Fate (Soulmates Book 2)

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Fate (Soulmates Book 2) Page 8

by Dykes, Nicole

  Andy gave us each a shot of tequila and we toasted out last year. I was standing next to Maddy when I saw Ryan come up behind Maddy and wrap his arms around her waist.

  He whispered, "Guess who?" in her ear and I was seeing red. What the hell was he doing here? And more importantly why were his hands on Maddy.

  Maddy looked taken aback by his presence, "Ryan. What are you doing here?"

  He just smiled at her, "Well I wanted to take you to prom, but it's a long drive from Alabama so I figured I could at least make it to the after party. I thought about telling you when we talked Wednesday, but I thought a surprise would be better."

  What the fuck was going on? I looked squarely at Maddy. "You guys still talk?"

  Ryan looked over at me and smugly said, "Of course we do."

  I was really angry, but tried to stay calm. Maddy looked over at Ryan, "I can't believe you drove all the way here."

  I had so many questions, but froze with rage when he pulled Maddy even closer to him. "Of course. I've wanted to see you again since New Year's. "

  Maddy looked pale, like she was going to faint. I looked over at Ryan, "You were here for New Year's?

  He looked irritated when he looked over at me, "Yes." And then he looked back over at Maddy.

  I looked over at her too and I had to ask. I really wasn't sure if I wanted to know the answer but went ahead anyway, "He was here? Did you sleep with him?"

  Ryan looked baffled as to why I would ask that and told me it was none of my business.

  Maddy glanced at me and then back at him and said meekly, "Well that's not necessarily true. I mean..." She faltered and looked around at our friends silently begging them for help. They were all frozen and taking in the scene.

  Ryan just looked at her, "What do you mean? Why would it be any of his business? "

  I scowled over at Maddy. I didn't know what to say. I was waiting for her to say he was crazy and she had no idea what he was doing there. "Ryan..."She stopped, looking helpless.

  He peered over at her and then it was like something clicked for him, "Seriously? Jake? He's who you slept with before me?"

  She slept with him. How could she do that?

  Before I could say a word, Jackie gasped, "You slept with Jake? And Ryan? You aren't a virgin anymore? "

  I was in shock. Maddy had sex with Ryan on New Year's Eve. The night I was going to tell her I loved her she slept with her ex. "You did sleep with him?"

  Ryan glared at me, "Why the hell do you care? It's not like you were dating." He looked questioningly at Maddy, "Were you?"

  She shook her head and told him we weren't dating. Which technically, we weren't. But damn. Sleeping with another girl never even crossed my mind and innocent sweet Maddy had sex with someone else.

  Maddy's eyes went to mine, then Jackie's (who was throwing a fit because Maddy didn’t tell her about any of this) and then back to Ryan’s. He looked pissed, "What the hell is going on Maddy? Have you slept with Jake since we slept together?"

  She nodded guiltily, “Yes."

  He looked devastated and then looked at each of us. He asked Maddy if they could talk in private, and she agreed. She looked back over her shoulder as she walked away pleading for me to stay put.

  There was no way I was going anywhere. I needed answers too. I watched them intensely as they spoke and ignored everyone trying to figure out what was going on.

  Their conversation looked heated and Shelley tapped my shoulder, "Jake, what is going on?"

  I looked at her briefly, and my eyes moved back to Maddy and Ryan, "I don't have a clue."

  She looked annoyed, “You slept with Maddy? When?"

  Michelle and Andy both said, "Homecoming."

  Jackie looked at them both with dismay, "You both knew? Well that's just great. "

  Michelle rolled her eyes, "Maddy knows you have a big fucking mouth. She didn't want anyone to know."

  Ryan left and Maddy looked stunned and walked back over to us. She only looked at me, "Do you want to go somewhere to talk privately?”

  I just shook my head at her, "I have nothing to hide. Unlike some people."

  She looked at me blankly, "I wasn't hiding it. I just didn't think it mattered. I mean where the hell were you on New Year's Eve? I couldn't find you."

