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Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 22

by Lee Morgan

  When the light in her eyes died, she flexed her fingers and tested the sharpness of her clawed index finger on her blue jeans. She poked a single hole in the knee of her jeans; it went through the material like nothing was there.

  Mark started laughing. “Very good, Kara. I think you’ve been paying more attention than I realized. Now to reverse the process, imagine the claws coming back and becoming regular fingernails again. Only hair and feathers can’t be reabsorbed.” As he said it, her eyes lit up again and her claws vanished back to well maintained nails.

  One thing was for sure, she wouldn’t ever need a manicure ever again.

  “That felt weird.” Kara giggled as she looked at her nails. “Hey I wonder if I can…” Kara trailed off as she talked to herself. Her new silver eyes stayed open as she focused again.

  When her eyes started glowing again the bones in her index finger began breaking. She was intently looking at her left hand again. At only the tip of her index finger, Sarah saw her skin moving. The skin wasn’t moving as she first thought. Kara’s skin at the tip of her finger started turning white as something behind it began pushing its way out.

  Suddenly a bone broke through the skin. Pure white and not a single drop of blood was shed as the sharp bone pierced its way out like the miniature horn of a bull. Sarah could hear a specific bone in her finger continuously breaking. And for every crack, the bone grew. It stopped when the bone became three inches long and the tip looked needle thin. She said while smiling “Well what do you know?” Kara touched and caressed the long and exposed bone with her right hand.

  Kara then understood that the room became dead silent. Connor’s mind began instantly reaching into hers. “Sarah, what is she doing?”

  Sarah couldn’t take her eyes off the finger bone. “I haven’t a clue.”

  Just then Mark cautiously stepped closer and sat down next to her. He gently grabbed her left wrist and examined Kara’s ability carefully. When he saw enough he looked up at her. “Kara, you are a Bone Changer.”

  Connor finally broke his silence. “Mark, what is a Bone Changer exactly?”

  When Mark’s silver eyes looked at them he spoke evenly. “Bone Changers are the rarest of our kind. To my knowledge, including Kara, only six Changers have this unique ability. A Bone Changer is the strongest and most adaptable of our race. I can only manipulate my bones to grow wings, change the shape of my teeth or make myself larger, but I cannot push my bones out of my skin. She can even use them outside her body without them dissolving, like making a bone sword. Kara’s bones… I’d bet are three times denser than mine or yours, Buddy. Watch this…” Mark stood and walked over to the box at the front door. He pulled out Tool and walked back. He sat down next to Kara again. “Sweetheart, can you absorb your bone back and make it an even cylinder about four inches long?”

  Kara nodded then absorbed her bone back in her finger and pushed a four inch cylinder back out. She then grabbed the base of her finger with her right hand as Mark grabbed the tip. “Right now Kara’s bone is pound for pound stronger than steel.” Mark took Tool’s hatchet side and dropped it directly across the cylinder. Knowing that Connor keeps Tool razor sharp made this demonstration all the more understandable.

  When the blade struck the white bone Sarah expected it to slice right through or at least make it chip. It did the opposite and bounced right off like hitting another surface of steel. Kara’s new reflexes caught the multipurpose item before it connected with the ground. Mark showed where the blade struck and there wasn’t even a scratch. “Right now Kara has more potential than I do.”

  She reabsorbed the bone back and started rubbing his back as he shook his head in wonder. “Honey, don’t worry about it. By the way I have a personal question.” Mark looked at her again. She grinned while asking “Can I also make my breasts larger too?”

  Connor finally started laughing, bringing Sarah into the mix. Mark spoke after they settled down “What is wrong with you May siblings. The two of you are something else.” He then looked at Kara seriously. “You died and Connor brought you back. This has never happened before. Also you wind up to be a Bone Changer.” Then he spoke to Connor. “And you are something completely unheard of. No Balancer has ever been able to manipulate all five elements, let alone harness the power of lightning. I’ve never heard of that before.”

  Connor’s piercing hazel eyes held Sarah. “Is that true?” His tone gentle.

  “I wasn’t sure, but I had my suspicions.” She said in total honesty.

