Know Me: A 'Me' Novel (Book 3) (A 'Me' Series)

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Know Me: A 'Me' Novel (Book 3) (A 'Me' Series) Page 13

by Jeri Williams

In the public eye he was the Mayor that everyone knew and loved. Awesome father and devoted husband, but private, off duty moments I’d witnessed over the years gave way to a different Mayor, an asshole and a shitty father who had cheated on his wife since the day he married her and used his daughter as a cover. He was a sonofabitch, and I couldn’t stand him.

  Luckily, the feeling was mutual.

  And 40 minutes later, I had the dubious honor of sitting across from him for a fake as hell dinner for two hours. I adjusted the tie that Ember insisted I wear tonight to make me look more sincere, kind of an I’m-sorry-I-made-your-daughter-scream-my-name-in-the-bathroom-stall-of-a-club tie. I hadn’t worn a tie, along with a suit if it were up to Royce, since the day I quit working for my father, but for Ember, I’ve found I’d do just about any fucking thing.

  Making small talk with awkward as shit, tension high because while I didn’t know what this dinner was about, I could guess. On the few occasions we had interacted before I always kept it civil because I respected my father enough to not call the Mayor out on his shit. But that respect was gone and Kerry could kiss my ass.

  It was hard for me to clear my mind of the sexual thoughts that had been swirling around ever since she’d emerged from her room in a simple, elegant,but classy red lace dress. It hugged her ass just right and pushed her tits up in a way that made me want to… She could have been wearing a sack and it’d still make me hot for her.

  “Don’t you agree Matthew?” Mayor Harrington asked as the salad plates were cleared. I emptied my head of the lustful images and stared at him. I considered telling him just what I agreed with when Ember discreetly nudged my leg. We met her father at the only restaurant in town that wasn’t a jeans a t-shirt place. The Hinx was the Mayor’s go to restaurant for meetings and planned public appearances because the staff had all been briefed that what goes on in The Hinx, stays in The Hinx.

  Rather than pretending I was paying attention to anything this pretentious dick was saying, I just stared at him blankly and straight face said, “That you’re an asshole? Yes.”

  “Hahaha,” Ember laughed loudly. “He’s kidding Daddy. Such a jokester this one.” She stomped on my foot, and the lady sitting at the table next to us choked on the water she had been pretending to drink while eavesdropping on our conversation.

  “That my daughter deserves more respect than the likes of you defiling her in public,” he spat, his face getting red with anger. The likes of me? Muthafu…

  “Daddy, he didn’t defile me.”

  “Stop taking up for him Ember.” He wagged his fucking fat ass finger at her, and I wanted to pick up a steak knife and cut it off.

  “I’m not. It wasn’t like that. We…”

  “Enough Ember.” He slammed his fist on the table and the lady next to us jumped. “I will not have you disrespecting our name. Have I taught you nothing? It’s clear that you have no regard and want nothing more than to tarnish my name .”


  “My daughter will not be a whore.” Ember stiffened beside, me and I didn’t even have to look at her to know that tears were pooling in her beautiful eyes. Enough of this shit.

  “That’s enough,” I said calmly even though I was anything but.

  “You stay out of this; this does not concern you.”

  “I disagree. Anything, and I mean anything, that concerns her, concerns me. So let me explain something to you, Mayor Harrington.”

  “Matt. Don’t,” Em pleaded, but it was too late. Someone should have had this come to Jesus talk with him a long time ago. Harrington was a politician first, an asshole second, and a father last, and a shitty one at that. I didn’t like him in any title.

  Ignoring her, I stated, “ One, you don’t get to talk to Ember like that; she’s not the one who has been sneaking off for years to fuck other women.” There was an audible gasp from somewhere, but I kept going. “Two, you should respect her enough to stop using her and actually spend time with her. She’s an amazing woman, which you’d know if you didn’t use her as a cover then leave.”

  “Now, see here…” Kerry spurted, but I continued. I knew his type, pegged him the minute I had my first encounter with him. All hot air.

