Deceptively Yours (Wanton Weston Women, Book Two)

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Deceptively Yours (Wanton Weston Women, Book Two) Page 10

by Wynter Daniels

  Guy clasped her upper arms, forcing her back a few inches. “What happened, baby? Talk to me.”

  But her words came out as mumbo-jumbo. She shook her head and yanked him back to her.

  He moved into the foyer and shut the door behind them, never releasing his hold on her. He led her to the living room and deposited her on the sofa. “I’m going to get you a drink, okay?”

  She shook her head and sniffled. “I h-had too much wine at the b-banquet. I screwed it up so badly.” A fresh crop of tears began to flow.

  He sat next to her, wrapping her in his strong embrace. “The speech?”

  She managed a nod.

  “Did you fall down during the earthquake?”

  “No.” His puzzled expression only made her cry more.

  “Breathe, sweetheart. Slow and easy.”

  She followed his advice and in a couple minutes she was at least a little more composed. “I had a facial. They used something made from bee secretions on me. I was fine until after my nap.” She told him all about her allergic reaction and the fiasco that ensued at the banquet. “It was horrible.”

  He folded her into his arms again and let her sob all over his shirt. “Oh, baby, I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you.”

  How had she forgotten about that? She shoved off him and backed away. “You said you were coming to the banquet, that you wouldn’t miss it. What happened?”

  He stood and paced the room. “I must have eaten something this morning that didn’t agree with me. I couldn’t get up off the bed.” He rubbed his stomach. “It was awful.”

  Was he purposely not looking at her? Then she remembered how hideous her face was. Why would he want to see her like that? She touched the areas around her eyes and realized most of the swelling had finally gone down with the exception of the spot above her eyebrow she’d hit when she fell onstage.

  There was still the matter of telling her sister how she’d completely bombed the appearance. Nausea threatened but she shook it off.

  Guy strode to the kitchen. “Let’s get some ice on that eye. Thank God the earthquake didn’t do much damage to the house. I was terrified you’d been hurt when I got here.” He returned to the sofa with a dishtowel icepack.

  “Thanks.” She tried to take it from him, but he wouldn’t let her.

  Instead, he smoothed her hair back then gently touched the ice to her forehead. “How’s that?”

  She tried to swallow past the giant lump in her throat. “It’s…great.” Curiosity niggled at her. “You have a gentle touch. Where’d you learn that?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe my mother. I was pretty young when she died, though.”

  “Where’d you live after that?”

  He handed her the icepack then scrubbed a hand over his face. “I grew up in a series of foster homes.”

  The pain etched in his expression cut through her. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to stir up—”

  He waved away her concern then stood and strode to the window. “You have new neighbors?”

  She shrugged, hoping he’d come back and sit with her. But he seemed awfully interested in the villa next door. “Did you see any damage from the last earthquake?”

  “Hm? Um, a little.”

  She folded her arms and hit them hard against her chest. What was keeping him so fascinated at the next house? Then she remembered that he’d mentioned something about waiting for friends to show up there when they’d first met yesterday. “Have your friends arrived yet?”

  He sliced her a glance. “Who?”

  “The people you were waiting for next door, the ones you told me about yesterday.”

  “Right. I’m still not sure if they’re even coming.” He returned his attention to the window again.

  Maybe he’d merely wanted to sleep with her last night then move on to other conquests. Or perhaps it hadn’t been nearly as earth-shattering for him as it had for her. The notion was like a heavy blanket on the one bright spot of her day, blocking out the last bit of sunshine.

  But she couldn’t fault him. The man was a member of the World Hedonist Society and one of their tenets was free love, after all.

  “I have to go.” He hurried to her then grasped her shoulders and kissed her lips quickly. “I should check to see if they need any help up at the hotel.”

  “But you said there wasn’t much damage there.”

