Brock: A Bad Boy Romance

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Brock: A Bad Boy Romance Page 11

by Amy Kyle

  He woke up to his first wet dream since adolescence. Colin was slightly embarrassed by how erotic the dream had been. His mind searching for answers to this strong pull he felt towards her.

  Hoping in the shower he cleaned up from the dream and let the hot water soak his body. He loved how the shower head could be adjusted. Soon he was enjoying the massaging touch of the jets of water.

  “Ah that feels great!” He muttered.

  ‘Almost as good as the dream and her touch right?’ His mind whispered. You are a traitor, he thought to his mind.

  Colin tried to fight the pull of masturbating while thinking of the dream. He even turned the water on full cold.

  Shortly he was whispering “those bastards lied a cold shower does not work.”

  Colin let his mind go and he thought of her and the dream. It had been an exceptional dream, so lifelike. He had been known to have a few really lifelike dreams, but none of them had ever been dealing with sex. Usually they were nightmares of things that had happened in his past, or fears of the future.

  Not this time, it had seemed he’d finally been smiled on from above. He let his mind float completely back to her and finished his shower.

  Judith woke up about four hours later when she heard Little John beginning to fuse. She picked him up and took him to get a dose of baby aspirin. He had felt a little warm, but near as much as before.

  “Perhaps this will be a short lived problem with this tooth!” Judith told Little John who smiled up at her.

  “Oh I do so love you Little John!” She kissed his cheeks. He giggled; she loved the sound of it.

  “Now open your mouth Colin was nice enough to get us this aspirin!” Judith cooed to Little John.

  With that her mind went to Colin. She blushed as she remembered some of her dream. It had been very erotic.

  “There you go.” She wiped along Little John’s mouth. “Are you hungry at all?” She asked.

  Judith had only recently begun to work with him to get him talking. She wasn’t sure how much of a vocabulary he should have. But she wanted him to be ready for school when he would go in a few years.

  “I do wish you could tell me everything!” Judith looked at him.

  For his part Little John started giggling and laughing as Judith made silly faces at him.

  “You know I should really do something nice for Colin. He didn’t have to go and get this for us, you know that. Maybe I’ll cook him supper.” Judith told Little John. “Oh what are you going to say?” She bent down and tickled Little John.

  Judith didn’t mind when he was like this. The crying was always hard for her. It depressed her and made her only miss her aunt and uncle more.

  “That’s what we’ll do, but I want to make something I know he will like. I know let’s go ask him.” Judith grabbed Little John and went out her door.

  She knocked on his door and waited for him to answer.

  “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to bother you.” Judith said as he opened the door his towel wrapped around him, his hair still wet from the shower. Her body heated up way too quickly and she felt like she wanted to jump him.

  “I just got out.” He commented. Not even seeming embarrassed for standing in front of her half naked.

  Judith licked her lips. “Well I wanted to ask if you would come over to eat dinner. I figured I owed you something for going to the store after all.”

  “Dinner that sounds really good.” Colin said.

  “What do you like to eat? I don’t want to make something you hate!”

  “Anything will be fine. What time should I be there?”

  “Uh, four or five would be fine.” Judith walked away quickly. She had to get away from him right now. Or she would go get Little John’s playpen and rush Colin off to bed.

  Colin had just got out of the shower. He heard the doorbell and went to answer it. The fact he was covered only with a towel didn’t even cross his mind. He had no idea who it would be, so when he opened it and saw her, he smiled.

  She was truly beautiful and now that she had some sleep she looked even better.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to bother you.” She said to him.

  Colin had answered her, but his mind was picturing her as she had been in the dream. How she had touched him.

  “I’d like to have you over for dinner?” She asked him. But he didn’t hear all of it. He had noticed how she licked her lips before talking. It had made him think of what kissing her mouth might feel like.

  He barely had enough blood left in his brain to even think at that moment. Colin had said something and thought about baseball. He had to stop the flow before it got too low.

  Thankfully, she had told him a time and left. He had been about two seconds away from inviting her in to take care of what she was causing. He had positioned himself well enough that the little bit of erection he had couldn’t be seen.

  But if she would have stood there for just one more second it would have been too late. Now he was standing in the middle of his living room. With his little friend making sure he knew it was alive and quite well!

  “What the fuck? Am I going to be able to be in the same room with her and not rip her clothes off?” He stated.

  It was a thought that he felt quite honestly. Colin had never been this attracted to another female the same way. They had always been just pieces of ass to him. But even when he was excited with them, or about them; it didn’t feel quite like this.

  He didn’t know how to really explain it. His mind felt cloudy as if nothing was quite clear. He felt lost in the maze of life. Colin had heard that being horny did some crazy shit to people, but this was ridiculous.

  Tempted to go into the bedroom to calm himself down, he muttered into the air. “Why in the fuck does she have to have a kid?” He hung his head down and wished that life was different.

  Just his luck he falls for a girl who has baby. “A kid that isn’t even here’s.” He said.

