Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 7

by Lee Morgan

  “Now I fully understand.” Sarah said pushing into Connor’s mind as she stood beside him.

  “We’d better go soon.” She looked up and nodded at the suggestion.

  Not a moment later, Mark dropped down to all fours. He turned his head and staring at Kara said “Ready for the ride of your life, Sweetheart?” He smiled and began flashing his sharp white teeth at her.

  She took a deep breath and sighed. She then adjusted her bow on her back and her belt of arrows at her hip. She took off at a swift run and leapt directly behind Mark’s shoulders. Her legs straddled across his ribs as she held onto his rigid mane, like one would upon the reins of a horse. His muzzle smiled wider as she found a comfortable position and he didn’t even moan as he took her full weight with ease.

  She said playfully “I’m ready now.”

  Sarah giggled as she walked with Connor up to Mark and his sister. The top of Mark’s shoulders came up to Connor’s hip. As he swung his head to look at him Connor asked “How fast can you run with someone on your back?”

  In his deep animalistic voice “Even if I pulled a semi I still haven’t met a Balancer who can keep up with my speed.”

  “Good to know. Now follow us.” Connor looked over at his mounted sister who wore an expression like that of a child getting Christmas presents. “Hold on tight. We are going to be moving quickly through the forest.” She tightened her grip in his jet black mane.

  Connor took off running to the destination. Mark started running with Kara on his left side. His hazel eyes were focused straight ahead as they jumped the stream and entered the forest. Sarah was keeping pace on Connor’s right.

  He wanted to see if what Mark said was true about Balancer’s being slower. When the younger spouse got a smile of approval from Sarah he slowly began to increase speed. Mark was quick on the uptake when Connor began pulling ahead of the entire group. Mark barked a laugh and started running faster than his friend so Connor made himself run even faster in turn. As some of fastest creatures in existence, all three of them easily dodged every tree and branch without even trying. Nothing natural could possibly slow them. Sarah and Connor ran softly through the forest, but Mark ran on all fours with heavy yet firm footing.

  They were both neck and neck as they each ran as quickly as they could pump their muscles. With an explosion of fresh leaves they broke through the tree line of the rocky clearing less than five minutes later.

  The rocky clearing remained calm and quiet, until they arrived. Stones and sand littered the ground as did a few hardy weeds. The air felt cool, but it wouldn’t stay for too long, Summer was beginning to come. The clearing alone is surrounded by trees and thick shrubs to disguise anything.

  The morning sunlight still hadn’t arrived completely.

  At the same time, they put on the brakes and slowly came to a stop. Sarah was also able to keep up with the men as well. Both Mark and Connor were breathing deeply, but not out of breath. Kara eased herself off his back and when she was off; Mark pushed himself back on his hind legs. “Buddy, that was the best run I’ve had to date. You actually kept up. That’s a first because not one Balancer has ever kept up.” He started a rumbling laugh.

  Connor smiled in satisfaction as he proved that he and Sarah could keep up with a Changer. A quick glance revealed that Kara didn’t have a single scratch or speck of dirt after the run, but she looked a little off.

  “Kara, are you alright?” Sarah asked while walking up to her and rubbing her back gently. Sarah has always had a comforting side. It is one of her most charming aspects.

  “Now that was a rush!” his little sister said softly and bravely while looking up at Mark with an ashen complexion. “Next time the two of you decide to run a marathon with a lit rocket up your rear, tell me to get off.” She took a deep breath and sighed. “I have to say it was a fast paced experience and I’m glad to have had a front row seat. Unfortunately it isn’t an experience I’d like to receive all the time.”

  After a few minutes of laughter and talking Connor pulled Mark off to the side, just out of hearing range of the girls. Both of his pointed wolf ears were aimed in Connor’s direction as he asked “I’m not sure how Jack will react to all this, but if it turns out badly I need you to think of a way to get Kara to safety. I’d worry about him most. Jillian’s more unpredictable, but more reasonable to deal with.” Mark nodded, understanding his worry. “I want the two of you to hide behind that thicket over there as a cover until I give you the signal. They will be coming from the opposite direction, so I know that spot will be safe to hide in.”

