Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 20

by Lee Morgan

  He sat the pillows at the top of the table as Kara said “Well that is actually a fetish, it’s called bondage or S&M, or didn’t you hear what I said bef… Brother where did you get those pillows?”

  “From my bedroom.” Both Sarah and Mark looked at him and smiled.

  Giving up her struggle, she sighed. Kara walked up to the table. She used the seat of the chair Connor made, for a stepstool. She now stood atop the table. His sister turned and eased herself down and laid her head on the pillows brought for her comfort. She pulled at her dress and told Mark to keep her legs tied together or else she wouldn’t play nice with him when it was over. He did as ordered while chuckling mildly.

  Before long, Connor stepped back along with his mate to watch Mark work. He first secured the rope to tie her hands together. As she laid her hands on her full abdomen, Mark securely tied her ankles, knees and thighs together. Finally with her legs straight on the table, Mark wrapped her entire body flat to the table so that she couldn’t move a single inch and hurt herself. His knot-tying capabilities were excellent and done properly. She wasn’t going anywhere and wouldn’t hurt herself in any way.

  As Mark stood over her she smiled up at his worried face. He said “Don’t you die on me, Sweetheart.”

  She smiled again. “I won’t,” Kara then turned her head to Sarah. “I always keep my promises.” Then Kara winked.

  When she looked back at Connor’s solemn friend he held a piece of soft wood in his hand. Showing it to her he said “You need to bite down on this. Hard! I can’t afford for you to bite your tongue off and bleed to death.” Before he gave it to her he gave her one last quick kiss. He brushed her hair back saying softly “I love you.” He put the piece of wood in her mouth.

  As she adjusted the wood in her mouth to fit perfectly Sarah grabbed Connor’s arm tightly and he could feel his mate’s entire body shaking.

  Connor didn’t move. He became her secure pillar.

  When Kara finally nodded that she was ready Mark’s eyes started to glow. He said “Kara, I need to open a wound right here on you.” He pointed just above her breasts. She looked down then nodded as she rested her head back on the pillow.

  While Mark’s pupils were glowing Connor saw his fingernails turn into razor sharp claws while the rest of him didn’t change into any other characteristics of his wolf form. With his sharp claws he looked at them for a moment until his eyes stopped glowing. He looked at Kara one last time. “Have you changed you mind?” Her head shot up. She couldn’t say anything, but her brown eyes were throwing daggers. He sighed “Alright then.”

  Mark took his clawed index finger and swiftly pulled it horizontally across Kara’s chest. She winced, but didn’t make a sound. Mark stood tall again, after judging her bleeding wound wide enough.

  He took the index finger of each hand and opened a wound across the palms of each of them. His eyes started glowing faintly and Connor knew that he was forcing himself to keep the wounds open. He looked at his dripping and bloody hands for a few moments in hopes she would falter in her resolve.

  She was sure and wanted this.

  He turned them over. Mark leaned over Kara, looking at her one more time. Then he gently pressed both of his bleeding palms in the open wound of Kara’s breast. It only took a single second for the pain to start. And for Sarah to immediately tighten her grip.

  Kara’s eyes went wide with pain. Her back arched violently as she screamed through the mouth piece. If the ropes weren’t bound tightly she would have really hurt herself. Her face went red as she made another muffled, blood curdling scream from the table. Her eyes shut tightly as her body started to shake the table and convulse violently. She screamed again, but she didn’t take in a full breath.

  Glancing at Mark, Connor saw that his eyes stopped glowing and his hands were no longer dripping with blood. His hands were still red and wet, but the wounds were no more.

  It was done and they couldn’t go back.

  Another shriek brought Connor’s focus back to his sister and her excruciating pain. Kara continued screaming in agony and shaking with all she had. It looked like she was being tortured, but it was a virus doing it all.

  For over two hours she kept screaming and screaming. No one dared moved or did anything in the cottage, but his sister. They were all too afraid it would only make things worse. Many times Connor’s lungs burned when he forgot to take a breath. Even blinking had to be forced. Mark stood over her, protectively, while Connor stood back a few feet in the living room and Sarah’s grasp on his arm didn’t let up any pressure either.

