Misfortune: Christmas With Scrooge

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Misfortune: Christmas With Scrooge Page 14

by Peggy Ann Craig

  She only nodded, admittedly relieved, causing him to frown. “Now what's wrong with your voice?”

  “Nothing.” With his nakedness now covered up, she was able to gather some sense of equilibrium. “I'm glad to see your lip must be feeling better.”

  He touched it experimentally, then shrugged. “Guess I'll live.”

  The reality of his words stung. With a crack in her voice she said, “I could have ki-killed you if you—if you hadn't—”

  He looked across at her and noted the distraught look scarring her features. “Let's not get into that again.”

  She nodded, but the glow from the flames caught a glimmer in the corner of her eye. Unexpectedly, he reached over and touched the soft curve of her cheek. “You did the right thing.”

  Her eyes met his. It was not a long comforting speech of any sort, but Laura felt a warm flush of forgiveness from those deep penetrating hazel eyes.

  Heart pounding, she smiled and received no response. She really wasn't surprised, but what held her spellbound was the fact his hand remained, lingering gently against her cheek while his eyes fixated on her face. His piercing gaze studied her features in the glow of the fire leaving her speechless. She wanted him to say something, anything. She wanted him to take the moment further. Far beyond now into utopia where reality vanquished and bliss reigned.

  The pounding in her chest beat away the seconds as she waited breathlessly, his eyes never once leaving her face. She swallowed, drawn by a need stronger than any force she had ever experienced. In the dark shadows and the silvery glow of the room, she moved silently, closing the distance between them. The kiss she placed on his swollen lip was tender and sweet and yet at the same time honest and heartfelt.

  He should have been pushing her away by that point, but he remained still, the only noticeable movement was the quickening of his breath. Drawing back slightly, she looked at him warily, however, his eyes were transfixed, not daring to leave her face.

  She moved closer and whispered against his lips, “I-I need you.”

  This time his eyelids fluttered shut, closing out his emotions. She waited, holding her breath, entirely expecting him to reject her. But the surprising, sweet caress of his hands as he reached for her, held no trace of rejection. Instead, a tender and exquisite touch explored the tiny curve of her back as he drew her into his arms.

  A heavenly explosion shot through her every being as his lips claimed hers for the first time in a gentle yet feverish kiss.

  Her response was instantaneous. A small, uttered cry of happiness escaped her lips as she wrapped her arms about his robust neck and gathered him closer. He responded to her touch, with a longing as untamed as the wilderness surrounding them. Grasping her tiny body in a steel grip he explored the deeper depths of her moist mouth, seeking and clutching. It seemed he couldn't get close enough. Laura's own needs skyrocketed, her hands diving into the dark thickness of his hair as desperately she answered his call.

  His quest continued with his hands, as he eagerly and impatiently pushed aside her blanket and groped at her pajamas. The need to have his hands touch her naked skin was overwhelming. In earnest, she shrugged out of her clothes never once removing her hungry lips from his.

  Then he touched her, his large roughened hands stroking every inch of her heated skin. Something deep inside her burned ardently, bringing her blood to a roaring boil. She needed him desperately, needed to return kiss for kiss, touch for touch.

  Famished of the simple want and need of this man, she devoured him with both hands and mouth. The heavy woolen blanket, which already slipped from his shoulders, was completely tossed aside exposing a muscular chest and back which were now free to explore. Like a blind woman, she allowed her hands to trace back and forth the astounding contours of his body. Even as inexperienced as she was, she was not unable to recognize the fiery excitement her touch aroused. It gave her a sense of power and for the first time where Dexter O'Reilly was concerned, a feeling of belonging.

  Dragging her lips away, only to taste the salted sweetness of his skin, she left a red-hot trail of kisses down an unshaven chin, a neck tasting of his familiar masculine scent, and finally down a strong sinewy chest. She just reached the dark dimple of his belly button where the smallest amount of dark hair disappeared, when he reached for her bare shoulders and drew her mouth back to his with a groan.

