Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 27

by Lee Morgan

  “Yes, I do remember.” Her voice sounded as sweet as ever.

  “Well when I went back to the apartment after our duel, Mark made me eat throughout the entire day and most of the night. I think I’ve eaten a month’s amount of food all in a day. Anyway, he said I’m now ready to attempt a full body transformation because my weight is now sufficient. I passed two hundred and twenty pounds. He picked this up for me early this morning.” Kara smiled as she unzipped her jacket. As she took it off everyone noticed that she had on a light brown leather sports bra covering her chest. What seemed odd was that it looked like it could stretch. It clicked in Connor’s mind that she would need something that could stretch along with her changes and still cover her chest. Kara then took off her shoes and pants to reveal a matching pair of loose leather pants. She spun for all of them and they noticed that she had a tail flap just like Mark’s leather pants. She struck a modeling pose by placing one hand on her hip and the other by her head as she arched her back. “What do you think?”

  Jillian whistled with her fingers and saying “Sexy woman coming through.” And everyone started laughing along with Jillian and her spirit sister’s antics.

  When all settled down, Kara took a deep breath. “Alright everyone… This will be my first complete transformation.” The five of them stood together and a few yards away as they watched as Kara’s eyes began to glow brightly.

  The first thing Connor heard were the fractures from her bones resonating through the air. Her legs then began growing and becoming slightly longer. Her height stopped when the top of her head would have reached his nose level. Kara’s chest remodeled only slightly from a flat sternum to a barreled shape. Then her opaque claws grew on both her fingers and toes. The bones snapping in her face sounded painful, but she wasn’t in any pain. Her mouth began elongating and shaping into a muzzle, when she opened her mouth they saw that her tongue also grew. Her human teeth then began remodeling, becoming razor sharp. His sister’s rounded ears on the side of her head were now remodeled into points. The last part of her transformation was when all of the hair over her body began growing and became a soft pelt of sandy blonde fur. The hair on the back of her head grew from shoulder length to below her shoulder blades. Finally her fur started fusing together and became a solid armor. She successfully made a perfect transformation that was very similar to Mark’s.

  When her eyes finished glowing she brought forth her clawed and armored hand to look at. Kara’s bottom jaw dropped as she first spoke. “This feels so…” Both of her hands came up to her muzzle. Her voice now became animalistic, but still held an air of femininity behind the tone. “So this is what I now sound like.” Her silver eyes widened as she just thought of something. With both of her hands, she grabbed her backside. “Oh my…” She said softly. She turned her head to look behind her, but she took a step to her side and Connor saw what she held. Her new tail was long and furry unlike the rest of her sandy blonde armor.

  Mark walked up to her first and studied her first full transformation; he was slightly shorter than she was now as he walked completely around her. “Marvelous work, Sweetheart. You’ve added the correct amount of vertebrae to make that tail. Your armor remains flexible without sacrificing integrity… You look like a slightly smaller version of me.” He stopped and stared at an intimate spot on her chest. “But I don’t have a pair of these.”

  She looked down and showed a toothy grin. “Cool, I can make them bigger!” She started barking a laugh, but stopped after moment when she heard herself. She then remembered where she was and looked at the four other immortals as they struggled not to laugh. Kara released her tail and tried hiding it. She spoke as softly as she could in her new form. Her silver, almond shaped pupils tuned in their direction and asked “Well, how do I look?”

  Connor entered Sarah’s, Jack’s and Jillian’s minds all at the same time to announce “I’ve got this.” He walked away from them and toward his sister. “Hmm…” He looked directly into her new silver eyes that had become slit, like a feline. “Well, you’ve upgraded from a Jack Rustle Terrier go a Golden Retriever.”

  Her eyes went wide in shock and surprise. Behind him Connor could hear the three laughing hard. She caught the mood and said “Bite me!” She then smiled with her new and menacing teeth. “Better yet, how about I bite you!”

  He took off running and laughing at the same time.

  Kara tried scrambling after her big brother, but literally fell short.