  Suddenly Kara stopped moving completely. Her shaking and even screaming were completely stilled. Connor’s heart froze along with each and every muscle throughout his body.

  What just happened?

  Mark put his ear down on Kara’s chest quickly. He listened for what seemed like an eternity. His head reared back and he yelled at the top of his lungs “NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!” His head dropped suddenly. Like someone cutting the strings of a marionette.

  Mark collapsed on the floor.

  Kara had lost the war against the virus.

  She was gone!

  Sarah yelled “KARA, NO!!!” She released her grip on Connor’s arm and ran around Mark’s crumpled form, to Kara’s side as she lay lifeless on the table.

  Death and Life

  Using the mental capabilities of a Balancer’s mind, Connor went through every method and scenario he knew of to save someone. Especially someone as dear to him as Kara. Connor’s mother Jenny taught and instilled him with many alternatives and results to revive someone at the edge of death, but the cottage didn’t have any access to the medical equipment for over half of the training she gave. That forced him to think even faster. I’m not going to let you die on me little sister. I swore to always protect you. Suddenly, like lightning, Connor had the exact idea needed to bring her back from the brink of existence.

  In just three seconds Connor knew he alone had the power to save her.

  Quickly, Connor kicked Mark out of the way because he didn’t need him to be too close. He needed room to fight a battle against Fate. Connor issued a command to his mate. “Sarah. Move to the other side of the table!” Her green eyes were filled with tears and spilled like waterfalls when she looked up at him. Waves of anguish flowed from her that wouldn’t help this situation. Sarah needed to stop it so he could think clearly. “If you keep crying like that we won’t be able to save her. Now help me or get out of the way.”

  Sarah quickly steeled herself and moved swiftly around the table to Kara’s other side. She used everything she had and stopped her tears and her shaking hands, but asked in a quivering voice “What do you need me to do?” Connor knew she would do what needed to be done.

  She loved his sister too.

  Connor stepped up to Kara’s left side and saw how frail she actually is. Sweat coated every inch of her body and dried blood stained the dress at her breast. Her face no longer held that playful smile nor did her large and excited chocolate brown eyes twinkle with mischief. She laid completely lifeless, but hopefully it wasn’t going to be too late. Connor knew that he could save his younger sibling. He spoke evenly because they didn’t have time to panic and see her permanently slip away. “I have a plan, but first she needs energy and air; a lot of it.”

  Sarah didn’t need any further explanation. She grabbed a knife from its holder and cut the shoulders off of Kara’s dress and she sped down to her feet. Sarah pulled the end of her dress down because the securing ropes were in the way and they couldn’t cut them yet. Sarah put one of her hands on top of Kara’s chest, just above her bra. The moment her right hand touched Kara’s skin, Sarah’s entire body started glowing brightly. The bright energy from Sarah’s hands began pouring and seeping into Connor’s lifeless sister. She used her left hand to clamp Kara’s nostrils so that no air could escape. Sarah then bent down and firmly forced air down into Kara’s lungs. Kara’s chest rose from the external breath, but not from
her own efforts.

  As Connor focused his mind he heard Mark rise to his feet, but said nothing. Mark knew he wasn’t capable of saving his love so he let Connor try what he needed to. At least Mark didn’t go catatonic for long.

  In the quiet recesses of his mind Connor remembered what causes lightning. That was the key to saving Kara, electricity. In his mind he pictured positively charged energy in his left hand while negative energy flowed into his right. Connor remembered that electricity always travels from positive to negative. Using that as a base, he poured as much energy as he could into saving his sister. Using instinct as a natural guide to direct the power into his palms, Connor opened his eyes.

