Forever Love (Fghter Club 1)

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Forever Love (Fghter Club 1) Page 9

by Marie Dominique

  ‘God it’s all so manic here I can’t wait for you guys to get back, everyone is rushing round like mad people, the doctor has just been to see me with an update so I’ll start with Tracy, they removed the bullet and she will have to stay in for a few days but when she is allowed to go home she will need to rest. The doctor said she is lucky as it missed any important areas and she will still be able to have children, she shouldn’t have any problems with walking and dancing once its all healed.’ she heard Matt’s sigh of relief.

  ‘What about Alexia?’ James said impatiently.

  ‘Alexia is on her way to the operating theatre so they can remove the bullet from her shoulder and put a wire in her jaw too as it’s broken. She has also suffered a head injury from where Rachel hit her and has a black eye. The doctor said there is no damage to her head but there will be a bump and it will be sore for a few days, other than that it’s just bruising.’

  ‘FUCK,’ James shouted, ‘I can’t believe this has happened whilst we’re away.’

  ‘I’ve phoned Tony and he is on his way and my mum has picked up Ellie, Ben and Amber from school early and taken them to mine, I was going to go and get some stuff for them but I don’t want to go by myself.’

  ‘’re a star,’ James said. ‘Thank you but you’re right not to go by yourself.’

  ‘Just doing what any sister would,’ she said because that’s what they were to each other. They were all single children and had been friends since high school. ‘What time are you back?’

  ‘We will be landing around three am your time.’

  ‘Ok I’ll ask Tony to come get you as my car is at Tracy’s.’


  Over the next few hours that followed, Tony arrived at the hospital and Sarah filled him in and asked him about going to get the guys from the airport but he understandably wanted to stay with Alexia. Also he really didn’t want to be in a car with them after what they did to him, even though he’d forgiven them for the sake of the girls. He could see that James and Alexia were deeply in love and knew the girls could put the back on them straight and narrow. Sarah agreed to drive his car to go and get James, Matt and Sam and while she was at the airport waiting for their flight to come in, everything that had gone on hit her and she started feeling really emotional and tried her hardest to keep it in but when she heard it announced that the flight had arrived she walked over to where she was meeting them and few tears slipped out. She stood focused on the door and Sam was the first one out, they spotted each other instantly and Sarah broke down as several emotions ran through her, one of them being relief at having him back home with her. Sam ran over to her, grabbed her in a hug and held her tight against him whilst she cried. She started to allow her body to relax with Sam. He calmed her down and she greeted James and Matt with a hug to. Sam insisted that he should drive them back to the hospital so she can fill them in on what’s happened while they were in the air.


  James and Matt ran into the hospital to find out where Tracy and Alexia were, as soon as they were told James ran straight to Alexia’s room. He walked in and sat in the chair next to her and caressed her face.

  Alexia slowly opened her eyes and as soon as her eyes met with James’ she started to cry. ‘Shhh baby, it’s ok, I’m here,’ he whispered with his voice shaking as he fought back the tears.

  ‘Oh James, It was horrible,’ she cried into his chest. He just held her and reassured her everything would be ok as she let it all out. Knowing that James was back with her and she was in his arms made her feel safe and secure, she didn’t want him to leave her ever again, nor did he want to. Eventually she fell asleep on him, he laid her back on the bed and pulled the covers over her then sat in the chair so he could watch her, too scared to fall asleep himself.

  A few hours later Alexia opened her eyes wondering where she was. She caught sight of James who had indeed fallen asleep and took the time to take him in for a bit, thinking about how lucky she was to have him because despite his “job”, she really couldn’t fault him as a father or boyfriend. He suddenly jerked awake and his eyes flew open, he looked panicked around the room and then to Alexia who was trying to smile at him.‘Hey,’ she whispered.

  James leant forward. ‘Hey,’ he said as he kissed her, ‘How you feeling?’

