Badboy Romance

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Badboy Romance Page 86

by Lisa Simmons

  “Not quite,” I said through my grin. I felt his hands slide over my hips, pressing my back tighter against his chest. His thumbs rolled over my hips while his lips pressed at my neck yet again.

  “I think you’re done,” he replied confidently. His hands pushed lower on my hips so his fingers tickled at the tops of my thighs, sending sparks of heat through my veins.

  “Reece I need to finish this,” I argued weakly. He parted his lips at my skin to allow his teeth to nip at me and his hands pushed even lower. Small circles were rubbed with his thumbs over my hips while his fingertips grazed lightly between my legs, arching my back involuntarily against him.

  “But I’m lonely out there,” he said lightly, his voice deadly soft and tempting. He slid his hand fully between my legs now, cupping me lightly while he pressed himself into me from behind. My resolve was crumbling away at record speed as my breath hitched in my throat. “You could help in here,” I suggested weakly. My eyes fluttered closed as his fingers tickled over me lightly.

  “That’s not what I want to do,” he replied quietly, his voice laden with want.

  “Reece...” I breathed, unable to even fully argue anymore. His teeth closed over my earlobe, tugging on it lightly as he curled his fingers into me over my shorts. The last shirt I held was clenched into my hand as I felt his touch resonate through my body. My breathing shortened slightly as I drew in shallow breathing, my resistance all but gone now. “Baby,” he responded, nipping at my neck again. “I want to fuck you in our house.”

  I sucked in a gasp when he removed his hand, the pressure gone for a second before he slipped his hand beneath the band of my shorts to push below the layers. A quiet whine left my throat as his fingertips circled over my clit, and my body pressed back involuntarily against his. His other hand remained firm on my hip while his lips worked over my neck and shoulder. “How does that sound to you?” he breathed into my ear, the deadly quiet in his voice sending a shot of adrenaline through my veins. His fingers rolled over my clit again before dragging down my slit, sending every bit of self-control I had crashing to the floor.

  “Wonderful,” I managed to reply. My head rolled back to land on his shoulder while his fingers worked on me, my eyes fluttering closed as I enjoyed the feeling. He pressed a light kiss to my jaw, contrasting with his lustful tone. My eyes squeezed closed even tighter as he pushed a finger into me. The shirt was finally dropped to the floor, completely forgotten as Reece touched me. My hand rose to snake around his neck, pulling me against him even more and allowing his lips to land on mine. He kissed me deeply, pushing his tongue easily into my mouth while he added another finger inside me, pushing in and out torturously while his palm circled over my sensitive nerves, quickly adding to the pressure building inside me. My back arched away from him as I felt his touch sending waves of pleasure through me, finding it difficult to return our heated kiss. Reece’s hand rose from my hip to tug the strap of my tank top down, revealing all of my shoulder to him. His lips tore from mine to graze over the expanse, his lips heating my skin before his tongue swiped over it to soothe the dull ache his teeth caused when he nipped at my shoulder. My breathing was quickly growing ragged as his fingers pumped in and out of me, the combined stretch of his fingers and pressure of his palm over my clit quickly unraveling me. His free hand gripped the hem of my shirt, ripping it upward to reveal my stomach and chest before I managed to force my limbs to move enough to remove it completely, leaving me in my shorts and bra. “Come on, baby,” he breathed into my ear, easily sensing how close I was.

  Reece’s bare skin was hot as it pressed to mine, sending bolts of heat from where we pressed together while his palm circled over my nerves once more, the final flick of his fingers inside me pushing me over the edge. My knees almost buckled as waves of relief washed through me, sizzling my nerves and making my muscles weak. A loud whine sounded from my throat as I felt my release, and my breathing was as uneven as ever. “You feel good, Abby?” he continued, egging me on through my high. I couldn’t even respond more than a nod as I tried to control my breathing once more. After coaxing me through my release, Reece finally pulled his hand from beneath my shorts, linking his fingers under the band to push them down when I stopped him. Without a moment’s hesitation, I spun in his grasp, the affects of my orgasm still coursing through my veins as I dropped to my knees in front of him.

