Darkness of Light

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by Gina Kincade

  Praise for Gina Kincade

  "Gina Kincade is imaginative, intelligent, and full of heart. It really takes a special writer to not only craft attention-grabbing, complex plots, but to also write three-dimensional characters that come alive on the page and in your hearts."

  — Amazon Reviewer, TOP 100 REVIEWER

  OMG!! Hot, Hot Hot!!!!

  "A very short story about Micah and Jason finding love! I sooo needed more of these two! The chemistry and the emotions between them were amazing!!!! Hope to get to see more of these two!"

  — Amazon Customer

  Praise for Gina Kincade

  "A Shot at Love by Gina Kincade, was a very well done, emotionally moving story of an eagle shifter in love with a panther shifter. These two men were very attractive characters in different ways, and I loved how they were together. I hadn't read anything by Gina Kincade before and I loved her writing style."

  — Amazon Customer

  "What a fantastic story. Sexy, erotic and a great story. What a combination. The only problem? I wanted more!!! Can't wait to read more of Gina's work!"

  — John Miller

  Praise for Gina Kincade

  I devoured this story in one sitting and could have easily read an entire series of just these characters, this world, and this story. It really takes a special write to not only craft such an attention-grabbing plot, but to also write three-dimensional character that come alive on the page and in your hearts.

  — Amazon Reviewer, TOP 100 REVIEWER

  "The story moves along at a fast and furious pace taking you into a world of whirlwind romance and the paranormal. It kept me on the edge of my seat taking me into the story with every page."

  — Amazon Customer

  Praise for Gina Kincade

  "Great storyline with characters that make the pages steam. Loved all the Christmas elements added into this spicy little tale. Do yourself a favor and gift yourself this story then, then put yourself on the naughty list by taking some time to indulge in this read."

  — Kirstein Howell, Vine Voice

  "Having just spent the afternoon reading this wonderful book, I have to say that not only it is as captivating as it is sexy."

  — Amazon Customer

  Praise for Gina Kincade

  Cowboy hats off to Gina Kincade & Kiki Howell, who are both so phenomenally talented!! Combine their talents with their natural gifts for crafting impossible to put down stories, and Voila! Their Author Magic transforms this from being "just a story" into one helluva sweet & spicy/hot cowboy romance adventure worth living over & over again!

  — Cherri-Anne Boitson, Leather & Lace Reviews

  Voted 2nd Favorite Book Reviewer of 2015

  Praise for Gina Kincade

  "The detailed descriptions of everything from the storm to the magical objects and spells brings this whole new dynamic to the story, enriching it, adding depth, bringing to life every single part of the story, no matter how big, small or even how inconsequential it *may* seem. It truly is What Lies Within Us that makes this story the magical gem that it is!"

  — Cherri-Anne Boitson, Leather & Lace Reviews

  Voted 2nd Favorite Book Reviewer of 2015

  Top 1% Reviewer on Goodreads

  Praise for Gina Kincade

  This was a really fun, and hot, read. I spent most of the story grinning, heart pounding, eager for what would happen next. It's so great to see Gina writing again, as we're gifted with gems like On Santa's Naughty List. This story made me wish that I was in an area where we got a White Christmas, because it's perfect to warm you up on a cold winter's day.

  Regardless of the temperature of the day, this is a scorching read. It aims to delight, and succeeds. I highly recommend it for anyone after some Christmas kink!

  — Casey Kerwitz, Amazon Reviewer

  Praise for Kimberly Gould

  This story showed great world building, which is what drew me in from page one and kept me turning the page for hours. I not only wanted to figure out the complex world, but I wanted to see where the two main characters ended up in it. The hierarchy and rules that preside over this place were all unique to anything I have ever read before. Within this world the plot developed easily with tension built on many levels.

  Oh, and from the beginning I was hooked as well because I love forbidden love. And while this element changed, it evolved into a romantic suspense which again, kept me reading, I'm excited to read more in this series, to find out where the author takes the characters next.

  — Kirstein Howell, Vine Voice

  Praise for Kimberly Gould

  This book was a great read for the "girl power" part of me. The hero, Adam, falls in love with Eve because she is so smart and enthusiastic about learning new things. Of course he is attracted to her looks, but he really gets excited when she makes some brilliant observation about how to conduct electricity or something. That's my kind of man.

  — Kindle Customer

  Praise for Kimberly Gould

  A woman smart enough to challenge - - and beat, the next in line for leadership of a future world, yet beautiful enough to draw powerful admirers who could help her or bring her down. Is she strong enough to change the mores and customs of a world that she has been raised from birth to believe in? In her world, does everyone really "know their place?" Cargon has the questions, but only Eve holds the answers. - - A great read and real page-turner!

