Fate (Soulmates Book 2)

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Fate (Soulmates Book 2) Page 3

by Dykes, Nicole

  We continued to class. "She's just so frustrating. She got pissed about something that had nothing to do with her."

  He thought about it, "Because you had sex with Jackie? And when the fuck were you going to tell me about that?"

  I groaned, "Who told you about that?"

  He smirked, "Jackie told the whole table, which is what you should be doing."

  I shook my head. I actually hated "locker room talk" and tried to avoid it when I could. "It wasn't a big deal."

  We reached our classroom and went and took our seats next to each other. "Jackie's hot. If I screwed her, I'd be bragging not moping around."

  The teacher started talking and for once I was grateful.

  It was a full week before I talked to Maddy again. My anger toward her still hadn't lessened when she walked over to my locker after school. I just looked at her and said, "What?"

  She looked angry and said, "It’s been a week. Aren’t you going to apologize?”

  I couldn't believe her. She expected me to apologize. She didn't think she should apologize for judging me or lecturing me. I laughed a bitter laugh. "Seriously? Me apologize? What about you?"

  She crossed her arms, "What about me?"

  I slammed my locker. "Of course Ms. Perfect isn't going to apologize. Well neither am I. I'm done with this."

  I walked off even angrier than I was before and heard her shout after me, “Fine! I am too!"

  I was astounded at how far this fight had gone. The girl that used to make me so happy when I saw her now just infuriated me. I hated that I had feelings for her and she pushed me away. I hated that she just saw me as a friend all that time. And I hated that she just assumed I used Jackie.

  After that, I took every opportunity I could to upset her. Even though I knew it wasn't the most mature way to deal with things.

  Right before Thanksgiving break, at lunch, I overheard Michelle and Jackie trying to talk Maddy into going on a date with Brandon. Brandon was on the track team, the one team I wasn't on, but I knew him. He was an alright guy, but I hated the thought of Maddy going out on a date with him so I laughed cruelly and said, "No way he wants to go out with you."

  Maddy just gave me a dirty look and Michelle piped up, "Shut the hell up Jake. Why wouldn't he want to go out with her? He asked her."

  That was a good question. I knew Maddy was self-conscious and had no idea how pretty she was so I used that to get to her, "Well number one, he only dates really hot girls and number two, he's not one that wants to just hold hands and talk about your hopes and dreams."

  That pissed Michelle off. She stood up and called me a prick. Then she told me that Maddy was just as hot as the girls Brandon dated. Then she told me some guys don't mind taking it slow.

  Maddy stood up next to Michelle. "Come on, let's go. You don't need to defend me."

  She didn't look rattled by my words, so I looked at her, "He'll be bored with you after one date."

  She didn't say a word and just left with Michelle and Jackie.

  Paul, Shelley, and Andy just stared at me. Paul shook his head, "Damn, man, that was harsh."

  Andy spoke next, “Yeah, I mean she's not my type, but she's not ugly. I'm sure Brandon is interested. "

  I looked at them, "She started this." I realized I sounded like five year old but ignored it.

  Paul just said, "Then you end it."

  I knew that our friends were getting sick of our fighting already and so was I, but I just couldn't let it go.

  Maddy, Jackie, and Michelle sat at a different lunch table after that. Maddy didn't go out with Brandon, and I was glad. Everything was all fucked up, and I had no idea how to fix it. I actually found myself staring at Maddy's empty chair at the lunch table. I felt like something was missing. It was so stupid. She was across the room, but I couldn't talk to her. When she looked at me, I just saw anger and hurt in her eyes.

  One of our last days of Christmas Break I went into the kitchen to get a drink and Chris stopped me. "Where is your sidekick?"

  I pushed past him and went into the kitchen. "Who?"

  He walked in behind me, "You know who. Where the hell is Maddy? I haven't seen her around for months."

  I went to the fridge and opened the door. Chris loved Maddy like a little sister, and, even though I was his actual blood, I knew he would be on her side. Still I never lied to my brother. Even though he was only two years older than me I looked up to him. "She's pissed at me."