  His hands left her shoulders to grasp a handful of chestnut hair and tugged her head back. His lips then sought out her long slender neck, sucking on the tender skin as he went until he claimed a soft earlobe between his teeth. Laura moaned desperately, yearning to be closer.

  “Lord, you're beautiful!” His husky voice murmured against her ear, as his zealous hands slid from the silky arch of her back to the rounds of her aroused breasts.

  Happiness filled her heart and it was out of pure love she slid from his embrace and lay invitingly across the carpet.

  Having her exposed nakedness stretched out before him, lit his eyes with fervent desire. Seeing his obvious wanting and primeval hunger yielded Laura's heart. She needed him more than she ever needed anything before in her life. With love in her eyes she opened her arms and enfolded him within her embrace.

  He joined her on the floor, his body stretched above her as his mouth ravished her lips and set fire to a new level of longing. Heart pounding wildly, she felt a need for release. “Dexter, please, I need you.”

  “I know, I know.” In a gruff mutter, he clasped her tight before bending down and scooping her into his arms.

  Looking up into his highly aroused eyes, she needed desperately for him to say the words. “Do you want me, Dexter?”

  “Lord, yes.” He reached the sofa bed and deposited her gently on the crumpled sheets.

  Her heart skipped a beat with joy. His mouth claimed the pink tip of her breast, sucking it until it formed a hard peak. She gasped from the sheer thrill his feverish touch awakened in a body she had no idea was capable of feeling such extremes. Briefly, she thought of telling him this would be her first time, but the greater fear of destroying the moment prevented her from speaking. Instead, she allowed the wondrous joy of having his touch and kiss take her away.

  Reality she would face later, for now she delighted in the frenzied trail of rapture he left behind as his lips kissed a path from the peaks of her breasts down her belly. Arching her spine, a cry of passion escaped her parted lips, as his own reached the innocent oasis of her womanhood. She felt her heart accelerate, and the world soaring in her ears, reminding her of Adell’s seashell, until a fabulous burst of elation hurled itself within her body.

  Swiftly, but tenderly, Dexter slid between her parted legs and entered the moist folds. Still on a crest of rhapsody, Laura was nevertheless unable to stop from crying out in pain as Dexter penetrated the sweet barrier sheltering her innocence.

  He suddenly froze, the fervor and urgency drained from his heated face. Watching him, Laura felt a sudden pang pierce her heart. Reality returned with an ugly vengeance at the worse possible moment.

  Grasping her shoulders, he held her away with great restraint and in a hoarse voice, demanded, “Why didn't you tell me?”

  She wanted to cry from the look of loathsome on his face. “Does it matter? I love you, Dexter.”

  She reached for him with uncertainty, needing earnestly her love returned. Mercifully, he did not resist, however his expression turned empty and void. With a wounded heart, Laura knew he had detached himself from the moment. Not physically, perhaps, but most definitely emotionally. If she had any pride she would have detached herself as well but they had gone too far.

  Holding back partly, his movements became gentle and silvery until Laura reached a wondrous climax. Moaning softly she coiled her legs about his midriff and drew his rigid form deeper inside. She heard him groan, felt his forehead press against her shoulder then unable to restrain himself any longer, a burst of passion shot through her as he again began the rhythmic movement. This time harder and fast
er with a brutish virility that inflamed her lustful needs. The high extremities he took her reached intoxicating levels leaving her begging for release.

  In one last thrust, her insides erupted into exultation. A gala of beauty and wonder had her marveling at the sheer joy engulfing her entirely. He must have felt the same for he cried out in ecstasy before collapsing his large and heated body onto her own.

  They lay there for many minutes, the only sound coming from their combined heavy breathing.

  At last Dexter drew back and rolled over to the other side of the bed. She looked over at him, hoping he would say something, but he remained silent, staring up at the dark ceiling. An unwelcome coldness filled her heart, having nothing to do with the room's low temperature.

