
Home > Nonfiction > The_Chronicl-ir_to_the_King > Page 20
The_Chronicl-ir_to_the_King Page 20

by Unknown

  “Trust me, Wynn, this is how to lead them; by going into the fire with them. And I don’t intend to die at Thalidi if I can help it. But if I should fall, you must assume command.â€�

  Wynn remained silent. There was wisdom in the young man’s words and he knew it. “I’m only sorry we couldn’t enlist Grod’s Horva to help us in the fight. If we can’t defeat the Baruk, they’ll be the next target,â€� said Tiet.

  “Well, I think your broken arm speaks all too well for Grod’s intentions,â€� said Wynn sarcastically.

  “Maybe.â€� Tiet looked at his mentor. “I better get going; I hope to see you again.â€�

  Wynn didn’t say anything. His concern showed on his face. Tiet turned with a small wave and walked out of the control room, heading for the main deployment area to arrange troops to join with him in the journey to Thalidi.

  Wynn thought about the extreme danger Tiet would be facing there outside the walls of Thalidi. An ambush was very ambitious against the Baruk. He just couldn’t understand why Tiet wanted to face them that way. Even with crack commandos from among the best trained troops it was going to be hairy. He wished he could be there to at least keep an eye on him and try to protect him. Then it occurred to him that if he couldn’t do it, someone else just might.

  WHEN Commander Mendle had assembled his troops, he opened the door to the private assembly hall, allowing Tiet to enter. Though no formal ceremony had taken place to crown him as such, everyone knew full well the authority that had been granted to him by the Council as the new Barudii king. And they were glad for it.

  Tiet walked to a place before them where he could address the recruits.

  He said to all, “I don’t know if you realize the mission we are about to undertake. We are going to reinforce the troops already stationed at the city of Thalidi, where it has now been confirmed that the Baruk have landed and are deploying their own forces. The Baruk are coming at the city from the Valley of Usai. It will be our mission to take up positions within the suburban district that lies between the Baruk and the defensive wall of the city.â€�

  “Excuse me, Sir,â€� said Commander Mendle. “Did you say outside the defense wall?â€�

  “We’re going to provide an ambush in the hopes of at least giving the city officials enough time to evacuate the civilian population. This isn’t much time to evacuate a city full of people, but we have no choice. With the number of Baruk forces that will be thrown at us in this first assault, we likely will not be able to hold them from entering the city.â€�

  “So this is a suicide mission, Sir?â€� asked one of the soldiers.

  “Not at all,â€� said Tiet. “I have no intention of wasting lives, but we need to buy some time. We have security tunnels within that sector that were intended to allow the civilian population living there to evacuate to within the defensive wall perimeter if an attack came.

  “We will take up positions well ahead and fight and fall back as we have to. When we can’t hold our positions anymore we’ll evacuate through the tunnels and help the rest of the civilian population in the city to get behind a defensive front. Wynn Gareth will be putting that together with the majority of our security forces from all of the twelve cities. That is where I intend to face off with the Baruk.

  “Make no mistake soldiers, this will be an extremely dangerous mission and some us may fall in the battle, but I for one would rather lose my life fighting the Baruk than live under their rule,â€� said Tiet as the recruits began to shout a cheer of support.

  “Trust in your training; it will save your life and the lives of your fellow soldiers. Now let’s go.â€�

  The troop commander barked a few quick orders at his men and then they all made their way to the transports ready to take them to Thalidi. Tiet watched the elite trained group of five hundred file into the carriers as he made last minute checks to his own uniform and weaponry. The last item he checked was the secure latch on the hilt of his father’s blade. He was ready.

  He boarded the lead carrier as the ramp began to ascend. Within moments they were all in the air en route to Thalidi and the Baruk.

  KALE watched the monitor that his guards were watching, as different images and information on the coming attack was displayed. The two soldiers were talking amongst themselves about what was happening and even how they wished they could get into the action rather than remaining on guard duty.

  “Look at that, the King is going to be leading the first strike at Thalidi,â€� said one of the soldiers.

  “Yeah, but this says Thalidi’s population is going to be evacuated to Baeth Periege,â€� said the other. “That doesn’t sound like they expect to hold the city.â€�

  Kale was concerned now. His brother was heading into an attack against overwhelming forces and probably would not survive it. He had to do something, even if Tiet hated him.

  The two soldiers still weren’t paying any attention to him, but his eyes were fixed upon them intently. After a few moments they both collapsed onto the floor, unconscious. The hand of one of the men raised in the air away from the limp body which began to be pulled across the floor toward the security scanner to Kale’s cell. The hand glided through the air dragging the soldier underneath, and planted itself on the scanner. The computer responded by lowering the security field to the cell.

  Kale quickly moved across the room to the storage locker where his weapons were and broke open the lock kinetically. He removed his own weapons and his blade, then using the hand of the other soldier nearby, he opened the chamber’s main security door.