  His entire body began glowing as well. Electricity began tingling his fingers and grew uncomfortable, he added even more power. All of his body’s brightness started to move and focus directly into his hands, which were the tools of rescue. The only thing that now glowed brightly were his hands. Connor could hear the electricity zapping and sizzling in the air around him. The air crackled with the power he summoned forth. He brought his hands close together and arcs of white and blue lightning jumped between the space of his hands.

  Instantly, he smelled ozone.

  Sarah’s eyes grew wider as Connor looked at her, still breathing into and for Kara. Before she said anything he said “Stand back.” The moment her hands and face came off Kara, he felt Sarah stemming the flow of her power. Connor finally acted when she became clear and his charging was sufficient.

  Using his superhuman speed Connor placed his left hand in the center of Kara’s chest and his right hand on the side of her left ribcage. He made sure that when he shocked Kara, the electrical path would be directed through her heart. As his right hand touched her ribs the electricity passed through. Her back arched involuntarily for a moment and he let go a half second later.

  Without removing his left hand he listened for her heart beat… nothing.

  Connor stood and shocked her again. This time when he shocked her he heard his little sister take another deep, life saving breath on her own. And her eyes opened again. They were still tearing in pain.

  She came back…

  Before anyone could say or ask anything, Kara went back to her terrifying screaming and violent shaking. The change wasn’t over yet.

  Suddenly Mark pushed Connor away and unfortunately he shouldn’t have. Connor’s body remained supercharged with electricity. The moment Mark touched him he dropped to the ground, hard, but for only a moment. He got up quickly, like he was unaffected from the shock.

  Connor cut the flow of power while allowing the built up electrical charge to dissipate through his shoeless feet and into the wooden floor slowly. He had to make sure he wouldn’t hurt anyone else if they touched him.

  As Connor took a step back and allowed Mark to see that she didn’t die yet; he fell back on his bottom when the room began spinning and his balance effected. Connor used twenty times more energy to create electricity than when he fought Mark and Jack together. It was more than overly exhausting, but worth it to know she didn’t die. Connor couldn’t help smiling while breathing rapidly from the strain that his body went under.

  Sarah put a clock in the kitchen a while ago. As she came around to check on him he saw that this scare only took a total of nineteen seconds.

  She put her hand on his left shoulder as she checked him over. “How did you do that?”

  THE PAIN… AHHH!!! Why won’t it stop? Please let it stop! It hurts!!!

  As Kara’s blood mingled with Mark’s she thought she was prepared for the pain to come. She was sorely mistaken. The pain grew so torturous and all consuming of her senses that she couldn’t do anything to truly dull the pain raping her both inside and out. The shaking and screaming only served to let her know they she was still alive and fighting to stay that way. The physical reactions and screaming didn’t serve any other purpose other than that.

  Nothing seemed to ease the burning and needle sharp pain.

  As the virus took hold of her body Kara could actually feel everything shattering and being altered inside of herself. It felt like every nerve cell in her body incessantly fired in pain like scalding hot water clung to her skin and wouldn’t wash away or cool down the slightest of degrees. Pain came from every direction and all at once to only intensify the torture. Not even unconsciousness would take her. Every muscle in her body kept blaring at her like she’s ran a hundred miles in an hour and her endorphins couldn’t and wouldn’t dull the pain. Nothing she had ever experienced before in her life came close to this raw searing torture. Her lungs felt like she was breathing in red hot molten lead and her pounding heart felt like it was pumping the scalding metal throughout her veins and organs in a slow and meandering throb. It was so hard trying to deal with the pain all on her own. She had to focus and remember what Sarah said.

  I need to keep my promise…

  Don’t die! Don’t die! Don’t die! Remember this weekend…

  Suddenly the pain eased slightly. I remember my pledge now. I’m sorry I forgot Sarah. I’ll let you kick me for almost breaking my promise to you…

  Kara knew she needed to focus harder or else allow the pain to take control again. Mom, Brother, Grandma, Granddaddy, Jillian, Mr. Branderson, Sarah and most of all Mark; I’ll pull through. I need to prove that I’m not just a liability to everyone. I need to become stronger so that I can look at everyone else in the face and prove that I can pull my own weight… No stop that Kara. She chastised herself. Sarah said to focus on just one important thing and it will help.