  Connor turned his piercing eyes back to his best friend. “What else am I unaware of that you have figured out?”

  Mark shied back from his fierce gaze as did Kara. “When you do something else out of the ordinary, I’ll let you know then.”

  The room grew silent until Kara stood and started toward the door.

  Sarah asked “Where are you going?”

  Kara turned her head and smiled. “Its morning and I’ve become a Changer. Jillian and Mr. Branderson are probably waiting for us at the training grounds right now. Plus I want to finally be a participant and fight too.” She smiled as she reached for the doorknob.

  “She’s right. Plus, I also wanted to test myself out too after I became a Balancer. It’s only natural to test your limits. Let’s go wild.” Connor telepathically said. He grabbed Tool off the table and holstered it at his hip. Sarah felt a little apprehensive, but more excited than anything. Connor said aloud “Bud, let’s see what she’s got.” He sounded excited and the bond collaborated her assessment.

  Kara opened the door and sprinted out. Sarah followed first, then Mark followed before Connor as she heard the door slam shut behind her.

  Sarah caught up to Kara quickly and saw that she was testing her new speed as she ran. Connor’s longer strides allowed him to catch up without seeming to try. Soon Mark showed up in his wolf form, running on all fours. Mark’s shirt disappeared, but her husband’s borrowed pants were now ruined. Mark’s tail made a new hole in the backside. Kara giggled as she ran. “This is great. I feel like I’ll never get tired…”

  Mark’s animalistic voice said “As long as you have enough stored nutrition, you never will.” Kara giggled and he barked a laugh.

  On Sarah’s right, Connor challenged “Race Ya, Bud!”

  Suddenly Connor scooped Sarah into his arms and instantly picked up his pace. She squeaked at his suddenness. She then heard Kara yell “Giddy up!” Sarah turned her head just enough to see over Connor’s shoulder.

  Kara mounted atop Mark. She was situated on his back and he charged at his fastest, in his wolf form. It was a hysterical sight.

  Mark and Connor were neck and neck and they finished in a tie, two minutes later. They both were breathing deep and slow like trained athletes, but these two were so much more than your usual competitors.

  As Connor sat Sarah down Kara slid off Mark’s back. He reared on his back legs and both of their men bumped fists. Kara stood next to Sarah as she saw a small red flash out of the corner of her eye.

  Kara closed her eyes as Jillian became the first to greet them. “Hey kids, how was the weekend.”

  Connor said “Informative.” while Mark said “Shocking.”

  Jillian looked at them confused. Sarah whispered in Kara’s ear. “Show Mother the new you, little sister.” Kara grinned, but kept her eyes closed.

  Kara took a few steps forward until Jillian acknowledged her. “Hey Kara, You’re looking as beautiful as ever… Why are your eyes closed?” Sarah walked to the side so she could see both of them clearly.

  The moment Kara opened her eyes, Jillian’s golden eyes widened. She was completely speechless for over a minute. Jack showed up and stood beside Sarah, wearing a smile while rolling Haunt back and forth across his right shoulder. She saw that his azure eyes were smiling at his mate’s reaction. Finally Jillian spoke and also sounded suddenly breathless. “Y…You’re a Changer… You survived…” Her voice became stronger and more animated as she looked at the newest im
mortal, but was still hard to understand. “When… How…?”

  Kara stood proud, even if she was only as tall as Jillian. “Yes, I am now a Changer. But I didn’t do it all by myself.” She sighed slightly. “My heart stopped during the change, but Brother managed to save me by using electricity to somehow jumpstart my heart again.”

  Both of the Branderson’s turned as one to him. They simultaneously asked “How did you revive her?”

  Connor looked at Sarah with his hazel eyes questioningly. He started scratching his head as she shrugged her shoulders. He sighed while looking at her parents who now started walking up to him. He said clearly “Ok, I’ll demonstrate for you, but it consumes a massive amount of my energy.”

  Jack put in “If it’s energy you need, I can give you mine.”

