Rogue Seduction [Seducing Them 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Rogue Seduction [Seducing Them 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Cara Adams

  “So don’t tell anyone. The only people who need to know are the three of us.” Summer could imagine that people played all kinds of games in a dungeon, and maybe one day she’d visit a real dungeon and play some games as well, complete with leather costumes and who knew what else. But right now she wanted to keep it simple. Yes meant yes, and no meant no. That seemed perfectly logical to her.

  “Let’s begin. Why don’t you roll over and lie on your front so we can get started,” said Chris.

  It wasn’t a suggestion. His tone of voice had changed. It was clearly an order. Summer kept a straight face and did as he instructed, putting her face on the pillow but with her head turned to the side so she could see Roland. If Chris was going to be the one giving the orders, Roland would be the one to watch for hints and clues of what would happen next.

  However, it seemed the men had already thought of that. The next thing she knew Roland’s shirt was covering her head and tucked tightly over her face and ears muffling sounds and blocking out her vision. It was nighttime so there wasn’t a lot of light to see with anyway. By the time the double thickness of a T-shirt was over her head, Summer was effectively blind.

  In the daytime she suspected the fabric would be sufficiently thin that she’d still be able to discern some colors and shapes, but not at night. Being wolves, the men moved around fairly quietly, making it even harder for her to make sense of the faint noises she could still hear.

  The only thing Summer could do was wait patiently for what the men did next. She wondered if they had a scene planned, or if they were making it up as they went along. Since they were rummaging in their backpacks, she assumed each of them had brought some things with them. What she didn’t know was whether those things might be everyday things they planned to use on her or proper BDSM toys.

  She relaxed back onto the bedding and waited. The entire point of the sub trusting the Dom was for her to spend time wondering about what he’d do next. But if she just waited uncomplainingly, she’d find out anyway, without any worry or stress. Summer was a naturally patient and self-contained person. She worked alone or mostly alone all day and was used to being self-sufficient. Waiting was something she could do well.

  Even though she told herself to be patient, Summer was surprised by how difficult it was not knowing where the men might touch her or what they might do her. Generally the only way she ever showed impatience was by occasionally hitting refresh on her browser when an e-mail she was waiting on hadn’t arrived. But now she could sense her nerves being stretched tighter and tighter and her senses sharpening themselves as she listened intently for any clues about what the men might have planned for her.

  She couldn’t have even put into words exactly what she was waiting for. Something to happen, yes, but what? Was she hoping to be spanked? Did she hope to experience something unusual? She didn’t know. All she knew was that she was waiting, but she had no idea as to what might happen next.

  Something was pressing against her cheek, and she realized she could see the outline of a hand there. She heard a slight pop, and then the rich scent of cinnamon filled the air. Hmm, lovely.

  “What can you smell, sub?” asked Chris.

  “Cinnamon. It’s wonderful.”

  A hard slap landed on her naked ass, and she jerked in shock. She’d answered correctly. She’d recognize cinnamon anywhere.

  “Answer properly, sub.”

  A second hard spank reinforced the command.

  Of course. Chris had called her sub. She needed to reply in kind.

  “Cinnamon, Master.”

  “That’s better. Always address your Masters properly.”

  A third hard slap landed on her ass. It was already feeling hot after just a few spanks. That surprised her. She’d expected not to be affected until at least half a dozen spanks had landed on her skin. Maybe Roland hit harder than she’d expected. She certainly couldn’t ignore the force of his message to her.

  The tiny vial of cinnamon disappeared, and another container was opened in front of her face. This scent was harder to identify. It was a lot weaker, milder.

  “What can you smell, sub?”

  “I’m not sure. I—”

  This time there were two hard slaps on her ass. If she’d thought Roland had a firm hand before, he was putting even more effort into his spankings now.

  “I told you to answer properly, sub. Learn your lesson,” ordered Chris.

  “I’m not sure, Master.”

