Suddenly Begins

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Suddenly Begins Page 10

by J. A. Low

  “I think you still seem a little flushed, best we take off these.” I help her with her boots. “And these…” I pull her leggings off, but leave her underwear there for the moment, teasing my bride-to-be.

  “I think you might be a little over dressed yourself,” she says as her hands reach for the buckle of my belt.

  “I think you’re right, Angel, let me quickly amend that for you.” I kick off my boots, socks and quickly pull my jeans off, my heavy dick pushing against the tight briefs. Vanessa’s eyes travel to the very spot that is throbbing with need, she licks her lips and my cock throbs even more under her weighty stare. “This must go.” I pull the long sleeve T-shirt off over her head, mine joining hers on the floor. I sit back on my knees and take in my gorgeous wife, the glow from the fire illuminating her tanned skin beautifully, those jade eyes sparkling with desire and love. Her body is relaxed pressed against the cushions, I watch as her chest rises and roam my eyes further down her body, over the white cotton underwear she is wearing, over the new curve of her belly. My hand reaches out and touches it. “I can’t wait until this starts growing.” She gives me a yeah right look. “No, babe, knowing that you are carrying our babies inside of you is the most magical thing I have ever seen, I can’t wait to see these babies grow bigger every day. I know that I am not going through it physically, but seeing it from this side, waiting for the day I can feel them moving around is the most amazing gift anyone could ever give me.” My emotions bubble to the surface just like every time I think about our babies, it’s an overwhelming feeling of pride, nervousness and awe.

  “Me too, I am kind of excited to see my belly change, just like it did for Sienna. I loved her belly. I know I am going to complain a lot about it because I’m sure it’s going to be uncomfortable, and I have two of them inside me, but still I think it’s kind of amazing.”

  I gently kiss her belly. “I am the luckiest man in the world.” My kisses start to trail over her body moving from their original destination. Vanessa lets out a small purr of appreciation as I move around her body, over the new curves of her breasts, down her arms giving her goosebumps, over her hip bone, along the edge of her cotton underwear, teasing her, enjoying her squirm beneath my lips. I make my way back up her body, which is warm from the blazing fire, my lips trailing up the sensitive curve of her neck until I reach her perfect lips, ready for me. My whole body is pressed against her; I wrap my arms around her and roll onto my back. She lets out a moan. I pull a cushion from my side and place it under my head, my hands move to her hips as she moves our underwear covered bits against each other. It feels just like high school, fooling around with your underwear on. Vanessa moves herself against me, pressing herself harder against my needy dick. Whatever she needs, I am happy to oblige. Her hands find the band of my boxer briefs and pulls them down before she wraps them around my throbbing length. A hiss falls from my lips as she starts stroking me with her perfect rhythm.

  “Babe, please,” I start to beg, because she is too good at stroking me. “I need…” I let out a groan as her mouth wraps around my dick. “I need…to be inside you,” I gasp as her mouth works its magic. She just chuckles around my dick which vibrates through my bones. “I mean it, Ness, I. Need. To. Be. Inside. Of. You.” I push her off my aching cock and she just gives me a satisfied smirk. I watch as she pulls her white underwear to the side and positions herself over me sinking down on my cock. “Yes,” we both hiss as I fill her. We both stay still enjoying that first contact of us together before I start moving inside of her. Feeling her wet heat all around me is the best feeling in the world. I watch as Vanessa’s hands travel over her body as she rides me. Her hands trail over her breasts giving her nipples a couple of quick tweaks, not for herself as she can’t feel them since her surgery, but for my visual pleasure. Her teeth sink into her bottom lip as I press myself into her deeper, my fingers digging into her hips as I try and reach the places I know will make her moan. Vanessa matches my rhythm and presses herself into me, her hands falling to my shoulders so she can hang on, those nails digging into my fleshy skin, as my rhythm increases.

