Paranormal Dating Agency: In Dire Straits (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Cazenovia Pack Book 1)

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Paranormal Dating Agency: In Dire Straits (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Cazenovia Pack Book 1) Page 7

by MJ Nightingale

  “A run?” she asked. Buddy didn’t run. A brisk walk maybe, but his short legs weren’t made for the type of running Bill was talking about.

  “Yeah, I’ll shift and take him in the scrub.” His eyes had laugh lines around them, but she wasn’t sure if he was teasing or not.

  “Oh hell no! You are not taking my baby, a Schnauzer, into that scrub. I’m not letting a gator, possum, owl, hawk or whatever the hell is out there in that sawgrass get him. It’s dangerous out there for a little dog.”

  “But I’m a Dire. I’ll protect him.” Bill’s expression was wounded, but she knew now he had been teasing her by the silent shaking of his chest.

  “I’ll bring him, but he doesn’t leave the house unless he’s on a leash. Got it, mister.” Annie pointed her finger at Bill. She loved the man, but he better not mess around with her dog. That was her baby.

  Bill tried and failed to hold it in any longer. Annie’s hackles were up. It made him feel slightly remorseful for teasing her. She loved that animal fiercely. He’d build Buddy a dog walk on the property. The animal, though domesticated, needed fresh air and a place to take care of business. He’d surprise her with it next week. He was hoping she would move in with him anyhow, and having the dog walk would make her feel safer about letting Buddy outside untethered. He understood the reason for a leash was as much for the dog’s own protection as for pedestrians, but the idea of leashes, even on domesticated animals, still bothered him.

  “Okay. Babe, I got it.”

  “Good. Okay, then.” She picked up her purse and stood at the door. He went over to her and kissed her fiercely. She kissed him back, but the intensity wasn’t there. Her mind was on her dog.

  Ending the kiss, he pulled back and gave her an out. “I need to take care of some business on the computer, sweets. We can grill steaks when you get back. Sound good?”

  Smiling, Annie glanced at her watch. “Perfect.” She’d have time do a load of laundry. Pack a small bag with a few things she needed for herself and work, and grab Buddy and his bowls and food, and doggy bed.

  Chapter 11

  Pulling into her parking lot, Annie didn’t see the vehicle coming. It hit hard and fast, and the car door caved in on her side as her small Volvo spun around in her lot. When the air bag deployed, she heard the explosion of air along with the sound of screeching tires and breaking glass.

  Her head flew toward the door and then bounced sideways like a whip. The momentum of the vehicle had her careening to the side and back as she hit the parked truck beside her. Her head smashed into the window and she felt just a few seconds of blinding pain before everything went blissfully black.

  * * *

  Bill was prepping the salad for that evening’s dinner when his iPhone started to ring. He didn’t recognize the number, but answered it anyway and was glad he did.

  A nurse from Bayfront Regional Hospital quickly informed him that Annie had been in a car accident. Without hesitation, he quickly locked up and rushed out the door.

  The nurse had said she was okay although she had been unconscious when she arrived. When she woke up, she gave the nurse his phone number as the person to contact. As he rushed towards the hospital, he realized how precious this woman was to him. He was glad she was awake, but he hadn’t taken the time to ask any questions and prayed she wasn’t hurt badly.

  The moment after he got to the hospital and parked in the emergency parking, he was out the door and heading past the sliding glass doors. “I’m here to see Annie Ostipwko.” He spelled the difficult last name for her.

  The nurse took a few moments to tap on her computer and looking up she told him to go through the doors and he would find her in bay three.

  The moment the buzzer sounded on the security door, he pulled the handle and rushed in. He saw her right away and relief swept through him. She was sitting up on her hospital bed with a small bandage over her left eye. She was also talking to two police officers when he entered the room. Quickly he made his way to her side. “What happened?”

  “I was just telling the police officers that I was pulling into the parking lot of my condominium when out of the blue someone T-boned me.”

  “Are you okay?” he asked, still concerned there might be something he wasn’t seeing.