  As Sarah’s laughing mate ran away, Kara took one step forward and lost her balance. She used her clawed hands to brace the fall before she went face first into the ground. She didn’t understand what just happened. Kara struggled to get back on her hind legs, but it was a difficult struggle. Finally erect, she saw that Connor remained laughing as he stood over two hundred yards away.

  Kara turned her head towards Mark. “Why did I fall? I didn’t trip over anything, did I?”

  Mark raked his fingers through his spiky hair. “Sweetheart, when you transformed, your center of gravity shifted up higher than you’re used to. I can’t even run in my wolf form standing on my back legs, but I can if I ran on all fours. Your tail is the only thing keeping you erect when you stand or walk. And maybe you’re unaccustomed to your new height as well.” He just gave Kara the answer to her problem. He basically told her that she should run to catch Connor.

  Kara grinned and dropped back to her hands. “Brother, here comes the big bad and blonde wolf.” She looked down at her clawed feet and hands. Kara took a trying step forward with her right hand and left leg and slowly learned how to walk. Then she tried sprinting toward Connor. Connor smiled as she stumbled in her strides. It was like watching a foal learn to walk.

  When his sister got within striking range she leapt at him with open arms. Connor then sidestepped and as she passed, he caught her midsection and carried her back. Kara struggled, but made sure that she didn’t cut or lacerate her brother’s back. When Connor came within hearing range he said. “She did well on her first walk. Now would anyone like to help her to refine her gait?”

  “I’ll do it.” Everyone became shocked when Jack offered up his services. “I need a good run before I fight you, Son.”

  Connor rolled his shoulder and he sat Kara down on her haunches. She looked up at him as she smiled with her new teeth. “How’d I do?”

  “Good girl!” Connor said patting his little sister’s head. She then nipped playfully at his hand and the two siblings started laughing.

  Jack started at a normal human jog as he ran beside Kara. In about five minutes her strides became sharper and more fluid. Then he gradually picked up the pace and Kara soon mastered those steps. Kara missed a stride once and just before she hit the ground, Jack caught her with one hand and waited until she found her footing.

  About thirty minutes later, Kara had nearly mastered her new form as she ran. Her moves were lithe and refined. Jack then made a sharp turn in the group’s direction and Kara followed closely.

  Sarah sat comfortably in her mate’s firm lap as they all watched the two runners stop within a few feet of the group. Her father was just beginning to break a sweat and Kara was breathing deeply because she’s still not used to all of this. Jack looked down at her with his rare azure eyes and said “I think she’s ready for you now, Sarah.”

  From the look in Kara’s eye, she was ready for it as well.

  Sarah stood up from Connor’s lap and looked down at her sister-in-law as she just sat on her haunches trying to recover her breath. When her hot breath evened out, she asked “Ready?” and Kara nodded.

  Jillian also stood and walked with the two of them, per Connor’s request. Sarah spun on her heels when she felt that this spot was sufficient for the match.

  Jillian stood off to the side and was close enough to interfere if the need arose. Kara stood fifty yards away and had her head low to the ground and her back legs bunched up as she prepared to strike. Her ears were both swiveled towards Sarah’s direc
tion and she could see Kara’s breath as it was strong enough to move the loose dirt on the ground.

  Before Jillian raised her hand Sarah pulled the dagger from her hip and held it in the left hand. Connor taught her how to hold a dagger properly one night before they went to sleep. He revealed how the blade should always be pointing away from the wielder’s thumb, unless they were cooking. He was right. Holding it this way is not only more comfortable, but she could damage an opponent and reduce hurting herself at the same time. When Sarah took a fighting stance, Jillian dropped her arm saying “Begin!”

  Kara didn’t waste any time as she sprang and entered a sprint in Sarah’s direction. She stepped back as Kara slashed the air with her left claw, missing her mark. Sarah easily leapt forward and used her sharp dagger to graze Kara’s exposed left shoulder. Her armor of fused hair repelled the attack and barely cut into the armor a millimeter. Sarah sidestepped knowing that Kara might serve a counter attack. Instead she stopped and turned her head to look at the miniscule amount of damage that had been inflicted. “That actually worked! Not any damage at all.” She said while grinning at Sarah.

