Brock: A Bad Boy Romance

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Brock: A Bad Boy Romance Page 21

by Amy Kyle

  He had to move on from Lalena and focus on anyone else, anything else. Rico wondered if he should just go out tonight with one of the girls and fuck all night long. Surely having sex with another woman would splash any thoughts of Lalena out of his head.

  “Hey Sally, yeah sorry to wake you up. Can you set up a date tonight for me? I don’t know pick one of the girls I haven’t been out with in a while. One of the five stars though, but make sure nothing has changed in their lives. Right I don’t want anyone who is dating someone right now. Check it out good okay. Thanks let me know who you choose.” Rico hung up the phone.

  The thought of having sex tonight cheered him up a bit, but then he wished it would be with Lalena instead of anyone else. “What the hell kind of hold does this devil woman have on me?” He looked up to the sky and asked.

  Try as he might he couldn’t put her out of his mind, he was too angry at her. He felt betrayed even though he knew he shouldn’t. He couldn’t quite figure out why it even mattered to him. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact he wanted her so badly. But now he knew she was off limits to him, only because of his ethics. A younger version of him, he might not even care about Jake and how he would feel if Rico stole Lalena.

  That was a version before the whole thing with Matt and his fiancé. Rico couldn’t help but feel sorry for Matt and what had happened in the past. “I’m sorry old friend, I began that downward spiral for you, and I know I did. But in the end it’s her fault just as much as mine. She could have, no should have told me. But she didn’t say a word about you to me.” He talked as if Matt was in the room with him. Sometimes it helped if he could imagine what Matt would say back.

  “Fucking women, you can’t trust them. Shouldn’t Lalena have told me she was dating this Jake guy?” How you know they are dating, his mind asked. Rico realized that she could be one of those women who simply sleep around with many men or just one man even. He didn’t know if that was the type of female he wanted to be around.

  He knew it was hypocritical. After all he would sleep with all kinds of woman, but didn’t think badly about himself. So why should it be any different for a woman? He had wondered this many times in the past as well. But it was just a stigma that most men couldn’t get past. They wanted to be with a woman who had morals and hadn’t slept around.

  Rico decided he’d have a new attitude with her today, no more flirting, nothing. Hell he wasn’t even sure he wanted to see her again. But he knew she was a good cop, someone who could help protect him, and hopefully find the person who was threatening him.

  So even though he was angry with her, and for some reason felt betrayed by her, he would keep her around. It would be like a sweet torture to his soul. Perhaps this is repayment for you Matt, he thought.

  Chapter 3

  Lalena stuffed more of the delicious chocolate chip pancakes into her mouth. “I love these things, they are so tasty!” She said to Jake.

  He was sitting across the table eating his breakfast. He laughed at her. “I know I can tell you love them, that’s your second order. What I don’t understand is how you keep that girlish figure when you eat so damn much!” He laughed.

  “I don’t know, but I’m thankful for it. If I didn’t have my metabolism I would weigh 300 pounds I’m sure!” She admitted.

  Jake laughed hard. “I’m sorry I just tried to picture you that heavy and it wasn’t a pretty sight!”

  “I can imagine it wasn’t pretty at all. I’ve seen those woman who can’t even move because they are so darn big.” She laughed.

  “I don’t know how they move at all either. But if you were bigger like that the mayor wouldn’t be looking at you either. Part of me hopes you start gaining weight!” Jake stated.

  She looked at him to see if he was serious. There was a mixture of seriousness and laughter in his eyes.

  “Very funny, I told you I didn’t want to talk about him anymore though. Please Jake, stop saying he has the hots for me or anything like that.” Lalena pleaded.

  “I can’t help it I’m kind of jealous that he gets to have you as the head of his security. He gets to look at you all day long.” Jake explained.

  “But who do I come home too, and who do I sleep with?” She questioned.

  “Yeah I know I’m a lucky guy!” He laughed.

  “So please stop with this now.” She pleaded.

  “Alright I will, but just so you know I’m not happy he gets to be around you all day long.” He stated.

  “It’s a nice pay raise, and gets me out of the precinct. Really this is a great move for me.” She explained.

  “I know, I’m not stopping you, I’m just telling you how I feel.” He said.

  “I understand, but if you could try and control your jealousy it would be nice. I like this job so far and don’t want to feel like you hate me doing it. It will simply create issues between us in the long run.” She told him.

  “I want you to be happy, so if this makes you happy I will support you.” He stated.

  Lalena finished up her meal and sat back. “I’m stuffed now.” She rubbed her stomach.

  “I think we should go work off some of those calories you just inhaled!” He said his eyes full of lust.

  “Let’s get the bill and go!” She wasn’t really in the mood for sex, but was sure he would be able to change that with his touches and kisses. The truth was she was upset that he was all jealous about Rico. It was clear to Lalena that anything that had been between her and Rico was now squashed for good. That look in his eyes last night let her know that.

  They went home and soon Jake’s nuzzling had her more than ready for sex. He made sure that she was satisfied by the time he was done. Lalena hopped into the shower to clean up before work. Jake tried to join her in the shower but she pushed him out.

