Brock: A Bad Boy Romance

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Brock: A Bad Boy Romance Page 101

by Amy Kyle

  Kyla didn’t know how she would get through these days with him near her. She had thought she had learned to hate him since he’d been gone. But she found out that she still loved him and wanted him just as much as before.

  She felt it was a cruel joke that someone played on her. How could you make me feel like this about him? She looked at the sky and questioned the planets.

  “I have to be strong enough.” She stood up and went indoors. “Not tonight though.” She said under her breath and raced up to her room for the night. If she was lucky no one would bug her for a few days. She hoped that by the next time she stepped outside her room she would have her emotions under control.

  Chapter 5

  Aiden had stopped in his tracks as him and Colin had walked into the room. There was Kyla in the room, she looked beautiful. He had stopped and just looked at her. He hoped that she would notice him when she looked up at him. Aiden had seen her realization as she saw him, but then he had seen her eyes turn cold.

  He heard the coldness in her voice as she said she remembered him. But he also saw how she ran out of the room quickly. Aiden wasn’t sure about her reaction. It had confused him. At first when her eyes had lit up he had hoped she would hug him.

  But that hope had ended rather quickly. Then he was watching as she made her way out of the room. It felt like the last time she had left the blacksmith shop that day so long ago. He could remember wanting to tell her he had to leave.

  Bain had convinced him to just leave. Aiden had almost given in and said goodbye. Was she upset about that? He wondered. Aiden had wanted to follow her and go to her, but the King had stopped him.

  He stood there not listening to anything the King or Colin said to him. Instead he wished he could be with Kyla right now. His heart had skipped a beat when he first saw her. Aiden knew that he loved her and wanted to still have her hand in marriage.

  Even though he was one of the King’s best men, he knew that he still didn’t stand a chance to wed her. In the long run it would all come down to him being the son of the blacksmith. Aiden was upset; he had worked so hard to change how people saw him. But it had been there when Colin asked her if she remembered him. He would always be known as the blacksmith’s son.

  “I’m sorry sir. I’m really tired after the ride back though. Do you mind if I go get some sleep?” Aiden finally asked. He couldn’t think of anything but Kyla. If he had a better feeling about her he would have sought her out. Instead he made his way home to his parent’s house.

  He talked to them for a few minutes. But then excused himself and went to his room. He sat there and thought about her more. Kyla, I wish I could have told you so long ago how I felt, he thought. He would try and talk to her in the next few days. The King had already told him that in two days there would be a feast, he must come.

  Aiden wanted to spend the rest of his life with Kyla, not go back to the army. But how could he as a blacksmith son’s be her husband? How would that work? He could never give her everything she needed or wanted.

  He knew that if he wanted he could ask the king for her hand in marriage, and he would probably allow it to happen. But it wasn’t the approval of the king he wanted, well not just his. He had wanted her to want him.

  Aiden didn’t think that was the case. He had been shocked to learn that she hadn’t married yet though. On their trip back to the castle Aiden had asked Colin. “So did your sister get married yet?”

  “Not yet.” Colin had answered.

  He had thought of how their reunion could be at that point. What he had imagined and what happened were completely different though. Aiden would much rather have had her jump into his arms and cry out her love to him, but that hadn’t happened.

  Aiden wondered if his life had even been worth it. Wouldn’t my life be better with her love? He thought out loud. He knew the answer was yes, but it all comes back to who you are, he thought again. I’m a fearsome soldier though?

  “You remember Aiden; he was the blacksmith son’s?” He could hear the echo of the words that Colin had used to describe him.

  “Why not he’s the King’s best man? Why couldn’t he have said that?” Colin wondered aloud.

  Would it matter with her reaction? Then he pictured the coldness in her eyes and voice as she had said she knew who he was. Aiden had felt his heart being cut like a knife at that point. But he swore he saw something else in her eyes at first. Was he only hoping for more than what was there? He thought he might be going crazy.

  Chapter 6

  Kyla didn’t sleep well that night. All she dreamt of was Aiden Scott and how he had betrayed her friendship. To her it was him saying that he didn’t think she was important to him. It had hurt her so much since she had cared about him.

  She had to admit though that she never told him how she had felt. The fact was she hadn’t realized how much he had meant until it was too late. He had been gone, and she was mad at him for leaving.

  “You shouldn’t be mad at him.” She said to herself in the night. Kyla knew it was true. She just didn’t want her thoughts to betray her while he was here. If he had left once before, he’ll leave again. Kyla couldn’t let her emotions make her feel like she loved him. Not again, I can’t feel that pain of him leaving me.

  By the time morning came around she hoped she could see him and not react in anyway like she truly felt. Instead she hoped that her emotions would allow themselves to be shut off for the next few days. Kyla wanted to be cold and distance from Aiden, she didn’t want to be hurt again.

  “Kyla did you know your brother is back?” Her mother said as she came down the stairs.

  “Yes mother I saw him last night.” Kyla stated.

  Kyla thought about pointing out that her childhood friend was the one who rescued him. But then she felt her heart flutter at the thought of his name.

  “Well you should be sure to thank that brave soldier who saved him.” Her mother said.