  Normally the only way to cause any real harm to a Changer is to use elemental or an immortal’s speed and strength. This wasn’t about hurting Kara, but to teach her survival skills in combat. Sarah looked into her catlike eyes and said “Kara, if that was an elemental attack from an average Balancer, with no battle experience, you would be dead right now.” Sarah spoke evenly and watch her silver eyes widen. “Now that you understand the reason for all this; Focus! You are a Changer, use your gifts of speed, weight and strength to your advantage. Otherwise you’re wasting my time and yours because in a situation like this your head would no longer be attached. COME!” Kara quickly renewed her attack.

  This time Kara leapt into the air and spread her arms out wide. With her claws facing forward she tried doing a cross-slash on the opponent’s sternum. As her claws came around, Sarah stepped in, much to everyone’s surprise. Her claws had no effect now that Sarah entered within her defenses. Sarah dropped to her back and placed both feet on her opponents abdomen. She used Kara’s forward momentum and her legs to throw the young Changer into an unstable launch. Sarah jumped back onto her feet just before Kara landed. She landed heavily on her back, but didn’t make any painful sounds one would normally hear from impacting the ground. Kara remained still for only a moment before she rolled onto her side and met Sarah’s calculating gaze. “My armor took all the damage. That didn’t hurt whatsoever.” Kara said mockingly.

  “This is a fight. You can talk when I’m the one who get’s floored over here.” Sarah ran at her as she got the message that this could one day become a real life or death situation. She learned to quickly find her footing moments before the blade met her body again.

  Time seemed to pass quickly until Connor firmly yelled “That’s fifteen minutes ladies, times up!”

  Jillian didn’t need to step in the first time and Sarah knew that Kara really did understand the lesson from yesterday. Kara was almost panting and she did put up a good fight, but she didn’t land a single blow on her sister-in-law.

  Kara pushed herself on her hind legs and struggled as she tried finding her balance to walk upright. Once she did the sandy blonde, wolfish Changer carefully placed each step as she walked back to the shady area.

  Once they women made it back, their men were all telling Kara that she did great for her first time and soon they’d develop a training regimen for her in the days to come. Sarah was getting a little jealous from all the attention Kara was receiving until she remembered something. The first time she fought with mother she lost, and she herself had three hundred years more experience than Kara. For her age and experience Kara really did remarkably well out there.

  After a few more minutes, Kara decided to change back to normal. Her eyes began glowing again and soon she was back to her ordinary looks. As she brushed off all of her fur she walked behind the woods for some reason. A minute later she returned to the group and sat down in the grass and against a pine tree. She had to get out the fur from under her leather top.

  Connor regained Sarah’s attention as he spoke to Mark. “I need an aerial combat expert; interested?”

  Mark’s answered with a smile and glowing pupils. He started stepping back and stopped about ten feet away from the group. Soon he grew into a black wolf with black wings which he calls the form, Fwen. His coat became a solid sheen of fused fur and from fighting Kara Sarah knew it is very sturdy in battle.

  While Mark stretched his wings, Connor walked up to his love. “Princess, will you please hold on to these for me?” He pulled Tool out of his belt and dug his cell phone out of his pocket.

  She took them off his hands and hooked Tool to her other hip and shoved the Cell into a pocket. Connor then smiled his playful smile at her and immediately took off his shirt. Her hand moved automatically to grab his black shirt while her eyes were glued indecently to his chest. The solid black crossed tattoo that was seared into his sternum is the perfect contrast to his rippling and bulging muscles of perfect proportions. She was instantly and forever entranced by the way his godlike muscles moved as he and Mark walked out into the sunlight. She needed to learn some restraint, but didn’t want to even dream about getting used to them.

  While Connor started summoning his energy forth Sarah took a few steps back only a second before he shot off into the sky. The dust and loose sand made his shockwave all the more dramatic. Then Mark extended his massive wings and with one powerful flap, joined her mate in the air.