  Colin wondered what had happened to his parents. She hadn’t really said the story, only that it had happened a year ago.

  It was for him to comprehend how tough it must be on her raising a kid. She must be around his age, maybe 23 even. “Man that would be tough. I don’t know if I want that added responsibility or not.” He admitted.

  Thinking this way might be the only thing that would keep him from jumping her. Because if they had sex, she would probably get attached to him and that wasn’t good.

  “Not since you already love her!” He heard in his mind.

  Judith went home and looked through her cupboards to figure out what she was going to make. But no matter how much she tried to think of cooking, she could only see him standing in front of her.

  She turned around and saw that Little John was playing in his playpen, happy as a lark.

  “Colin sure is sexy.” She said, knowing that Little John wouldn’t understand her comment. She let her mind run back to his door. He was in front of her only the towel around his waist. She had licked her lips thinking about what she had dreamt was underneath the towel.

  Judith had wanted to move the towel aside and touch him. But thankfully she had Little John with her. If he hadn’t been on her hip she might be in Colin’s apartment right now.

  “Oh but I bet I’d be enjoying it!” She smiled. Judith had seen the firmness of Colin’s stomach, he was young and he was in shape. “I bet he can go for hours!” She smiled remembering a past boyfriend who’d been young.

  “Little John I wish you were old enough to have friends you could go visit!” She turned to look at Little John. He had passed out in the play pen.

  Judith laughed knowing how tired he had to be. She got a blanket and put it over him. “Now I can go make sure I don’t make an idiot of myself tonight.”

  Going into the bedroom she went to her drawer and got the one toy she had. It was a fairly nice sized dildo. Getting on the bed she figured the only way to calm her nerves was to take care of the itch.

ning on the dildo she placed the head on her lips. “Oh that’s nice.” She murmured. The vibrations on her nub made her squirm more. It had been a while since she had played with herself.

  Now that she had a nice fantasy to think about though, she might be doing it more! Judith laughed at the thought. Then she pushed the dildo inside of her and put it up at a higher speed.

  Judith wished it was him inside of her instead. Again she wished she had moved the towel aside and just grabbed him. Not giving him a choice to say no, but to simply make love to her for hours.

  But she couldn’t bring this complete stranger into her life. Not when Little John was depending on her. What did she really know about Colin? Just that he was sexy and he was also sweet. That trip to the store had met a lot to her.

  The biggest thing was she was afraid to fall in love with him and find out he wasn’t a good guy. She would have to always put Little John’s happiness in front of her own. So if it turned out Colin was the guy she loved, but he was mean to Little John, he would still have to go.

  This was a fear that had really bugged her. She was trying to push it out of her mind and finish the job. Judith knew that her hormones would kill her quicker than love would. Often times she knew that women would mistake sex for love. Judith hoped to be something she would avoid.

  Clearing her mind of the negativity she focused on him in his towel again. His medium brown hair all messy and wet, she loved the way he had looked. It had made her go into overdrive, and still could as she pictured it!

  She licked her lips as she worked the dildo in and out of her. Her juices were flowing already as she got more moist thinking of Colin. I wonder what he’s like in bed, she thought.

  Her body was moving along as it would while screwing. “No making love to him.” Her mind shouted out. “It can’t be love I don’t know him.” She answered back.

  She let the vibration of the dildo sit against her nub and rubbed it with a finger. Judith closed her eyes and moaned softly. She liked picturing him between her legs working his penis in and out of her. He would thrust nice and hard, he looked solid. Oh those muscles on that boy, so young and oh so nice! She muttered

  Judith screamed out as her orgasm shot through her body. She felt her legs quiver as she thought of him finishing inside of her.

  Relaxing she listened carefully to make sure she didn’t hear Little John. She felt a bit better, but there was still too much heat coming from her snatch. Judith didn’t know if she would be able to not jump him.

  “Hopefully Little John will decide to be cranky tonight!” It was the first time she could remember thinking that way.

  She got up and cleaned up and went back into the kitchen. Looking around she figured out what to make. She finally decided on her cornflake chicken. It was something she loved and she hoped he would too.

  Getting her ingredients she got to work, she would barely have enough time to finish if she messed around. Judith hummed along while she worked.

  She heard the doorbell ring. Looking at the clock she saw it was just turning 4 o’clock. “Oh crap did I say 4?” Judith had been rushing home trying to get away from his temptation. She couldn’t remember what time for sure, but she had hoped it was 5 she had said.

  “I’m sorry I came a bit early. Well kind of you did say between 4 and 5, right? My stomach was growling because I could smell it in my place. So I came over!” Colin laughed.

  “No it’s okay; the food is just about done. You have perfect timing actually!” Judith sighed. She looked at him and pictured him half-naked like before.

  “Come in please.” She finally moved aside and let him in.

  “It smells even better over here!” He smiled and rubbed his flat stomach.

  Judith pictured him half naked again. She had seen that flat hard stomach.

  “Oh thanks!” She turned red. Not because of his compliment, but her thoughts that were in overdrive.

