Stay with Me (Callahan Series)

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Stay with Me (Callahan Series) Page 10

by Marchman, AC

  One by one, the wedding party takes their walk down the aisle. I know that the entire wedding party usually take pictures right after, so that means no Donovan for at least another hour or two. I feel awkward as I make my way down the aisle after the crowd breaks up to head to the reception. It’s also outside, but the sun is not blazing directly on us and we have a tent to cover our heads. As I walk out, I see the Hummers drive off and my heart drops a little. I wanted to see him before they left. I shrug my shoulders and start the trek to the other tent. I feel isolated since I don’t know anyone, with the exception of Rob and Donna, who I do not want to see, and Adam, who I also don’t want to see. I sigh and just keep walking, hoping I will fit into the posh crowd, or at the very least, blend in.

  I’m thankful that the walk isn’t long and Gabe was smart enough to rent tents that have air conditioners. I step into the cool air and I can breathe again. The humidity is really high today; I thought Virginia was bad, but Georgia’s will take the breath out of your lungs. I look around and I’m really impressed by the set up. There are tons of tables all around, with the bridal party’s at the front. They are covered in white linen with pink rose petals sprinkled on top. Each table has a name of who is to sit there. I find my name at table fifteen, and I look at the others that will be seated with me. There is a dance floor set up in the middle with a DJ stand, complete with huge speakers and a turntable. It makes me smile; it brings to mind the night at Donovan’s where he slow danced with me.

  I stroll over to the buffet table where they are starting to set up. My mouth waters looking at all of the dishes they have; steamed shrimp, smoked salmon, a baked potato bar, and lots of salads and desserts, just to name a few. I don’t want to be the first person in the food line, especially with the entire crowd in here now. I decide to just go to the bar and get a cranberry and vodka.

  I return to my table and make some talk with my fellow tablemates. We don’t have much in common; the couple are Stacey’s aunt and uncle from Michigan and their two children. While they are nice enough people, the conversation drags. I mostly listen to her uncle talk about the Lions and the children bicker back and forth. The aunt tries to maintain her composure, but I can tell they are embarrassing her with their back and forth arguing. “Girls, cut it out, right now,” she scolds them lightly, but the sisters keep fighting. I excuse myself to go to the buffet; I just had to get away from the table.

  I load my plate with shrimp, crab dip, and a loaded baked potato. I don’t care if I look like a pig. I notice as I walk by, Rob and Donna are sitting at a table close to the front.“ Rob waves me to come over. I shyly come over and sit down, as far away as possible from crazy bitch.

  “Hey, sugar, how are ya? I haven’t seen you at all today, with all the commotion.”

  “I’m fine, thanks, Rob. I’m sure you were very busy. Are weddings here always like this?”

  “Well, it’s whatever the couple wants to do. We cater to all types; small, medium and huge, like this one. As long as the ones getting married are happy, that’s what matters.” He smiles, the same smile Donovan gives me, and it makes me miss him. I’m such a loser; I can’t seem to go an entire day without seeing him.

  “Well, the whole wedding was beautiful.” I look at my plate, my stomach growling. I glance over to Donna’s food, and all she has is a small salad. Great, she will think I’m a glutton. Just yet another reason to hate me, I guess. I pick at my shrimp, and feeling the heat from Donna’s stare. I glance up and I was right. Her fake eyes are glaring me down under her false eyelashes. Rob seems oblivious to what’s going on, and it’s probably a good thing. I don’t need him hating me because his wife does. Then, all of a sudden, I see her overly fat lips curl into a smile. Huh?

  “Excuse me for a moment,” she says, standing to get up. “I see someone I want to talk to.”

  I exhale all the air in my lungs. God, that woman is maddening. I still can’t figure out what crawled up her ass. I try to not let it bother me, as hard as it is. I watch her switch her hips to some young guy, trying not to show disgust on my face.

  “So, Allie, Donnie tells me you want to be a PA?” He takes a sip of wine as he looks at me. I jump a bit at the sound of his voice, hoping he doesn’t notice that I want to wrap my hands around that woman’s throat. I snap out of my evil thoughts and look his way. I thought that his son looked like his birth mother, a lot. But now that I’ve seen them together, it’s so obvious my boyfriend gets his looks for his father.

  “Yes, sir. I start this August.” I wrench my hands in my lap. “I want to work with heart patients. My dad passed away from a heart attack that might have been prevented with the proper medical care.”

  “I’m sorry to hear of your loss, sweetie,” Rob says, pity in his voice. He takes my hand and gives it a tight squeeze. “Donnie was the same way when he went into medical school. I didn’t support him then, but I do now.” His look is distant as he speaks. “I really wish I would have helped him pay for his schooling, but I was angry that he didn’t want the winery. So my wife talked me out of paying for it.” He releases my hand and casts his eyes towards the ground, like he’s ashamed.

  What? This is news to me. I thought for sure that his dad paid for his schooling. “You didn’t?”