  A nurse who was also standing in the room answered for her. “Yes, she’s fine now. Lucky, but fine. We did a CT scan and she does have a slight concussion. A few cuts from the broken glass and three small stitches on her forehead.”

  One of the police officers spoke next. “The vehicle didn’t stop although there had to be severe damage. Luckily the condominium complex had cameras in the parking lot and we were able to get a partial ID of the driver’s license plate.” He showed Bill and Annie a grainy image from his phone.

  “We’re running the plate now. But we were wondering if you recognized the passenger in the other vehicle.” Annie looked at the photo and shook her head. The woman with long hair was unfamiliar to her.

  Bill glanced at the photograph and his blood ran cold. He recognized the woman. It was Danielle, and that could only mean one thing. She had followed him to Florida determined to get him to go along with her crazy plan. He had hoped she would have given up on her idea of forming a triad to lead the pack. Though he couldn’t see the driver of the vehicle, his heart sank to think that Dwayne might have driven the car that hit his life mate. Dwayne had been his best friend, had planned to marry his sister.

  He didn’t know if he should tell the police what he knew. But because of his background, he thought he should handle this in-house. He would have to take Annie with him to Cazenovia and present her to the pack. Darryl would have to deal with Danielle, and Dwayne.

  He wondered what to do. They might be able to identify her from the partial license plate, and so it might be a moot point. But he would try to keep it under wraps and bring this to the pack first.

  “No, I don’t recognize it either,” he lied. “But could you send that image to my phone so that we can keep a lookout in case she comes around again?”

  “Sure,” the officer stated. “Let me have your number and I’ll send it to you.” Bill rattled off his phone number while the policeman typed it in. He sent it and then turned back to Annie. “Is there someone who might be out to harm you? From the video this looked deliberate.”

  “I don’t think so,” Annie stated and looked up at Bill with a blank expression on her face. She’d never done anything to anyone to provoke this kind of malicious attack. In a moment she knew that something was wrong. Bill wasn’t looking at her. Her spine tingled. What was he not saying, she wondered.

  Annie didn’t let on to the police officers though the expression on Bill’s face was grim.

  Luckily, the police made their departure after handing her a card and asking her to call them if she remembered anything else. She promised to do so.

  Bill was speaking to the nurse. “Is she staying overnight?”

  “No. She can go home this evening. Just be sure to keep an eye on her. Her discharge papers should be ready soon. And I’ll give you a prescription to fill for her, as well as those discharge instructions in just a few minutes.”

  Bill was relieved to hear that. He would better be able to keep an eye on her if she were with him.

  The moment the door closed behind the departing nurse, Annie pounced.

  “Who was that in the photograph? I know you recognized the woman.”

  Bill nodded solemnly. “It’s Danielle.”

  Holy shit. His ex-girlfriend had tried to kill her. “Why?” she asked, demanding an answer. In that moment, she was too angry to feel scared.

  “She wants me back, still, and she also wants Dwayne.”

  “Both of you? I don’t understand. Like polygamy?”

  He shook his head in the negative. “In our pack and in many packs, sometimes the leader can be a triad. A triad is made up of an alpha, an omega, and a female wolf. The men in the relationship share the female and make love to
her, at the same time, sometimes apart, but the three lead together. And that’s what she wants.”

  Annie was having a hard time wrapping her head around that. But one thing was for sure, and that was Bill. He was hers. “Well, she can’t have you. You’re mine,” Annie stated adamantly. “So, what are we going to do about this? Why didn’t you tell the police?”

  “Because we are shifters, we need to handle this within the pack. If she is caught by the authorities, she may reveal our secret. I’m going to have to go back to Cazenovia. I’ll need to report this to the Alpha. To Darryl. Only he can stand in judgment over her. The pack will follow his command.”

  “But won’t he protect his son?”

  “He’s always been just and fair.” He had always respected Darryl. The man was strong and wise, but Bill just did not know how he would deal with this situation. For two and a half years, Danielle had sunk her paws into Dwayne. He just hoped now that she had done something so reckless, Darryl would have to intervene. For the good of the pack, he must; Dwayne’s alpha image be damned.