  ‘Sore, achy, I just want to go home and have a nice hot bath,’ she said. Just then the doctor came in to do her checks so James moved to sit on the end of her bed. ‘So Alexia, we did several tests on you to make sure there was nothing we missed and everything is clear so hopefully you should be able to go home in the next couple of days. I can’t stress enough though that you will need to rest.’ He looked at his charts again, ‘There is just one thing, one of the tests came back as a positive,’ he said as he looked at them, ‘It seems congratulations are in order Alexia because you’re pregnant.’

  ‘WHAT?’ She screeched in shock. She stared wide eyed at the doctor and then at James who looking just as shocked as she was. James slowly turned his head to look at her and she held her breath not sure which way he was going to go but his face broke out into a massive smile and he leant over to her and kissed her long but gently.

  ‘I will go and sort out your antenatal appointment,’ the doctor said as they pulled away from each other. ‘Once again congratulations.’

  ‘Thank you.’ she said and James shook his hand.

  ‘OMG, we are having another baby.’ Alexia repeats to herself.

  ‘I can’t believe it....I love you so much Alexia and I promise you are not going to be on your own for this one.’

  ‘I love you too James.’ She kissed him again and pulled back to look at him, ‘I can’t wait to tell Ben and Amber......Oh My God!!! Ben and Amber!’ She put her hand over her mouth.

  ‘It’s ok they are at your Dads, they are all coming here later to see you.’

  ‘Oh thank god,’ she said as she yawned.

  ‘Baby why don’t you get some rest and I’ll run home shower and get changed and then I’ll pick up the kids and your dad on the way back for visiting time at ten o’clock’ he ran his fingers through her hair.

  ‘OK,’ she yawned again. ‘Ouch that hurts like a bitch,’ she said holding her jaw ‘I....... your office was a mess James....’

  ‘Shhhh baby, rest and we will talk about it later ok, I’ll be here when the police come for their statement.’ She nodded at him whilst he tucked her in and kissed her on the forehead before he left.

  James drove home still in shock but with a big smile on his face after learning he was going to be a dad again. He couldn’t believe that after all those years of wanting Alexia back he had finally got her and the family he had always dreamed of having with her.


  James pulled up on the drive of his home and just sat in his car looking at the house for a while, after a few minutes he got out and walked up to the front door, he unlocked it and slowly walked in. When he first went in it seemed to be normal as he had organised for his cleaners to go in and sort it for a very nice bonus. As he walked closer to his office knowing what happened in there he hesitated for a few minutes trying to decide if he could bare to go in, but he forces himself in and was shocked at the mess. He looked around and his anger built at the thought of Rachel hurting Alexia and he punched the wall several times, he slid down the wall breathless whilst he calmed down and when he had, he went for a shower. As he stood under the water he thought about what had happened to Alexia and his tears escaped. “Oh god, what if I’d lost her again, what if the kids had been here?” He let all his frustrations of the last couple of days out. When he calmed down he washed his body and hair, “We need to move! They are not coming back here!”

  James got out of the shower, got dried and dressed and called Sam and Matt to see if they can meet him after the hospital visit. James pulled up at Tony’s to collect Ben and Amber to take them to see Alexia. He walked up to the door and Tony answered it, at first he just stood and stared at him but t
hen gave him a slight nod.

  ‘James, come in.’ Tony moved aside.

  ‘Thank you,’ James said as he wiped his feet and walked in. The door led him straight into the front room where he looked around to see one wall full of photos of Alexia and the children.

  ‘I’ll just tell the children you’re here,’ Tony said.

  ‘Thank you, I would like a word with you to before they come through.’

  ‘Ok,’ Tony looked at him and narrowed his eyes. ‘Let’s talk now then whilst they playing outside. Please take a seat.’