  I laughed bitterly, "You couldn't find me so you fucked your ex-boyfriend?”

  I couldn't believe her. How could it not matter to me? She fired back at me. "And who were you with that night? It's not like we were together. I didn't do anything wrong!"

  She would never see me for anything more than someone who slept around. I meant nothing to her. I needed to end this for good. "You're right. We weren't together then, and we sure as hell aren't together now." I pointed at her, "This. Whatever this is. It's over."

  I went outside, but didn't get in my car. I hadn't had much to drink, but I had enough. I went out to my tent and slumped onto the bed.

  The thought of his hands all over her naked body made me cringe. I drifted off to sleep and woke up a few hours later. I was sober and drove home, not wanting to see Maddy.

  I avoided Maddy like the plague after that night. I would never go back to tormenting her, but I didn't want to be near her. I only had two more weeks left of school. I decided not to accept the scholarship and instead took a full time job drilling for oil.

  We graduated, and I was actually surprised my mom showed up to the ceremony. She brought her new boyfriend that referred to me as Bud. He drove me crazy, but I knew it wouldn't last long. Not like it mattered. She was usually at his house, and I rarely saw them.

  After graduation I drove out to the lake house. I was glad school was over, but it wasn't exactly how I had pictured it two weeks ago.

  Our whole class and a lot of underclassmen showed up. I was a getting a drink in the kitchen when Maddy confronted me, "Jake will you please talk to me."

  I didn't want to talk so I just continued with what I was doing and tried to ignore her. She looked frustrated, “Seriously? You won't even talk to me anymore?"

  I looked over at her coldly, "I don't want to talk to you. Just go off to college and forget about me. I'm certainly not going to think about you anymore."

  Okay so that was a definite lie. I knew there was no way I could forget Maddy. We weren't good for each other though. We just seemed to eventually bring each other pain. She looked like my words stung her, but she didn't say anything else and just walked back over to Michelle and Jackie.

  A little while after that, I was still standing in the kitchen when I saw Kelsey slinking toward me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down to her. She whispered in her best sexy voice, "You wanna go celebrate with me?"

  I quickly glanced in Maddy's direction, who was staring daggers at me. I figured why not and led Kelsey upstairs to an empty room.

  As soon as I closed the door she was all over me. She was kissing me all over and tearing at my clothes. I tried to focus on her and not Maddy and we made our way over to the bed.

  She climbed on top of me and started to kiss down my chest and stomach. She stopped at the tip of my jeans and unfastened them. I grabbed her hand. "Shit. I can't do this."

  She gave me her best sultry smile, "Sure you can."

  I sat up, "I can, I just don't want to."

  She sat up looking furious. "Ugh, is this because of Maddy? She's leaving. You need to move on." Her face softened, "And I can help you."

  I stood up. I wasn't in the mood at all. "No thanks."

  She huffed and I just walked out.

  I didn't see Maddy very much during the summer. I worked every hour they let me, and when I wasn't working I was out at the lake house. If Maddy showed up to the parties I ignored her, and she didn't make an effort to try to talk to me.

  I threw a big party right before everyone started college. Everyone was there, including Maddy. We barely even looked at each other. She stayed with Michelle and Jackie and I hung out with Andy. He left the room and Kelly, a gir
l in the class below us walked over.

  She looked a little nervous, like she wasn't sure what to say, "Hey. So are you glad to be done with school?"

  I nodded politely, "Hell yeah. You excited to be a senior?"

  She smiled, "Oh yeah. So I heard you got a football scholarship. That'll be fun."

  I took a sip of my drink not really wanting to go into it, "I decided not to take it. I just started working instead."

  She took a sip of beer and we continued with small talk. She was fairly funny and really nice. I knew Maddy was leaving the next day and Kelly was a nice distraction.

  I asked if she wanted to go upstairs and she agreed. As I led her up the stairs I swear I could feel Maddy's eyes on me.

  When we got in the bedroom we both sat down on the bed. She was shy so I made the first move and leaned over and kissed her.