  He looked at her as if she were an alien. “I did? I meant…there didn’t appear to be, but I want to make sure no one was hurt. And if they were, well, I know first aid and CPR. Maybe they need my help.”

  “Oh, okay.” Before she had a chance to say anything more he was gone. On a hunch, she went to the window where he’d been standing. The spot gave her a view of the place next door. She gasped when she saw Guy go around the back of the neighboring house and peer into the glass doors.

  He lied to me.

  Instead of being some valiant hero who wanted to help those who might be injured, all he wanted to do was check out the new guests. Maybe the friends he was expecting were more than friends. Maybe they were planning some wild hedonist sexual liaisons, which was probably a whole lot more interesting to Guy than she. Maybe she should get the hell off the island, go back home where she belonged instead of making a fool of herself with him as she had in front of the entire convention.

  Forcing back tears, she headed into the bedroom to start packing. The sooner she got away from Pleasure Cove Island, the better.

  * * * * *

  After hitting a brick wall with the hotel staff, Guy returned to the villa next to Laura’s and attempted to see something inside. He couldn’t make out anything since the curtains were all drawn—which they hadn’t been earlier. Someone was definitely in there.

  He checked his watch and his gut clenched. He’d left Laura’s place more than an hour ago. It killed him that he’d had to abandon her after her awful experience at the keynote dinner and then the earthquake after, but he had to do the job he’d come to the island to do. Hopefully she’d forgive him and let him spend another night with her. The sex had been some of the best he’d ever had and he wanted to explore the possibility of making their relationship more than a vacation fling. Hell, they lived in the same vicinity and he could get past her Dear Annie persona if she forgave him for deceiving her about his job.

  He was about to head over there when the glass door at the villa he’d been watching opened. He ducked into the shrubs as a man came outside, swept his gaze around the area then went back in.

  Guy would be willing to lay odds the man was one of Harry’s goons. Guy slipped through the bushes into Laura’s backyard then stood in the shadows and texted Rick that he should return to Pleasure Cove as soon as possible.

  He had practically no chance of making the capture on his own, but he had to get a closer look to be sure Harry was inside. When he saw a porter drive past to a nearby villa, an idea hatched in his mind.

  Forty-five minutes later, wearing a stolen waiter’s uniform and carrying a dinner tray he’d had delivered to his room, Guy left the hotel and started down the trail toward the villas. Unfortunately, no one had left a golf cart unattended so he was forced to make the trip on foot. But tonight he was only on a reconnaissance mission.

  Tomorrow morning he and Rick would move in and nab Harry. Then he could move on and let Laura know who he was and that he wanted to get to know her a whole lot better.

  * * * * *

  Laura returned to her villa and collapsed on the sofa. She wondered if the fact the runway was too damaged by the earthquake for flights to take off was a sign. She should give Guy a chance to explain why he’d lied to her. But she wanted to see his face when she asked him about it. Then she’d know if he was being truthful—or not.

  Plus, it was already after nine and she hadn’t had dinner yet. Her stomach was growling. With any luck, Guy would have a damn good explanation for lying and then they could grab a bite together. She prayed he was holed up in his room and not out partying with the he
donists. She strode toward the door but stopped cold when she caught a glimpse of her face in the mirror. Nearly all the swelling had gone down and she’d done a decent job of covering the bruise with concealer. If Guy didn’t like the way she looked, well, tough. Grabbing her keycard, she left the villa and started up the trail to the hotel.

  Halfway up the trail she caught sight of a waiter with a tray heading toward her. But as he drew nearer she realized that was no waiter—it was Guy.

  He blanched when he saw her. “Laura, what are you doing out?”

  “I haven’t eaten dinner yet and I…” She slid her gaze over him from head to toe. “Honestly, I was looking for you. But what on earth are you doing in that uniform?”

  “You have to go back to your villa. I’ll come by later and explain everything, but please, promise me you’ll stay inside until I get there.” He hooked her arm and spun her around, leading her back down the trail a few steps before she broke free.