  Connor shook his head. “Jack, the amount of energy it consumes would drain every drop of energy both you and Jillian have stored in a single second.” Jack’s jaw dropped, he involuntarily stepped back slowly as Sarah’s mate’s predatory eyes zeroed in on him. “Ok, everyone step back.”

  Mark growled at her parents. “That’s not far enough. I’ve received a single jolt from him and he floored me instantly. It wasn’t a pleasant experience, trust me. It’s worse than sticking a key in an electric outlet.” Mark walked next to Sarah as she stood ten yards away. Kara skipped to his side and interlaced her fingers in his furry clawed fingers. Sarah’s parents took the hint and stood over by Kara’s side.

  Connor closed his eyes to focus and his body began to glow. The first time Sarah felt him yesterday using so much energy, it actually scared her. When he opened his focused eyes she saw the energy flowing into each of his hands that were at his sides. When only his hands were glowing he brought them forward. Suddenly arcs of blue electricity started jumping across his palms. It was so bright that all she could see were the afterimage from the bolts. After a few seconds of the shocking display, he stopped the show.

  He started falling forward, but Sarah moved faster.

  She remembered yesterday and how much of a price needed to be paid.

  Even though he was bigger and weighed two hundred and forty pounds, when she caught his chest on her back he felt as light as a feather. Sarah was prepared to catch him because of yesterday and she was correct in his falling. Connor whispered in her ear and the sensation he gave her felt like the lightning he displayed. “So, is it my turn to be carried this morning?” He kissed her cheek with soft lips.

  Sarah turned her head and said “You’re not the only strong one in our household.” He laughed when she grabbed his overly muscled legs and stood up easily, carrying his entire weight on her back.

  She looked over at the group and guessed they stared directly into the light and were temporarily blinded. The first one to speak said “Brother! Are you alright?” Kara rubbed her eyes and tried to approach.

  “Yes, yes. I’ll be fine, but I will need to rest for awhile.” Connor said over Sarah’s shoulder as his arms wrapped across her shoulders and breasts.

  Then Mark could see again, followed by her parents as she took Connor over to the shady spot that they usually rested at. As Sarah eased him on the ground she walked around him and put her hands over his bare back. She closed her eyes and called forth her stored power. Then she directed the flow of pure energy through her hands and into Connor’s back. Her parents soon arrived with Kara and Mark. Jack spoke in shocked awe. “Connor, I keep getting amazed by you.”

  Kara stepped away from Mark and knelt on her right knee a few feet in front of Connor. She wore a soft smile on her happy expression. “Brother, thank you.”

  “For what, Kara?” Connor asked as Sarah still trickled energy into him.

  “For being smart and strong enough to give me another chance at this life. No one could have done what you did, I know that now. How can I make it up to you?” Her tone and body language said she sincerely meant every word.

  Kara stood up again as Mark stepped behind her, casting a shadow all around her. Connor finally said “If you mean that, then I want to see what you’ve got.” When he felt well enough after another minute of her pushing in energy, he finally stood up proud and tall. Sarah removed her hands from his godlike back muscles. Connor looked over at Sarah’s mother. “Jillian, can I request your services to see how far my sister has advanced since her ascension?”

  Sarah stood by Connor’s side as her mother became suddenly more excited. “I think I can do that.” She looked at Kara and asked “I see you didn’t bring your bow with you. What would you like to do?”

  “Mark said that I’m not at my peak yet because I haven’t the necessary reserves. So I can’t do a full transformation yet. I would like though if we could do a little hand to hand combat, but no powers. Could we do that?” Kara asked.

  Jillian looked over Kara carefully with her golden eyes. “Alright, let’s see what you’ve got, Child.”

  As Sarah’s mother and sister-in-law walked away from the group together, Jack walked closer to Connor. He stopped about three feet away and looked Connor in the eye with a gentle expression. Speaking casually he said “Son, I have seen much in my time, but you put everything else I’ve witnessed into second place. I can see in your eyes and how much energy you used and that you are still recovering from that lightning demonstration.” Jack held his right hand out. “Take this.” He said softly.