  He gave me a stern look. "What did you do?"

  I grabbed a soda, "Nothing! Why do you assume it's something I did?"

  He just looked at me. "What did you do?"

  I sighed and sat down at the kitchen table. "Nothing. I didn't do anything to her."

  He sat down next to me, "Whatever you did, fix it."

  I groaned. "Chris, I really didn't do anything to Maddy. She just flipped out on me." I thought about it, "Well I mean I didn't do anything at first, I have definitely made it beyond repair now."

  He stood up and ruffled my hair like I was a little kid, "You guys have been friends since you were six, and nothing is beyond repair. Fix it."

  He walked out. Part of me hoped he was right, but the other part of me knew he wasn’t. Things had gone too far, too much had been said.

  I pretty much stayed away from Maddy for the rest of the school year. We ate at separate lunch tables, and since I got a car and my permit I just drove to school.

  About two months before school was out, Andy and Misty broke up. He told Paul and me when we were changing after baseball practice. He just blurted out, "So I dumped Misty."

  I pulled my shirt on over my head, "So she finally got sick of you and dumped your ass?"

  Paul laughed, and Andy said defensively, “Whatever, I'm over it any way. She was fun, but I'm ready to move on."

  He really didn't seem that bothered by it. He was pretty much just with Misty for her looks, and we all knew it. It wasn't long before Misty started dating another guy and Andy started fooling around with Kourtney.

  School ended, and my summer was full of drinking and meaningless sex. Kelsey and I hooked up occasionally, but I made sure she knew I didn't want anything serious. That was my strict policy, and when I slept with Jenny Evans - she was in the same class as Chris - I flat out told her I just wanted sex. She didn't care, I expected her to get pissed, but she was fine with it. Every time I was with someone, I always thought about Maddy afterward. I hated that she was always in my head.

  Her birthday was really hard. I never missed her birthdays. I casually asked Paul and Andy if they were invited to her party and was relieved when they both said no.

  For the Fourth of July, Chris threw a huge party at the lake house. There was a huge fireworks show, and I was surprised Maddy didn't show up for that at least. She loved the Fourth of July; it was by far her favorite holiday.

  I was sitting with everyone by the bonfire after the fireworks. Shelley was sitting on Paul’s lap, and Andy and I were poking at the fire with sticks. Then I saw her.

  Maddy walked up with Michelle and Jackie. She looked gorgeous. She had on short shorts that showed off her perfect tan legs and a black tank top that clung to her in all the right places. Her body had definitely changed since last summer. Her boobs were almost too big for her petite body. She had her long brown hair down in loose curls and had on a lot of makeup.

  She still looked like Maddy, but different. She looked hot, and it irritated the shit out of me because I knew I wasn't the only one to think that. Guys were going to be all over her.

  Shelley told her she looked gorgeous, and Maddy's cheeks turned red and she tried to brush it off saying they were just messing around.

  I looked her up and down, laughed, and said, "You know this is a Fourth of July party not a Halloween party. You really should have left your whore costume at home."

  I could see Michelle was pissed and about to yell at me, but then Andy said, "You look really nice Maddy. Really grown up." Then he smiled at her.
  I looked at him and could see on his face that he wanted her. Thinking of Maddy and Andy made me sick. I had to get away, so I just mumbled, "Whatever." Then I walked into the house.

  I just wanted to feel numb so I found Kelsey and led her to a bedroom.

  I didn't see Andy very much the rest of the summer and felt like he was hiding something.

  On the first day of our sophomore year I looked over and saw Andy walking in with Maddy. He had his arm around her. This had to be a joke.

  They walked over to her locker, and I just looked straight at Andy. "Are you fucking kidding me? Please tell me this is a joke."

  Maddy looked up at Andy and said, "You didn't tell him?"

  He told her he didn't want to deal with me until he had to. It really annoyed me that they were talking about me when I was standing right there. "This is real?"