  — Thoughtful Lady

  Praise for Kimberly Gould

  I love a good zombie tale and this one is great. What would you do if you had to live your death over and over again at the hands of zombies? Try to run faster? Probably. Learn from your mistakes? Oh heck yes. The MC in this interesting book is in a Groundhog Day type of rerun mode and she wakes up every time after getting her throat ripped out by zombies only to get another shot. Love that idea. Great story and I can't wait to see what else this author has in store.

  — Readergurl

  Praise for Kimberly Gould

  I can't remember what caught my eye about this book since it's not the kind I generally read, but I'm very glad it did. A great story, interesting characters and a very well developed world make this a genuinely fun read. A little more romance than I generally go for in a book, but I would nonetheless strongly recommend this book.

  — slap_shot_12

  Darkness of Light

  In the Dream, Book One

  First Edition 2018

  ISBN: 978-1-926514-88-8

  Copyright ©2017 Gina Kincade,

  Kimberly Gould

  Published by eBTT YA Generations Books

  Cover Design by Willsin Rowe

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters and incidents depicted in this ebook are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the authors.

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Table of Contents

  Darkness of Light

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

sp; Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Excerpt from Return to the Light

  Excerpt from Honor & Privilege

  About Gina Kincade

  Where to Find More of Gina Kincade

  Other Titles by Gina Kincade

  About Kimberly Gould

  Where to Find More from Kimberly Gould

  Darkness of Light

  Grandma has been keeping secrets. Will they lead Rev to the light or will she remain in the darkness?

  WHEN REVERIE OFFERS to tend her grandmother’s store the summer after graduation, she gets a lot more than she bargained for. The shop isn’t the problem. The dark eyes and bright smiles of two residents complicate her stay almost immediately, and just when she thinks she might have the cousins sorted out, she discovers the residents of Littleton, including her grandmother, have a secret. One that she now shares.

  Is there any chance all this shapeshifting is just a bad dream? And if it comes with Lucius and Kerwin, does she really want to wake?

  Darkness of Light

  In The Dream,

  Book One

  Gina Kincade &

  Kimberly Gould

  Chapter One

  REVERIE TURNED THE bolt, barring the glass door to the outside. Backward, the bold words scrawled across the clear pane were difficult to read.

  Pennywise: Thrift–Consignment–Antiques–Curiosities.

  Rev had always found Grandma curious, and the name of her shop only confirmed that. Reaching for the closed sign, she flipped it to open.

  Her pocket vibrated, and she slipped the buzzing phone into her palm. Grandma’s picture, streamers and bows woven through her hair from the gifts she had opened on her seventieth birthday, appeared on the screen.

  Swiping her thumb right across the bottom of the touch screen, Rev braced herself.

  “Reverie? Have you opened yet? You aren’t still asleep are you?”

  “You should be asleep.” Rev shook her head and walked back to the sales counter. “Honestly, I forget to set my alarm once and I’m branded by it for the rest of my life.”

  “Don’t be dramatic. I was just checking. You’re sure you can handle it?” Her tone demanded confirmation.

  “If I run into any problems, I’ll call you or Dad. Now, relax, you have surgery in a few hours. Trust me, I won’t ruin your business in one month.”

  “Watch your tone, Reverie. I am your boss, for the next month at least.”

  Rev slapped a hand over her mouth, a giggle escaping unbidden from her throat. “At least.” Grandma had been in charge since Rev’s dad was a boy.

  Rev was the youngest daughter of her grandmother’s youngest son. Most of her cousins were married or at least career-bound. Rev had only finished high school two years ago and didn’t have plans yet for the rest of her life, which made her perfect for tending the shop while Grandma had surgery to replace both hips. She’d be in the hospital for most of the week and homebound for several more.

  The bells over the door jingled and Rev silently thanked the would-be customer for his timing. “Someone just came in, Grandma. Rest! Yeesh!” She disconnected the call and set her phone on the countertop.

  Prepared for someone middle-aged or older, Rev was startled to find a man not much older than herself. His thick, black hair shone in the sun streaming through the glass door and hung loose over his shoulders. An errant lock rested on his warm, rusty-colored cheek, drawing her attention to his light amber eyes; an impressive feat when the desire overwhelmed the urge to admire his broad chest and thick arms coiled with muscle and tattoos.

  “Can I help you?” Heat flared in her cheeks as her voice squeaked. It wasn’t as though she’d never seen or spoken to a good-looking man before.

  “I hope so. My mother’s birthday is coming up. I’d expected Penny, the owner. She’d know just what Mom’d like.”

  “Penny won’t be back for a few weeks. Tell me about your mother and I’ll try to find something.”