  “Last, what I do with the woman I love is none of your fucking business and you’d do well to watch how you speak to my girl, who, by the way, is not a whore.” I finished and waited a beat. When he simply stared at me, I got up slowly and deliberately and held out my hand to Ember. She’d either take it, proving that I still had a chance or tell me to go to hell.

  I felt her small hand touch mine, and I closed my hand around her warmth, tugging her to me. She didn’t even look back at her father as she wiped the tears from her eyes, and we got the hell out of there .

  Chapter Seventeen


  You know how you could have something, like a pair of jeans that made your ass look great, and you loved them and they were comfy as hell, but they were just jeans, you know? And then they got a rip in them, giving them that hipster distress look that is the in thing, and you see them in a whole new light? Suddenly, they were cool now and you couldn’t imagine your life without them?

  This may be a shitty analogy but I think you know where I was going with this. Matt standing up to my father tonight was like that rip in my jeans. Totally unexpected but wow. Admittedly, my father came off as uncaring, but that was just his way you know? I never thought he didn’t love me or anything, just that everything I did wasn’t quite enough . Some psychologist somewhere was probably screaming this was where my need to be perfect came from, but whatever. The way my father was speaking to me tonight, like I was beneath him, dirty, it made me feel…well, dirty, and I didn’t like it. Neither had Matt.

  Logically, I knew that that the Matt who had alpha’d my father tonight was the same Matt I had known and loved for the last three years, but now he was different, sexier, rougher, Matt-er! And man, that realization was doing things to me.

  I focused on him as he drove us back home, and I couldn’t help being insanely aware of his every move. Like the way his muscles flexed in his arms every time he turned the wheel, or the way he drummed his fingers on his knee in agitation because he was behind a slow driver. I also couldn’t stop letting my mind wander, remembering how skilled those long fingers were, how they made me feel, how deep they were in my…

  “You okay Rabbit?” Matt asked suddenly, his voice low and absolutely not helping rid me of the obscene fantasy I’ve had in my head since leaving dinner. I was embarrassingly wet and I knew, somehow, he knew that too.

  Clearing my throat of lust, I replied with a weak ‘fine’ only to have it return with a vengeance when he placed his hand on my bare thigh. Stupid me for wearing a stupid dress that didn’t reach my stupid ankles, because I just had to be stupid cute tonight!

  “You sure baby?” he asked as his hand began to slowly caress up and down my thigh. I chanced a peek at him to see if he was taunting me on purpose, because it seemed to be his favorite freaking pastime lately. But he seemed focused on the road, his other hand lightly gripping the steering wheel as he made another turn.

  I chose to nod my reply, even though he was focused on the road and didn’t see it. I didn’t trust myself enough not to blurt out how I wanted him to pull over and do dirty things to me.

  “Why do you keep squeezing your thighs together?” he asked, and his hand moved higher, his fingers leaving a trail of lava in their wake as the material of my dress slid up along the way. Of course he noticed how I was behaving, hell I think I would have been offended if he hadn’t. My subtle signs had always been blaringly obvious. I knew I couldn’t hide my arousal from him; I had never been good at hiding how aroused he made me, and it would seem, even now, even though we were no longer together, I still sucked at hiding it.

  “I had a leg cramp,” I lied, and even as it left my tongue I knew it was weak, an
d he did too.

  “Bullshit Rabbit,” he accused, and I didn’t reply because it was bullshit. His hand slid up, up, and up my thigh once more, and I gripped the passenger door hard to keep from panting. His fingers were too close and too far away from where I wanted them, and I was conflicted on how to fix both situations.

  I wish I could say that when his hand moved higher and one long, strong, and skilled finger traced the top of my mound and a whimper escaped just loud enough for Matt to curse loudly and speed the rest of the way home I protested, but…well…

  Three minutes later his hand was still stroking my mound, and if I hadn’t been in such a sexual haze, I’d try to see how he managed to put the car in park one handed, but I never even got the chance to blink before he was unbuckling his seat belt and moving as close as he could get with the armrest in the way.