  “What kind of signal?” He rumbled.

  “I’ll contact you mentally, ok?” Mark nodded.

  When they walked back, Connor knew that Jillian and Jack would be here soon. He could sense that they were already on their way. There was a disturbance in the forest itself. “The two of you need to hurry up and hide.” Connor ordered and both his little sister and best friend walked over to the thicket he told them about. Once they reached it and used the cover Kara was completely swallowed, hidden behind greenery and all Connor could see were Mark’s silver eyes surveying the area, but the rest of him remained completely hidden. You’d never see either of them unless you knew where they were beforehand.

  Sarah stood at his right side. Connor quietly told her “Please keep your mind open to me, but block out your parents for now. Stay linked with me.” She leaned her shoulder against his and didn’t say a word. She did as asked and they linked to each other’s mind.

  They didn’t have anything to say or do as they waited.

  About three minutes later Connor could hear the two footfalls of her parents coming in their direction. Moments later they entered the clearing. Jack wore blue jeans and no shirt along with his work boots. His silver hair flew unrestrained and was billowing behind him as he ran. He also brought Haunt with him. Haunt is a solid metal club that looks similar to a baseball bat, but it is larger and it weighs at least forty pounds. Jillian had on her blood red bikini top and white shorts along with her running shoes.

  Jillian’s upbeat voice rang through the clearing as they came in their direction “Hey kids, how was your night?”

  “It went well, Mother. How was yours?” Sarah answered casually while now standing erect after leaning on Connor’s arm. She rotated her shoulder a few times because it had nearly fallen asleep against the rigid knots of muscle.

  “I slept great… Wow Sarah you look stunning. That opening at your chest really looks good for your cleavage.” Jillian said in shock as she now stood close enough to clearly see the two of them.

  Sarah rested her left hand on the butt of the dagger that hung off her hip. She smiled while sarcastically saying “Thank you for that, Mother.”

  Jillian quickly turned to Connor. “Now I want a dagger similar to that. It might make my hips look good too.” She pointed at the one on Sarah’s hip. “Can you make one for me?” She asked quickly.

  Connor started chuckling. “Sure if you bring me some metal that you might like manipulated, but don’t come crying to me if you cut yourself.”

  Jack started laughing as he set the top of his metal club on the ground between his feet. Jillian chastised “Don’t treat me like a child, Connor.”

  At that everyone started laughing all the more.

  After a few minutes Sarah contacted Connor. “I think we should get it over with while the mood is good. I’ll follow your lead, my mate.”

  “Thanks for all the pressure.” At that she smiled at him and he smiled back.

  “What are the two of you up to?” Jillian asked with a wry smile. Her perception for reading people is second only to Sarah’s husband.

  Connor grinned. “A few things, but first I need to tell you about something.” His smile vanished as he directly looked at Sarah’s father. Her father was the one to watch out for the most because he could get quite volatile. That was a common knowledge as Kara’s hyper personality. They needed to make sure he wouldn’t do anyth
ing rash during the stressful reveal. “Yesterday, when we went shopping, Deputy Burrow told me that my teacher is now in jail.” Jack’s smile quickly vanished as Connor continued. “Mathew got off clean thanks to the mayor. I don’t think we need to worry, but we should still keep our guards up.”

  “What are you going to do about it?” Jillian asked, arching her eyebrow.

  “I’m not going to do anything, so long as he stays away from all of us. I gave Deputy Burrow’s your number if he needs to get a hold of me. I wrote the deputy’s number down on this.” Connor reached in his pocket and handed his mother-in-law a card. “If Mathew does become a threat; the deputy will help us out if he drops by uninvited.” And Jack nodded in understanding Connor’s hidden meaning. “You can keep the card, I’ve already memorized the number.”

  Jillian looked at it for a moment and handed it to her mate. She asked “Any other news we need to know about while you’re in such a talkative mood?” Her golden eyes were searching for more.

  Connor looked at Sarah. “I think you should lead this part of the program, Princess.”