  This time the container was pressed against the T-shirt covering her face, and she recognized the slightly cloying aroma of molasses. “Molasses, Master,” she said.

  “Correct answer, but you were too slow. A good sub hurries to obey her Master.”

  Roland’s hand slapped down hard, once on the top of each thigh. Damn that hurt. Her thighs were more sensitive than her ass, and besides, if she didn’t recognize the scent, what was she supposed to do anyway?

  Peanut butter was easy to identify, as was yeast. And she made sure to answer politely and call him Master as well.

  A harsh acrid scent came next. Summer was confused. Her brain told her that she should know the powerful scent, but the more she ran through the items in her pantry at home, the less she could think of anything like this.

  “Well, sub?”

  “Dammit, I should know this. It’s on the tip of my tongue, but I can’t place it.”

  Hard slaps landed on her ass and her thighs as Roland punished her.

  Dammit, I should have answered correctly. This is harder than I thought it would be. I keep treating it like a conversation instead of a dungeon scene.

  Her ass was hot and sore, and the tops of her thighs were burning. Burning! Fuck, that’s what it was.

  “It’s squashed ant, Master.”

  “Correct, sub. Well done.”

  She was just about to tell him he was hardly playing fair by putting a squashed ant in a game with a whole lot of food items but closed her mouth tightly just in time. Her ass was sore now. She didn’t need any more spankings, although she had to admit her nipples were tight little points and her cunt was full of cream. Being spanked like this was damn sexy as well.

  And then Roland was licking her ass, wetting the hot skin and puffing air over it. Damn, that was erotic and felt good. Chris pushed a hand between the bedding and her breasts, cupping and smoothing them and gently tweaking her nipples. Instantly she lifted up for him, wanting more of his touch there. Her breasts were heavy and achy, the nipples tight with need.

  Chris stroked and petted her breasts, and she pushed them into his hands, loving every moment of his touch. She was concentrating so much on Chris and what he was doing that she hadn’t noticed Roland’s finger penetrating her ass until a hot, slippery finger was inside her, massaging her ass and opening it with slick cream.

  Fucking hell. Were they going to fuck her there, or was this part of the dungeon game? She wanted to ask but decided they wouldn’t tell her. The whole point of being a sub was to wait and learn what her masters were trying to teach her. So Summer pushed her butt back onto Roland’s finger and her breasts into Chris’s hands. Damn that all felt good. Very, very good indeed.

  Roland was massaging some kind of cream or ointment all over her ass cheeks, soothing them from the spanking but also rubbing it all around the tight muscle ring of her back door and inside along the tight channel there. Summer was convinced they were going to fuck her again. Maybe double fuck her. One in her cunt and one in her ass. At the thought of both of them inside her at once, her cunt dripped honey onto the blanket beneath her. Oh yes, that would be amazing. She really would like to try it, and right now seemed like the perfect time.

  Chris pinched her nipples, stretching them and teasing them.

  “Use your arms and push your upper body up off the blanket, sub,” he ordered her.

  She could do that. Especially if he planned to suck her nipples.

  She did as he said, leaving her ass under the control of Roland and
offering her breasts to Chris. Sure enough, he sucked one nipple deeply and licked around her breast, stroking the sensitive skin there. “So good, Master,” she whispered, not sure if she was allowed to talk but careful to call him Master.

  He treated the other one the same, and she sighed happily, keeping her weight on her palms and switching her attention to her ass, where Roland was stroking in and out with two slippery fingers now.

  A sharp nip of pain caused her to look down at her breasts, completely forgetting her head was wrapped in a shirt and she couldn’t see anything anyway. Chris sucked her nipple again and tightened the pressure on it.

  “Nipple clips?” she asked.

  Instantly Roland’s gentle, soothing hand turned into a weighty spank on her butt. Summer wasn’t sure whether that was because she’d spoken or because she hadn’t called him Master. Either way she decided they definitely were nipple clamps on her breasts, so she didn’t need to ask any further questions.