  I pushed my hands up his thighs, taking in the obvious bulge beneath his black shorts as he watched me intently. His own breathing had hitched in anticipation as he locked eyes with me. My lower lip was bit between my teeth as I hooked my fingers under the band of his shorts and tugged down, revealing him to me before they pooled on the floor. Without hesitating, I let my tongue drag up his length, earning a deep moan from above. “Fuck,” he muttered, still holding my gaze as my tongue circled over his tip, wetting the silky skin there. His green eyes were burning down at me as he watched, the sight of me kneeling in front of him making him restless. When I wrapped my lips around him completely, he blew out a short breath of air. The way he was watching me and the way his body looked from this angle were more than enough to encourage me as I leaned forward, taking as much of him into my mouth as I could. My jaw stretched open as I let my tongue run over his skin, the smooth ridges along his cock easily felt. Reece groaned above me as I drew back and pushed forward again, pulling him into my mouth once more. His hands brushed the hair out of my face, his fingers tangling through the strands as he watched me. I let my hand wrap around the base, pumping the bit of him I couldn’t fit into my mouth. I watched as his chest rose and fell quicker, the effect of my mouth on him bringing a flush to his chest and a deliciously desperate expression to his face. He tugged his lower lip between his teeth and closed his eyes, the short pants he drew telling me he was enjoying it immensely. I bobbed my head up and down his length as he hit the back of my throat over and over, his length too much for me to handle completely without the use of my hands. My lips stayed wrapped around him, sucking lightly every time I drew back while one hand pumped over his shaft. When my other hand rose to roll his balls lightly over my palm, a loud moan dragged from his chest. I repeated my movements, immensely enjoying seeing him come undone above me. His brow was furrowed deeply and he was biting his lip so hard I feared he would bleed, but I couldn’t deny the intense satisfaction I felt at having this power over him. His grip in my hair was tighter than ever and his chest was expanding and contracting quickly. I could tell by the pink flush on his chest and cheeks that he was nearly done, so I pulled him even farther into my mouth, his tip pushing past the back of my throat farther than I had taken him yet. Another loud groan rattled from his throat before he swore.

  “Fuck, stop baby,” he moaned, his eyes finally opening to reveal widely blown pupils, making them nearly black. He looked down at me and groaned again, the sight doing nothing to help him control his body. I ignored him and took him as deep as I could, my hands continuing their work. He was nearly shaking from how close he was.

  “Abby, ahhh,” he said, unable to continue as I sucked on him, causing his fists to clench in my hair. “Stop-“

  He was cut off, however, by a load groan that pulled from his lips as I felt the heat of his release shoot down my throat. Triumph flared inside me as I swallowed what he had to give, thrilled he’d finally let me finish him. Usually he got too pent up and stopped me, too desperate to have my body to let himself finish this way. I swallowed again and pulled back, letting my tongue drag slowly down his shaft before I pulled him from my mouth and grinned up at him, pleased with myself.

  He was panting and a dark flush had taken over his cheeks where his eyelashes rested thanks to his eyes being closed. I watched in fascination as he felt his release, the thrill of it making him practically glow.

  He finally managed to open his eyes and look down at me. His hands untangled themselves from my hair, allowing his hand to settle over my cheek as I looked up at him. His thumb dragged over my lower lip once
, tugging it to the side before releasing it.