  That one movement sobered me up enough to squeeze my thighs, which had been slightly parted, together on reflex, and trap his hand.

  “Open up for me Rabbit.” He pressed his finger down against my slit, over my panties and flicked it back and forth until, as if his fingers were the magic key, my thighs opened wide and in one skilled move, Matt slid my panties to one side and plunged two fingers in deep.

  “Fuck,” he hissed, “I love how wet you get for me.” I couldn’t have replied even if I’d wanted to, which at the moment I found I didn’t. I placed my hand on top of his as his fingers started to pump in and out of me slowly. I was so caught up in how good he was making me feel that I almost missed when the hand that had been resting on the steering wheel started rubbing the bulge in his pants.

  I had never been shy about sucking Matt off; he had been my one and only experience and I knew just how he liked it. Once I got the feel for it, I had kinda become addicted to it, doing it nearly every time we had sex. I loved the power it made me feel, knowing that I could make him that frenzied was like a drug, and just made our sex life that much more amazing. Now, seeing the outline of his cock through his pants, I wanted nothing more than to reacquaint myself with my addiction. I reached over with my other hand and tentatively placed it on top of his. I had no idea why I was suddenly so hesitant.

  “Squeeze harder Ember,” he instructed when he removed his hand and let me continue to stroke him while his fingers moved expertly inside me, in and out. Every time he withdrew his fingers then plunged back in, he went a little deeper, and I caught myself staring obsessively at his cock, Jedi mind tricking him to take it out so I could do what I really wanted.

  “Look at me baby,” he demanded then pumped his fingers in and out once more before he removed them, making me feel empty. I watched as he stuck his fingers in his mouth and hummed from the taste of me. Hottest thing I have ever witnessed in my life.

  Before I could do anything, he grabbed the back of my head and crushed his mouth to mine in the most savage kiss known to man. So savage that I lost my hesitation from earlier and reached for his belt buckle , wanting the feel of him, the taste of him in my mouth and on my tongue.

  “Baby.” He stilled my movements with his hand. “If you touch my dick I will lose control,” he warned.

  “Okay,” I said and tried to resume my movements only to have him still my hands again. It was like he was cock blocking himself!

  “I will fuck you Ember. I will fuck you in my truck in the parking lot of our apartment, and I will fuck you hard.” He moved my hands out of the way and undid his pants and moved them down enough to release his erection, and my eyes focused on it, watching him grip and squeeze himself. If this was supposed to be a deterrent to get me to rethink what I wanted, he should really work on his deterrent speeches. And also wear boxers because the fact that he was commando was even hotter. “Be sure baby.”

  I wasn’t sure about where this would take us, or about my feelings or future with him, or about half the other million things that were in my head an hour ago. But what I was solidly sure about right then, at that moment, was how much I was sure about this. There was no way to verbalize my response so instead, I first said a silent thank you for Matt having gotten tinted windows in his truck last summer after a nasty three-month long heat wave that were dark enough to hide us. Then I moved onto my knees and turned sideways. Never taking my eyes from him, I leaned over and balanced myself on the armrest and licked the precum off the tip of his cock before taking as much of him in my mouth on one long delicious pull.

  “Damn,” he whispered and right then that word became the sexiest word in the history of the world. It wasn’t what he said, but the way he said it, almost pleading and heady. It spurred me to take more of him into my mouth until I felt him hit the back of my throat. Slowly I slid back up, running my tongue heavy on the underside of his length, loving the feel of his veins, soft, yet hard and thick against my tongue. His hips bucked, and he reached under me and squeezed my left, then my right breast roughly. I worked his tip with my tongue, swirled it around and around before taking him all the way in once more and pulling hard, hollowing out my cheeks before releasing him on a pop. Matt is long and thick, and I could only ever take him all the way in once or twice before I had to involve my hands. He loved it when I used both.