  “Dexter?” Her voice sounded unsteady, but she needed desperately to feel wanted, at the very least.

  He didn't respond right away, just continued to stare up at the blank ceiling. But when Laura attempted his name again, her voice cracking this time, he looked her way. She stared at him with eyes glistening with unshed tears. If he were to crawl back into that shell of his, it would surely destroy her.

  Then, without a word, he reached over and pulled her into his arms. She gave a shudder of relief before cradling herself against his chest. He did care. Even just the smallest and at that moment only, but it was all she needed. Closing her eyes she fell into a deep restful sleep in the arms of the man she loved.


  She awoke the next morning to the hushed sounds of someone moving about the room. Fluttering her sleepy eyes open, she pulled herself into a sitting position. A few feet from the sofa bed with his back to Laura, Dexter silently dressed himself.

  “Dexter? What are you doing?”

  He glanced over his shoulder and noticed her naked from the waist up. Turning away instantly, he commanded in a gruff voice, “Cover yourself up.”

  Frowning, but obeying nevertheless, she watched in confusion as he straightened himself from tying his boots. His face appearing more relaxed. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  She ignored this comment. “Where are you going?”

  He gave a mocking chuckle. “Home. I do have to return to a job.”

  “How? I thought your car—?”

  “I'll use the surplus gas stored in the shed. It will get me to the next gas station.”

  “You have to leave now? Can't you wait—I mean-w-we could have breakfast together.”

  “I'll grab something quick from a bakery on my way home.” He smiled dryly before reaching for his tie and slipping it over his head, all the while avoiding eye contact.

  “Give me a few minutes and I'll be dressed and packed—”

  “No.” He interrupted as she flung back the bed sheet and prepared to get up. “Stay where you are—and, dammit, cover yourself up.”

  Stunned and slightly hurt, she searched his eyes. “I don't understand.”

  He returned to the task of dressing himself, however with more speed. “You're not coming back with me.”

  A dreadful feeling in the pit of her stomach began to slowly swell. “Why not?”

  “It's best this way.”

  “Wh-hat way?” The ache began to inflame.

  “Look, Laura, I'm not sure what you're expecting, but I think you've gotten the wrong idea.” He shrugged her off nonchalantly.

  She tried to quench the growing pang as it crept toward her heart. “I want us to be together. I love you and you love—”

  “No!” he barked savagely, unexpectedly changing his demeanor. “What we shared last night had nothing to do with that.”

  The blood drained from her face. “But you said you loved me—”

  He held up a hand as to stop her. “No, I never said that.”

  “You said you wanted me.”

  “Dammit, Laura! I was eager and you were willing!” The cold-hearted words had her gasping.

  “You're lying.” Dampness filled her eyes and blurred her vision.

  He swore and turned angrily on his heel toward the door. “Stop living in your inane daydreams. What happened last night occurred between two consenting adults. I didn't coax you into anything you didn't want, and I certainly never made any promises I never intended to keep.” At the door he stopped and looked back. “Welcome to the twenty-first century. People sleep with each other all the time, and preferably with someone they know. I thought that's what we were doing. I'm not sure where you get these misguided thoughts, but I suggest you grow up and face the real world.”

  Gradually, coldness began to creep through her veins as she sat there listening to his sordid reasoning of their night together. When at last he finished, she stared across at him, dry-eyed.

  “I might have been misguided where you were concerned and foolishly misunderstood last night, but I assure you that mistake won’t happen again.” She lifted her chin slightly. “I may live childishly in a fantasy world, and unfortunately follow my heart rather than my head, but I would most definitely prefer that over a world void of caring. The only mistake I see I've made is following all the wrong directions. You see I want a husband and children and a house to call a home. I want to be part of a family again; I don't want to be alone any more. I want to be loved and loved in return.” Her voice cracked on this last sentence.

  He stared unemotionally across the room at her without uttering a word. She felt her reserve begin to shake and prayed she would not break down and start crying. The tears she would save until later when he was gone.