  When he stepped into the hall, he found Wynn Gareth standing propped against the wall about ten feet away. He froze, not sure of his next move.

  “That was faster than I expected,â€� said Wynn sarcastically.

  Before he could respond, Wynn held out a security code key. “You’ll need this if you’re going to get to the hangar and take my personal fighter to Thalidi.â€�

  “How? How did you know?â€� asked Kale

  “I’m the one that fed the information to the monitor in there. Tiet hasn’t allowed me to be there to watch out for him—but he can’t stop his brother, can he?â€�

  “You’d better get going,â€� said Wynn. “And Kale? It’s not too late.â€�

  Kale gave him a thoughtful look as though he was surprised at Wynn’s insight into the situation, as well as grateful for it. Then he turned and made his way quickly toward the hangar bay. Wynn watched him go before he looked in on the two unconscious soldiers.

  He sensed they were unharmed and left them there asleep. To wake them now would set off the alarms to Kale’s escape and the battle at Thalidi would be underway all too soon. Wynn wanted the young king to have a watchful older brother on hand to help him stay alive.



  THE Esyia careened around several Baruk ships, firing its dispersion cannon at the targets. With the weapon able to adjust to varying shield frequencies the damage was now mounting. Still, the flagship of the Baruk remained distant to the battle, but Ranul was watching it from his science station.

  He had noticed the vessel remaining away from the main group while the others made great effort to intercept any of the Vorn cruisers trying to get near it for an attack. He was conducting multiple scans on the vessel, but one piece of information continued to puzzle to him.

  A very unusual waveform was emanating steadily from within the ship somewhere. It was more biological than mechanical and it seemed to envelope not only the Baruk ships, but also the surface of the planet near the Twelve Cities.

  The Esyia shuddered as blaster fire blazed across its shields again. The few remaining Vorn ships were holding their own now
against the Baruk. A number of enemy vessels had already been destroyed with multiple direct hits from the dispersion cannons, but they were still outnumbered three to one.

  Ranul shifted as the ship quaked, then continued on with his observations.

  “What are you doing? I haven’t heard anything out of you recently,â€� said Estall.

  “Why, did you need something?â€� he asked without looking away from his data screen.

  “Helmsman, head for that group on another attack run,â€� he said as he climbed from his own chair to join Ranul at his science station.

  Few things could have caught his full attention during a full on space battle with their lives at risk, and he wanted to know what it was that could be so important.

  “What is it?â€� he asked as he braced himself against the bulkhead next to him.

  “I’m not exactly sure, but I think I might be picking up some sort of coordinating signal being used by the Baruk.â€�


  “It’s a signal, I think biological, and it’s coming from that Baruk flagship. I can’t decode it at all and it seems focused on the movements of the Baruk only. It could be telepathic in origin.â€�

  “Telepathic? Do you mean something on board is controlling the Baruk forces?â€�

  “Well, I can’t be sure,â€� said Ranul, “but it would make sense; at least with the data I have. And if we destroy that control source we might be able to disorient the Baruk long enough to win this battle, especially on the surface.â€�

  “Transmit what you’ve got to Control on the surface. Let them know we’re going after the flagship with everything we’ve got,â€� said Estall. “Helmsman, plot a new course for the flagship of the Baruk. Notify our remaining ships to concentrate all firepower on that vessel.â€�

  “Command being transmitted to the remaining ships, sir!â€�

  The Esyia came around, setting her course for the Baruk flagship. The dispersion cannon rotated on its base as the gunner set up the targeting information.

  “Fire dispersion cannon at selected targets,â€� said Estall.

  The first volley of cannon fire struck the shields of the flagship. The cannon compensated for the appropriate shield frequency within milliseconds and the blast penetrated to strike the ship. A large portion of the hull on the port side was vaporized with the hit. Within moments a heavy firefight issued forth upon the Esyia from other Baruk ships coming to the aid of their flagship.

  “Where are those other ships?â€� shouted Estall.

  “Sir, they’re being engaged too heavily to aid us at the moment. The Baruk ships are attempting to ram them now!â€�

  “Estall!â€� shouted Ranul from his station. “The signal I’ve been monitoring, it just increased its intensity tenfold in the direction of the Baruk ships.â€�

  “Then it is some sort of control signal.â€�

  “Almost certainly,â€� said Ranul. “Whatever is aboard that ship wants to be protected even if it means using the other Baruk ships to ram into us.â€�

  “Sir, more Baruk ships coming at us on collision course!â€�

  “Evasive maneuvers!â€� shouted Estall. “Fire the cannon at them.â€�

  “We’ve got to destroy that signal source!â€� shouted Ranul.

  “I know, but we can’t do it if we’re dead,â€� said Estall. “Helmsman, keep us adrift. Look for any way to get near the flagship again.â€�

  “They’re forming a perimeter to protect it,â€� said Ranul as he watched the data screen.