  Jack reached forward and took Connor’s right hand cautiously. Then Sarah sensed her father gathering his energy and he poured it into Connor’s hand. As her silver haired father continued transferring energy Connor said “Jack, the reason the lightning was so draining was because it is the most powerful force on this planet. The hardest part was keeping the arcs from striking in wrong directions. If I didn’t contain it, my home would be burned down by now or it could have shocked someone I care about.” Jack studied Connor’s expression and understood, to a degree, the dangers of using such a powerful ability.

  When Jack released Connor’s hand and stopped his energy Sarah entered her mate’s mind. It really is like being encompassed by the sun. He’s the true core of her universe. “You’re looking much better, my husband.”

  As she wrapped an arm around his left arm he gently looked down at her. “And you have kept getting more and more beautiful, wife. The more I see of you, the more love I feel.” Her heart started racing at his romantic side. He looked forward saying “Isn’t that a wonderful sight?”

  Sarah looked from his face to where Kara and Jillian were sparring. “Yes, it is. Even though your sister is still losing to the experience of my mother, it’s good to still see her alive and fighting. She has a lot to learn, but Kara is with those that love her and will guide her in all this.”

  “Don’t forget me.” She turned her eyes towards his. Those piercing hazel eyes were alight with anticipation. “I’ve only been a Balancer for a few months. I still need some help and guidance.”

  Squeezing his arm tightly she thought “You’ll never be alone with me as your mate.” Connor smiled and kissed her on the forehead and that shocking sensation shot through her again and goose bumps arose over her entire body. As he pulled away Sarah arched one eyebrow at him. “I’ll always be your Guide.”

  Her husband started laughing until Mark’s massive head turned towards them. Connor shook his head letting Mark know that it was nothing. “Thanks a lot for that, Princess.” She grinned up at him.

  Soon the two combatants returned to the spectators. Kara was rubbing her left arm at the shoulder’s and biceps. Sarah missed the fight because she focused on her love’s condition. She asked “What happened? Who won?”

  Kara’s silver eyes zeroed in on Sarah’s with relief and joy. In her perky and quick voice she stated “Sarah, Jillian won, but I gave her a run for her money. Even though I’m hurt, it was still a total rush.”

  Mark’s massive form walked up to her. He knelt on one knee as he inspected her shoulder with his eyes only. In his deep voice he said “It’s only a muscle
sprain, it should be easy enough for you to fix with your stored levels.” He stood up again on his clawed feet.

  Kara looked up at him questioningly. “You mean I don’t have to hurt like this anymore?”

  Sarah let go of Connor’s muscled arm as Mark started laughing. She was a few feet away because she wanted to see the before and after of Kara’s arm. I can’t wait to see this!

  Kara’s hair had recently been finger brushed because the battle must have been wild. Her pink shirt and jeans were a little dirty. Looks like someone was forced to roll in the dirt. Sarah saw that her mother’s bikini and shorts were also a little dirty, but that meant Kara pushed Jillian to her limit too.

  When Mark settled down he calmly instructed “Kara, when it come to being a Changer there is one important thing that you need to know.” He leaned his head closer and his muzzle was a foot away from her face. “Between Balancers and Changers, our bodies are superior. We are faster and stronger and we can regenerate in the blink of an eye.” Mark raised up to his fill height and turned to look at Connor. “You and Sarah are not included because I’ve never met a Balancer who could beat me in a straight up fight.”

  From behind a voice exclaimed “HEY!” Sarah turned around to see her mother looking upset. “Mark, are you saying that Changers are better than Balancers?” Her hands were on her hips and her golden eyes were ablaze with fury.

  “No Jillian. If you heard me correctly, I said that our bodies are better. I’ve known Changers who’ve been incinerated alive by a Fire Balancer or been crushed to death by a Terra Balancer. In hand to hand we are superior, but in power and range your race triumphs.” Jillian became satisfied and apologized for her little outburst.

  A big and warm hand touched Sarah’s shoulder and she instantly knew to whom it belonged to. She knew he stood behind her and she leaned back against his chest and abs. Mark then looked down at Kara to begin her lecture. “Remember this morning when I told you about imagining your body in your mind’s eye…? Good. Now, focus on your injured spot and make your muscles repair themselves.”


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