  “Well, I’m going with you. When do we leave?” Annie announced. She wasn’t about to be left alone. And she wanted to confront the woman who attempted to kill her.

  Bill was relieved that he wouldn’t have to convince her. She needed to meet the pack and tell her side of the story before Darryl would pronounce judgement. With his father and mother by his side, they could keep her safe. “In a couple of days, but until then you’re staying with me. We will run over to your apartment, get Buddy, and some things for the trip. I don’t want you out of my sight.” The fear and adrenaline finally began to subside as he pulled Annie off of the gurney and held her.

  He wouldn’t risk his life mate by leaving her behind. But he also hoped he wasn’t putting her in dire straits by bringing her into the wolf’s lair, either. His heart beat a rapid tattoo as he felt her arms encircle him. She was too precious to lose.

  Chapter 12

  They had landed at JFK airport about an hour ago. Annie was in the restroom while he quickly called Gerri to let her know what happened.

  “My goodness. This is horrible, but you are doing the right thing. The decision really needs to be made by the Alpha.”

  “I know, but I just want to rip their throats out.”

  Gerri was worried that Bill would try to take matters into his own hands, and she didn’t blame him. He had just found his life mate, but rules were rules and in the pack there was a clear pecking order. “You know you can’t do that, Bill. The pack will consider you rogue and come after you.”

  Bill knew the rules of their kind, but Annie was his life mate! He loved her. “I know, but I just can’t risk her.”

  “I’ve always known Darryl to be an intelligent and thoughtful man. He’s not as rash as most Alphas are. He will know what to do, and his wife, Theodora, she’s always advised him and she will keep him calm. I know this is her eldest son, and I know from conversations I have had with her that she is not happy about his relationship with whatever her name is. I’m sure they have already thought of ways to try to get rid of her. The information and the proof you are bringing to them will be what they need to do just that.”

  “I hope you’re right.” He did. But yet, he still grieved for his friend. Dwayne and his sister both had lost so much. That accident had taken her life, but it had sent Dwayne spiraling.

  “I know I’m right. Please, Bill, don’t worry about this. Just keep vigilant and don’t take your eyes off of Annie. Danielle must be desperate to have made this attempt on her life.”

  “Desperate and insane.” And he knew now that she was. The lengths she was going through to achieve her selfish goals were crazy. “Okay, Gerri, I’ll keep you updated. I see Annie coming out now. I’ll call you when I know more.” Annie was searching for him and when she spotted him waiting for her, she smiled but then winced. She looked good, though he knew she still had some pain. In two days’ time, her bruises were nearly gone and the small cuts were itchy, but healing. It was the one above her left eye that was bothering her and the headaches she had been having. The cut was red and the small scar from the stitches that hadn’t been removed yet, could be seen.

  “All set,” Annie pronounced cheerfully, as she hooked her arm around Bill’s. She knew this trip wasn’t a social one, but she was happy to be meeting his parents, though nervous, too.

  “The car is right outside, babe.” I had one of the workers at Enterprise, put the luggage inside already. It’s a four and a half hour drive to Cazenovia. Are you ready for this?”

  She smiled up at her man, her wolf. “As ready as any human is to meet a pack of wolves on a mountain in the middle of nowhere.” Her tone was teasing to lighten the mood. Bill smiled at her and that gorgeous dimple appeared on his cheek. This man meant everything to her and she couldn’t believe how her life had changed in such a short amount of time. Her office had given her two weeks off, and she had much more time saved up if she needed it.

  She told them she was going to meet Bill’s family which was true. Of course, she left out the part about hunting down her would be assassins. Being part of Bill’s world meant keeping secrets. But in three weeks she couldn’t imagine her life without him. She wasn’t sure about being changed over. This life mate thing was crazy, but she was crazy in love with this man. He had been so tender these past two days, she couldn’t imagine ever wanting to let go of a man who always put her first. Her Omega.