  She set her hands on her waist. “And when will that be?” He’d better have a damn good explanation.

  “I can’t talk about it now. I promise I’ll fill you in. You have to just trust me.”

  “Trust you? After you lied to me? I don’t even know who you are.”

  He winced as if she’d stung him.

  She tipped her chin at his tray. “Who’s that for? What are you up to?” Probably some weird sexual liaison with other hedonists.

  Tiny muscles around his jaw twitched. He pointed ahead of them. “Go back to your villa, Laura. Now.”

  She gritted her teeth to hold back tears. “Fine. Don’t bother coming by later.”

  “I promise it’ll all be clear.”

  She marched away, let her tears fall when she didn’t see him behind her anymore. Regardless of how hurt she was, she had to know what he was up to so she ducked off the path and waited for him to pass. Then she fell in behind him, silently following in the shadows.

  He veered off the path as if he was going to her villa but rather, he strode to her new neighbor’s house. As he rounded the front of the building, she sneaked around the side of the house to the pool area. Cupping her hands to the glass, she peered inside but it was dark and she couldn’t see much.

  She was about to move to another spot when a pair of giant arms grabbed her and lifted her off the ground. For a brief moment she thought it was only Guy but he wasn’t quite this big.

  “Who the hell are you?”

  And that definitely wasn’t his voice. She started to scream but the man clamped a hand over her mouth and nose and carried her inside the house. She struggled and kicked and tried like hell to get loose but the man merely tightened his grasp on her.

  Oh God.

  He’s going to kill me.

  Why hadn’t she listened to Guy?

  * * * * *

  Sweat rolled down the side of Guy’s face as he rang the doorbell of what he was pretty sure was Harry’s villa.

  A bottle blonde who looked in her late twenties answered the door.

  The smell of stale cigarette smoke wafted to his nose. “Compliments of Pleasure Cove Resort.” He presented the tray.

  “Oh yeah?” She smiled wide. “Cool.”

  “Who is it, Ramona?” a man asked from inside the house.

  She turned to answer and Guy spied a Baltimore Ravens baseball cap on a hook by the door. “The resort sent us something.”

  The man responded with an unintelligible grunt.

  She faced Guy and grinned. “You can leave it there.” She gestured to a table in the foyer.

  He brushed past her and set down the tray as he quickly scoped the place out. The other man was nowhere in sight.

  “My boyfriend has his wallet with him. He’s indisposed now so I can’t get you a tip. I promise I’ll give you double next time.”

  “No problem.” He started out when he heard a woman scream.


  His whole body tensed with terror. He shoved the blonde aside then charged a closed door, thinking he’d heard Laura’s voice from that direction. He grabbed his weapon from under his white jacket.

  The muscle-bound goon he’d seen earlier had Laura in a chokehold with his gun pointed toward Guy. Laura’s eyes were wild. He had to save her. He wouldn’t let another woman he cared about die, not this time.

  Without another thought, Guy shot him. The man dropped like a boulder.

  Guy took Laura’s hand and yanked her toward him. Before he could get her out of there, Harry showed up in the doorway.

  “What the—” Harry lunged at him, knocking Guy’s .45 out of his hand.

  Guy shoved Laura out of the way as Harry launched another punch. But Guy deflected it with his forearm. Then he got Harry with a hard kick to the balls.

  Harry doubled over and Guy managed a punch to the pressure point on the side of his neck. Harry went down.

  Guy found his weapon and got the goon’s as well then tucked Laura behind him and went looking for the woman.

  He found her in the living room with her hands in the air.

  “Don’t hurt me. I’m innocent.”

  “Call the operator and tell them we need an ambulance here,” he told Laura. Meanwhile, he cuffed Harry and the woman. That done, he tended to the unconscious man’s wound.

  When Guy’s phone rang, he answered, knowing it would be Rick.

  “Hey, buddy, I’m on the island. Did I miss anything?”