  “Where’s John?” Colin asked. She saw tears come to her eyes.

  “Little John is in the other room sleeping.”

  “I’m sorry did I say something wrong?”

  “It’s just that we’ve always called him Little John, because his dad was John Sr. So when I hear the name John I think of my uncle.” She answered.

  “I’m so sorry.” Colin came forward and wrapped his arms around her in a hug.

  She felt his arms come around her, it was so nice. It had been over a year since she’d had a hug like this. Her aunt and uncle had been the last of her family, who were adults. They had all died, now it was her and Little John.

  His arms were warm and so strong. She sighed as she let her body go and the tears she had held back for the past year just came out.

  Judith sobbed loudly as all the pain came out. She felt so much weight come off of her. She didn’t know how long she had been crying. The only thing she was aware of was how much better she was feeling.

  She squeezed him tightly to thank him. As she did that she also took a deep breath in and sighed loudly. “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean for that to happen really.” She said softly.

  He didn’t say a word just squeezed her and pulled her closer. Judith began to cry more. She hadn’t even realized they were there. They just started to flow.

  How could this stranger be so caring? She wondered and then thought of how lonely she had been.

  Judith knew she was entering dangerous territory opening her heart. But it really felt like the right thing to do.

  He had asked where the baby was and the next thing he knew she was crying. He had felt like a heel. Colin went and hugged her; it was the right thing to do.

  Now here he was standing as she cried. Her body was racked with sobs that were so strong. He could feel the pain coming off of her. Colin could feel the same pain as she was right now.

  “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean for that to happen.” She said.

  Colin just wrapped his arms around her more squeezing her tightly. He could smell her body, her hair. He closed his eyes as his mind went to the place he had hated since he met her.

  ‘It only feels this good because you love her.’ His mind told him.

  He was still trying to fight admitting that it had happened. That love at first sight stuff is just bullshit, he thought.

  But she had cried more and he felt like his heart was breaking with each sob that came from her. He wanted to simply take the pain away from her. Colin knew that he would take every ounce of pain she ever felt just to save her.

  At this realization he knew it was over. He had thought it, and had to admit defeat. His whole mind was now on the band wagon. But he couldn’t tell her that, she would think he was crazy.

  Colin now had to make sure to not show too much of his hand to her. He hated being dishonest, but didn’t know what else to do. Crazy was never anything people would willing date.

  Then he realized at least he could ask her out. But first I want to make sure she knows I care. “I’m sorry I didn’t know that.” He said as he smelled her hair.

  He let her scent settle in his nose. He loved the smell of her. The longer he got to hold her the better.

  “No I shouldn’t have expected you to know. I mean you didn’t know me or him before today.” She said.

  “Do you want to talk about them? It may help you feel better.” He asked her.

  She nodded her head no, but he didn’t let go. He had a feeling the story might come out any way. A few seconds later she started to talk.

  “They were in a bad car accident. Little John almost died too. The three of them were the only family I had left. Now it’s just him and me.” She cried more.

  Colin just held her and let his shirt get soaked. He would hold her for the rest of his life if he could. Those types of thought still caused him some nervousness though.

  “I got a call one morning and had to go to the hospital. That night I also had to identify them just to make sure. Or that’s how the cops had told me.”

  He kissed the to
p of her head as she cried. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I would try to protect you from anything like that.” He stated.

  “I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I would try to protect you from anything like that.” He stated.

  She hadn’t thought she heard it correctly. But if she did, it felt nice to hear. Judith let herself melt into him a little more.

  His arms felt so comfortable. She wanted to kiss him so badly. She looked up at him and said. “Thank you so much.”

  Biting her lip she had thought of what his lips would feel like against hers. The next thing she knew he was kissing her. She opened her mouth to welcome his tongue. Judith wondered if she was dreaming. It was too much like her dream.

  She moaned as she felt his hands roam down her back and cup her butt. Thrusting her pelvis towards him, she felt the hardness of him.

  “Come on while he’s still sleeping, we may not have long.” She pulled Colin’s arm and pulled him towards the bedroom.

  Judith almost laughed at his shocked look. “Come on I’m not kidding.” She pulled him harder and he moved quicker.

  “It’s been such a long time. Please just get undressed.” Judith pulled her shirt over her head and took off her bra. She exposed her breasts to him and watched as his eyes burned with passion.

  Judith saw him undress and he now stood in front of her completely naked. She could tell he was excited and to her happiness quite well hung!

  She slipped off her jeans as quickly as she could and sat on the bed. “I’m sorry this is so quick. But Little John has been napping for a while now.”

  Her eyes she hoped would say the rest to him; she didn’t want to feel like she was begging for it.

  Judith felt his fingers lightly touch her pussy and stroke the area. He slipped two inside and she moaned. Her body pushed up towards him. “Please now.” She moaned.

  As she felt his dick enter into her. He was big and he stretched her insides nicely. Judith cried out in pleasure.

  They kissed deeply as he slowly moved in and out of her. She wanted him to quicker, but his tongue was in her way!


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