  She responded by turning her body into mine, kissing me back. It didn't feel right. She was a good kisser, but it didn’t do a damn thing for me.

  I hated that I couldn't get Maddy out of my head. I pulled away from her and made up a lame excuse about how I forgot I had to be up early.

  I left Kelly bewildered on the bed and drove to my house.

  I went straight to my bedroom and stripped down to my boxers. I got under the covers and closed my eyes begging my mind to stop wandering. I just wanted to sleep.

  I laid there for hours thinking about everything I could possibly think about. Chris, high school being over, my mom, but mostly I thought about Maddy. It always went back to Maddy.

  I thought I heard someone or something tap the window so I flicked the lamp next to my bed on and walked over to it. It was Maddy.

  I had no idea what she was doing there, but I opened the window and helped her in. Without saying a word she just started kissing me. I gave in for a split second before pushing her away. "What are you doing here?"

  She seemed to be pondering my question, like she wasn't completely sure. "Jake, I'm so sorry I hurt you. I wish things were different and we would have talked about what was going on between us. We didn't though, and we can't change it. I don't want to leave things this way." She took a step closer to me and put her tiny hand on my chest. The contact felt incredible. It hadn't been that long since she'd touched me, but it felt like it had been forever. She continued, “Can we please part on good terms?"

  I contemplated her proposal. Maddy was leaving tomorrow. Who knew what was going to happen at college. It could be my last chance to be with her.

  I was still hurt that she slept with Ryan, but I never told her how I felt and she seemed genuinely sorry. I grinned at her and kissed her softly at first. She kissed me more intensely.

  I pulled her blue tank top off and was pleasantly surprised that she wasn't wearing a bra. I slowly moved down to her perfect breasts and swirled my tongue around her nipples. She didn't waste any time and slipped out of her shorts and panties and I guided her back and onto my bed.

  I pushed my boxers off and easily pushed into her. We didn't hurry this time. We moved together slowly not wanting it to be over. When it was, she laid her head on my chest. I finally drifted off to sleep until I heard Maddy's phone ringing and Maddy curse.

  I sat up, "What's wrong?"

  She was holding her phone in her hand, "My parents are looking for me. I gotta go."

  She hurriedly got dressed and I lazily got up and put my boxers on. She was standing by my window and I joined her. "You're really leaving huh?"

  She nodded. "Yeah. I'm really going to miss you."

  I smiled at her. She had no idea how much I was going to miss her. We may not have been good for each other, but every part of me wanted her. I still knew I needed to let her go. "I'm going to miss you too. Hopefully I'll see ya when you come home to visit." I swallowed hard, the next sentence difficult to say. "You'll probably meet a nice college boy that deserves you and forget all about me."

  She laughed like that was ludicrous. "Jake, I will never forget about you. I hope I'll see you when I come home to visit."

  I kissed her and then she was gone.

  Chapter 11

  Everyone started college and I had decided to take a couple of classes during the day and worked nights. It kept me busy and I was making more than enough money to pay for the classes out of pocket.

  Maddy was the only one that left town out of our group to go to college. So in my free time I spent some time with Andy, Paul, and, Shelley.

  I wondered how Maddy liked school and even picked up the phone to ask a few times, but I always stopped myself. I was sure she was having a blast and I needed to give her space.

  I occasionally asked Shelley and Jackie how she was doing and they both always said she seemed happy and busy.

  When Thanksgiving rolled around I was anxious to see Maddy. She hadn't been home since she started college, but I knew she wouldn't miss Thanksgiving with her family.

  I suggested to Paul and Shelley that we all get together during the break and Shelley arranged it.

  The Tuesday before Thanksgiving we all got together at the lake house. It was just Paul, Shelley, Jackie, Michelle, Andy, Maddy, and I. When Maddy walked in with Jackie and Michelle I was thrilled to see her, but just casually greeted her.

  We had a pizza delivered and sat in the living room just drinking beer, eating, and catching up.

  I couldn't stop staring at Maddy and she caught me a couple of times. When she got up to throw her trash away I followed her into the kitchen.