  “Yes, oh fucking yes,” she moans as I feel myself hit the spot that gets her going. “There, just there, please…” She begs, chasing her orgasm, the ones that are becoming more intense with her pregnancy. Her nails dig in more, urging me on, urging me to take her over that edge. I am frantic with need now as I try and give my wife the pleasure she is craving. And there it is, the silent ‘O’ that forms on her mouth when I have hit the perfect sensitive spot enough times to get her over. I feel the spasm of her around me, the clenching of her pussy, the perfect sign letting me know I have hit the jackpot, the same one that starts my balls tingling, my dick throbbing even harder until I am coming myself. My hands grip her harder, my whole body tingling with white heat and floating in pure ecstasy. Vanessa’s lifeless body falls against my chest as she nuzzles into my neck.

  “I love you, Christian.”

  “I love you too, V.”

  The lull of jet lag making us both fall asleep, contented and sated against the warm of the fire.

  Sebastien had put on an amazing dinner; I mean the man is one of the world’s best chef’s so I guess we couldn’t expect anything less. The boys have retreated to the games room where they are playing pool and drinking whiskey or some boy stuff like that. Our parents have either gone to bed, not used to the jet lag, or are chilling out in the library, and us girls are in the parlor room roasting marshmallows around the fire place, sipping hot chocolate and dressed in our pajamas because fuck it, it’s snowing outside, and I am pregnant and want to be comfortable. All the girls and Derrick are huddled on the plush sofas watching the snow fall.

  “I still can’t believe it,” Derrick says to Camryn. It’s the first time we have seen her since the bombshell about Harris.

  “You and me both.” Camryn gives him a weak smile.

  “And he seriously had no idea you were organizing it?” Sienna asks.

  Camryn shakes her head.

  “His father had set it all up,” Kimberly adds. “Camryn has been busy with organizing your wedding and other things, so I took the initial call. If I had known, I would never ever have done it.” I can see that Kimberly feels awful that she didn’t know Harris’ family was setting Camryn up. It’s a pretty low act.

  “At least it was the talk of the town for being the best engagement party of the year.” She smiles weakly. “So I guess it kind of backfired because we are getting so much business off his engagement party.”

  “Karma,” Isla adds.

  “I know it might be too soon, but what eligible bachelors are coming to this wedding?” Derrick asks. Of course he is always matchmaking.

  “Derrick…” Camryn rolls her eyes at him.

  “I’m sorry, Cammie, but I want to know, it’s not all about you,” Kimberly butts in as she nudges her friend which makes her laugh, a proper laugh.

  “We have the Sons of Brooklyn boys,” Derrick rattles off.

  “Except Blake,” Charlotte whispers.

  “Yes, yes, sweetie he’s all yours.” Derrick smiles. “And we only have Axel left in Dirty Texas, but then again, if the serious fuck me eyes he was throwing Olivia’s way was any indication, then probably not.”

  Olivia stays quiet but she is most definitely blushing.

  “What about Nate, you know you would be in for a good time with him, I bet he is kinky as fuck,” Derrick adds.

  “I bet he’s a playboy, he looks like one,” Sienna adds.

  We all nod in agreement; I guess if you own sex clubs around the world then you are getting sex on tap.

  “The California Bros. boys are coming as well,” Isla adds.

  “So they will all be free, unless Isla is hooking up with Wes on the sly.” Derrick looks at Isla, who stays quiet.

  “Wait…” Derrick picks up on her non communication. “You’ve told us that nothing has happened between Wes and you?”

  “You know I am a hot mes

  “Isla.” Derrick’s voice lowers. “What is going on?”

  “Fine, but I was never going to tell you guys because…well because of your interrogations.”

  “But I thought you didn’t like Wes like that?” I ask, because keeping up with Isla’s love life is so damn confusing.

  “I don’t, but I can still appreciate a hot as fuck guy, plus we are friends.”

  “Friends who obviously fuck,” Derrick adds.

  Isla rolls her eyes at him. “True, we have just taken our friendship to a different level.”

  “But why?” Sienna asks, equally invested in this soap opera as the rest of us.

  “We got drunk one night and one thing led to another.”

  “Issy, you are not telling us all the juicy stuff,” Derrick adds.