  “I fucking love you,” he told me, his breathing still heavy and eyes slightly wild. He reached for me, allowing me to place my hands in his as he tugged me upward. Immediately, his lips landed on mine, kissing me firmly. My hands rose to hold either side of his neck just below his ears, my fingers snaking into his hair. His tongue lapped against mine and I felt his hands trail down my sides before landing on my hips. He pulled me against him and let out a quiet hiss as I leaned against his still sensitive center. “Give me a minute,” he murmured against my lips before returning to the kiss. I’d already come once, but I could feel my body waking up easily once more. My skin seemed to be on fire wherever he touched me, and I was desperate for him all over again. His palm trailed up my back before his fingers found the latch of my bra to flick it open easily. I felt a tingle shoot down my spine as his fingers raked over my back, catching the straps and pulling them off my shoulders before he released the fabric to the floor. My head rolled to the side when he broke the kiss to trail his lips down my neck, sucking lightly on the surface as he moved lower. His palms slid up my ribcage before cupping my breasts. Another quiet whine of a moan left my lips when his thumbs flicked over my nipples, sending sparks of pleasure through my veins. My hands pushed back off his neck to tangle my fingers completely into his hair, tugging lightly on the strands as his lips crossed over my collarbones. I sucked in a breath when his lips closed over my nipple, the wet heat of his mouth making my skin tingle. He sucked lightly before twirling his tongue over the bud, his other hand massaging the other side of my chest lightly. His lips continued on their path as he dropped to his knees in front of me, his hands on my hips pushing me backward until I was pressed against the wall. Kisses were trailed down my stomach and across my hip as he hooked his fingers beneath the band of my shorts, tugging them down along with my underwear to leave me completely bare. I could feel my breathing grow ragged once more as his lips dragged up my thigh, his tongue darting out every few inches to wet my skin. My fingers, which were still tangled in his hair, tightened their grip when he let his tongue take a long drag up my still sensitive center. His lips closed over my clit, sucking harshly on it and wasting no time. His hands stayed locked around my thighs, holding me in place as he sucked once more. His tongue replaced his lips as it pushed the flat of it over my nerves before circling around it, his actions quick, eager, and hungry. My head rolled back to land against the wall and my eyes slammed shut as he let his tongue drag up my opening once more. It curled up into me, darting in and out a few times before he returned his attention to my clit. “Oh god,” I breathed, my voice impossibly weak as he worked me over with his mouth.

  It took him about half the time it usually did to end me, the hungry desperation of his actions sending me over the edge before I was even aware of it approaching. Fire seared through my veins, enveloping me completely for a second time as his lips closed around my clit one last time. My breath ripped from my chest and my knees started to buckle as I felt the affects, Reece’s grip on my legs the only thing keeping me standing.

  Before I even knew what was happening, my body was being hauled upward as he stood. My back collided roughly with the wall as he lifted me off the ground, my legs wrapping around his waist while he held me up by his grip on my thighs. He pushed into me suddenly with no warning, drawing a loud moan from my throat as my hands clutched at his shoulders. He let out a deep groan as I tightened around him, his body recovered from his first orgasm. “Jesus, Reece,” I managed before any further possible words were cut off by him pulling back only to slam into me again. My back crashed into the wall once more as his hips rocked forward harshly, the roughness of it sending waves of adrenaline rolling through me. I felt weak from coming twice already, but still I was hungry for him. I was insatiable, as was he. “Yes, baby,” he replied, his voice laden with want and need. He slammed me into the wall again as he rocked into me once more, forcing the air from my lungs. He ducked his head to suck at my throat again while his hands tightened their grip on my thighs, securing me so he could slam into me repeatedly. I couldn’t seem to stop the never-ending whines and moans rolling from my lips, my body too overcome with pleasure to really comprehend anything else. I could feel the sweat pouring off him as my hands struggled to focus on any one part of him. His shoulders, chest, back, neck, and hair all passed beneath my palms in my feverish attempt to hold on to any control. His lips moved over my shoulders and neck, biting and sucking harshly before they crashed back against my mouth to kiss me deeply. My needy mewls were stifled by his lips, but it didn’t stop the way my body had started to shake from how he made me feel.