  I needed to be alone with her. I took her hand and she followed me downstairs to the extra bedroom. We went in and sat down on the bed.

  I examined her beautiful face. I was afraid she had changed somehow in the months since I had seen her last. It had been too long since either of us said something, “So how's school?"

  She turned her entire body toward me, "It's good, really busy." She seemed to look me over as if she was afraid that I had changed. “And how have you been?"

  I grinned, "Pretty good. I didn't take the scholarship, but I have been taking a couple classes and working the night shift."

  She listened and then moved her body even closer to mine and started kissing me. We had sex several times that night and the next morning we promised we would get together for Christmas.

  She went back to school and I went back to my routine. I was in line at the grocery store a week later when a guy that looked really familiar to me walked up to me. "Jake? Jake Keller?

  I looked at him trying to place him. "Yes..."

  He looked at me closer and reached his hand out for me to shake it, "I'm Fred. I used to work out on the rig with your dad."

  That's where I knew him from. When I was younger my dad took me to work a couple of times to meet the guys he worked with. I hadn't seen him since I was around ten and I had never seen him not covered in oil. "Oh, hi. How are you doing?" I shook his hand.

  He told me that he had moved to Alaska to work on the pipeline a few years ago and that he was doing incredible and making a ton of money.

  And then he offered me a job. He said they needed someone to start working next week and that they provided a place to live.

  I told him I wasn't sure and he told me the starting salary. It was over twice what I was making now. I told him I would think about it and we exchanged numbers.

  That night I met Andy out at the lake house. We were sitting at the dining room table eating pizza. Not looking at him I said, "So I might be moving soon."

  He looked at me curiously, “Moving where?" He took a big bite.

  I casually said, "Alaska.”

  He almost choked and then with his mouth still full said, "Alaska! Why?"

  I took a small bite and swallowed, “I got a job offer. It’s really good money, they pay you to move there, and they give you a place to live. There isn't anything keeping me here."

  He pretended to be offended, "Well fuck you too."

  I laughed, “You know what I mean."

  He nodded, "Yeah, no
Maddy." He paused. "So when do you leave?"

  "Next week."

  He looked mildly surprised, “Damn, are you going to miss Christmas?”

  I told him I would and that I wasn't sure when I would be back. He looked a little saddened and then said, "Whatever makes you happy man. But you'll think about her even in Alaska. So if you are just trying to get away from Maddy..."

  I stopped him, "It's not about her this time. I mean not really. She's moved on and I can make a lot of money. I can save up and buy a house of my own someday."

  He listened, "Okay. I'm happy for ya. And since you dropped a bomb on me I suppose it's only fair I do the same for you."

  I braced myself, "Uh oh. What?"

  He had a big grin, "Jackie and I are dating."

  I looked at him to see if he was messing with me, "What? No way. Since when?"

  He took another big bite, "I don't exactly know when it started. Right around when Kourtney and I broke up."

  They broke up a couple of weeks before prom. I was impressed they managed to keep it a secret this long. "That's like six months."

  He washed down the pizza with a beer. "Yep."

  He couldn't stop smiling and I felt really happy for him. Thinking back these past months it made a lot of sense. I hadn't seen him with any girls and he was always in a really good mood. I got up and put my plate in the sink. "I'm happy for you. So things are going good I take it?"

  He got up also, "Things are going great. She's amazing. And it's more than just sex. I mean we have plenty, but I just love everything about her."

  Wow. I had never heard him talk like that. I just shook my head, "Well that’s cool. But you sound totally whipped."

  He shrugged, “Yeah, I think I am. I don't even care."

  We hung out for a while after that and then both left. I called Fred that night and accepted the job.

  I saw Andy and Paul once before I left and gave Andy a key to the lake house. We said our goodbyes, and I went with Fred to Alaska. I had thought about calling Maddy and even had briefly considered driving to Manhattan to see her before I left. I had decided against it because I didn't want to be talked out of going. If anyone could have done it, it was Maddy.


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