  “We don’t have time. No stop it. I can’t be late two days in a row.” She pushed him out of the shower.

  “Fine, I’m going.” He pouted as he walked out of the bathroom.

  Lalena shook her head. He’s like a little child when he doesn’t get his way, she thought. It wasn’t really part of his personality she liked much. But she could look past it most of the time because of how much he pleased her in the bedroom.

  She ran out the door and was almost late to work again.

  “Hey Sally sorry I was almost late again.” She commented.

  “It’s okay; you and the Mayor will be out and about soon. He’s got a meeting downtown and will take you as security. We got another email last night to the office. They are claiming that something may happen to the mayor today. So watch closely.” Sally told her.

  “Do I have time to look at the email? What time are we leaving?” Lalena asked.

  “Yeah sure here it is.” Sally said and moved aside so that Lalena could sit at her desk and read the email.

  She read it and made a few notes on a pad of paper. “Did you forward it to the police yet?” She asked.

  “Yes, but I have a feeling it will yield no information. If I had to guess someone in the police knows who this is but they don’t let us know.” Sally stated.

  “Why do you think that?” Lalena asked. “You know you’re saying that whoever is doing this is corrupt right?” She added.

  “They are supposed to be the smartest and brightest in IT, but yet they can’t trace this guy? It just doesn’t seem right, if you know what I mean.” Sally said.

  “Maybe your right but remember this guy could be smart too and hide himself well.” Lalena stated.

  “I guess you’re right. So you have any ideas by what is said who it might be?” Sally asked.

  “I’ll have to run through the files and see if any of it matches with one of the suspects we have listed.” Lalena admitted. “What time is this meeting we are going too?” She asked.

  Sally looked at her watch. “Oh wow, you have to leave in like 5 minutes.”

  “I’ll do it later. I’m going to go put this with the files. Tell the Mayor I’m ready when he is.�
� Lalena said as she stood up to go back to her office.

  “I’m ready now.” Rico had snuck up behind them.

  Lalena jumped at his presence. “Oh you snuck up on me.” She said.

  “Sorry, are you ready? I take it you got enough sleep to be alert today.” He said his voice had a bitter edge to it.

  She didn’t know how to react to his comment. “I’m alert, nothing will happen to you if I can help it.” She stated.

  “Good, let’s go. Oh Sally did you set up that date for tonight with Sharon?” Rico asked before they left.

  “Yes she’ll be ready at 5:30.” Sally told him.

  “Great. Ready?” He asked looking at Lalena again.

  “Sure, I’m ready.” She answered.

  Chapter 4

  Rico sat beside her in the car, his anger radiated off of him. He wanted to kiss her, but couldn’t she was involved with the other man.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were dating another man?” He finally had to ask.

  She looked at him shocked. “What? Why would it matter?” She asked.

  “Because you had to know. It doesn’t really matter now.” Rico said.

  “Wait, because I had to know what? That you flirted with me, but you flirt with every kind of girl you walk up too. How does you making a comment to me make me any different? You can’t seriously be mad at me.” Lalena stated. She was upset; he was making it like she had lied to him. “Plus we weren’t dating before yesterday. It was more of a reconnection from a past relationship. Neither of us have put a name on it.” She admitted.

  “Oh so you just slept with him and that was it before now. What do you mean a reconnection from a past relationship? He was gone for a while.” Rico commented.

  She thought about it for a second, that meant he had checked out Jake’s story and knew all about him. Maybe Jake had been right the mayor had looked at him like he could kill him the night before. But what did it matter to him?

  “Wait a second. Why does it matter to you anyway? It’s not like you are trying to date me. If anything you would fuck me once and throw me aside.” Lalena almost yelled. Now she was angry at him.

  “You have no clue what I might have wanted from you.” Rico reacted in anger.

  She looked at him, his face was red and he was very angry.

  “Maybe you should have told me. But I can tell you that your record and Sally’s words told me all I need to know about what you wanted. Mr. Mayor you like to use women and toss them aside, and keep them as a possible future hookup. You don’t want anything else from females. Honestly, I’m angry that you are trying to make me feel like I was in the wrong. “Lalena shouted.

  He looked at for a second, his eyes softened for a minute and she could swear he was about to kiss her. But he looked away from her and instead stared out the window. “I don’t know what I wanted from you. I don’t know if it was just an infatuation to have you and take you or not. Really it doesn’t matter anymore now though does it? Your with him.” Rico stated.

  She was shocked at his comments. “How would I be any different from any of the hundreds of women you slept with? You are a playboy and will always remain that way. It’s not in your nature to settle down with one female. I heard far too much about you and your past to think any different. Personally, I don’t want to be someone’s once in a while date, I need more in my life.” Lalena said.

  Rico looked at her. “Well I don’t know if you’ll find that with Jake Newton either. You know he’s going to go pro once he’s better. He’s a sportsman, and he’ll continue to try and reach his dreams. Honestly, I’m pretty sure those dreams don’t have you in them.” He said bluntly.