  “Fine, he had just broken up with this skank he was seeing, she worked in his bar, I told him it was a stupid idea to hook up with his staff, but you know men, they are mesmerized by boobs.” We all nod in agreement. “Anyway, he caught her stealing from the till, he also found out she had a boyfriend who she liked to bang on the bar after hours.”

  “That sucks,” Ivy, Camryn’s sister, adds.

  “Sure does, he came over and told me all about it and I decided I would cheer him up.”

  “By using your pussy, good idea,” Derrick laughs.

  “It wasn’t like that.” Isla makes a face at Derrick. “We just got drunk, and one thing lead to another and we slept together.”

  “Finn, is going to be pissed if he finds out,” Stacey tells her.

  “Whatever, remember I am on a Finn detox, so it doesn’t matter.”

  “Seriously, Isla, how the hell do you get yourself into such predicaments?” I ask her.

  Her shoulders sag. “I know; I am a hot mess. I’m kind of a disaster and I have no idea why?”

  We all burst out laughing at her.

  “Um, it starts and ends with your feelings for Finn,” Stacey tells her.

  “I know he’s an idiot, but I think for some reason it’s a routine between us, the sneaking around, me always being there for him, him always being there for me. The secret glances across the room, maybe if we ever did take it to the next level it wouldn’t work because we enjoy the sneaking around,” Isla let’s out a gasp. “Did I just Dr. Phil myself.” We all burst out laughing again at her. “I love being your source of entertainment, guys,” she huffs.

  “Maybe it’s time for a change,” Charlotte tells her. “Like moving out of the home you share with Oscar.”

  “I haven’t really lived on my own,” Isla responds.

  “Maybe a new job as well,” Charlotte suggests.

  Isla stills. “You mean leave Dirty Texas?” she questions her.

  “Yeah, you have worked there your whole entire adult life. You are with them twenty-four seven. I have known you most of my life, Isla, and don’t forget I’m the one that saw the two of you as kids, I know I was young but I had eyes. Is being the band’s assistant always what you wanted to do?”

  “I think Charlotte is now Dr. Phil,” Derrick smirks.

  “I think she is…” Isla pauses, “…but I kind of think she might be right.”

  “I am?” Charlotte seems shocked.

  “Yeah, all my life I have been at the boys’ beck and call, maybe it’s time I find myself, find out what I want outside of Dirty Texas.”

  “Well we need help,” Sienna adds.

  “That sounds awesome, but maybe I need to move further away from Finn, you know, instead of next door.”

  “Sebastien needs an assistant. He is so busy and needs someone who he can trust,” Yvette adds.

  “Working with Sebastien?” Isla’s eyes widen.

  “Yeah, you would be based in Europe, so that is pretty far from Finn,” Yvette confirms with a smile.

  “And you think he would hire me? I mean I don’t know anything about food or chefs or Europe.”

  Yvette chuckles, “I’m pretty sure working for Dirty Texas for all these years you are way over qualified for him.”

  Isla turns to me. “Am I fucking things up for you and Dirty Texas Records if I think about leaving? I mean you are going to be having a baby soon and…”

  “Isla, don’t worry about me, I can find a replacement. I just want you to be certain this is the right thing for you to do? Leaving Dirty Texas? Leaving Finn?”

  “We know someone that can take over the PR for Dirty Texas,” Camryn adds.

  “Who?” I question her.

  “Harper,” she says with a smile. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner, but she would be kind of perfect.” Harper Morris runs a super successful PR firm in New York and is best friends with Camryn and Kimberly. She is also heir to the Morris Hotel chain, a luxury brand throughout the world dealing in boutique hotels. Her older brother, Sam, took over from her father a couple of years ago, and her company runs their PR, as well as many other successful brands. Why not add Dirty Texas to it for a while? I will be at home knee deep in dirty diapers. “She’s coming to the wedding you could talk to her about it?”

  “She could even work from New York; I know the boys are looking at adding an East Coast office to the mix next year.” My brain is working out all the logistics. “I think that would work, depends on what the boys say.”

  “So does that mean Isla can go on an adventure with sexy Sebastien?” Derrick adds.