  “Tell the other ships to keep trying to break through. I just hope they can hold out on the surface until we can succeed out here.â€�

  TIET watched as his forces moved throughout the suburban area of the city of Thalidi, outside of the shield wall. The shield was operational with the old thick alloy wall standing behind it. He wasn’t optimistic that even that defense could hold the city.

  The soldiers moved quickly and quietly in and around buildings as they set up positions from which to ambush the Baruk. They were well-armed and well-trained despite the limited time the new army had been in operation. As he watched them deploying, Tiet wondered how many would be going home after this was all over; even wondering if he would.

  He pulled his long range lens to his eye and peered out toward the valley of Usai. He could see the Baruk forces approaching already. The range was five miles. Their projected speed would put them in contact within twenty minutes. The image was obscured by an increasingly large cloud of dust being churned up from the valley floor by their army; making it difficult to get much detail on exactly what they were going to be up against.

  Tiet spoke into his communication mouthpiece. “Fire the cannons at will.â€�

  Above him, from positions on the defense wall, large pulse cannons began to rain down a firestorm out upon the approaching Baruk. He looked at them through his oculars again. Multiple blasts were erupting from their location, but it was difficult to tell if they were doing much damage or to what number.

  Tiet moved with those near him to their positions as they drew their pulse rifles and prepared to wait for the Baruk.

  Kale watched his brother from behind a nearby wall. He had made it this far with Wynn’s help, now he just had to keep Tiet alive. It was hard to believe that Wynn had helped him to escape.

  Wynn must really care for Tiet and believe that Kale would actually follow him here and try to protect him. The man was quite insightful, and Kale was determined to give his life for his brother if necessary. He would never betray him again.

  Wynn had apparently thought this out and had provided a uniform to allow him to blend in with the other soldiers. He activated his own data-scope lens and watched the image as he scanned out to where the Baruk were approaching from.

  Flipping through several different image perspectives, he noted something odd. The main group was apparently approaching under some sort of large shield that went before them like a barricade. It appeared to be automated, and put off an easily recognizable power signature. But something else was showing up ahead of their formation.

  Kale tapped his wrist pad for an analysis of the odd signature that was showing up as multiple trails heading in their direction.

  Insufficient data, said the computer display.

  Looking with normal vision he could see nothing. No dust trail, no visible anything. The trails continued on a steady pace along the ground as the Baruk began to close in on the outskirts of the suburban housing area. The area at that point began to slope upward toward the perimeter defense wall behind him.

  Kale noticed the others getting ready to fire and Tiet’s voice came over his headset. “Lock on your targets and use multi-burst setting. Fire on my command.â€�

  That was smart, because the symbiotic creatures that provided the exoskeleton for the Baruk could take several direct hits before allowing a burst penetration. The multi-burst would likely get shots through the living armor.

  The large shield dissipated as the Baruk came into closer quarters in the housing area, as did the cannon fire from within the perimeter wall. They were too close to be hit by it now.

  There was a town square with a fountain and an open area that lay between themselves and the Baruk. Tiet had given an order to wait for the enemy to reach it before firing; and only on his command. Kale could see the forces that opposed them more clearly now, and they were fearsome indeed.

  It was mostly infantry but they had large carrier vehicles that carried supplies for the troops as well as large projectile cannons that were mounted to the top with various other arms. A number of large alien beasts were mingled among them as well; they all looked like the kind of mutated ravenous brutes that the Baruk were known for.

; The Baruk were fanning out through the streets below, and all of them were rapidly making their way toward the defense wall. It looked like there had to be at least five thousand warriors storming toward the city and the hidden Castillian army. Kale readied his own pulse rifle and looked over his weaponry.

  He was well-armed, with spicor discs in rows along his chest attached to magnetic bands. His two kemsticks were magnetically clipped to each thigh and his blade was safe within his scabbard across his back. They would need every bit of this firepower and it probably still would not be enough.

  The enemy forces began to pour into the town square and come around the fountain as they advanced. Kale heard the command from his brother, “Fire!â€� and the battle was on. All of the Castillian soldiers blazed to life from their hidden positions, as a massive wave of pulse laser fire erupted down the slope against the advancing Baruk. Immediately they scattered and sought cover from the onslaught. Many were cut down as the multiburst laser fire punched through the symbiotic exoskeletons.

  Kale noticed once again the strange signature of moving lines as he peered through his data-scope lens. They were moving very close to their position now, almost as if they were underground! But the thought occurred to him too late. Just as he raised from his position amid the return projectile fire from the Baruk warriors, the Hurutai erupted from beneath the ground.

  Kale had seen them one time before, but had only vaguely remembered the capabilities of the huge worm-like creatures. They moved very fast and as their heads pushed upwards through the surface they caught the Castillians completely off guard.

  Around the neck area of the creatures were hundreds of six inch spines that shot forth in every direction from the vesicles that produced them. Kale could see about ten of the worms emerging among the troops as he leapt behind a barrier to escape the spines. Soldiers all around the creatures were hit by the spines which contained a fast acting neurotoxin.


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