  “I don’t think you should answer for him, you have no clue what he is thinking.” She answered. Though she was pretty sure that he was right, Jake had dreams of being a big star, not of being married to her.

  “I know his type, his ambitions lie in another field not in marrying and having kids.” Rico almost spat out at her.

  “You only say that because that’s how you are.” She smirked at him.

  “You think you know me so well don’t you. You believe everything you read in the papers and don’t even take a moment to consider that those reports might be false.” Rico said his voice calm though his face was beat red.

  “Oh is that right, they may be false. What about those blow jobs you get at the restaurant? Are those false too?” Lalena asked.

  She stared at him and watched as his face turned pure white. “Sounds like someone might be jealous that they aren’t the one who is doing the sucking.” He stated after he gained his composure.

  “You wouldn’t want another girl if I ever did it.” She stated. Her face serious and she was willing to prove it to him if pushed. It shocked her to realize that she was hoping he would pull his cock out and present it to her.

  Thankfully, one of them was still thinking clearly. “Your involved with another man, I wouldn’t let you do it.” Rico stated.

  “I didn’t say I would do it if you asked anyway.” She said back to him.

  “Hmm.” He murmured, but didn’t say anything else.

  Chapter 5

  The rest of the way to the meeting the car was quiet. Lalena was fuming at him and herself both. She didn’t know who she was more upset at though. The fact that she was even tempted to do anything sexual with him made her frustrated. She unfortunately realized that this meant her and Jake were not serious at all, or she would have been more angry about this conversation.

  She was upset for the wrong reasons. She was mad that he seemed to know how Jake thought, and that he made that noise about her comment. How did he know that she would do anything with him, hell she wasn’t even sure about it? However, as she thought about it she realized that if he asked, she would do it. This admission made her feel shame.

  Lalena didn’t look at Rico the rest of the way. She wanted to clear her mind about their argument and focus on the task coming up.

  “Okay so when we first get there I’ll get out of the car first and look around to see if anything looks out of place. Then when you get out I’ll be right to your side and keep scanning the area. You know it would have been better if you had one more person with us at the least. Are you really afraid and think this person will hurt you?” Lalena asked Rico.

  He jumped when she had first started talking. “I don’t know what this crazy person will do. It seems that people like to hide who they really are, so maybe he will kill me, maybe he won’t. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see now won’t we.” Rico commented.

  “If I can help it no harm will come to you Mr. Mayor.” She said seriously.

  Rico looked at her. “Physical harm only though.” He commented and looked away.

  She stared at him, unsure of his meaning. There was no way he could have had any feelings for her, this had to be a game to him. This was the man who never dated a girl more than two times in a row. A man who his own cousin said was a male slut.

  “I don’t know what you mean by that, but I think we’ve talked enough about personal things today.” Lalena finally said.

  He grunted at her but didn’t say anything about her comment.

  The car stopped and Lalena got out looking around. She tried to spot if any of the people who were on the list of threats were lurking around the area. She didn’t see anything out of place though and she opened the door and let Rico get out. “Mr. Mayor.” She said when she opened the door.

  He got out and straightened his suit jacket. Lalena loved the way it looked on him, it fit him perfectly. She felt ashamed once more for noticing how good Rico looked and wanting him more than she should.

  Lalena didn’t understand it she had never been a female who was with one guy and longed for another man. It just wasn’t her nature to be like that. She had always been someone who was faithful to a fault even. But here she was looking at Rico and wondering once more what his naked body would look like on top of her.

  They made
it to the building with no issue and were soon safely inside.

  “You can wait out here while I’m in the meeting.” Rico said to her without even looking her way.

  She sighed so now they were back to the behavior where he ignored her. She couldn’t figure this man out no matter how hard she tried. She knew she should really just focus on her own life and happiness, however, she did wonder how happy Rico would make her.

  “What did he mean by you don’t know what I’m really like?” She whispered to herself as she sat outside the conference room. Lalena was dying to know more about him, and she couldn’t understand what the pull was that he had on her.

  The meeting seemed to drag on and on forever, but finally the door opened. Rico walked out he looked tired, Lalena felt her heart ache for him. Did she cause him to look like this? There was no way; it had to be the threats that were weighing down on him.

  She had read through the emails the day before and they were very threatening sounding. The fact that nothing had happened as of yet was simply pure luck, she was sure of that. This person, or even people, would take their shot at him one day. She only hoped that she would be able to protect him when it happened.

  The ride back to the office was mostly silence. Rico didn’t seem interested in sharing anything new with her about how he felt. She had really wanted to ask him what he had meant though when he had said she didn’t know the real him. But Lalena knew she was playing with fire if she opened up that door. She really didn’t want to know more about him, it might make her like him more.

  “We can drop you off at your house if you would like.” He offered.

  “No I have my car at the office; I’ll have no way to get in tomorrow.” She stated.

  “You can have you boyfriend drop you off.” He said, the tone of his voice showing the anger once more.

  “I don’t know if he’s staying the night tonight or not.” She looked straight at Rico, a challenge in her eyes.


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