  She was still assimilating that when something pressed at her back door. It was solid and hard, but not a cock she was sure.

  Roland leaned his hand on her lower back and said, “Breathe out, sub.”

  It was clearly an order, and she wanted to ask why. There was no logic in her breathing out right now, but she did it anyway. The toy pressed into her ass again, popping through the ring of muscles and sliding inside her. There was a slight burn along her walls, but they accommodated to the pressure reasonably well.

  Immediately both men rolled her over, and Chris sat astride her hips, pressing her butt onto the hard floor of the tent and the solid dirt underneath it. She guessed he must have had most of his weight on his feet, or maybe his knees or calves, but not on her anyway, or he would have squashed her. But he was definitely doing it to tease her ass and make her very aware of the toy deep inside her.

  Both men petted and touched her all over her belly, her breasts, and her arms and legs. From time to time, Chris rolled her hips, using his body weight, stirring the toy in her ass and making her desire increase exponentially.

  Finally her entire body was throbbing with need. Summer couldn’t decide which part of her was the most aroused. Her breasts, in the nipple clips, were swollen, hot, and aching to be sucked. Her ass was full, and her cunt empty. She wanted, no needed, a cock in her cunt and a mouth on her breasts.

  “Fuck me, please, Masters. Fuck me now,” she asked.

  “The sub doesn’t get to choose the timing. The Masters will decide when the sub is ready.”

  “Well, this sub is a long way past ready. This sub is likely to explode before you put your cock anywhere near her if you don’t act soon,” said Summer.

  Roland snorted and turned it into a very unconvincing cough, but Chris said, “Because of your disobedience, sub, there’ll be no orgasm for you tonight.”

  He climbed off her and rolled her onto her side, covering her with the blanket and walking out of the tent.

  “What the fuck?” Summer wondered if it was a trick. She listened very hard but couldn’t hear any noise, not even breathing. They were barefoot, so she couldn’t be absolutely positive both of them had left, but she thought they probably had. Left her here, alone, and needy.

  “Hey, Masters, on the count of three, I’m pulling this shirt off my head and using my fingers to solve my problem,” she said loudly.

  There was no answer at all.

  Well, fuck them. She pulled the shirt off, and they were both still sitting in the tent, only a few inches from her with huge grins on their faces.

  “Who has been a bad, bad sub?” asked Chris.

  “Who needs a good paddling for not trusting her Masters to know what is best for her?” added Roland.

  “Who the fuck teased their poor sub unmercifully?” she replied.

  The T-shirt she’d just pulled off her head was grabbed and tied around her mouth as a gag, and she was rolled over onto her front again. This time it was Chris who spanked her hard until her ass was burning again, and then Roland lifted one of her legs into the air and spanked across her cunt. It hurt much more than a hand on her ass, but at the same time, it sent shards of desperate need deep inside her until she was gripping the gag with her teeth almost begging for one of them to fuck her. Hell no, both of them.

  * * * *

  Under his hand, Summer’s ass was delightfully pink and hot. He was very pleased with how the tiny taste of BDSM had gone. She was the perfect sub, who had clearly enjoyed the little demonstration and yet pushed the boundaries as well. Some people thought a submissive was a person who just did whatever they were told, but it was much more complicated than that. A sub had to choose to hand over her control to her Dom. Blind obedience was not submission. Submission was always a choice and needed to be made with full awareness of all the options.

  Chris was certain Summer would be the kind of sub who would fill his and Roland’s lives with enough challenges and options to ensure the excitement never died. Just the way she’d insisted on using no as a safe word was a typical example. Basically, if there was one word that was never to be used as a safe word, that was it. Well, apart from safeword, perhaps. Yet it was the only word Summer had considered, and it’d certainly worked fine this time. Of course, if ever there was a problem with it, he’d make her choose a different word, but he could imagine her remaining loyal to her choice and working around any potential obstacles it caused.