  “I will mother.” Kyla answered. Clearly her mother didn’t realize that the brave soldier was her childhood companion Aiden. Kyla knew if her mother knew that she wouldn’t be pushing her so much to thank him, unless her mother’s thought of Aiden had changed. She knew that when he had simply been the son of the blacksmith, well her mother would never have agreed to the marriage of the two. Had Kyla actually wanted that such a young age? She didn’t know for sure, but she knew her feelings for Aiden had been more than just a passing fancy. Of course it had taken him leaving and not seeing him for years to realize it.

  How stupid could she be? She wondered and almost asked aloud. But her mother wouldn’t know what she was talking about Kyla was sure of that. Instead she walked down to the dining hall; she could hear the man talking there. As she approached them she became more nervous. Kyla was still so hurt about him leaving like he did, she wanted to act upset at him, but didn’t know if she could do it.

  “Well good morning Kyla!” Her brother was the first to see her when she walked into the room.

  Aiden turned around and saw her. He stood up and bowed to her once again. “Good morning.” He said and pulled out a chair for her to sit down beside him.

  Kyla didn’t want to sit there, but couldn’t figure out a reason to not be pleasant. After all he had saved her brother; she shouldn’t be too mean to him. “Thank you and good morning everyone.” Kyla sat and said looking at her brother and father, but trying to not look at Aiden.

  It was helpless though he asked her a question, and she had to look at him. As soon as she looked into his green eyes though she realized she didn’t remember his question.

  “I’m sorry I missed your question.” She said, and tried to sound cold and hard, but thought her voice sounded too pleasant.

  “I asked if you ever married.” He stated again.

  “Well I don’t know if that is any of your business or not.” Kyla said her voice harsh. She had been shocked by his question. But mostly she had been mad at it, and at the fact that he had left with no word to her.<
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  He was shocked by her reply; she could see it in his eyes. Her father though was the first to speak. “Kyla I don’t think that is a very nice response. Aiden here was just asking a simple question.” Her father reprimanded her.

  “I’m sorry father.” She looked down at the ground. Then she looked over at Aiden, she was unable to hide the pain in her eyes though. “No I never married. The man that I loved left in the middle of the night; he didn’t say a word to me about it.” She stated.

  Aiden’s eyes widened at the comment. He wanted to ask if he was the man, but didn’t dare hold this conversation in front of the other men in the room.

  “Kyla, I think perhaps you need a little more sleep.” Her father shouted at her.

  Kyla turned towards her father and said. “I think you are right father, I didn’t sleep well last night. Excuse me I must go back upstairs.” She stood up and walked out of the room quickly.

  She hadn’t been able to control her emotions around Aiden at all. Kyla had hoped that she would be able to converse with him and not show any emotion. Instead she had basically told him she loved him right there in front of her brother and father.

  Her father had shouted at her so quickly Kyla hadn’t been able to see how Aiden had reacted to her comment. It could have told her a lot about how he felt though. “Why do you keep thinking he cared, he left in the middle of the night?” She stated to herself.

  Kyla knew she was just a foolish young girl still at the age of 21. But she had always wanted him since he left, and before even, if she would admit the truth to anyone.

  She lay on her bed and cried. Kyla had nothing else to do but cry. She didn’t even want to attend the feast when it took place. She was sure that he would avoid her after today. If she had to watch him dance with another female it might kill her. The pain in her heart felt like it covered the whole area.

  Chapter 7

  Aiden hadn’t said much after Kyla left the dining hall. He had been so shocked by her comment about the person she loved leaving in the middle of the night. It had to be him, and the look he had seen in her eyes. It had been unmistakable to him, she was in pain. He had listened to the King’s apology for his daughter and accepted it. But what he really wanted to do was track her down, go up to her room and explain himself. However, that would be inappropriate.

  He also wanted to ask the King or Colin who Kyla had been talking about. He was still afraid to hear the answer though, because maybe there had been someone else. It could have happened he had been gone for 5 years now. Aiden wondered if he was just hoping that she had been in love with him.

  After all wouldn’t Colin or the King give him some insight if they knew that Aiden was the man? Instead he excused himself. “I’m sorry but I think I’ll go and help my parents out around their place for a while.” Aiden finally said.

  “Sure, but don’t forget the feast will be later, so be sure to be here.” The King reminded Aiden.

  “I will be here.” Aiden responded and then left.

  He was not sure how he felt. He looked up to where he was sure her room was as he left the castle. She was in the window, but not looking out. Aiden stood there for a few minutes and stared up at her. He wanted to yell out to her, tell her how he felt. Eventually though he walked away and down to his parents’ house.

  “What’s wrong son?” His mother asked him a little while later as he sat and looked out the window. “Do you miss being gone?”

  “No mom, I’m wondering what would have happened had I stayed here instead of going off and joining the army.” He admitted to his mother.

  “Well one thing is certain; Colin Fleming would be dead now if you hadn’t joined.” His mother commented.

  “We don’t know that mother; someone else could have rescued him.” Aiden stated. “I’m not the only person who knows how to do that mother.”