  When Kara finally understood that, the pain became a dull throb in the back of her head. She felt her body relax and her breathing eased, but she didn’t dare open her eyes or else her concentration would shatter instantly.

  Kara focused on the only thing that truly mattered in her life, Mark. She focused on when they were alone recently and he would change in the apartment just for her pleasure. She’s petted all breeds of dogs growing up and his fur was by far the softest and most comfortable to brush her skin up against. His soft and furry ears felt so silky smooth that she would play with them absentmindedly for hours. And when they would watch TV together in his room his musky smell wasn’t appalling, but strangely titillating. Just being around him made her feel that this is where she truly belonged. Kara knew every detail of him in all of his three forms by look and touch alone.

  Her absolute favorite thing about him were his pure silver eyes.

  As she concentrated on his features she could faintly hear the outside world again. First she recognized her brother’s frightened voice. “Mark, she stopped screaming… is she? Do I need to do it again?” He sounded anxious and worried for some reason.

  Kara felt the exact weight of Mark’s head press down on her chest. “No, I can still hear her heart beating strongly and her breathing has calmed. I think she might actually make it.” Then the pressure moved off her breast.

  Well duh I am fighting with everything I’ve got just to be with you. You big dork! Kara shouldn’t have lost her focus thinking that because the torrent of pain came rushing back with a vengeance. She regained control of her body again moments before she shrieked in agony. She went back to picturing Mark’s smile and his chiseled face.

  The pain subsided slowly again and put back in its place.

  For the next ten hours or so complete silence hung heavily in the room. The only thing that made noise in the room was the measured ticking of the wall mounted clock in the kitchen. Kara noticed that the pain started receding, but it was still too painful to stop focusing on other things. She remembered what happened to her brother’s when he received the tattoo on his chest. So Brother, this is how much pain you went through for months after the accident… I’m sorry I even wondered what it felt like to get it done.

  Two hours later she made herself to relax her focusing, testing what would happen. This time she was able to feel her body. Tingling and numbness ruled her like when her legs went to sleep, bu
t the sensation emanated from all over. Her heart rate began to beat more regularly and her lungs felt like breathing in warm air instead of molten lead. Muscles and organs were still tender and noticeable, but they at least still felt attached. It was a good sign on her end. Knowing that the worst seemed over, she experimented and tried to open her eyes.

  Allowing in the tiniest sliver of light in was a blinding mistake. It felt like someone who had their eyes adjusted to night without a moon and then suddenly a sadistic someone turns on the high beams of a car. Her trial didn’t go so well.

  Then she decided to attempt to speak.

  It took a few minutes to find out how to use her voice raw again. Her throat felt not only dry, but strained and severely weakened. Kara remembered that she screamed way too much and this is the side effect. She then wondered just how terrible she looked on the outside if she felt the way she did on the inside. Then she realized why it was too difficult to speak, she still had the piece of wood between her teeth. With her tongue she pushed and forced the bit wood from her lips. Kara managed to finally move her dry lips and tongue to hoarsely and quietly asked “M.a..r…k?”

  Three distinctive sets of feet rush up instantly. It sounded like multiple air horns getting blasted in her ears. She was too weak to cringe. In his worried voice Mark said “I’m right here, Sweetheart.” She could hear someone strong ripping the ropes with their bare hands with a loud snap. Kara knew it could only be her big brother because Mark’s claws would slice through the cords like air. She felt warm hands take hers and she instantly recognized Mark’s specific touch. “I’m here. What do you need?”

  Horsley she said “Wa…water.”

  The authority of Connor’s voice suddenly rang in the silent room. “Sarah, help her sit up slowly and give her some back support. I can tell her muscles are fatigued and weak. I’ll get some warm water for you to drink, Kara.” She wanted to say she wanted it to be cold, but couldn’t say it and she knew her brother had one of his reasons for having to drink warm water.


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