  Guy laughed. “Yeah, man. You missed everything.”

  After filling Rick in, he hung up and turned his attention to Laura, who was sitting on the couch with her arms wrapped tightly around her body. He kneeled in front of her and smoothed down her hair. “You okay, baby?”

  Despite her bruise, her face was pale and expressionless. “You want to tell me what the hell just happened and who you really are?”

  He gulped. “You bet. I’ll explain everything. I hope you can forgive me for lying to you. I have a really good reason.”

  “We’ll see about that. I’m not making you any promises.”

  His chest tightened. He hoped to God she’d find it in her heart to give him another chance.

  Chapter Seven

  Midnight had come and gone by time Guy had finished explaining what he did for a living and why he was on Pleasure Cove Island. He rested his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands as he sat on the wingback chair opposite Laura. “I never meant to deceive you but I couldn’t compromise my investigation.”

  Laura finished her wine then set the glass on the coffee table in the living room of her villa. His partner Rich had corroborated the story earlier, but the whole thing still sounded so unbelievable. Yet it all made sense. “What will happen to Harry Turiano now?”

  “The U.S. Marshals are accompanying Harry and his girlfriend back to the states, all expenses paid. The asshole who was holding you hostage will be extradited after he’s able to leave the hospital and can travel. He’s now facing aggravated kidnapping charges in addition to aiding and abetting a fugitive.”

  “He thought I was after Harry. Can you believe that?” She shook her head, still in disbelief.

  “So you’re not angry with me for not telling you the truth about who I am?”

  She sucked in a breath for confidence. “Not if you can forgive me for not being totally straight with you.” She crossed her fingers in her lap.

  He sat up straight. “What are you talking about?”

  “Well, I’m not really Dear Annie.” She waited for him to absorb her words.

  His brow knitted in confusion.

  “You see, Dear Annie is really my sister, Suzanne. But she’s pregnant with twins and high risk. The WHS wouldn’t let her out of the speaking engagement and…well, it’s a long story. So I pretended I was Dear Annie so my sister wouldn’t get sued. I’m just a lowly bookstore manager.”

  A huge grin lifted one corner of his mouth. He closed the distance between them and sat beside her on the sofa. “That makes me very happy.”

p; “That I lied to you?”

  He shook his head. “That you’re not her.” Draping his arm over her shoulders, he drew her against him. “I like Laura a whole lot more than I like Dear Annie. No offense to your sister.”

  She parted her lips and her heart raced as he moved closer for a kiss.

  He threaded his fingers through her hair. “I’m sure you’re as exhausted as I am, but I sure would like to wake up next to you.”

  She nodded. “Me too.”

  * * * * *

  The phone woke Laura. She squinted against the sun coming through the break in the curtains and squirmed out of Guy’s arms so she could answer. It had to be past noon but they’d awakened in the wee hours and made love. And lo and behold, it was just as amazing as the last time, if not better.

  She sighed as she picked up the handset. “Hello?”

  “Miss Weston, this is Dory Chandler, vice president of the WHS.”

  Laura sat up, suddenly more alert. She prayed they weren’t going to sue her or Suzanne. “Yes?”

  “The hotel manager got wind of what happened to you after your facial. He happened to come into the room while you were on the stage. He feels awful about your experience at the spa. We had no idea about your allergic reaction. We thought you were…well, we were under the impression it was the wine.” She cleared her throat. “The board would like you to consider a second shot at giving your speech. Tomorrow afternoon we’re having a closing luncheon. Would you be willing to stay another day and give it a try?”

  She set a hand over her chest and exhaled deeply. “You have no idea how much I want that.”

  “Good. We’d all like to hear what you have to say.”

  Laura shut her eyes and practically cried with relief. “Thank you so much, Ms. Chandler.”

  She hung up then lay back on the bed.

  “Who was that?” Guy asked, his voice hoarse with disuse.


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