  “Sarah, sit down and get some rest. That was a long fight with Kara.” Jack said as he put a hand over her shoulder. She took his advice and sat next to Kara and leaned against the trunk of a tree.

  As Sarah made herself comfortable against the rough bark just as the two powerful men began their aerial match.

  Just above the tree tops, Connor initiated the attack. Her muscle bound mate leaned forward in the air and a surge of power began emanating from him. That sudden and immense burst of energy propelled him faster than he could ever run normally on the ground.

  Mark’s wings were just as fast. With a sudden beat of his wings, Mark corkscrewed to the left and avoided the initial body blow. Then Connor flipped midair and changed direction faster than anyone could blink. He was like an experienced swimmer flipping in the water and used the wall of a pool to propel the swimmer in the opposite direction. Mark also noted Connor’s remarkable aerial acrobatics, but for a different reason altogether. This was a fight that would push their evasiveness to a whole new level that none have ever seen before. Mark rapidly beat his enormous wings and gained altitude just as quickly as her husband. With her mate right on his heels, Mark tucked in one wing and changed direction. Connor eventually caught Mark’s long tail and violently threw him higher into the sky. Connor didn’t move from his position as Mark struggled to regain flight stability. Then the Fwen opened its impressive wings and leveled out. When Mark looked down, he saw that Connor was just floating in the same position, waiting.

  This time Mark went on the offensive with a roar.

  As Mark tucked in his wings and dive bombed Connor, the cell phone went off in Sarah’s pocket. She struggled to free the phone out of her pocket while it still rang. She achieved victory when she stood up and retrieved it. Pressing the accept button she said “Hello, this is Sarah.”

  A familiar, husky voice came across the phone. “Hello Mrs. May. It’s Deputy Burrow. May I speak with Connor please? Is he close by?” His voice sounded restrained and he didn’t sound like his happy and cheerful self either.

  Something happened...

  Knowing something was up she said “Sure, let me go outside and get him.”

  Jillian, Jack and Kara were standing along with her. Their faces were searching for an answer. Sarah held her hand over the mouthpiece to cover her yell. “CONNOR! The call is for you. It’s Deputy Burrow!”

  The dog fight came to an abrupt halt
when they heard her call. They released their hands from each other’s because they were having a, who’s stronger, match.

  Both Mark and Connor dropped to the ground, face first using the full speed of gravity. Connor flipped again, making his feet become aimed at the ground and then used Pressure to shoot from his feet just before landing. He landed hard and blew dust in every direction, but so did Mark. He kept his wings tucked tight against his body and his arms and legs were streamlining his form. Just before impacting with the ground he unfurled his wings and landed on all fours. His extraordinary weight made the ground show four new small holes as it took the brunt of the impact from his paws. Together their noise level was no more than a gust of wind ruffling tree leaves loudly. As Connor walked closer to everyone she crossed a finger over her lips as a sign for everyone to remain quiet.

  Sarah took her hand off the mouthpiece when Connor coolly asked “Who is it again?” he and the others were all playing along perfectly.

  “It’s Deputy Burrow.” She then entered Connor’s mind. “He sounds worried about something.” Connor’s hazel eyes narrowed and his facial expressions became serious. “Can I listen to the conversation?”

  “That’s fine by me.” Handing Connor the phone, he answered casually. “Hello Deputy, what can I do for you today?”

  “I need to call in your favor, Connor. I just got a call from another county about a missing little girl.” The deputy said seriously and clearly.

  “Ok, where did she go missing, how long ago did she vanish and has anyone found her trail?” He said and Sarah saw everyone around Connor staring intently at him. Kara’s eyes began glowing and her ears began to grow and both of Mark’s ears focused entirely on his best friend. They were both listening in on the conversation as well.

  “She has been presumed missing for over eleven hours and the little girl lives in a secluded house with her grandparents up in the mountains. No, they haven’t found any traces of her, but they do know that she wasn’t kidnapped. That is the only piece of news that gives us hope that she’s simply lost. Apparently there are many dangerous and wild animals. They are calling everyone within the vicinity. Can I count on your help?”


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