  Every cell in my body seemed to be on fire, completely consumed by Reece and the way he moved inside me. His hips were incessantly rough against mine as he rocked between my legs, driving deeper and deeper into me with every thrust. I was surprised the wall hadn’t cracked from how hard he threw me into it, but I felt no pain. All I could feel was a fierce desire for Reece, an overwhelming need that only he could fulfill. I could feel my muscles starting to tighten around him, getting tighter and tighter as he pushed me closer to the edge. He felt the effects as well, because a loud groan rumbled from the pit of his chest as he shoved me into the wall yet again. The muscles in his back strained beneath my palms as I struggled to resist the inevitable, and my back arched off the wall despite the way my hips and shoulders were repeated slammed into it. “Come on, Abby. Come for me,” he growled, his voice dark and deep while all I could do was gasp and moan. How he was still standing, holding me up, and pounding me into the wall was a completely mystery to me because my entire body was shaking. My breath was nothing more than shallow pants as he rocked into me hard, fast, and deep. “Come, baby,” he coaxed, his lips landing on mine once more as he pushed impossibly deep, sending me over the edge. The loudest scream I’d let out yet ripped from my throat, unable to control anything at all as I felt my third orgasm rocket through me. My entire body seemed to be coming unraveled as I came, my breathing impossibly ragged and nerves absolutely on fire. “Fuck, yes baby,” Reece groaned, his muscles flexing as he gave one final thrust upward, driving me through my orgasm as he reached his own, stilling as he held me up against the wall. His lips, which were still on my own, resumed their kiss after merely pressing against them tightly. Neither of us had been able to continue it during our release, the feeling of it too much to coordinate any other movement. His lips folded over mine lightly, the ragged breathing ripping form both of our chests cutting it off as we both desperately drew a breath. Sweat drenched both of our bodies, and Reece was positively glowing thanks to the flush creeping over his skin. I was certain he’d never looked more beautiful. “I love you,” I managed to pant, my eyes struggling to remain open as my limbs shook around him.

  “Hmm I love you, too,” he replied, blowing out a heavy breath. His eyes were wild, alive, and incredibly happy looking as he watched me. A light smirk crept up his features as his lips pulled up to one side.

  “What?” I laughed, the endorphins flooding through me making me feel extremely giddy.

  “Told you I can still throw you into walls,” he said, clearly pleased with himself. I let out a burst of laughter, finding it difficult to stop the rush of love for him flooding through me.

  “Even better- our walls,” I said happily. His hands were still wrapped around my thighs and my back was still pressed into the wall as he held me up. He grinned widely at me, his eyes glowing.

  “Yes Abby. Our walls.”

  "So let's get undressed, 'cause you're driving me crazy. So let's get undressed, 'cause I wanna see you naked."

  Chapter 88

  I listened to the slow, steady thudding of Reece's heart through his chest, my ear pressed to the skin there as my body covered his. I could hear the gentle thudding that gave him life and kept him warm, and the sound brought a gentle smile to my face. His fingers tickled down my back slowly, his actions gentle and savory as he rake
d his hands up and down.

  We lay together in what was now officially our bed, tangled together hopelessly as we always were. A quiet, blissful content had settled over us, allowing me to hear the sounds of his heart. The unpacking remained unfinished and forgotten, any thought of it disappearing after we'd collapsed together into bed. Our bodies were tired from all we'd just done together, but I never felt more electric and alive as I did just then.

  Now, after all this time and all the things we'd been through, Reece still held an undeniable power over me. Now, just like the first night I'd met him, I was drawn to him. It didn't seem possible that such a burning connection would remain so strong, but I was absolutely certain that it would remain for the entirety of my life. It was as if our bodies were two separate halves that had been searching for each other, and now that they'd come together, they would never separate again.

  "What are you thinking about?" Reece asked quietly, pulling me from my thoughts. I tilted my head to the side to press my lips into his chest before shifting my body so I could look at him. My arms rested over his chest as I looked down at him. His head rested on the pillow, and his hair fell back off his beautiful face as he watched me.

  "That first night we met," I replied honestly. It was so surreal to think that was how everything between us had started. Never in a million years would I have guessed on that night how completely I'd fallen in love with him now.

  "What about it?" he prompted quietly. One of his hands pulled from my back to brush my hair gently behind my ear. Gentle touches like that seemed so natural to him now, but months ago he never would have done such a thing.

  "It's kinda strange, isn't it? How that night was basically pure physical attraction but then it turned into this?" I mused aloud. My fingers landed on his chest and traced lightly along his collarbone absentmindedly. His skin was warm beneath my touch and smooth despite the many tattoos inking his skin.


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