  ‘Thanks,’ James said as he sat down on the sofa. ‘I know we didn’t get off on the right foot and I do sincerely apologise for everything that happened to you, had I known that you were Alexia’s father at the time I would have just given you the money because you know as well as I do, I’d lay my life on the line for her. She really is everything to me, my rock, my soul mate, my everything and I have loved her since we were kids. I made one hell of a mistake when we were younger which led me to losing her for nine years and missing out on my kids but now I have them back and I’m not ever letting them go again.’ James swallowed holding eye contact with Tony, ‘which is why I would like to ask your permission to make Alexia my wife. It really scared me when I got that phone call from Sarah and I thought my world was going to end again. I can’t live without her and I am going to be retiring from fighting and being...,’ James hesitated for a minute before continuing, ‘...and being a loan shark so I can concentrate on my family.’

  Tony sat looking at James not sure what to say. Did he really want this man to be his son-in-law? As he sat and thought about it, he pictured just how happy Alexia and the children were and how much James had calmed down as well. He knew that James was under Alexia’s thumb and he’d never hurt her. He couldn’t turn him down, Alexia would hate him if he said no and he didn’t want that, because he knew that there was only ever James for Alexia, she had never looked at another man. James sat holding his breath for what seemed like hours when he heard Tony taking a breath to speak.

  ‘James, I’m going to give you my permission,’ James let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding, ‘but only because I have seen a dramatic change in you since getting Alexia back. Lord knows she has you under her thumb as much as she does me and I know you are the only one for her. Now I may have let you have your moment with me when I owed you money but now we are talking about my daughter and being a father yourself, you will understand what I mean when I say if you hurt her I will find the strength to take you down hard.’ James sat and looked at Tony and smiled and held his hand out for him to shake. ‘I can deal with that. Thank you so much for your blessing.’ They talked some more and James showed him the ring that he had bought in New York. After everything that happened with her car and dance studio it had him more determined to make her his. He gathered Ben and Amber up to go the hospital.


  ‘Mummy,’ Ben and Amber shouted as they ran into her hospital room.

  ‘Hi, my babies.’ she cried as she grabbed them for a gentle cuddle.

  ‘It’s ok now mum, you don’t have to cry, we are all safe now.’ Ben said.

  ‘Yeah mummy, no more crying,’ Amber said as she wiped Alexia’s face with her hand. James joined them and wrapped his arms around all of them. He pulled back to let Ben and Amber go and take a seat whilst he cupped Alexia’s face in his hands and kissed her.

  ‘EEEEeewwwwww Mum, Dad. That’s gross!’ Ben squirmed.

  ‘Yeah we don’t need to see that!’ Amber joined in.

  James and Alexia chuckled at them as he pulled her in for more gentle kisses. Ben and Amber made gagging noises and comments about it being gross and started laughing. James pulled back to look at her and noticed the doctor stood behind them with a smile on his face.

  ‘Now children, there’s nothing wrong with kissing the person you love,’ the doctor said to them. He turned his attention to Alexia ‘Sorry to interrupt, I’ve come to do a scan.’

  ‘Oh yes, I haven’t told them yet,’ James said to Alexia.

  ‘Oh well let’s surprise them then,’ she said.

  ‘Would you all like to come and sit and have a look?’ The doctor asked. Ben and Amber ran over and sat on the chairs next to James so they could see whilst James sat on the bed next to Alexia and held her hands.

  ‘So I can see your first pregnancy was twins, so lets see what we have this time, I’m just going to put this gel on so it might be cold.’ He concentrated on the screen for a bit before talking to them about what he see’s. ‘Ok Alexia it’s looking like you’re about twelve weeks and....’ he looked at her and James, ‘It’s twins again!’ He announced.

  ‘WHAT?’ They said in surprise, Ben and Amber sat with their mouths open in shock. The doctor went through everything with them and reassured them everything was fine and left them to it.

  ‘Another set of twins!’ Alexia said, she looked at Ben and Amber ‘I’m going to need your help with them guys and they are going to take up a lot of attention to start with.’

  ‘We know mum, don’t worry we’ll teach them the bad habit’s,’ Amber laughed.