  “No, and I regret it, too. I knew this is what he wanted to do with his life, and I should have supported him. I was going to help, but my wife said he was being selfish and that I shouldn’t fund anything for him. I let Donna talk me out of it.” His shoulders slump forward and he looks defeated. It seems like the crazy woman has her claws sunk in deep.

  “Well, it’s good that you support his dreams now then not at all. Better late than never.” I give Rob a tight lipped smile, still reeling from the fact that he didn’t help his son. I could have sworn that Donovan said his dad helped him through college. Maybe I’m wrong?

  “It’s a shame that Donna talked you out of it. You should be proud of your son, for pushing himself through medical school. It’s not an easy feat.” I wonder how it was paid for, surely school loans? But I know for sure that Donovan told me that he had no debt and that he had a trust fund that was set up for him as a child. We just had that conversation three weeks ago when I asked where all of his money was coming from. He had bought me a new engine for my Mustang and even a new paint job, so I fought him tooth and nail on it. He has always told me never to worry about money, so I asked where it all came from.

  “I am extremely proud of my boy; more than I ever thought I would be. I’m just glad that he has given me the chance to be his father again. He was really mad at me for bailing on his schooling, and I honestly can’t blame him for it.” His shoulders straighten up and he looks like the Rob I first met; a determined, handsome Callahan. It must run in the family.

  “Well, he’s told me nothing but good things about you and Megan.”

  “Really? You mean that, or are you just trying to get in my good graces, because honey, you’re already there.” He winks at me, his dashing gray eyes twinkle, just like his son’s.

  “Nope, he really did say that, but it never hurts to try to win the dad over with charm and wit,” I giggle, winking right back at him. “I’m going to grab some wine, do you want anything?”

  “No, thank you, my dear. I’m still nursing the one I have.” Rob grins as he holds his glass up. “I’m sure Donnie will be back shortly. He’s gotta take all those darn pictures, and he hates photographs.”

  Ha, don’t I know it? The last time he got his picture taken, he flattened the guy. “Ok, I’ll be right back then.”

  Of course, there is a line at the bar, so I patiently wait behind a loud, drunk lady who can hardly stand up on her heels. She’s wobbling and trying to keep her balance, as she tells a bad joke to the person in front of her. Nice.

  “Hi, you must be Allie.” A man’s hand taps my shoulder and it causes me to jump. I turn to face him and I have no idea who he is, but he looks familiar. I can’t place his face.

, yes, Allie Marshall. Do I know you?” I shake his extended hand and his fingers wrap around my hand, giving me a creepy feeling down to my bones. I try to pull my hand away, but his grip is too tight.

  “No, you don’t know me...yet. But I’d like to talk to you, if I may.” The stranger has jet black hair that’s tied back and his features are just as dark. His eyes are so brown, you can’t distinguish the pupil from the iris. His skin is deeply tanned, making me wonder if it’s fake. He’s wearing a black suit with a silver shirt. Honestly, he’s not a bad looking guy, but I’m cautious since I don’t know him and he apparently knows me.

  “How do you know my name?”

  “I asked around. Now, please, let’s have a seat.” His eyes dart to an empty table and I am very interested in what this guy has to say, even if he freaks me out. But what is he going to do in the middle of a day, at a wedding?

  We sit at a table towards the back of the tent and he holds my chair out for me. I take my seat as he slides in the chair next to me. I gulp, suddenly feeling the urge to get up and pretend I never met this guy. I’m not sure why, but I feel it in my stomach that this guy is bad news. But against my better judgment, I want to hear him out. “Since you know my name, may I ask yours?”

  “I’m an old friend of Donovan’s from high school. We used to be really close, but that all changed a few years ago.” His voice drops to a low growl and my uneasy feeling heightens. “My name’s Frankie Dubois.”

  Chapter 15


  I’m sitting in a cold room, chained to a chair, waiting on my lawyer to show up. This orange jumpsuit does nothing for my complexion and my hair is in desperate need of a dye job. “What is taking this asshole so long?” I say to nobody, but myself. I grin because I know this conversation won’t be recorded; lawyer and client privileges. But he was sure was taking his sweet ass time. Finally, the jerk decides to show up and I hear the door creaking open.

  “It’s about time, David,” I snap, pissed that he made me wait ten minutes. It’s not like I have anything to do really, but still. My time is valuable and I don’t want to spend it chained to a fucking chair.

  “Sorry, Claire, didn’t mean to keep you waiting like that.” His large backside squishes in the metal chair across from me. His bald head forming beads of sweat that he wipes off with his hand and his cheeks are crimson red. He steadies his glasses on his fat nose and pulls out some papers from his briefcase. It looks like he’s going to have a heart attack any minute. He lays the papers down on the table in front of him and scans over them.

  “So, what’s this about? Why the hell did you want to meet today?” I impatiently tap my fingers on the table to show my annoyance.

  “Right. Well, I have great news regarding your case. Russell Grady is going to recant his statement.”

  “The guy that sold...claimed to sell me the arsenic?” My finger stop mid tap and my eyes are fixed on the chubby bastard. “And how did you do that?”