  “I think he would be dead. You know everything happens for a reason. Your reason for joining the army had to be this. I can’t say I was happy about you doing it, but now I know you made the right choice.” His mother stated.

  Aiden wondered if his mother was right. She had always told him that things happen for a reason, and that we don’t always understand them. But if he would have stayed in town would he be married to Kyla now? Or was she talking about another man.

  “Mother do you know if Kyla was ever courted by a man while I was gone?” Aiden finally asked. It was the perfect way to find out. After all he knew his mother loved to talk to the ladies in the village.

  “No she never did. Though a few men did come in from other places and asked for her hand. Each time she would refuse the men. I heard she was waiting for someone to come back to town.” His mother stated.

  “Who mother?” Aiden asked, tired of guessing at this game.

  “Are you really that blind son? Do you not know that she cared about you for years?” She asked him.

  “It can’t be me; I’m no one in the kingdom.” Aiden stated.

  “Go and see her, tell her how you feel.” His mother said.

  “She can’t marry me mother; you know I don’t have the rank for that.” Aiden said.

  His mother shook her head. “Son, don’t you realize it doesn’t matter your title, if you love each other.”

  “I don’t know if she loves me anymore though. If it was really me she felt for, her eyes said something else.” Aiden stopped and thought back to the look in her eyes both times he had seen her so far.

  “Stop thinking and go talk to her.” His mother smacked him on the back of the head.

  “Ouch, mother really?” Aiden asked rubbing his head at where she had popped him. “I’m going okay.”

  Aiden put up his hands and went off to the castle. He wasn’t sure if she was right or not about Kyla, but why shouldn’t he take a chance. The worst thing that could happen now was she would laugh in his face. If that happened he would simply go back to the army and visit his parents from time to time, or even move them to him.

  He was tired of not knowing. Aiden approached the castle and saw that she was still sitting in the window. This time he got her attention. “Please Kyla come down and talk to me.” He pleaded.

  She finally left the window, and he hoped was on her way down to see him. Aiden waited for what seemed like forever before he saw her coming out of the castle. “Thank you for coming down.” He said.

  “What do you want?” She asked, her eyes showing a hard coldness that he didn’t enjoy.

  Aiden looked down at the ground and took a deep breath. “Look I should have let you know I was leaving when I did. But the truth was I couldn’t bear to see you before I left. I wouldn’t have been able to go away if I had to look into your eyes and say good bye.” He said.

  “But why did you leave? Why didn’t you stay?” Kyla asked him.

  “Well in all honesty it was because I knew you would never marry me. I wanted you and knew I couldn’t have you. If I would have stayed I would have had to watch another man marry you, it wouldn’t work well for me.” He said.

  Kyla looked into his eyes. “Do I look like I ever got married? I told you I didn’t marry. Do you know why I never got married?” She asked him, her voice was getting louder.

  “No I don’t know why.” Aiden admitted.

  “Because I loved you. That’s why and you left me like you didn’t care at all. How am I supposed to feel about that?” Kyla screamed.

  Aiden was shocked at the anger that was coming out of her voice. “Look I didn’t know that, how am I supposed to know that?” He asked.

  “You should have come and talked to me.” She stated.

  “But the last time I saw you why didn’t you say something?” He asked her.

  “Because of your friend showing up and he wasn’t leaving. I hoped that you had gotten the hint I wanted to talk to you. But you never sent him away.” Kyla said.

  “How is it my fault then? I figured you didn’t or couldn’t marry me. I’m just a blacksmith’s son after all, ho
w could the princess marry me?” Aiden confronted the other issue he felt they were facing.

  “Don’t you understand that it wouldn’t matter? If I told my father I loved you that would be enough, he would let me marry just about anyone.” Kyla said.

  “What about your mother? You always said she wanted you to marry a prince.” Aiden asked.

  “My mother wants me to be happy. She would love for me to marry a prince, but only if he was someone who would bring a smile to my face. We’ve talked a lot in the past few years.” Kyla admitted.

  “Will you marry me Kyla Fleming?” Aiden asked. He figured there was no better time than the present to ask. After all they had both just admitted that they loved one another. If she had loved him before, perhaps she still loved him.

  “Will you leave me again?” She asked the pain was in her voice.

  Aiden took her hand into his. “Kyla I will never leave you again. I am so sorry that I did the first time. It was my fear of not being enough for you that made me run. As long as I know you love me, I will be by your side!” He said to her.

  Chapter 8

  Kyla looked down at him; he had gotten down on one knee. She wished she felt positive about his words, but there was a little fear in her mind about him leaving. “Did my father put you up to proposing to me?” She finally asked.

  His face showed the shock that she had expected. “Why would he do that? No he didn’t ask me. I was talking to my mother and I told her how I felt about you. She said that I was a blind fool and that you had cared about me for years. I just can’t help but wonder what our life would have been like if I would have said something to you before now.” He told her.

  She shook her head. “I’ve had that thought more than once in the past 5 years too. We can’t change the past and I can’t hold you responsible for something both of us could have admitted too. I was just a young girl and unsure where my wishes would stand with my mother. I admit that I was worried about how she would take me wanting to marry you too.”


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