  I moved my hands from the armrest and bent farther down, resting my elbows on it enough to reach over and recline his seat until it was in the second row of the cab of his truck then I leaned over and kissed him deeply. He grabbed the back of my neck and took over the kiss, and I willingly allowed him too. The feel of his tongue on mine, his taste mixing with mine, becoming our taste almost had me orgasming. When his hand caressed down my back to my ass and he pushed my dress up far enough to slap my ass, I moaned my pleasure into his mouth.

  “Stop teasing me baby and put your mouth back where you know it wants to be,” he said then nibbled on my lip before releasing me to do just what he’d requested. I wasted no time taking him back into my mouth and loved when he fisted my hair in his hands and used it to control the up, down motion. I gasped around his cock when I felt his hand slide underneath me and plunge into my panties, his fingers finding my folds easily. The angle I was in gave him the perfect angle to work my clit with this thumb while his finger dipped in and out of me slowly.

  “Shit Ember.” He breathed out as we continued to work each other. This was new, my mouth on him at the same time his fingers were deep inside of me, pulling slowly out, and then slamming back in while rubbing my clit with vigor. All the while I worked his hardness with my tongue and hands, sucking hard on the tip while doing the squeeze/pull motion he loved with my hands.

  “You hear that? Your pussy loves when I fuck you this way.” He picked up the pace and began pounding his fingers in me hard and fast, causing me to cry out and grip his thighs to keep from falling, leaving only my mouth on his tip, bobbing up and down.

  “That’s it baby, give it to me; come in my hand,” he demanded and whether it was his dirty talk, his fingers, or all of the above, on cue I felt the warm gush of an orgasm rock me and him slip out of my mouth. Matt pumped his fingers in once more, before he pulled them out and pinched my clit sending me into another leg shaking orgasm. My head on his lap, ass in the air and thoroughly spent, I watched completely helpless as he removed his cupped hand carefully and licked up the contents, smiling.

  “First one’s always mine.”

  Holy fuck.

  That. That was the hottest thing I had witnessed in my life, screw what I said before.

  “Holy fuck,” I whispered when he gently pulled me up and over the arm rest to lay against him. My legs were starting to cramp up, and I was so uncomfortable, but all of that faded into the background with one look in his eyes as he held my face and kissed me softly.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “You done playing games Rabbit?” I asked as I adjusted her in my lap. I knew she had to be uncomfortable as shit, cramped against me like that, but I was enough of an asshole that I di
dn’t want her to move. I finally had her where I wanted her, and no way in hell was I moving her until she told me what I wanted to hear.

  “Matt…” she began but I cut her off.

  “No, Ember. I’ve let you test my willpower and patience enough. I know I deserved everything and then some for what I did and I can’t say sorry enough.”

  “You deserve more,” she said it petulantly but it was cute on her.

  “I do. But you’re only putting off the inevitable baby.”

  She couldn’t deny she still loved me; she’d told me so on more than one occasion, and I sure as hell still loved her.

  “You don’t know it’s inevitable,” she grumbled as she wiggled trying to get in a comfortable position. All she did was make my dick hard, which she became all too aware of. I gave her a knowing look.

  “It might be inevitable. But what if you decided you don’t want to be with me anymore? Then what Matt? I don’t think I can go through this again. I won’t survive it.” She whispered the last part and damn, if that didn’t gut me.

  There was no way to assure her that she was it for me, except…”Marry me,” I said suddenly and as the last words left my mouth I knew I meant them. Ember was it for me. I knew that when we were together, but I just had to go and fuck it all up, but I’d always known she was the person I’d grow old with.

  “What?” she asked, rightfully shocked. She tried to move off me, but I held her waist.

  “Marry me,” I repeated, firmer this time and with more conviction.

  “Matt, be serious,” she said with an eye roll.

  “I am.”


  “Rabbit…” I mimicked her tone. Ember knew from years of talks how serious marriage was to me, to my family. Throughout all my recent discoveries about my family, one thing still held fast: my father’s devotion to my mother whom he still loved to this day. It would have been thirty years last month, and I know that if she were alive my father would still look at her with the same love and wonder he had for as long as I could remember. It was a fact; Kane’s married for life, like lobsters as Ember once joked when I said the same thing to her.


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