  “Sure. You’re Penny’s granddaughter, aren’t you?” He pointed at her like he’d just recognized her.

  “That’s right. I’m Reverie.” She extended her hand.

  “Lucius. Dreamy name.”

  Rev rolled her eyes, realizing a heartbeat later it probably wasn’t the best reaction.

  Lucius ran his hand through his hair. This time, Rev got a good look at his deeply tanned arms and the black stripes on them. It wasn’t a pattern she recognized. A thick trunk ran along his triceps with branches splitting off to wrap onto his biceps.

  Swallowing, Rev reminded herself to be professional. No need to embarrass herself, or him, further. “Your Mom?” she asked again.

  “Oh, yeah. She’s turning forty-five. She likes amber jewelry, gold or brass, not silver. She’s a little taller than you.”

  Reverie looked over the jewelry case. “Hobbies?” she asked.

  “Going for a walk. Uh, I mean, nature.”

  She didn’t understand his need to clarify that. “Anything else? Favorite color? Animal?”

  “Wolf-hound. And, green.”

  “Nature buff indeed. How about this?” She pulled down one of the scarves Uncle Terry had brought back from a trip to Spain. Half Grandma’s curiosities came from Terry’s travels or Aunt Barb’s endless garage sale hunting. Grandma loved a garage sale and wouldn’t miss one, in Littleton or the larger centers where her children lived. There weren’t many to be had in this little town with barely a thousand people.

  The golden satin of the scarf shimmered as it fluttered down to her hand. Green and red leaves hung from the depicted trees and a dark animal prowled between them. It might be a dog or a wolf.

  “Oh, that’s nice. You’re right, she’ll love that. Thank you, Reverie. You said Penny’s gone a few weeks?”

  “Well, she’ll be back from the hospital sooner than that, but she won’t be running the shop for weeks after.”

  “What I mean is—” He stepped closer, running his hand down her bare arm.

  Sunshine and summer heat didn’t prevent goosebumps breaking out over her skin. He stood close enough that if either of them inhaled deeply their chests would touch.

  “You’ll be around for while.”

  Her breath caught and she licked her lips.

  Lucius mirrored her and bent slightly. For a second, she thought he’d kiss her and she closed her eyes both to imagine that and encourage him to do it.

  “Because—” Her eyes popped open and she held back disappointment, only just. “There’s a mid-summer festival on the twenty second. Everyone will be there and you should come, too.”

  “With you?” Had she said that or just thought it?

  “If you’d like.” His hands played with her fingers and scarf caught between them. “What do I owe you?” He pulled the cloth free, letting it flutter toward the counter.

  Rev gave herself a shake and rounded the counter to open the classic register. It couldn’t do more than hold cash, but it fit the shop too well to replace. She also pulled out an IPad and found the scarves in the inventory Dad had helped build for Grandma. She changed the stock quantity from eleven to a ten and looked at the price.

  “Twenty dollars. Tax included. Do you have cash?” she asked, her finger hovering over the button to release the drawer.

  “Yep.” Lucius passed over a twenty as well as a card with his phone number. “Let me know if you want a tour of Littleton, or, y’know, something else.” His grin was like the sun, bright and warm, blinding and melting. In an attempt to save herself from one or both, she forced herself to look at the scarf and folded it, placing it in a box.

  Eventually, she had to meet his eyes again; eyes as sultry as the July day. He wouldn’t have to do much to charm her out of her panties—Pants! Her pants. Heat flaring in her cheeks, she broke eye contact. “Yeah. I’ll call you.”


  Oddly enraptured by this stranger’s pull on her, she watching him, his strong bac
k, tight bottom, as he sauntered his way back out the glass door with a resounding tinkle of the chimes.

  Rev watched through the door as Lucius encountered another man of similar age and coloring outside the store. He even had the same tattoos on his arms. Both men were on their toes, leaning forward and Lucius clenched his empty hand into a fist.

  The other man turned from Lucius to look through the glass straight at her and Rev froze in place. He had brown eyes, too, but dark, deep and cold. Dark hair cut short, this man had more curls than Lucius and his jaw was darker, shadows of stubble beneath his nose and mouth.

  Looking back to Lucius, he shook a finger at him, said one last thing, and walked away. Lucius’ smile was gone, his brow furrowed as he turned and headed in the other direction.

  Rev spent the next hour playing Candy Crush and trying to decide if the two were family or not. Her game was interrupted by another call from Grandma.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be in surgery?”

  “Aren’t you supposed to mind your elders? You’re already in the pot from that last call. You’re only turning up the heat. Now, who came in and what did they buy?”

  Rev’s sigh would be clear to her Grandmother. “A guy, Lucius. He came to get a birthday present for his mom. He took one of the scarves.”


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