  Right now his dick was bursting with the need to fuck her, but their games weren’t over yet. They still had one little surprise for her. He dropped his hand under the edge of the sleeping bag and pressed the button for the vibrator in her ass. Her legs stretched and then thrashed on the bedding, and he watched her eyes open wide and grow round with surprise. Good. She hadn’t expected that.

  He also hadn’t given her permission to have her head to the side instead of buried in the pillow, either, but her ass was very hot, and he didn’t want to punish her anymore. A slightly sore ass tomorrow would remind her of their time together. A bruised ass would be an indictment on his ability to care for her properly as her Master.

  Once again they turned her onto her back, and he removed the gag while Roland lay down beside her and sucked her breasts. Her nipples should be hot and aching by now. They could leave the nipple clips on longer, but it was probably a good time to take them off. Removing them would make her hotter than she already was, and he wanted her ready to explode before they attempted to double penetrate her.

  And that was if she even agreed to the idea. She must be aware of such things, having spent time with Indigo, who was mated to two men, but that didn’t mean Summer would be willing to try it herself. Some women were not ready for anal sex until after a lot of preparation, and having a dildo in her ass for half an hour certainly didn’t fit that criterion.

  However, on the positive side, she’d appeared to enjoy their games and had remained true to her personality during them, adding her own spin to everything. So, he was hopeful.

  This time he pulled the remote from under the blanket and let her watch as he pressed the button and then changed the setting and pressed it again. He moved the speed from low to high several times until her eyes were shut tight and she was panting for breath.

  “Would you like to rest now, sub? Take a little nap?” he asked softly.

  Instantly, her big blue eyes were open, and her gaze was fastened on his. “That wasn’t what I had in mind, Master,” she replied.

  He hid his urge to grin. She was learning. No smartass reply from her this time, but she still made her point very clearly.

  Roland took off both nipple clips and put them away carefully in their tiny box, and then Chris removed the dildo from her ass. He would need to cleanse it properly later, but for now, he put it in a bag with the remote.

  “What about now, sub? Are you ready to sleep?”

  “No, Master. But I am ready to fuck. Very ready.”

  “I expect we can work with that,” said Roland.

e we all just happen to be naked,” added Chris.

  “And we remembered to pack condoms.” Roland grabbed a couple out of his bag.

  Chris watched a grin break out over Summer’s face. She hadn’t been sure they weren’t still teasing her.

  “The scene is over, Summer. Are you sure you’re ready for double penetration? It’s quite an extreme experience.”

  “I’ve been ready for hours. I will never be more ready.”

  Excellent. That sounded perfect to him.

  * * * *

  Summer had genuinely enjoyed their BDSM session and their time together, but she was on fire with need, and by the look of both the men’s cocks, they were more than ready as well. Being double fucked was what she wanted. What she needed. What she craved. She wasn’t planning to make a permanent decision about these men yet, but she liked what she knew about them and was prepared to go deeper into a relationship with them to experience a ménage.

  Only time would tell how they developed as partners, but no decisions could be made until they’d taken this step. Besides, they’d aroused her so high she was pretty sure merely bringing herself off with her fingers would leave her totally unfilled. She needed both men inside her, and right now.

  It was getting late. She had no idea how late, but she thought it must be approaching midnight. All too soon, dawn would be near, and someone would have to be watching for vehicles again. Even though she’d agreed watching for a week was a good idea, now that they’d seen vehicles passing so regularly, she didn’t think it was so important. She was certain there’d be enough traffic that, once the store was up and running, people would stop and visit it. It’d be up to the men to ensure they welcomed all comers and tweaked the stock to whatever the local community wanted and needed.

  But perhaps Alpha Wolfric would want a lot more detail to their business plan, so meanwhile, come dawn, she’d likely be counting cars again. Which made it all the more important for Chris and Roland to stop playing and start fucking. She was aroused, they were aroused, and therefore, it was time to get a move on.


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