  She felt her mother trying to gain access into her mind. Sarah kept her blocked and at bay while still being linked with Connor. It was as easy as breathing now. Being mated made her abilities effortless to use. “During our camping trip this past weekend we had no choice but to use our power before both Connor’s sister and Mark.”

  Her mother paled yet said nothing, but her father gasped and yelled “TELL ME WHY YOU HAD TO DO IT!”

  Connor stepped protectively in front Sarah. He spoke calmly and reassuringly to both of her parents. “During the last night of our trip, up in the mountains, the biggest Grizzly I have ever seen came strolling into our camp. Sarah took my sister to safety while my friend helped me run it off.”

  Jack finally spoke with authority. “Was anyone hurt?” Connor shook his head. “What element did you use?”

  “Fire.” He said staring back at her father.

  “That element is too flashy to be forgotten or imagined. Are they a threat in any way to telling others about our secret?”

  “Not in the slightest.” Sarah’s mate replied honestly and calmly.

  “Do you have any reassurance for me?” Jack asked as his shoulders relaxed some.

  “The two of them are here.” Sarah said a little too quickly.

  “WHAT!” Her father yelled, looking at her. Sarah felt her father gathering a lot of energy from within and felt him collecting the morning warmth from the surroundings. He was getting ready to do something they’d all regret if he wasn’t stopped and quickly.


  All of Jack’s gathered energy was completely overwhelmed as Connor gathered more energy than her parents could comprehend. Connor’s entire body began glowing as brightly as the rising sun. Sarah had to look away from him and out of the corner of her eye just to see both of her parents retreating back. And just as suddenly Connor cut the flow of gathered power, he stopped glowing.

  His raptor eyes held the parents where they were. Sarah knew that Connor wouldn’t ever hurt them, but he needed to force them to listen to reason. He achieved the desire result. He spoke softly and clearly to both of the frightened parents. “I’m sorry for yelling at you like that, but you wanted reassurance from them and you’ll still have it. Now I don’t want either of you to do anything threatening or I’ll tell Mark to run away. In which case you’ll never find him or her. It’s your decision that you have to make. I’ll tell Mark to come here or get my sister to safety.”

  Jillian finally moved and put a hand on Jack’s shoulder saying “I’m sorry for our actions as well. We will hear all this out before we make any decisions.”

  “That is all I ever asked.” Connor said. While Sarah remained telepathically connected with his mind alone she heard him call out “Bud?”

  “Yeah?” Mark’s mind replied.

  “It’s ok to come out now?”

  “Is the light show over already? Awe man and that was so cool too.” Mark said playfully yet he was cautiously leaving the brush where Sarah last saw them.

  The leaves and foliage moved and shook until Sarah saw Mark on all fours as he slowly walked out of the thicket. His large black form looked menacing and overwhelming in the morning lighting. She saw Kara riding on his back again, with her longbow situated firmly across her back. She rode with her hips, swaying like an experienced horse rider. Sarah realized also that Mark was prepared to run away incase this didn’t turn out well. He would do anything to see Kara to safety, even if it meant spiriting her away so that Jack would never be able to find her.

  Jillian gasped. “Is that a Changer?” Jack said nothing, but his eyes went wide. They didn’t move and it seemed as if they were also having a hard time breathing. She would be too if she didn’t know what was happening.

  This is what Connor wanted, a chance to show that all was well.

  Neither Connor nor Sarah said anything until Mark cautiously walked behind the two of them, for Kara’s added defense. “Yes I am a Changer, but I would prefer it if you called me by my name, young ones.” Mark said in his deep voice and with the authority that came with his age. Kara gently rubbed Mark’s, now armored, ribs absentmindedly as she quietly watched everyone with excited eyes and a smile.

  “Forgive me… Mark” Jillian said quietly, knowing her place as his junior. Mark’s massive head nodded, accepting her apology and she sighed with relief.

  Sarah said “Is this enough of a reason to know that they aren’t a threat?”