  At last he blinked in articulate slowness, then looked her squarely in the eye before stating simply, “Goodbye Laura.”

  Then he was gone. A spasm of cries shuttered her tiny frame and had her hovered over in pain. She never really believed a heart could break until that very moment. A feeling akin to the shattering of millions of tiny pieces exploded beneath her breast.

  She cried for a long time after, until finally she drained herself of emotion. Her brain had gone numb from the memory of every painful word he said. In a daze she walked down to the washroom, turned on the shower and stood under the caressing warmth of the water. The only thing she knew for certain was she wanted to go back to bed and never wake up.

  At last, the soothing warmth penetrated her conscious and began to clear her oppressed mind. It was then her own words came back to her. She believed in her dreams and the need for a family. She would not spend any more of her young life alone. Her heart ached to be wanted as well as needed and loved. Tomorrow would be a new beginning. The path to happiness awaited her and with eagerness she would follow it.

  A tiny scar on her heart would be her only reminder it had already found its destiny in a detestable and undeserving man with unrequited feelings.

  * * *

  A few days later, Laura returned to Bracebridge. Without wanting to face Adell, she returned the car at a time she knew the older woman would not be home. Her humiliation with her last encounter with Dexter O'Reilly was unbearable. There was a need to put some distance between herself and the man, which included his kind and loving mother. The very threat of seeing Dexter again so soon after their unification kept her away. At the least, she realized, she owed Adell Cameron her gratitude for all she had done for Laura. Her tiny gesture of flowers and note of thanks would temporarily have to do. Sometime in the future, when Laura felt it safe, she would contact the woman and properly thank her in person.

  Instead, she headed west out of town towards her home. She could no longer shroud herself from the inevitable. It was time to face her loss. Time to let go of childhood memories and cherished mementos, and form new ones for the future. A future she realized with a sodden heart that appeared desolate and gloomy. Scolding herself for allowing Dexter’s unrequited feelings to get the best of her, she disembarked from the city bus a block away from her home.

  As she neared closer, her chest tightened in apprehension until the two-story home loomed into view. Her feet came to an abrupt halt as she stared up at what was s
upposed to be a post-apocalyptic like home, but instead, a pristine unspoiled house stood before her. She blinked several times at the unbelievable scene before her, then literally squeezed her lids tightly shut before opening them once more.

  Standing before her, as it always had, was her family home, however, with shiny new bricks and windows and an attic that replaced the gaping hole where the fire had initiated. Rising proudly before the morning dawn with all its walls standing proud and erect, along with a newly built roof looking for all its worth like a shiny new halo. Any evidence of a fire nowhere to be seen.

  With trepidation she advanced up the front porch only to come to an abrupt halt when the front door opened and a large robust man wearing plaid and jeans exited the entrance.

  He looked up upon noticing her and bestowed her with a friendly grin. “How do you do ma'am? How can I help you?”

  Taken aback, Laura frowned before finding her voice. “My name’s Laura Witherow. I own this place. Who might you be?”

  His grin grew wider as he shifted a drill he carried under his arm to extend a hand towards her. “Nice to finally meet you ma'am. The names Potter, Joe Potter. I’m the fellow contracted to renovate your home.”

  Dumbfounded, she said, “I never hired a contractor.”

  One brow arched in surprise. “Go figure?”

  “I don’t understand. What are you doing here? Who hired you to fix my home?”

  He lifted a hand to rub his chin as if to contemplate her question. “I’m figuring maybe I shouldn’t have let that slip, but he ain’t never mentioned a word about keeping it silent.”


  “Yeah, big fellow.” He lifted his hand to show her an estimate. “O’Reilly was the name.”

  A jolt pierced Laura’s stunned form. “Dexter O’Reilly?”

  “Afraid I can’t rightly recall the first name, ma'am. Kind of a gruff character though. Was on me and my men to get the job done properly and on time.” Then giving her a short nod, said, “Well I’m just finishing up here now, she’s all ready for you. If you have any difficulties, you just give me a holler.”


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