  “Let’s just say, your little spy helped out quite a bit with that.” David digs his chunky hand back into his briefcase and pulls out several enlarged photos. “He managed to snap these pictures of Mr. Grady in a very...compromising position.” He slides the photos my way and when I pick them up, I start laughing hysterically.

  “Compromising is an understatement.” I wipe my tears that are streaming down my face from my laughter. Dear ol’ Russell Grady is caught red handed, or should I say red assed, with another man, at what looks like a run down motel. Grady is bent over the bed with a guy in black leather striking a whip right on his butt. You can’t tell it’s him until the third picture when you see his face; his eyes squinted shut and his mouth formed into a frozen “O”. “This is absolutely priceless. So, is this the reason that he recanted his statement?”

  “Well, these pictures, and the fact that his wife of twenty years does not know about her husband romping in the sack with another man. When you threaten with blackmail like that, you can pretty much get whatever you want.” An evil grin creeps across his lips and I gladly return it.

  “This could really be my ticket out of here,” I barely whisper; my stomach is twisted in a knot. Finally, I could see Donovan again. We could be together, like we always planned. It doesn’t matter that he hasn’t come to see me in years, I know it’s meant to be and so does he.

  “I’ve already arranged for an emergency appeal hearing with the judge. Grady is going to testify that he confused you with another woman that resembled you. He has already contacted the police and the hearing will be next Monday.” David wipes his sweaty forehead again with the back of his hand. “I had to promise the judge I would represent his son in his assault trial, pro bono, to get this hearing so fast.”

  I sit back in my chair and try to process this. My sister, Regina, must have gotten in touch with our scapegoat. I knew he would help me out; the little shit always had a crush on me. Regina told me last time she was going to contact him and it must have worked. “I can’t believe it; I could finally get the justice I deserve!” I nearly squeal out of pure happiness. It will be so great to once again see the sun, the stars, and Donovan again. My body nearly convulses at the thought of his name and I remember how much I really missed that mouth of his.

  “Have you seen Donovan lately?” I ask, hopeful that he has missed me just as much as I missed him. We can finally be married, like I always envisioned we would be.

  “Uh, well...” David stutters, his face turning red and sweat now pouring down his fat face. “I haven’t seen him lately, no.” He hurriedly picks up the photos and paperwork he has scattered about and stacks them with into a neat pile.

  “David? Don’t do that; I hate when you do that.”

  “Do what?” His eyes won’t meet mine; they just stay glued to the floor as he fumbles trying to snap his case shut.

  “Lie, you fat bastard!” I shout, rage now building inside of me. My fists bang so hard on the table that it echoes through the room and it makes the obese jerk jump.

  His eyes get wide and he stands to grab his case. “Yes, Claire. I saw him, but not in person. It was only in the society columns.”


  “And, he’s seeing a pretty, young thing now. Maybe, you should...just let him go,” his voice drops to barely a whisper as he speaks the last two words. With his briefcase in hand, he walks backwards to the door. Yes, he’s learned not to walk away with his back to me. Last time, he got hit in the head with my hands that were in handcuffs. He got a nasty concussion; he never did it again. I’m surprised he still represents me, but I’m pretty sure he’s like all the men; he wants in my pants. Fat chance, tubby.

  “You know, Regina said the same thing and you know what I told her?” I glare at him, my hands clenched so tight into balls that I feel my nails digging into my skin. “I told her that I was going to make the little slut pay. Don’t make me say the same thing about you.” David takes off through the door and I laugh to myself. Donovan will not be kept from me; I won’t allow it. He promised me that he would be mine forever, and I intend to hold him to that promise. Some little skank isn’t going to come in between us. Besides, I have someone taking care of my, ahem, competition right now.

  Chapter 16


  “Just one more!” the photographer shouts as he snaps the camera over and over again. I groan; he cannot be serious. We’ve been out here for over an hour and it’s still disgustingly hot. The humidity must be at a hundred percent. Even Stacey and Gabe are over the whole picture thing.

  “Are we almost done?” Gabe whines. “We do have a reception to get to.”

  “Okay, okay. We’re done.” The photographer drops his camera down and looks at his watch. “Well, Mr. and Mrs. Vanderbilt, congrats on gettin’ married today. I wish you the best and I’ll have your pictures ready for you after your honeymoon.”

  “Finally,” I mutter under my breath. Now I can get back to Allie. I feel like I’ve been separated from her for far too long. I�
�m the first to head to the Hummer, stripping out of my jacket and tie as I walk.

  “Hey, Don, wait up!” Gabe trots over to me. I open the door to the truck and stop. “I want to talk to you for a minute.”

  “Yeah, dude. What’s up?” His face wasn’t the happy one that was smiling for pictures no more than five minutes ago. Now, it’s serious and solemn.

  ”I think I saw Frankie at the wedding. He was sitting in the back, so it was hard to tell. I’m almost sure it was him; in fact, I’m positive,” he says, just loud enough for me to hear.


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