  “We still need to discuss…” Jack stopped when Sarah heard a soft thud from behind. Then saw a small pink flash zipped between her and Connor. Sarah’s mind quickly registered it as Kara.

  She ran as quickly as she could, directly at Jillian. She then grabbed her by the waist and spun her in the air laughing. “Good to see you again Jillian. How are you doing old girl?”

  The five of immortals were stunned both physically and mentally, until Kara easily returned Jillian’s feet back down on the ground.

  A moment later Sarah’s mother started making a deep belly laugh. “Yes Kara, it is good to see you as well. You’re looking very pretty this morning.” She turned to look at her mate with a smile. “Jack, I can say for a fact that this move has been the most exciting since we’ve been together.”

  He smiled back weakly and unsurely as he scratched his head and his other hand still clutched the ancient weapon. “You are right about that, Jillian.”

  Kara captured Jillian’s attention again by asking “Are you really and truly Sarah’s mother?”

  Her mother shot Sarah a quick glance and then smiled at Kara. “The truth is yes I am her mother, and Jack is her father.”

  Kara leaned on one leg as she peered around Jillian to look at Jack for a moment as he studied her as well. “Well you look good for your age, old girl.” She said complimenting Jillian.

  Jillian started laughing again and began patting Kara’s back. Suddenly Sarah’s father started chuckling. As he swung his weapon high in the air and thrust it into the ground, suddenly Mark blew past both Connor and Sarah, scooping Kara in his furry arms. She yelped and was then flipped around to land on his back. Before Sarah’s parent’s could react to Mark’s speed, he had Kara safely back behind his friends once again.

  “What was that about!?” Kara demanded of Mark.

  In his deep rumbling voice he said apologetically “That was a mistake on my part, Sweetheart… I thought he was going to hit you with that club of his and in my assumption stole you away from his side.” Sarah turned to see Mark’s silver, catlike eyes aimed directly upon her father. “I’m sorry for taking your actions wrongly, Jack. But you know how protective we can be with those we love.”

  He waved the apology away. “No harm done, Mark.” He looked down at his mate. “I think we need to discuss this?”

  “Forget it!” Everyone
turned to look at Connor’s sister as she straddled Mark’s back. “Mr. Branderson, you have nothing to fear from me telling anyone your secret. As you can see, my boyfriend is a Changer after all and my brother is a Balancer. I don’t want anything to go wrong or for them to get hurt so I will keep this secret to myself.” Sarah turned to see her father studying the pink child intently. Suddenly she caught everyone by surprise by saying “Well since Brother said this is where you train and practice; I’d say let’s have some fun.”

  She swiftly stood on Mark’s back and dropped to the ground gracefully. Mark pushed himself to a standing position as he watched her intently. She then grabbed her bow and pulled it from around her back. She held the bow’s grip as she turned to study Mark’s hand. “Honey, can those claws of yours cut into bark?”

  He looked at his right claw. He then looked at her saying “They can cut steel so, yes. what do you have in mind Kara?”

  She grabbed his wrist and led him over to a Red Pine. She pointed to the grey-brown bark and with her finger, traced an invisible pattern. Connor stood at Sarah’s side as he watched the two over at the tree wearing a smile. “Watch closely because she is the best archer I have ever known. World class I’d wager.”

  “We’ll see soon enough now wont we?” Sarah smiled as he wrapped one arm around her shoulder.

  Both of her parents were intently watching the little human and a Changer in his transformed state.

  Loose stones crunching under their foot falls gave away that Kara began marking her distance. Sarah looked back to see Kara walking away from Mark as she drew a metal tipped arrow from the quiver at her hip. Sarah then saw Mark using only his right clawed hand to carve a pattern into the tree. With his fingers spread and his claws sharp enough to cut steel; he made a perfect ringed target into the trunk of the tree.

  Mark stepped back to look at his handy work. When he seemed satisfied he turned to Kara and yelled in a deep voice “All set!”

  Kara stood two hundred and thirty to two hundred and fifty yards away from the target as she put tension on the bow. “She can’t be serious.” Jack said and Connor looked at him and smiled at the skepticism.


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