  Andy finally acknowledged me and told me they had been dating since July. Pissed off I slammed my locker door and looked over at Maddy. She wasn't wearing her usual jeans and a t-shirt. She was wearing shorts that were a little longer than the ones she had on at the Fourth of July party and frilly purple top. She had on a little makeup and her hair was pulled up in a bun. She looked truly beautiful. I looked back at Andy, "So she let Michelle and Jackie dress her up like a fucking doll and you go gaga. Come on man."

  I didn't blame him for falling for Maddy, but it bugged me that he didn't notice her until now. He looked irritated with me and said calmly, "it has nothing to do with her looks."

  Yeah, it had something to do with her looks. I rolled my eyes at him and told him I gave it two weeks.

  He kissed Maddy on the cheek and told her he would see her at lunch. Then he walked over to me and said, "Let's go, we can talk about that on the way to class."

  We headed to class, and I was waiting for him to tell me he was just messing with me, but instead he said, "I know this is weird, but I really like her."

  I looked over at him, "No you don't. If you are just looking to get into her pants, don't fucking bother. She's not giving it up."

  He just kept walking, "I'm not. I don't know how to explain it. I've never felt like this about anyone. Yeah she's gorgeous, but there is a lot more to her."

  It sounded like he had actually fallen for her, and it scared me. "You sound like a pussy."

  He laughed and we reached the classroom. "Yeah I know. Look, I really do care about her, and if you give a shit about me you'll try to be nice. I don't know what happened between you two and it doesn't matter. Just try for me, please."

  I did care about Andy, and he did seem sincere so I just nodded and we went to class.

  I didn't say anything at lunch when Maddy, Jackie, and Michelle rejoined our table. She sat next to Andy, and Paul said something about it being nice to have everyone back together. Jackie was equally excited. Michelle gave me a couple of threatening glances, but I don't think anyone else saw it.

  I was miserable for the rest of the day. I hated seeing Andy and Maddy together. How was that not weird for her? They were friends too, but it was fine to date him.

  I was getting ready to go to practice when I saw Maddy at her locker. I walked over to her, not really knowing what I was going to say yet. She looked nervous and I said, "He is going to get bored with you."

  She closed her locker and said, "Leave me alone, Jake. I'm not talking to you about this. Don't you have practice to get to?"

  I walked closer, "Mark my words, he will get tired of your goody two shoes bullshit. He's not the type to hold hands and talk about your hopes and dreams either. Trust me."

  I hoped that would scare her away from him, but she boldly stepped even closer to me. She was so close I could smell her flowery shampoo and she said, “Maybe you don't know him as well as you think. He's your exact opposite Jake. He's kind, understanding, and wants more than sex. I will not let you get into my head."

  She was acting tough, but I knew Maddy and I knew how to get into her head. I laughed at her coldly and then said, "You don't know him at all." Then I went to practice.

  The next day when Andy and Maddy walked in to school, Maddy looked really confident. Before she left for class she kissed Andy right in front of me. It was definitely a big "Fuck you" and I just glared at her as she walked away.

  Andy had a goofy grin on his face as we walked to class, but he didn't say a word.

  The next few weeks went by and I tried to avoid the happy couple as much as possible. I turned sixteen, but didn't really feel like celebrating. Chris dragged me out to dinner. My mom forgot and I didn't remind her.

  Chapter 5

  Andy's birthday was a couple of weeks later on a Friday. I asked him the day before if he wanted to go to the party at Matt's house to celebrate. He told me he was going out with Maddy and didn't think she would want to go.

  Instead of going to the party I just went home. The house was empty and quiet. All I could think about was Maddy and Andy.

  Monday on the way to class my curiosity got the best of me so I casually asked, "How was your birthday?”

  He had a big grin on his face and said, "Great!"

  I stopped him, "What do you mean great?"

  He just shrugged, “I mean it was great. I had a good birthday."

  The way he was saying great was gnawing on me. Like he was trying to say he got some. "There is no way you had sex."

  He started walking toward class again and said quietly, “No. Not sex, but still fun." He smirked and went into class.

  I was relieved they didn't have sex, but the thought of them having any "fun" really got to me.