  She knew being here was dangerous. But in her heart of hearts, she knew her place was by his side. If she was going to be in Bill’s life, she needed to see this, all of this, with her own eyes, as scared as she might be.

  They walked out into the New York sunlight. It was hot, but not as hot as Florida right now. Bill had told her to bring some sweaters as Cazenovia remained cool in the summertime.

  She was nervous. The Alpha of the pack had final say in all matters. She just hoped she could accept that decision. The man would be standing in judgment of his own son. This had to be such a difficult decision for him.

  * * *

  “Oh, Bill, she is absolutely lovely and perfect for you.”

  “Yes, son, she is.” His father was seated in his favorite recliner and beaming at his son. He was incredibly proud of him. They had waited such a long time for their only son to have found his mate.

  “Thank you, Mom, Dad. Your blessing means a lot to me.” He gave his mom another embrace as she stood next to him in the small living room. “Did you talk to Darryl and arrange for a meeting?” he asked. Annie was getting freshened up. When they arrived, they had sat for hours just talking after the early luncheon his mom must have spent the previous day preparing.

  “Yes, son. It’s tomorrow night. Sunset, at the lake house.” The massive house on the lake belonged to the Lupine family and had been headquarters for the pack for over 250 years, ever since their small village had been founded. It had been run by the Lupine family uninterrupted in two and half centuries. It was one of the few packs that had stayed in the same family for such a long time.

  “Very good. I want to get this over with as soon as possible.”

  “Don’t worry son. Darryl’s not about to forget what your father did for him all those years ago when he saved his life. And Theodora and I have spoken on several occasions. She does not like Dwayne’s current mate at all and says that Danielle has changed him.” His mother, Kathy’s face twisted at the mention of Dwayne and Danielle. She had not said as much to him, but she hadn’t liked the girl when he had been seeing her, and then Dwayne had been like her own son, would have been had his sister survived the hunting accident. This was personal for them all.

  “Yes, son, I think the meeting will be fine and Darryl will make a good choice.” His father, Tony, was always the voice of calm and reason. He was Omega because of him.

  “From your lips,” Bill stated. He looked towards the stairs when he heard Annie approach. She looked amazing and fresh as she began to descend the short
flight of stairs. They were all going to head out for a nice dinner together at Graziano’s in the neighboring village of Canastota. Afterwards he would bring her to his small cabin nestled a few hundred yards away from his parent’s home. It sat next to a bubbling brook, one of the tributaries that came off of Lake Cazenovia. His parents wanted to spend as much of their free time as possible with them, getting to know their future daughter-in-law, and catching up with their only son. But they had thought better of showing up in one of the restaurants in Cazenovia. It wouldn’t be too wise to flaunt their presence until after the pack leader had gotten to question them and spoken.

  “Are you all set, my dear?” asked Bill’s mother as she hooked her arm through the pretty blonde that her son had fallen for. Annie was a feisty woman, and reminded her a lot of her own daughter. No one would replace her, but Annie was a soothing balm to a woman who missed her only daughter sorely.

  “Absolutely.” Annie patted the woman’s hand that rested on her forearm. She had immediately taken a liking to Bill’s parents. They were both down to earth, and kind people. They had made her feel right at home.

  She was still nervous about the pack meeting, but with Bill’s parents behind her, and Bill beside her, she felt she could face what would come especially if Darryl and Theodora Lupine were as just as everyone said they were.

  * * *

  “Oh my goodness. This restaurant is freezing.” Annie’s teeth were chattering. Who would have thought she would go from sweltering heat to this cool climate and yet the owners had the air conditioner set to arctic blast. “I’m so glad you told me to bring a sweater. I can’t believe they have the air conditioner on. I’m about to crack one of these chairs on the floor to use for kindling,” she joked.

  Bill’s parents laughed at Annie. She was remarkable. They both were incredibly happy that their son found a woman who was his match. She was strong, vocal, and didn’t back down from a fight. The fact that she was walking into a situation like this as a mortal made them respect her even more. She was definitely the one for him.


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