  ‘That’s what I’m afraid of,’ Alexia giggled whilst holding her jaw. ‘Oh god, I can’t believe I’m going to be carrying twins again! These two better not wriggle as much as you two did.’ Ben and Amber sat back on their chairs whilst they all looked at the scan pictures.

  ‘Hey dad can we go buy a drink please?’ Ben asked after a short while.

  ‘Yeah, here,’ He gave them some money, ‘go there and straight back.’

  They ran out and James kissed Alexia again, ‘I love you Alexia.’

  ‘I love you too.’

  ‘This last few days have been a whirlwind, when Sarah called me to tell me you’d had been shot I was so scared. The last time I got scared was when I lost you the first time.’ He looked deep into her eyes, ‘Alexia, I can’t live without you, can’t breathe without you, can’t focus without you. You are my rock, my soul, my heart, my breathe, my everything and I’ve loved you all these years and now I have you back I want to make you mine.’ He pulled out the ring box and opened it, showing her the ring and she started to cry, ‘Alexia I love you so much, will you marry me?’

  Alexia was crying so much she could hardly speak but she whispered, ‘Yes.’ James put on the ring and kissed her deeply. He pulled back a little to rest his forehead on hers and they smiled at each other.

  ‘Always.’ He said.


  The morning of the wedding was surprisingly calm. James and Alexia didn’t believe in the whole “it’s bad luck to see each other before the wedding,” so they agreed just to stay at home and get ready all in one place. Also there was no way James was going to let Alexia out of his sight. Over the past couple of months Alexia, Tracy and Sarah had planned the wedding as they wanted to be married before the twins came and Alexia didn't want to be too heavily pregnant in her wedding dress, although she was having the odd whine about being fat in her dress but the girls assured that she looked amazing, despite being twenty four weeks pregnant with twins. James had been really lucky and managed to find a brand new house for sale and paid cash for it whilst Alexia was recovering in hospital as he didn’t want her going back to where everything happened, so they spent a couple of weeks at Alexia’s’ house. James had paid the sellers extra to get things sorted quickly so they could get moved in. This house was a six bed mansion with a large front room, kitchen, dining room, office and outside had a sports area, a play area, a ‘church’ tree house which Ben and Amber loved and swimming pool.

  James’ parents, Tony, Sarah and Sam, and Tracy and Matt stayed over so it was a good job the wedding wasn’t until two thirty. However, from ten o’clock everything was crazy with getting showered, the hair and makeup artist coming and the photographer coming. The girls decided last minute that they wanted to get ready in one room and the boys should get ready in another then meet them in the front room where t
hey could leave together. Alexia’s wedding dress was a soft cream satin slim A-line dress with hand-beaded modified halter neckline, a gently gathered bodice with jewelled beading at the natural waistline, open back bodice with bandeau tie detail and detachable fly-away streamer and a sweeping train. The bridesmaids all wore simple pale pink full length dresses. The flowers were exquisite cream and pink roses. James and the boys wore black trousers and cream shirts with waistcoats and cravats in the same pale pink as the girls’ dresses. They opted not to wear jackets.

  The men were in the front room pacing as they waited for the girls with anticipation, excitement and nervousness running through them. Sam and Matt looked over at James as he paced the floor looking a shade paler than he should, like he was going to pass out from nerves even though he wouldn’t admit it. James walked over to the drinks cabinet and poured a neat whiskey and downed it in one go then went back to pacing the room whilst taking deep breaths. Sam and Matt thought it was amusing as they had never seen him this way before, not even before a fight. Finally the girls were ready, the double doors were opened to reveal Alexia, Sarah and Tracy, and in front of them stood Ellie and Amber.

  James, Sam, Matt and Ben watched as the doors opened and were blown away at the sight of them and whispers of appreciation from them all followed. They stood and admired their women with big grins on their faces. They walked up to them and gave them a kiss and then Sam kissed Ellie as James kissed Amber. Ben then walked over and gave Alexia a kiss and a hug. Everyone went out to get in the cars and left Alexia and James alone for a minute. He gently grabbed her face with his hands and kissed her.


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