  I kept with my strategy of staying away from them for the next month. It wasn't hard with holidays and tests. New Year’s Eve really sucked. There was a big party at the lake house, and of course Andy and Maddy were there. It was obnoxious how happy they looked together.

  I must have been staring because out of nowhere Chris put his hand on my shoulder and said quietly, “Just tell her already."

  I moved his hand off my shoulder, "Tell who? What? "

  He looked at me slightly irritated, "Maddy you jackass. Tell her that you are sorry and you love her."

  I looked over at Maddy with Andy's arm comfortably around her and then back at Chris, "I don't love her and I'm not sorry. She's not as perfect as everyone thinks."

  He just shook his head and walked over to his girlfriend, Maria. He gave her a big kiss. They looked so happy. They had been dating since they were freshman, and Chris was one hundred percent faithful to her. How he was so normal and I was so fucked up I will never know.

  Kelsey kissed me at midnight and tried to get me to go find somewhere we could be alone, but I wasn't in the mood. Andy and Maddy had disappeared and I was obsessing about what they were doing.

  I sat on the living room couch next to Shelley and Paul. Paul looked me over, "You look like shit. What's going on with you?"

  Shelley smacked Paul, "Paul that's not nice. Jake, you do look upset though."

  I just looked at them. They always looked so content with each other. "I'm fine. Just not ready for the new year, I guess."

  Shelley looked at me sweetly, "A new year without Maddy?"

  I rubbed my temples. I was getting a headache from everyone trying to talk some sense into me, "Not everything is about Maddy. People grow apart. I'm fine with it. You all need to get fine with it."

  They didn't say anything and the rest of the night was pretty boring.

  The day before we went back to school I went over to Andy's house to hang out. Neither one of was in a good mood, and I didn't know what his problem was. He had Maddy. I leaned back in the comfy recliner I was sitting in, "What's wrong with you today? You haven't been as annoyingly cheery as usual."

  He cracked a small smile, "I don't know, I'm just in a funk I guess."

  I was a terrible friend because I hoped it was because Maddy and he had ended their relationship. "What's up? Maddy dump your ass too?"

  He shook his head, "No. She just.
..I'm so fucking frustrated. "

  I knew he was talking about sex and I really didn't want to hear it. "Oh. Well move on. I mean she's not going to do anything."

  He sighed, "It’s not like we don't do some things. I mean she actually gives great head."

  That's an image I'll never get out of my head. He went on, “I even thought she was ready on New Year’s Eve, but..."

  He paused again and I wasn't sure if I wanted to hear the rest, but I said, "But?"

  He groaned. It was obvious he was unbelievably frustrated. "We went into the bedroom and both were almost completely naked on the bed and she stopped it. I mean what the hell?"

  I was shocked he got that far. He's seen Maddy almost naked. He's touched her and kissed her. I just said calmly, "Man that is fucked up. Why are you putting up with that? It's not worth it."

  He didn't say anything and then simply said, "I care about her."

  About a month after that we were all getting ready to go to class after lunch and I heard Andy tell Maddy he loved her and then she said it back. They said it so casually, like they had been saying it for a long time. I had been trying not to say anything to upset Andy, but I didn't hold back this time. "Did you seriously just say you love her?"

  He just said, "Jake don't."

  I knew he cared about her, but I didn't think he was in love with her. I stood up, "Do you think that's gonna defrost the ice queen? Trust me, that won't help."

  Andy looked pissed, but it was Maddy that spoke up, "Some guys don't use "I love you" just to get into a girl’s pants. Some guys actually mean it and don't expect anything in return. "

  She was, of course, referring to my night with Jackie, which really pissed me off. I looked into her pretty blue eyes and stared intensely, “You are so fucking naive.”

  I looked back at Andy, "When are you going to give up on this tease and move on?"

  Andy was pissed. "Jake, don't call her a tease. You are my best friend, but if I have to choose I will pick her. So knock this shit off and get over it."

  I knew he was frustrated, and I wanted Maddy to know it, "Like I've told you before she isn't worth the fucking frustration, but if that's what you want fine. I'll back off." I walked off to go to class.


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