  “I can’t see why not, I don’t think Finn or Oscar are going to like it, but I think Isla deserves a break from all things Dirty Texas that she has been dealing with over the years. Why not have a change? Maybe then Finn might realize what he has when Isla’s not around anymore.”

  Isla nods. “This is kind of crazy though?” I can see the wheels turning in her head, she wants to try something new but is scared, probably scared to leave the safe bubble she has created around herself.

  “Yes, but you need a new adventure,” Stacey adds.

  “Forget Finn and start living,” Derrick tells her.

  “This is your time now, no regrets, this is about you not them anymore,” Charlotte gives her a pep talk.

  “Okay, well if Sebastien is okay with it then, yeah, I think it’s time for a new adventure.”

  We all cheer with our hot chocolates.


  “Merry Christmas,” everyone sings as we sit down to open our presents. We woke to a full dusting of snow outside, which was pretty amazing to wake up on Christmas Day to a fully white Christmas. Ryder is crawling around like crazy and getting into all the presents, of course his are sky high, and he is more interested in pulling the paper off than what lies underneath.

  “You have one more present.” I hand Christian the oversized white box. Ryder zooms past us sitting in his miniature Ferrari that Derrick bought him. It is remote control and being controlled by Evan, who is having entirely too much fun with it. Christian is opening up the huge box, there is tissue paper everywhere. He digs through it and comes to a red box. He looks up and smirks at me as he opens the next one, then the next one and the next one, until he gets to the last one which is a pink box. I didn’t want to give anything away so I had to disguise it. He slowly opens the pink box and sees the note that I wrote addressed to Daddy on it. He opens the pink tissue paper and that’s when I see he realizes what it is. Tears form in those whiskey eyes as his fingers touch the material. He is mumbling to himself reading what is on it. Everyone is silent as they realize something big is happening. Then Christian pulls out the two baby onesies that say ‘Girls Rock’ across them. When he looks at me with all that emotion rolling off him I break down and tears fall down my cheeks.

  “We are having girls?” he questions me. Everyone in the room gasps; all I do is nod my head unable to speak. “But how?”

  “Christian, if you have to ask how, you’re doing it wrong,” Derrick butts in, making everyone laugh.

  I move from my spot and walk over to where he is sitting and join him. “I wanted to give you
this for Christmas, so I went back to the doctor’s office, they double checked via ultra sound to see whether they could decipher via that, but they couldn’t so I asked them to go ahead with a blood test to find out.” Christian looks shocked.

  “We are having two little girls,” he whispers.

  “Yep, two little girls,” I repeat.

  “Shit, we are in so much trouble,” he whispers to me.

  “I know.” He leans over and grabs my neck, pulling me into a heated kiss. Everyone in the room hollers.

  As he breaks the kiss, Christian gently presses his forehead against mine. “This is the best present ever.” His smile lights up his face. “Two little girls, I can’t believe it, two little girls.” I give him a smile.

  “Two little Taylor princesses.”

  “Yep and I have the perfect gift for them.” I still, what is he talking about? “I actually have one more present for you,” Christian says with a smile. He has already spoiled me rotten with gorgeous jewelry, gift cards to some designer maternity stores and a gift card for a spa day. What more could there be? He hands over this beautifully wrapped cubed box with a huge gold bow on top of it.

  “Open it,” he says excitedly. I slowly pull back the ribbon and open the lid of the box. Inside, sitting in a velvet slip, are keys. I look up at my husband and give him a frown. “Wonder what they could be for?” he jokes.

  My heart is racing, what on earth could the keys be for?

  “Remember how much you loved Big Bear?” he asks me. I nod and wait for him to continue. “Well, while you were away in Paris, the boys and I took a little trip up there to look around…” he pauses. Okay, well he kept that a secret. “And I thought it might be a great place to bring up our kids.” I look at him with curiosity. Is he saying what I think he is saying? “I bought you a house.” Shock filters through me. This is what Evan does for Sienna all the time, surprises her with real estate. I was so not expecting Christian to do the same.

  “It’s beautiful, Ness,” Axel tells me. “My brother did well.”

  Tears are falling down my cheeks. “You bought me a house, for us, for our little girls.”


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