head with a conspiratorial grin.

  "And these? What about these, huh?" I said. My hand trailed down her side, grazing her skin along the band of her boyshorts before sliding my fingers under the band to snap it lightly against her. She jumped slightly before letting out a torturously seductive giggle.

  "Would you prefer me not to wear any?"

  "At the moment..." I trailed off, unable to finish speaking without pressing my lips at the base of her throat. She squeezed her thighs around my hips, arching her neck back and humming quietly at the feel of my mouth on her skin. My hips worked of their own accord, grinding slowly into hers without my consent.

  "God I missed you," I mumbled against her throat before sinking my teeth into it lightly. Her hands dug into my shoulders, squeezing tightly when I sucked at her neck. My hips pushed into hers again, and I could hear the hitch in her breath before it grew shallower.

  "I missed the way I make you feel," I said, my voice practically a growl as I nipped at her collarbone. A strangled moan came from her throat when I moved against her again. "And the way you react to me."

  "Reece..." she whispered breathlessly, dragging her hands down my back before settling them on my hips.

  "Fuck, I want you so bad."

  My lips crashed onto hers, kissing her harshly as she pushed her hips off the mattress into mine. Her tongue met mine as the kiss deepened desperately, our breathing quickly matching in shallow pants. She tore her lips from mine, her hands tugging roughly at my hips just long enough to slide my boxers down to my thighs.

  "Then take me, Reece."


  My back collided with the mattress, my skin once again damp with sweat while my chest heaved ridiculously heavily up and down. Abigail lay next to me, her body limp from exhaustion. Her eyes were closed in euphoric bliss, and a thin sheen of sweat covered her skin as well. I listened to the ragged sound of her breath as she came down from her high, the fourth or fifth one of the night.

  She was practically radiating heat as my hand searched for hers, grasping it by our sides before bringing it to my lips to kiss the back of it blindly. A soft laugh blew from her lips, sounding almost bewildered at her own pleasure.

  "Jesus," she panted. A proud grin split across my face, th
e world still dark thanks to my closed eyelids. I held on to her hand but didn't touch her anywhere else, our bodies too hot to tangle together at the moment. My thumb ran over her knuckle while she squeezed lightly, unable to muster much strength after being physically worn out.

  "That was your fault," I teased, my voice sounding equally as breathless as hers. I opened my eyes a crack to glance sideways at her. She still wore my shirt, and her chest was moving up and down with each labored breath she took. Her eyes were closed and her lips were parted slightly as she tried to catch her breath. The light layer of sweat over her skin practically made her glow, and the blonde hair fanning out around her looked like a halo.

  God, she was fucking beautiful.

  She laughed lightly, her chest caving in momentarily before she peeked open an eye to glance at me.

  "If that was my fault, I can't say I regret any decisions that led to it," she said with a grin. With a lot of effort, she somehow managed to roll to her side, propping herself up with her elbow to rest her head on her hand. Her eyes were blazing with post-sex bliss and what I knew to be love for me. It was the best look I could imagine.

  "Good, baby," I said, letting my now empty hand toy with the hem of her shirt. Her hand landed on my forearm, tracing one of the tattoos on my skin. She grinned at me happily, her contagious smile spreading to my face as my lips pulled into a grin.

  "You're so beautiful," I said aloud, my voice quiet as if the thought had escaped my lips without meaning to. She blinked in surprise before ducking forward to press her lips to mine gently.

  "Thank you, Reece," she said sincerely, smiling softly at me as she settled back into her position next to me. I sighed contentedly, basking in the perfection of the moment. We were quiet for a while as the comfortable silence enveloped us. I stared at the ceiling while I played with her shirt and enjoyed the feel of her fingers on my forearm. I could feel her eyes on me, taking in whatever details she wanted, but I didn't mind. She'd done that from the day I met her and I wasn't going to stop her from indulging now.

  "Hey Abby?"

  "Hmm?" Her fingers left my forearm to trace the butterfly tattooed on my stomach.

  "Is it bad if I don't tell my family about... everything? With Jack and court and all that...?" I asked. It was something I thought a lot about during my hours in jail, and had been struggling with ever since. Her fingers paused momentarily on my skin as she absorbed my question before restarting the light tracing once more.

  "No," she decided. "Not if you don't want to."

  "I don't think I want to," I said, frowning at the ceiling. She was quiet again and I knew she was holding herself back from asking a thousand and one different questions. She was always very careful when I talked about my family because it was such a rare occurrence; she didn't want to scare me off the subject if she could help it.

  "You don't have to," she said gently. She really was trying hard not to explode into questions and it made me love her even more.

  "It's just... Look, okay, I know you don't know practically anything about my family but I swear, there's no huge sob story or dramatic event. Nothing insane happened when I was little that damaged me forever or whatever," I said, trying to explain myself but doing a poor job.

  "Okay," she said patiently, as if she could sense I was close to revealing more than I ever had about my family.

  "There's no reason why I am the way I am besides the fact that I'm a selfish person," I said quickly.

  "The way you were," she corrected gently. I turned to glance at her, breaking my gaze with the ceiling. She stared at me as if it were obvious. "Reece, you're the least selfish person I know."

  I frowned, very unconvinced of her statement. Everything I did was for myself- fight for Abigail so I could have her, keep her safe so I wouldn't lose her. All of my actions were motivated by an insatiable greed to have her with me at all times, even if to the rest of the world it looked like I was acting in her benefit. It was, but it was also for mine. She shook her head when she saw I was unconvinced.

  "Oh shut up and keep going," she teased lightly, shooting me a wry grin. I chewed on my lip as I thought of where to start.

  "Right, so... like I said. It wasn't like my parents were abusive or drunks or anything like that... they just... had really high expectations of me that I could never meet. No matter what I did, it wasn't what they wanted," I said, feeling more and more pathetic the longer I spoke. I sounded like a spoiled kid whining about mommy and daddy. Abigail raised her eyebrows at me encouragingly, keeping silent as she willed me to continue.

  "Um... they divorced when I was little but my dad was still around. I don't think I've told you but he's a doctor, and all while I was growing up, they all pushed me toward medical school. When I was like five, that was all we ever talked about. Fucking medical school. He'd say how he was a doctor just like his father, and how someday I would be one too. He even did this thing that his dad did when he was little- when he turned sixteen his dad gave him a simple watch. When he graduated medical school, his dad gave him some really expensive watch which apparently was a huge deal for him because he did it to me. You remember that?" I asked, blinking as my eyes refocused on her face. I realized I'd been rambling slightly and had gotten caught up. I probably wasn't making any sense.

  "The one that broke," she said slowly, thinking back to the day she'd found me in my room after my watch had broken. I could see the cogs spinning in her head as she tried to piece things together. All I'd told her then was that my dad had given it to me, but not what it meant. The breaking of that watch was the symbolic breaking of his dream for me to become a doctor, something I'd known for a long time would never happen but seemed more finalized by the physical breaking of the watch.

  "Yeah, that one," I said, nodding slowly. "I'm sorry, this is really stupid."

  "No! It's not," she said, shaking her head earnestly. "You feel like you're not good enough, right? Like they want you to be someone you're not?"

  I nodded slowly, mulling over her words. "It's just... that's what they've drilled into my head since I could hardly even talk. I don't really know what I want to do with my life but I know that being a doctor is not it."

  "I don't think this is really about you not wanting to be a doctor," she said slowly. "I think... it's mostly about you feeling like you're letting them down or something by not being what they want. It's why you never feel like you're good enough."


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